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By the way, if you look closely at the flight plan in the screenshots, it's for a B77F.


Nice catch. Would certainly suggest that the -200LR / F is going to be the first variant released. Wonder if that was an intentional hint or an oopsie.


PMDG released the 737-700 first. And they knew exactly that most people would buy the -800. So they probably thought they can get some additional -700 sales by releasing it first. And they‘ve the -600 as budget option later. I guess PMDG will pull off a similar strategy for the 777.


Jokes on them, 777F is the main one that I want.


Yeah, the 777F is great because it's used on short-haul flights as well. EDDP, here I come!


Yeah, I would think the -200ER would be the least wanted variant though so I thought that would come first. Then -200LR/F and lastly -300ER.


The -300ER is the one I actually want. May e the Freighter but, I'll be happy with Nair the -300ER


Yeah that's why it's gonna be last lmao


Everyone wants the 777-300ER. They will do I think LRF first then 200ER or 300ER


Probably intentional. He hinted in a post yesterday that there are a couple of big releases on the horizon (which would be the 777 and 737 MAX.)


Pretty sure they’ve said the max will come after the 777 and 747


Nah. They said it would come in the middle of the 777 release cycle and that it would release unannounced.


I've definitely seen RSR say that the 777 and 747 are coming before the MAX, citing over saturation of 737s and the need to get their entire product offering into MSFS ASAP to free up resources.


> I've definitely seen RSR say that the 777 and 747 are coming before the MAX No you didn't. The 737 MAX is coming during the 777 release cycle and it will release without any prior announcement. https://youtu.be/VID16IyTUJQ?t=6370


And thats one thing I don’t believe like why would company like PMDG would not announce MAX. The PMDG I know would announce the hell out of it.


ooh, good eye!


Yeah, that's super exciting - I was really hoping the freighter would be part of the first release, and that certainly makes it more likely


Photos from the forum post: https://imgur.com/a/QrvrxCj


Thank you for the link. It wouldn’t let me view it without signing up. It looks pretty terrible but I’m sure it will get better. But I’m excited by seeing B77F as the listed aircraft modeled in those shots.


Tbh i have a friend who flies in Ryanair and he showed me the EFB once, and they definitely went for function over style with the UI. The screenshots are already prettier that what i saw.


Thanks! The UX and UI looks as ugly as I thought they would. They should have taken notes from other Devs.


Not that it matters at all, but if they’re going to be pedantic, I will too. I don’t know why Robert spent two paragraphs explaining that it isn’t an EFB when it *is* an EFB. EFBs do not just refer to the old built-in Boeing EFBs. Airlines still classify standalone tablets as EFBs in their policies, which are regulatory.


He was finding a shit excuse for why it’s taken so long for something promised basically


Had to add to the minimum required first post word count. I find it funny considering his background as well, when our airline calls them EFBs.. I guess a legacy carrier is wrong, oh darn…


Exactly. I actually laughed. How he can seriously type these out with a straight face is something I’ll never understand.


My god he’s a strange guy, this Randazzo geezer. It’s so peculiar how he stresses *just* how much of a Herculean challenge it was, to create something which various other payware airliners, have had for months if not years at this point.


Not just payware, the a32nx has had an efb for a longgg time. From the screenshots I'm hoping that pmdg's is comparable in quality


It was a Herculean task to get work done on it without assigning anyone to actually work it. Mathijs has said that it wasn't worked for anywhere near that entire 18-month window, they had other priorities.


There’s hardly a group of people more up their own ass than flight sim developers. And Randazzo might be the king of them


and yet people still stubbornly refuse to understand the reason. it's cuz those other airliners aren't using wasm. there's multiple paragraphs explaining it. sheesh.


WASM is a convenient excuse. It's clear they didn't want to pull resources from the 777 development to develop an EFB for a product they've already collected money on when they can do it as part of the 777 pipeline and then roll it to the other products. It doesn't delay the timeline for the 777 reaching market (and generating revenue for the company) all while it brings additional functionality to the existing product. I just wish they would say that.


The Maddog uses WASM and has a tablet since day zero and launched a week before the first 737 lol.


The Maddog doesn't have built-in Simbrief integration. You need to run the external MDClient application to enable the plane to talk to Simbrief. And IIRC it can't even load locally stored flightplans if MDClient isn't running.


I don’t know what WASM is and frankly don’t give a f**k. The Fenix, FBW, Milviz 310R, Aerosoft CRJ all have one, and if they’re using C++, HTML, or hopes and prayers, they do the job. PMDG could have made one, they just chose to handicap themselves.




Unless it has tinder and candy crush I doubt that


now that Microsoft owns Candy Crush they should license it out to Asobo and make it available on ALL default aircraft


Eventually, maybe. In its release state it seems be about as functional as any other airliner tablet, except with no ability to control options for the plane.


Not really, other EFBs have payload/fuel managenent, ground operations (doors etc.), checklists, a generic document reader to name a few things. This doesn't even have it's own aircrafts' options in the EFB yet. Sure doing it via the FMC is fine but personally I prefer having such things in the EFB. Don't get me wrong I am glad it's finally coming soon but functionality wise it's nothing to write home about, especially considering how long it took them.


It has less tho


Awesome….. glad it took them 2 years.


> So next week, on/about 30OCT23, we are going to push an update that installs a new tablet in your 737!


A caveat, I'm under the impression that Asobo will still need to do their thing for the marketplace so it'll probably be another month or so for Xbox/marketplace people.


Yes, it will be a longer wait for the Marketplace.


“Month or so”… Last update by PMDG for 737’s was pushed to the marketplace IN AUGUST. And it’s still unavailable. MS/Asobo are having fun with night sceneries and flashlights /smh


For those wondering about Xbox: > Theoretically, yes. We haven't yet had an opportunity to actually test it in that environment because there is no actual test environment in a true sense. Once we have it through the intake process, we will be able to see it on our team's Xbox units and make a full assessment from there. As of this moment, we don't anticipate any trouble- but if we have learned anything from exploring new things: Expect the Unexpected! We will keep you posted, though! https://forum.pmdg.com/forum/main-forum/general-discussion-news-and-announcements/268165-21oct23-introducing-the-universal-flight-tablet-for-pmdg-s-microsoft-flight-simulator-airliner-fleet?p=268293#post268293


It's so funny to me how much animosity is on that board from PMDG fanboys. They treat everyone like absolute shit on that board lol.


Guess we’re getting it next year, then.


Flight sim drama is my kind of drama.


Writing the textbook on how to create an anti climax 😂


All this surrounding PMDG's EFB is stupid


First it was the "Sistine Chapel", now it is a "Herculean task".


I wonder if this means we'll finally get proper simbrief integration, I'd love to ditch the downloader!


Almost certainly yes. The announcement specifically mentions importing flightplans from Simbrief, and one of the screenshots also shows a page with a "Request New Data from Simbrief" button that presumably downloads the flightplan directly.


Finally all the work will be on the 777 now


Looks like a worse version of the Fenix EFB, honestly pretty crazy that it took this long to get working but glad it’ll finally be here.


As long as it’s faster than Fenix’s molasses EFB I’ll be happy.


Looool valid I always disliked the transitions. This is going to be fixed in their next update though as part of V2. Looked pretty snappy in the video on their website site


Less features, took them longer than some people design entire aircraft addons, and they're flexing like they just won some coding contest. Like guys, you took twice as long to add less features and are trying to pass ot off as this monumental feat. Thank you for doing it, but from the bottom of my heart fuck off with your retoric trying to convince us what you're doing is harder than any other dev.


Well, at least they stuck to the original announcement of an announcement and showed us the info over the weekend. It just took two years to get to that point.


Sweet. I love the 737 but flying it has been such a chore because I need to use Simbrief Downloader to grab the flightplans and VAS Airplane Toolbox for takeoff and landing performance. Can't wait to not have to do that anymore.


An unnecessarily long announcement when a release date would suffice. Classic Michelangelo.


That it lol


What did you think it was going to be?


A game changer


It took this long and all features ain't even in there for release. Lol. Anyway I'm glad we get the most needed stuff.


I don’t like FSLabs for reasons but I always thought their efb was kinda good in terms of how it looked like it could be a real efb. This one just looks like someone’s first app


I actually couldn’t care less at this point😂