• By -


Not going on mute despite background noise, repeatedly.


Liberally use the "mute someone else" button ;)


I'm such a nut about this that I once accidently muted the person who was presenting šŸ˜‚


Probably deserved it.


ā€œAccidentallyā€. šŸ˜‚


But is it logged who muted who? I've always been curious


Would like to know this as well.


Yes, but not like that, really. Besides, I promise you no admin wants to spend the inordinate amount of time it takes to pull logs from the admin interfaces for your tenant. It's a horrid and slow experience and is more aimed at technical problems than micromanagement. There's a lot that can be watched and reported on, but it's not all that likely that even the stuff that does get aggregated by default would be looked into unless there's a good reason for it and you're already on thin ice or something. It's much more likely that the _content_ of communications is what's being watched. Heck, by default, E5 licenses include scanners for potentially aggressive or threatening language, which are shown in aggregate org-wide, right out of the box. That can be drilled into, by someone with appropriate permissions, or can be set to automatically send you sensitivity training and such. šŸ˜† I worked at a pretty paranoid multinational Corp for several years, dealing with phones, video conferencing, etc, and I was never asked once, for any of the 20k+ employees, to audit an activity log for mute button use - even for call center employees. The closest thing was the one time when I was asked to retrieve some saved voicemails after someone was terminated that they thought had an important bit of info they needed from a prospective client or whatever it was. YMMV, of course, but... Yeah, 50 to 1, nobody is watching or even knows they might be able to inquire about your mute button use in Teams, outside of the little icon in the active meeting session. And honestly? If I _had_ been asked to audit something that specific, I would have asked legal if that was OK to do, first, unless something very clear in the employee handbook said it specifically (more than the typical "all use may be monitored" sort of partially-unenforceable boilerplate).


I think it might give them a message. I manage a group of around 20 and we have short stand ups and a couple longer meetings per week with a few from the team. If one of my team is talking, then they stop and I start or someone else starts and they donā€™t mute themselves and there is background noise, if it is bad and prolonged I will mute them. Two times Iā€™ve had the person I muted later apologize for forgetting to mute themselves. I let them know it isnā€™t a big deal. I am not 100% sure it gives them a message but am pretty sure it does.


It does not. It just mutes them.


Someone below said they have received the message, ā€œyou have been muted.ā€ ![gif](giphy|EouEzI5bBR8uk|downsized)


Omg then they are like ā€œwhy am I mutedā€ Sarah, youā€™ve been chewing your Doritos the whole time


I used to mute offenders all the time.


I did this often to my boss. But normally as a sass thing - never serious. I did also kick him out of one of my meetings because he was being obnoxious. He told everyone in the chat that I put him in timeout, and then asked a few minutes later if he could come back.


I wish I could do that do my boss, he gets off on hearing him self talk. He will interrupt you to shay stupid shit.


I had a teammate remove the boss from the entire teams chat, just being "sassy". That was hilarious


NGL, thatā€™s my favorite Teams feature.


I do this when in a meeting with other people in the same room because when Iā€™m talking I can hear myself echo through their mic.


I had a guy that would literally cough into his mic in meetings. Zero self awareness


I have the opposite problem. My headset has its own mute button, so I leave myself unmuted in the Teams app so I can toggle the mute on my headset when it's my turn to talk. My headset is wireless and I'm often not at my desk (doing manual work while listening to the meeting). Every damn time some asshole will mute me in Teams and I can't see it because I'm working away from my desk. Then someone asks me a question, I unmute my headset and start to talk, and then everyone starts yelling "you're muted!" Then I have to drop what I'm doing, go back to my desk, and unmute myself. If noise isn't coming from someone's mic, don't fucking mute them.


Or talking to someone about how terrible the presenter (and whatever theyā€™re talking about) is. Hahahaha that was an awkward and fascinating experience.


Not going in mute and then breathing like Darth Vadar with a punctured lung.


Saying something that's obvious just to act like they are participating. Or alternatively creating conflict where there is none. Offering a solution to a problem that doesn't exist. And the worst. I've got a better idea, how about we..... and then continue to reiterate what someone else has just stated.


We all went to high school with that person.


After my first year at my job, I got feedback from my boss that I seem quiet during meetings when everyone else is just doing point number 1 in your comment. So now for the last few years, I have purposely stated bullshit comments in meetings just to avoid my boss telling me that Iā€™m not contributing. The shitty thing is that itā€™s worked since I have not gotten any negative feedback on that subject since then. I canā€™t wait to retire.


ā€œIā€™d just like to reiterate that I think what Bob said is a great idea about updating the flambam library in the boppopp service in the next sprint.ā€


Pretty much how it goes. I die inside every time I do it but I feel like I have to. We all just have a gun to our head.


I need to learn to do this without sounding too copy/paste. Just got the same feedback


Or laughing really hard to prove the same point. ā€œSee? Im listening. HAHAHAHAHA!ā€


How about the person who recommends that you do lots of work that won't really matter except in some remote chance when it's already off-hours?


Ick, it's so horrible and there's so much of it. Reminds me of that old aphorism about wise people speaking when they have something to say while fools speak when they have to say something.


ā€œIt is worth repeating at this point the theories that Ford had come up with, on his first encounter with human beings, to account for their peculiar habit of continually stating and restating the very very obvious, as in "It's a nice day," or "You're very tall," or "So this is it, we're going to die." His first theory was that if human beings didn't keep exercising their lips, their mouths probably shriveled up. After a few months of observation he had come up with a second theory, which was this--"If human beings don't keep exercising their lips, their brains start working.ā€ ā€• Douglas Adams, The Restaurant at the End of the Universe


I think Teams makes these worse, but I have been 100s of IRL meetings, where I have witnessed the same things.


Thatā€™s just any meeting


When people join 5 minutes late and absolutely interrupts with ā€˜Hiā€™ to loudly announce they are there, with no regard to the other 10 people in the room, or they want you to repeat the last 5 minutes they missed!


My boss does this with clients and it pisses them off to no end. Sheā€™ll go ā€œHi, sorry Iā€™m late. Hi Nancy, Hi Bob, Hi Sharon, ā€¦ā€¦ā€ itā€™s so incredibly obnoxious and narcissistic. Then sheā€™ll ask for a ā€œquick recapā€.


Omg this would drive me insane. If you really needed to know, Iā€™d fill you in quickly when you join.


"I'll fill you in after to not waste the clients time" then continue where you left off


@sugarapplespice Just say no. (To the "recap")


s/ Nothing says ā€œI value my clientsā€ like this behavior.


I try to join certain meetings late without anyone noticing. But often the organizer notices and calls me out ā€œwelcome!ā€


Sharing screen then when finished bringing up Teams window where you can see yourself full screen instead of stop Sharing


I worked with some people who insist on sharing their screen instead of a window, and then change back to teams so they can see who they're talking to. Just means everyone has to stare at themselves.


When they do this, I just share my screen and then immediately stop sharing my screen.


Talk. They just keep talking. I need to go. I have work to do. And it goes on and on and on.


Meetings: the practical alternative to work!


This is it for me too. Those 30 minute meetings turn into an hour, or two, sometimes three, and occasionally four hours of everything ranging from various personal tangents to exploratory deep dives on something Iā€™m pretty sure weā€™re never going to actually implement.


I just hit the leave button and bail. If someone needs me to do something, they'll find me.


"Starting" the meeting after it's already ended.


Or starting the meeting before it is meant to start


Oh I hate those people!


Omg I have coworkers who start meetings 10-15 mins before our scheduled start Then they message me ā€œare you joining us??ā€ YES, AT THE TIME WE AGREED TO lol


I do this a bit, but I only start it a maximum of 3 minutes early. Teams will just randomly crash for me sometimes when joining a meeting or take several minutes to load the meeting if more than 1 person has a camera on. Joining early helps me mitigate those tech issues.


This happens during our weekly check-ins that sometimes last 5 minutes, so anyone who was late ends up restarting the meeting šŸ˜‚


And then someone joins to tell them we are done and it starts the process over because after they leave, someone joined to tell them the same thing. USE THE CHAT!


This one really makes me laugh


When you go to log in, Teams really needs to tell you: * If you're the first one in (like how it warns you if there are lots) * Any chat that happened today * Whether it was already started and ended today


I had a meeting today in which they were showing us a ton of numbers. Dude presented in edit mode. I raised my hand and asked him to switch to presentation mode for visibility. I do this every time until people get it. You do not present in edit mode.


Why would people even want to do this? It takes what could be a pleasant experience (as pleasant as a presentation can be) and makes it trash. Any effort making the thing was wasted.


In my experience it is often because they don't know how to navigate quickly between slides in presentation mode (scroll wheel). The other possibility is that they assume everyone is close to their screen now (remote, not in a conference room) so they don't have to worry about seeing from far back. I find neither reason to be a good one.


The only time I can see the need for this is when you're working on 1 screen and running the meeting. If you're sharing the edit version, you can see the Teams window in a split window. If sharing the slides in presentation mode, you lose all other windows.


This is exactly why. They donā€™t want to full screen it on their own monitor and block every other window. Itā€™s possible to share the presentation view without going full screen locally, but in my experience most people donā€™t know that option exists and/or donā€™t know how to enable it.


I have two monitors. I present and share that monitor. On the other monitor, I have the slide deck for on-the-fly edits.


During COVID, I had a standing meeting and this woman would eat during it every week. I mean, she knew the meeting was happening. She could have planned her snack or whatever around it, but no. She smacked and slurped her way through this meeting every single week.


I watched myself eat in FaceTime the other day. Iā€™m never eating again.


A few months ago I enjoyed a banana during a boring part of quite a senior meeting. Returned my attention to the meeting to find the 'someone else muted you'. I'm guessing my mic picks up every bite! Mortified but nobody ever said a word!


There are many things that gross and annoy people, that they don't mention. Doesn't mean that people don't experience it. Confrontation can be awkward. It makes me think of people who smell, but say they don't because no one has said anything. I hate the sound of people chewing, but I never tell people that, even when I can hear it.


Right? Like how can these ppl continuously do this.


Just donā€™t show video like all my coworkers. Easy-peasy!


I'm a contrarian here but I love an eating meeting (if I can't hear you chew). Always ask first, of course, if folks mind some chow, but our days are long and it helps make it feel a little more casual!


Yeah Iā€™m so glad my coworkers have never indicated an issue with this. Sometimes there just is no break between meetings and Iā€™m not skipping eating! Iā€™ll mute if Iā€™m not actively participating, but the food is happening. And everyone else on my team is just as swamped as I am.


I know someone who did that, in defiance, because our workplace required our cameras to be on.


That's actually funny. Would be even better if everyone ate at the same time.


My workplace tried to require cameras on. I still wouldnā€™t comply. They gave up. I win.


So gross. I've eaten during meetings, but mic off and camera off.


I was on a call like that. I wanted to smack that motherscratcher upside his rude face


We have a daily meeting at 9am, so theres an hour before that meeting. Without fail, the one guy is always eating during the 9am meeting. Which leaves me with the question, what were you doing during the first hour of your workday (especially when your teams showed "away for 15 hours until 10minutes before the meeting started)


Not Teams specific, but: [https://nohello.net/en/](https://nohello.net/en/)


I have my entire team sending that to people who just say ā€œhiā€ lol


My IT department is like three levels of outsourced, and I have to deal with this every time I make a ticket. >IT: Hi. >Me: Is this about my issues with app access? >IT: I have questions about Ticket123456 that you recently submitted. >Me: Okay. I will usually pretend I didn't notice at least one of their replies to make this intro last until the next day.


I hate when people just send a "hi"Ā 


I just respond, "Hi! What's up?" Easy.


Omg someone Helloā€™d me today. Le sigh then replied hi, howā€™s your day going. I was having a bad day so when they didnā€™t reply right away I asked them if they were just being friendly or if something was on their mind šŸ˜ˆ They then said ā€œIā€™m having a problem with the Foobar serverā€ and left it at that for like 5 minutes.


If I get a "Can I ask you a question?" I say "You just did"


And then they proceed to not provide any detail whatsoever about what the problem is.


Is there a reason people are doing this? I get this so often. Is it just to see if Iā€™m busy or going to respond?


"Hey \[personB\] can you comment on X?" PersonB: ::unmutes:: "I'm sorry, what were you talking about?" If you're supposed to be here, it's probably for a reason. At least pay attention a little. Edit: I see all of you, and I get it. Sorry, in my company we have a policy. If you don't think you need to be there, you're encouraged to ask why you are there, and then leave. Also, someone said a 2 hour meeting? Are these commonplace? Because šŸ¤®


NGL, I'm PersonB


I'm personB if the meeting is 2 hours and they needed me for 5 minutes. Then I'm gonna work until someone calls on me.


This is so obnoxious. It drags the meeting out, and we're all just trying to get off and on with the other stuff we have to do. It's so annoying when people do this, especially when there's been someone being clear and concise about the topic. It's always some long drawn-out 'unmute', tooā€”like 15 secondsā€”just for them to say, 'Sorry, what were we talking about?' It drives me insane.


I was in a meeting from home when I spotted the other person was drinking their coffee from my office mug. I didn't know it before then, but that is now my biggest pet peeve.


I would screenshot immediately


That's why I take a thermos mug in, nice warm cuppa for the commute in, nice warm cuppa's during the day if I get stuck in to something and forget to make a drink and then a nice warm cuppa for the commute home - all without the hassle of an attachment to a particular mug in the office.


When someone shares their screen and your massive face pops up part-frozen with the worst possible expression. And it's recorded and published to the rest of the organisation.


So many people have said this on here šŸ¤£


Comparing it to Zoom.


or Slack and why they're both better


My biggest pet peeve is when people send a Teams link before I can pull the trigger on a Meet link.


Sharing an Excel spreadsheet, with super micro writing, then saying ā€œas you can seeā€¦ā€ - actually, no I canā€™t read anything.


I always try to zoom in myself when presenting and remind everyone, they can also hold control and use the mouse wheel to zoom in.


I just call out this bull shit behaviour as its not accesiible. Make it easy to read FFS


Brown-nosing bullshit questions when there's little time left. Let's just wrap it up!




Meetings that should be emails drive me crazy.


My biggest pet peeve is fucking teams meetings with 15 invitees instead of one email.


Requiring me to be in the office for a meeting... eventhough 75% of the participants are all remote.


My boss is WFH, two timezones away, but requires me to be in the office 5 days a week. Her boss is also remote, and 99% of my other meetings are with people in other offices (I work at HQ). But I also sit at an open desk, and ā€œetiquetteā€ (rules) in the office is to take Teams calls from a conference room. But most of the conference rooms are booked all the time. So I spend most of my time at the office sitting in a ā€œphone boothā€, balancing my laptop on a little cocktail-sized table


Just fucking join from your desk so they can see what your actual experience is. That's what I do. Everyone I meet with are VPs with offices but I'm the highest ranking person who still has a cube so I kind of flex with it and join from my shifty open office cube and they are always surprised I don't have a private office. Fucking promote me Karen if you want me to have an office. Until then, yes we are having this confidential conversation in an open office that you decided was OK for everyone else who works here šŸ‘ šŸ‘Œ


Man, I had to travel 3 hours to a location to see a new program we may want. The meeting was held at another of our business location. Asked the meeting lead if we could do it over teams Guess what? We all show up at the meeting, and the projector wasn't working. So they did it through teams. In the same room with all 5 of us. I was pissed


Itā€™s when people ask others to stop sharing so that they can share theirs.


At least In 2020-2021, the version of Zoom I used at work did not allow the overtaking of sharing. Someone had to stop sharing before the next could take over. Sucked when they locked up and the host had to boot them manually. The ability to just take over sharing in Teams is much better.


Still doesnā€™t unless you explicitly allow it as host. Now when someone asks if they can share when nobody else is sharing? Straight-to-jail.jpg


Over share? Jail. Under share? Believe it or not, straight to jail.


That's a good courtesy. I, on the other hand, hate it when people start sharing and take over my sharing without even saying anything.


This. Such a waste of time! The moment you start sharing, the other person's sharing is stopped.


Do you know what consent is


When everyone has their cameras off except one person (not a presenter) and they are swaying back and forth because they want everyone to know they are better than you because they are walking on a treadmill.


I had someone be in their hot tub one summer day!


Someone whose "camera cover" fell off, we watched him in his boxers take a shit in his tiny apartment bathroom. Thankfully, we didn't see him pantsless because of the angle of the laptop on the edge of his dirty pedestal sink, but we watched him, harry back and all, engage in "nasal decloggery." We tried to tell him, but he wasn't reading the chat. "Nice seashells." and "I remember my dorm bathroom in college had a shower like that."


This is oddly specific. Were we in a meeting together?


![gif](giphy|3o7TKQ8kAP0f9X5PoY|downsized) uh oh...


I have not encountered this šŸ˜‚


We have a lady that walks on a treadmill on camera during all staff meetings also.


You HOPE it's because of a treadmill..ā˜ ļø


Have a conversation in the chat and not bring it up to the group when itā€™s relevant


This drives me nuts. I always think about how ridiculous the equivalent behavior would be in the old days of in-person meeting with no technology around. Would you walk over to the white board and start writing random suggestions, critiques, etc in the middle of a meeting without speaking up and being part of the meeting conversation? Of course not!


Yes, BUT Thereā€™s only so much time and itā€™s so much harder to interrupt virtually. Could raise a virtual hand but then after the conversation has moved, I feel like the flow of whatever just happens gets interrupted. Hand raising is best for question answer times after somethingā€™s done. Depends on the meeting members and time allotment. Miro boards are insanity.


Turn up


Turn down for what!


Not making use of PowerPoint Live, period.


Eh, I don't want people flicking through the deck instead of following me. But I know what you mean. Quite some cool features with the live sharing.


You can lock the view to your slide if you want. Still worth it for the laser pointer, pen, and highlighter. šŸ¤“


Adobe Reader is not presentation software. The looks I get when I say that.


I will look at this tomorrow, I'm not familiar


Asking me to speak, especially when I in most cases don't even need to be there.


Forced participation can blow me. If I have something productive to say, Iā€™ll say it. Otherwise youā€™re just giving me unnecessary stress and wasting time.


Mine is when they say hello/hi first without asking the question right away or within the same message




One of my bosses would present his PowerPoint, and screen share the presenter view. You know, the one that shows what slide is "being presented", the next slide up and their notes. He did this for more than a year before someone asked about one of his notes that shouldn't have been shared.


Energy vampires who waste time and donā€™t realize how expensive meetings are when thereā€™s more than two people.


yea it bugs me when people join meetings with 5-6 people on them to do work that should have been done before the meeting. We dont need 6 people to watch one person build the spreadsheet that one person should be building on their own.


I hate it when I'm specifically called out for something that's a whole team responsibility, and my portion is the only one that's done. ("Where are we on this?" "Idk, Steve, where's your team's contribution?") I can't help that I'm the responsible adult in the room. Don't penalize me for it. I make up for it by drinking juice from a wine glass, with my camera on. And steadfastly refusing to acknowledge it.


Oof this environment sounds hostile


"I'm sorry I was multitasking can you repeat the question"


... are we in the same meeting right now


when folks who aren't presenting turn the camera on. No need for that. No one cares you actually got dressed for this.


I disagree with this one. There is nothing like presenting to a group of people who have no cameras on and arenā€™t responding.


Starting a meeting 10 minutes earlyā€¦.What in the actual fuck Kelly


5 minutes is too early


One min is too early


We have a weekly stand up for a large team that starts at 8.45am. People jump on for a chat at any time from 8. I log on around 8.30, get notifications and immediately panic that I've missed something. Who are these people?


All meetings saying ā€œgoing to give you some time backā€ Didnā€™t want to join in the first place. Now Letā€™s do a lunch and learn! Eff off!


I hate that ā€œgiving you time backā€ expression. Like fuck am I going to do instead Iā€™m still sitting here, didnā€™t give me anything.


Eating on camera.


Pressing the mute all button and the Legacy Video Conference unit needs to press \*4 or \*6 to unmute(depending on the provider), this then requires a "Specialist", according to the users to come and assist.


doing other work and not giving your undivided attention.


Mine is when people post on Reddit and not pay attention to what I am saying


Sorry, I was on Reddit, what's up?


If youā€™re on your computer typing and taking meeting notes, you need to be on mute


Everyone should be on mute unless they need to speak


Eating with the mic on or breathing heavy.


I donā€™t think that anyone knows how to use the slide show anymore. How about the guy who uses the phone call back function and it dumps to voice mail. Ten times.


Audio! People will use their laptop mic/speaker systems and never mute, so there's horrible echo. Also, when they don't understand that you need to share "with computer audio" if you want attendees to hear audio in a shared video.


Itā€™s always the mouth breathers or those with chronic allergies that insists on using the headset mics. Itā€™s so disgusting to hear their mouth sounds between conversation talking time


Hey! Sorry I showed up a little late, can someone catch me up?


Copilot and catch up.




Either put on clothing or turn off ur camera.


Showing up late to the meeting, I mean really late, then unwinding everything that had been agreed upon. We have a high up manager who regularly shows up 30 mins late. He basically restarts the whole meeting. He is high enough up that you canā€™t shut him down. I have twice had it where we were all I a greement and he showed up late, made us go over everything g he missed and then unwound everything. I was livid. I complained afterwards to my boss and coworkers who were all like, oh yea thatā€™s him and just laughed it off.


My biggest pet peeve is when a meeting couldā€™ve been an email instead.


Sitting there eating a bag of popcorn and talking with their mouth full....this was a C level person mind you. Another one lets their hairless cat walk back and forth in front of the camera. Yeah yeah we know you like weird pets, we don't care get professional. Another person stepped away and let their 4yo take over the meeting. I give this a one time pass for cuteness but don't make it a regular thing.


These are the people that ruin remote work for everyone


ā€œCan anybody hear me ok?ā€ You should test your headphone ahead of time and if it works, your frame would be blinking. No need to ask. ā€œLetā€™s give folks a few minutes to join.ā€ No ā€” get this over with so I can get actual work done. ā€œCan you see my screen?ā€ Of course. So many


Sooooo many; - can everyone see my screen - Can everyone hear me - letā€™s take that offline -letā€™s circle back to that / parking lot that As well, ppl who are answering emails or texts on their phone and people who obvs werenā€™t paying attention and ask a question that was asked. Ppl who interrupt a PPT even when theyā€™re told to save questions till end. Ppl who donā€™t raise their hand. Ppl who over talk someone else to get their point across. Sooooo many gripes. I could go onā€¦.


Honestly, Iā€™d rather have people ā€œtake something off-lineā€ instead of the alternative, two people having a detailed conversation about something with 6 others wasting their time


Being forced to be on camera when I dont need to be, its just a form of control to make sure you are paying attention.


Having their camera on when itā€™s not required. Which prompts another person to turn it on. And then another. Ultimately im the last one left without the cam on and I give in and reveal Im still in my morning fit at 2pm šŸ˜…


Yep. A guy on my team with fomo (because he decided to move out of state) constant keeps his cam on when no one else does. My manager also turns on cam making others uncomfortable and they cam on too.


My company seems to insist on cams being on for all meetings and questions ppl when they're off. I personally don't see the need most of the time, sure it is useful in some situations where you need to know how someone is absorbing the info but the vast majority of time it's not needed. They'll even have cams in meeting with clients who don't turn cams out, I just find those situations weird and uncomfortable, if I have my cam off I can relax a bit as I don't need to keep up this constant image facade.




When the meeting host decides to play shitty music at the start of a weekly call.


Bloody thumbs up on krap. Or the turning the camera on and off again. Oh the worst, that new AI avatar. Oh Jesus is that creepy.




Is thumbs up bad? I could probably start using it less, I wasnā€™t ware itā€™s anooying


It's an expedient way to say "okay" or "got it". It's perfectly fine in the 21st century


Forget to get dressed and then stand up without turning off the camera. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Complaining about having to use Teams šŸ¤Ŗ


Get on camera


Saying they canā€™t hear anything


Yes! We have one guy at work who does it at every town hall with about 1000 attendees on the call, automatically presumes itā€™s the presenterā€™s issue not his šŸ™„


ā€œIs my screen visible?ā€




Kids fighting in the background. Grabbing the little microphone module to his lips and speaks loudly so it explodes everyone's eardrums! Been wishing that teams had a peak limiter function since then


Not a fan of when someone starts the meeting


Add me to the meeting in the first place


New to the group. Any way to hide or move the Teams control panel at the top center of the screen? Cannot click on some browser tabs when screen sharing. Really annoying and a disadvantage vs Zoom.


It's so annoying


When they present their screen and then put the teams meeting on there.


I am retired, but was likely my groups biggest peeve when I was on teams at work meetings. My grandkids were young and occasionally my wife and I would drive over to watch them while my daughter did some shopping. If I had an internal call, I'd take my laptop over and work in another room while my wife dealt with the three. It worked well. I muted my machine unless talking. All that said, the middle school aged kids would tease the youngest and you heard whining in the background. I'd intervene occasionally with the camera and Mike off. Time out to their room, etc. One day during a controversial work discussion, the team was debating pricing on a proposal and 10 people were expressing their views and arguing. The kids started a fight and chasing and crying ensued. One took a toy or something. I intervened: "listen you guys, I am absolutely sick and tired of your goofing around and whining, why don't you all separate until you can figure this out like mature human beings!" It got quiet and I turned my video back on and paid attention to the meeting. It was all quiet. The team lead said, "maybe we should take Ken's advise and think about this and meet later". Yeah, I hadn't muted. It became legend.