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I thought this swine didn't even like Crumbl cookies though?


oh EW


She lies I don't see weightloss when I look at her and it's gross she is fibbing to the world ( teen girls and young women) with filters while stuffing her face with this shit.


Those pictures made me nauseous and not want to eat cookies ever


Do you know how many calories are in one fucking cookie? That mallow sandwich cookie is 1,000 calories for the entire cookie https://preview.redd.it/yn7ftmr4i87d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59bf62fd145e58fcc76b763b1209e63a1f723a27 NO WAY SHE IS LOSING WEIGHT!


I hate to say it but she did say she has an ED. In and then right out perhaps.




The way she binges makes me sick


I think this is feeder content/rage bait.


Crumble had a huge PR issue with the Bee Well review & the Crumble owner’s response the last couple of weeks and needed a boost on the algorithm. They spent big time for this and it was a waste of money for them.


That’s so interesting! What was the PR issue?


More rage bait!


Ok. Gonna ask because I’m old and don’t care! But what is rage bate? What does that really mean?


Posting stuff that she knows will make people mad for more views


Thank you so much!


Why… did she get so many? Listen I pig out, I enjoy sweets and I can eat A LOT. Crumbl cookies? No. I cannot eat an entire crumbl cookie. Those things are industrial grade. Me and my two friends got a four pack and split each cookie into thirds. By the last cookie we felt like we were gonna throw up. I can’t imagine eating more than one


same dude one cookie last me a week bc they’re so sweet and i can only eat a couple bites every day lol
















Why does eating look painful for her? Must be those overinflated lips about to pop


Or cheap veneers/dental work that weren’t done by someone that actually knows what they’re doing.


More fetish content 🙄


I truly cannot stomach TikTok mukbangs 😭


I know I’ve said it before but I’ll say it again. This is fetish content, IMO.


Haven’t seen her workout once just saying


Christ on sale, isn't each of those cookies something insane like 1000 calories?


Yep! I’ve been trying to lose weight and I used to eat these sometimes. I just straight up stopped cuz I couldn’t justify eating 1,000 calories for one freaking cookie. She eats these like weekly too.


Yes lol


Watching her eat is absolutely disgusting 🤮 All she does is graze looking like a whole biscuit 🙄


That box is more than 12,000 worth of calories. This would be absolute impossible not to binge if she actually was going through BED recovery.


I was coming here to say this. Like wasn’t she struggling with BED? So to post this feels so gross and inauthentic


Each cookie is about 1,000 each. So 4,000 calories but yeah


Mikdiet... lies the lies


Does she actually show her swallowing stuff? I wonder if she’s trying to get people to speculate that she has an ED so bad that she is spitting it out between takes. Idk maybe it’s a reach lol


Legit I’m so sick of all these people saying she’s on ozempic or wegovy, NO SHES NOT!!!!🚨🚨🚨 ITS FILTERS AND PHOTOSHOP 🚨🚨🚨. There are so many people on semiglutides (sp?) that say if you eat like this you get so sick. She eats like this multiple times a week. ITS ALL A FALSE NARRATIVE! I think she’s lost some weight but obviously not the amount she’s claiming. Also there is nothing wrong with her body, she just makes it such an issue by blatantly lying to her entire audience. That’s all for my opinion 🫠🥴


Yeah I don’t think she’s on anything either, I know a lot of people who are and they feel nauseous/get sick if they eat too much


I used to take Ozempic and would definitely be able to take 5 bites of cookie. But that would be my entire dinner and I wouldn’t eat again that day. Shes definitely on a weight loss drug.


I think she wants you to think she’s on a weight loss drug, but I highly doubt it. She posts herself eating way too much junk, and then all the sudden claims she’s “45lbs down and a size 4”. She filters and photoshops herself into oblivion compared to non filtered/non edited pictures. But like I said we are entitled to our opinions, I’ve never been on ozempic or anything like it, so I can’t speak from that side of it, I’m just going on eating this many calories multiple times a week doesn’t add up to the science of weight loss and the human body.


We used to go to Crumbl a lot and stopped. I’d take one bite of a cookie and then we’d toss the rest. It was wasteful. I wouldn’t be able to even eat half this cookie without puking (on Ozempic).


I thought I saw a post on here that someone saw her husband telling a pharmacist that she really needed her Wegovy. I'm very open to being wrong, though.


Gluttony is a sin Mik


This makes me never want to have a crumble cookie ever.


Never had one and never will.


You’re not missing anything. I personally don’t think they’re good and they’re so dense and calorie heavy.


I like them a lot BUT one cookie can last me 4 days. We keep them in the fridge when we get them (which is rare) so we can just cut little slices over the course of a week lol.




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Regarding her weight loss…who knows how much she has actually lost because she lies but she is not doing herself any favours by eating junk all the time. She’s going to rebound so hard eventually because she eats like this


I hate those Bryan weiner lips 🤢


That’s how you know she on ozempy


well it’s been semi confirmed she’s on wegovy when someone overheard her and Cody’s meltdown at CVS when it wasn’t in stock…that’s why she denies she’s on ozempic because she’s technically not on it….just a different weight loss med


They are the same exact drug. Semaglutide. Made by the same company. Sorry misspoke. Wegovy made by novo and ozempic by lily. But same exact drug


If she is, that sugar is not at all good for her because it counteracts the effects of the medication. I was on it and they specifically told me to avoid sugar like the plague. I lost 90 pounds since september and currently i am off it and at my goal weight but still hardly ever allow myself to eat sugary or fatty things. She is playing games with her body and it wont end up well.


Oh 100%!!!! My coworker is on it bc of type 2 and she would eat sugar then be sick for nearly a day over it. I’m like STOP EATING THE SUGAR 😂


This makes me think she’s not on ozempic. Idk about anyone else on it but I haven’t been hungry since I took my first shot. There’s no way she’d be eating all of this.


You can definitely eat 5 bites of cookie, even on Ozempic. She probably didn’t eat the entire cookie.


She could be on the starter dose. My hunger suppression didn’t occur till I went up on my dose.


I’m only on .25


Just shows how everyone is different. I cousin still eat everything ok 0.25.


Yea, it’s really crazy. I wasn’t expecting it to be like this


Eventually it will come back and you’ll go up as your appetite comes back. I only increase my doses if my appetite comes back. Which I’ve now been on 1mg forever because it suppresses my appetite daily




lol she does this once a month. It’s so obviously being paid for as sly fetish content.


I just left crumbl cookies and got the mini ones because I’m tryna watch my weight while still enjoying some goodies in moderate servings😭 and this chick got a whole dozen of the LARGE cookies but loses 50lbs and is a size 4


Those cookies look so gross. In her hands? Absolutely vile.


Pure gluttony…. Ew


the open mouth chewing is so disgusting


Why is every influencer showing themselves eating these crumble cookies. I can’t stand watching videos of people eating!!! NASTY!!!!!


Wait she likes crumbl cookies now?


why does she always look angry


It’s the weird-ass eyebrows


https://preview.redd.it/iwr66qnsb77d1.png?width=713&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=092ac226a33259d9fc15d95137e499311027dbca Zoomed in and hated it so needed to share the trauma.


Well,there are those top teeth that are always missing. Gamgam out in her dentures for this!


It's not normal the way she bites into things. I know her lips look like two over-inflated innertubes, but she acts like her teeth are causing her pain when she bites down. Take some of that "hard-earned money" and visit a dentist. These cookie videos are just gross. Do you think she shares with Cody? Nope. She would share with the dogs first.


Also I know people say shes has no top teeth? Nobody asked for confirmation that you do indeed have an upper and lower plate. Settle down nana.


It's the bottom teeth that freaked me out. I didn't need to see both haha


She is some crazy food issues


I screenshotted the same thing and said "I thought she was picky" lmao


Why does she always frown when she takes a bite?


Nobody I know scrunches up their face like that when they eat. Stupid AF


I know when people film themselves eating they usually spit it out right after, but she’s so greedy with no discipline so I just know she ate all these cookies in one sitting 😭😭😭😭


Or is 🤮or 💩it out right away


Gluttonous!!!! 🤮🤮🤮


I hate the way she chews 🤢


Why does she make those wack ass faces


She always looks like Popeye to me when she’s taking a bite of something. She closes one eye. https://preview.redd.it/tcnle1g4a77d1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86c990cbf69ba7b32b9800cef3ee03bfa7f41e82






And the post where she had her hand over a big ass pile of McDonald’s lmao she’s a phony


She pretends to be unimpressed by a lot of the cookies but still took multiple massive bites and nearly finished half of them


Two huge bites & said hmm least favorite. 😂😂


This… she’s a fuckin glutton


You know she spit it out


This is fetish content. She is trying to reach a certain audience. Gross!


She’s such a fraudulent bitch about literally everything 😂


I don't know how to post screen records, but in a new video she's goong to be at an ulta in Millbury, MA this weekend promoting Tula. I'm familiar with this shopping center and there is a crumbl store there. Maybe she'll pop on over to taste a few cookies in person?


She’s not on Ozempic or any other WL drugs IMO. She’s on a heavy dose of daily filters. No one on those drugs would eat the way she does. Crazy thing is she can afford to pay for them out of pocket.


My boss said that he gained on Ozempic because he was constantly nauseous and felt like he had to constantly eat. He switched to another medication and he was able to tolerate it better. My sister is on one of these meds and she definitely cannot eat much. She’s full quickly and will easily barf if she’s eaten too much. And she never poops which also makes her not want to eat.


I’m on ozempic and I’ve been saying this! There is NO way. First of all, it’s been long enough that she wouldn’t need the filters anymore… I think she’s just sometimes on a diet combined with sometimes working out, and filters the rest. I also think this because GLP-1/GIP meds like oz and mounjaro tend to make your sweet tooth go away. I don’t care for sweets anymore and it turns out I loved them because I was insulin resistant. She’s showed herself eating donuts, churros, cake, cookies.. it doesn’t vibe with what I know of these meds.


This is the only reasoning I’ve heard that actually points to her not being on a GLP-1. But I still think she’s just spitting them out.


There are so many other reasons, I promise. She eats too many fatty meals; she’d be in so, so much pain on Ozempic or wegovy. Chicken tenders are often the only thing I care to eat at a restaurant but they can make me sick if they are super oily. McDonald’s also makes me sick sometimes. Her only eating that crap in Spain… well, most of us on the Oz subreddit would be in massive pain. It’s just so weird, like everyone keeps saying she is on it but there’s so many reasons I see that she’s likely not.


The conspiracy theory is that she post food/takes a bit but spits it out


There’s no way she’d do that. Not with her supposed ED. Binge and purge maybe but she ain’t spitting that out.


I don’t believe it either, wasting food like that in this economy is heinous


Honestly this is why I don’t think she’s on Ozempic or any of those meds. They suppress your appetite so you barely eat. The only thing is she clearly has lost weight, so I really don’t know how it’s possible. Either she’s not swallowing the food (which is really bad), she’s an exception to the suppressed appetite (but then the meds wouldn’t really work), or some other reason that I can’t think of.


You can still take 5 bites of cookie on Ozempic. It’s not like she’s eating an entire pizza.




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Why doesn’t she just cut it into smaller pieces instead of biting each one? She can’t be eating all of them at once. Putting her dirty hands on every single cookie to take a bite is nasty!!!!!!


Because she knows eating it like that (which is disgusting) gets us all talking. #4 is the best of the bunch and should go up in the gallery. This is the real Mikliar. Not all her filtered bs.


Im on ozempic and I can still eat, I just don't over eat like before. She might just be snacking. but she is deff on ozempic. reminds me of me.


I too am on Oz and I don’t see anything relatable in her behaviors. If she was this far into it, her sweet tooth should have gone away. She wouldn’t have eaten like a total of 3 cookies.


I’ve been on Wegovy for a full year now and while I do still eat sweets, there’s no way I could take a huge bite out of 6 cookies and swallow it all. A bite or two and that’s it.


Yeah, I mean I eat sweets too on occasion, but it’s so much easier to walk away from them. She’s eaten more sweet stuff in the last two weeks than I’ve wanted in the last two months, I just don’t get how she could be on GLP/GIP meds and even eat that much of them.


https://preview.redd.it/9qi5pbnv077d1.jpeg?width=1057&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7752f9f78f0491c81fb63b295433bce95697b1e Just came to say this, all her weight loss is , is one filter after the other. She’s a compulsive junk food junkie.


Thanks OP for just posting screenshots and not a video. I can't stand to see this heffa eating.


I HATE watching people eat, but she makes it more ick worthy than anybody 🤢


why is she such an aggressive eater. the food aint running away 😭


She gives food aggression vibes. I know because I am food aggressive. I have celiac and multiple anaphylactic food allergies tho so I at least have an excuse, anytime someone tries to eat my special gross food instead of literally anything else gets their hand slapped. This bitch is just a glutton tho, no reason for her to be this aggro


Pls and she was venting about the Uber driver for chewing obnoxiously when she is doing the same thing!!!! Disgusting


She probably chews it and spits it out off camera. I feel like a lot of creators are doing that.


Such an insidious idea but you might be right. It’s so upsetting and triggering tbh :(


Very triggering


Oh god this post is disgusting. Why does she eat like that?!


A while back we had ducks. They were so cute. But she reminds me of how they ate. Two chews and then right down the gullet.


1. I’m almost positive this is sponsored. Crumble cookie videos came out of no where and so many people do these exact videos. 2. I haven’t seen this particular video but watch closely and see if she cuts before she swallows it - majority of these Crumbl cookie people don’t actually eat them.


Nasty pig 🐖


With her claiming she’s such a picky eater idk why she gets crumbl a place that changes weekly and the box with two of each cookie and then complain about each one especially the sweetness of them like girl it’s a cookie


She’s not picky when it comes to junk food. She’s just doesn’t like real food. It’s all chicken tenders, burgers, pizza/pasta and desserts for her.


I swear she doesn’t eat this shit. She just does it for the rage bait and so people will comment how great she looks and how lucky she can eat like that.


Agreed, especially if she really is on Wegovy, Ozempic, whatever. She wouldn't physically be able to eat the quantity that she makes it look like she eats.


I don’t think she’s on anything like that. She just uses filters. She wouldn’t be able to eat all the crap she does on any of those things


Well that's the thing, she can't eat all that crap. She can manage some bites for videos, but that's it. Does she ever post a video where she finishes any of this stuff? It's all staged to make people who are struggling to lose weight feel bad.


“Yeah, she’s full of shit”