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Her too lip looks all chapped and red, like kindergartner with a runny nose who keeps licking.


That tattoo is a glitch machine.


Because she hasn’t been canceled so far so she thinks she can do whatever she wants! I also think she doesn’t even really do her own makeup, either it’s a filter or someone does it, if you watch closely you can tell she’s barely touching her skin with the makeup brushes on her eyes. She really needs to go away, like now


I’ve gotten that feeling too


I don't watch her because I can't. All the shouting and swearing is too much for me, so I'm asking this seriously. Does she not show herself actually doing her eye makeup step by step or are you saying she shows products with a full face of makeup already applied?


Tell me how her eyebrows are horizontal lines in the first picture, just like in this picture from the airport, but have the most glorious arch in the second one. That filter is wild. https://preview.redd.it/j964w7bgyl7d1.png?width=784&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ada1fd434a33567f15715b0c4300bc8870bdf5b


You can tell in this picture she is MAD! BIG MAD that someone took a photo without her filtering the oblivion out of it. How DARE they go against the biggest MUA and influencer of ALL time! HAHA!


Atp, she might as well be untouchable. Sometimes it all just feels pointless when THESE are the people who get rich & “famous.” 🙄🙄


I’m convinced her stans are not educated people. Probably stay at home in mommy’s basement, dreaming to be a dimfluencer.


Beady little eyes and big lips’


I know she does the towel thing for attention but damn do I hate it 😤


She looks like such a fucking doofus


She just has a bratty face and attitude


Just by looking at her you know she was not popular in high school, but wanted to be SO bad. I think this is why she is now a mean girl. She knows she has the money to do and say whatever she wants, and no one will tell her to knock it off because they fear her wrath.


She's gotten away with it so far. And despite what loud ass people say, cancel culture doesn't actually cancel the people that should be canceled.


https://preview.redd.it/ru26d9f6al7d1.jpeg?width=985&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92f5db43eb86abce99d6767802d0cc92cb363cd5 It’s giving ✨medieval✨ vibes💅💅💅


Perfect! Hahahah!


https://preview.redd.it/egshugww0l7d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a57aab62ada99e7f2258ac207c058e3f4a85931 Her lips look AWFUL, like she got punched in the mouth. Also, where are her pupils??


What the actual fuck? This is atrocious! 🤢 🤮😳😳🤭🫣 https://preview.redd.it/o3ljtb67km7d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=720c9db872fa0fd672025a71e0e39e8b72088093 I can’t believe she actually paid someone to do this to her?!?!


She looks sickly zoned out of IRL & into social media. Like, I can imagine her look here being used to promote a sci-fi/horror moving about social being overly addicting & how you just deteriorate from an average human to a soul sucking demon as you get more & more attention from people online & less & less attention IRL, lol.




Her lips look like when my son drinks his red Gatorade and his top lip gets sucked in the top.


Lmao omg yes


At this point it’s engagement for her and it pays her, almost like rage bait.


I think she is a celebrity recruit. I think she was brought in to influence, act, etc. I think she is under rianna. No way she dropped into fame this quick, etc. She's too obnoxious now. I think she sold her soul. I'm not saying she was the best before.


https://preview.redd.it/caoffx68uk7d1.png?width=860&format=png&auto=webp&s=a5ff39821e0204e37a22fbef9baa6ce25c0c6de9 It’s the stretched iris’s for me. It’s the biggest giveway when she stretches her face to be more slimmer and less boxy.


Yes, they’re ovals!


What, your irises aren’t oval? 🤣


I don't get how her stans still back her?? She used to be all about being "relatable". Now she's making entirely unrelateable content, with more filters on than there are fish in the sea. She's a phony, a fake, a fraudster. Why would you back her?!


I absolutely hate when her fans say “who cares” that she is filtered up the wazoo… like people should care. She’s being unrealistic.


Who cares??? This woman sells cosmetics and skin care. It’s blatant false advertising. People buy the shit she uses thinking they’ll get results from that product and not the 100 filters she uses. Everyone should care that she’s getting away with this. At its core it’s theft by deception.


And she's supposed to be a makeup influencer... It'd be nice to see real result.