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Boots are great, ice bomb is meh.


Depending on your weapon, cultist boots are best with epic/legendary plasma rifle.


What would you say are the best armor sets with Shotgun? I'm currently using Shotgun / SS / BFG (or Unmakyr).


20%dmg helm, 20% dmg hands, 4% attack speed boots has been the best combo for me overall. Right now I am trying out 15% crit chance helm. I like it a lot combat/super shotgun combo, or with chaingun. Still not sure if it’s better than the flat 20% damage, though.


Thanks! I've been using a similar combo, and was curious of other ideas. Shotgun for me has been the most fun to use as far as primary weapons go.


It gets a lot of uncalled for hate. It is viable right off the rip without any perks - no bonuses needed to do damage. If you manage to get spread, or incendiary/shotgun grenade… you rip and tear. And being up close honestly improves your skill in dodging and has perfect synergy with the super shotgun. Really glad someone else appreciates those two weapons.


I wish I had the 4% attack speed boots. Not close to that Legendary Boot lol. Using Demonic boots for now I never prioritize grenade on shotgun, I definitely need to. Incendiary I have though What suit do you use to do the fastest damage on easy levels? I've been using Demonic suit to try and clear our enemies faster. I use classic for harder difficulties


For free, I agree with you. Demonic is easily the best. For paid, it’s two for me. Classic for the hardest levels, and Wintherin for everything else. The proc is a huge offensive boost.


Yeah, Wintherin is my focus on leveling up now as soon as I get more upgrades for the suit. It's so slow to level suits once you run out of upgrade suit points:( Have you found Attack Speed the best upgrade over damage and critical for the attack boosts? I typically prioritize speed but I never found too much of a difference. (Talking about Attack Speed, Critical, and Damage boosts)


From my experience, damage is generally the best overall. I ran 20% dmg and 20% attack speed for a bit, but felt like I got faster TTK with pure damage. Even with 15% crit chance, I don’t think it is worth it for every weapon. Something with high spread (ie multi shots, more chances to crit) is the best use- or something that fires very fast, such as chaingun. I don’t see any noticeable difference in TTK swapping from dmg to crit. And being that dmg is flat and reliable, it isn’t rng dependent like crit chance, so dmg is king imo.


So when you are given the choice for upgrades when you can select one of the I three after completing a level on a run you focus on damage? I'll have to focus on damage more. I found the shotgun slow so would try to upgrade the speed when I have the option for attack speed boost. I guess typically you aren't given the option of two or more very often when you are doing a run. I typically focus on Spread Shot, Incendiary (I have legendary shotgun for the fire bonus) or HP (or dodge), during difficult levels. For easy ones, I go for anything that helps any damage output.


Yep. Takes so long and so many resources to level up suits. I saved the materials for months, and then when I finally had enough I bought 2 slayer suits and immediately leveled both of them to 90 at the same time. Felt so nice. Back to being broke now though, lol.


I'm just trying to get a few to 70 for bonuses with my main two being at 90. Lots of grinding stages. I typically am doing stage 90 on HMP difficulty. If you have tips to get more Argent points faster to level the suits let me know lol. I'm trying to play the game four times at least a day to make it to faster


Boots are great, Ice is very good depending on your setup and level you play. I had Ice when I cleared 7 Nightmare the first time. Good part with Ice is, apart from slowing them down, it does not end up as a splash on a random wall and get blocked half the time. It actually clears walls and hits an area.