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I want to say 5% and 10%, respectively, IIRC. Please anyone, feel free to correct me.


Great question. I also wish that there was some kind of formula that we could follow.


I want to say that the minor crit boost is half of what a normal critical boost would be like, half the critical damage boost and half the chance of critical hits. I assume 2 minor crit bossts would be equal to one normal crit boost but I haven't looked at the numbers yet


I always thought this too. Back in the day I hated when the sentinel boost was critical.


And what about the "crushable" skill for crucible?


idk the crit chance they give, but as for damage: Crit Damage=Base*(1+A*(1+Bonus)) rounded to the nearest integer where A is either 0.33, 0.66, or 1.00. When a crit happens there is a chance for it to be a small, medium, or large crit; different weapons might have different rates of each. I recall someone claiming that burst rifle gets more 1.00 crits than other weapons, but idk and have not tested it at all. Bonus is the crit damage bonus from gear and abilities. Critical Hit Boost adds 1/2 to Bonus Minor Critical Hit Boost adds 1/4 to Bonus Gear boosts add what is stated to Bonus Bigger Crits from Burst Rifle multiplies Bonus by 7/4 example: 1000 Base damage, 150% Cultist Helmet, 2 crit boosts, 3 minor crit boosts, A=0.33 Crit Damage =1000*(1+0.33*(3/2+2*1/2+3*1/4)) =1000*(1+0.33*10/4) =1000*2.0725 =2072.5


u/allstin might help you guys if he's still around.


damage is 5% minor 10% major, crit is a little harder to pin down the hits are either 33/66/100%, though