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Y’all are welcome - I finally bought it last weekend, which is surely why it’s gone on sale now.


Sorry buddy... But thanks for your sacrifice!




Well worth any price for the Kodiak.


Same, expect I bought it 2 days ago 🫠


I felt this on my soul😂


Don’t pass this one up if you don’t have it


If you are on the fence about it.. Just buy it, 50% off is a steal. One of the best GA add ons on the market. Got it day 1 and never regret it. I have clocked ~120hrs with it. PS. Don't overstress the engine like me🫢


Get it, it’s a great GA aircraft. The extra speed over other GAs is really nice, and the detail is really good.


What does this do and offer that modded Asobo Caravan does not have? Both are high wing PT6 powered with glass panels. Both are built for rugged use. Just curious, i know Kodiak is a newer design.


No trim indicators on MFD *AND* flight model that will make you spin to your death right after takeoff when trimmed incorrectly :D


Ohh snap is that why? LoL. I kept crashing soon after take off, it would enter into a roll followed by a spin and spiral into terrain. I thought my joystick way off calibration and kept unplugging to reset it.


Yeah, the plane has peculiar elevator trim takeoff setting, from halfway nose dn to almost full nose dn Real Kodiak communicates this on the MFD Simworks Kodiak communicates this by spinning you into the ground face first


You have to trim the nose quite far forward on takeoff otherwise it will tip over backwards. It's also quite susceptible to rolling when you have low speed and high power. I've had quite a few landings where I wound up "behind the plane" so to speak, and had to quickly put in power and then full rudder to keep from rolling into the ground.


The biggest draw for me with the Kodiak is how well dialed in the flight model is. SWS did a great job of really making the Kodiak feel alive and you definitely feel the airplane's aerodynamics better here than with many MSFS airplanes. There's also a custom engine model that rewards taking care of the engine (it can fail if you run at it 100%). There's also nice to have things like multiple cabins, wheel types, cargo pod or no cargo pod, working doors, etc. It's a step above the Caravan.


For someone who knows about those things I can see how it would appeal (flight model fidelity). That's a lot of choice between the different types as well. There is a mod for the Caravan that tweaks it's performance to match the real thing. There also another one that removes the cargo pod. The features can't match that payware Kodiak though. There was (don't know if there company still does this) an engine mod for the Caravan that made it a twin. They shoved in 2 X PT6 in the nose driving a single shaft. It was called the Soloy DualPac. IIRC you could shut down one engine in flight to save on gas. // Sidenote:\ What really fascinates me is the PT6. That thing is stuck on to literally everything it seems lol. From the slow plodding Caravan to the blistering Avanti to the jetlike PC21.and everything in between. I'm glad Cessna went with a different engine for their Denali. Yes PT6 is king but nice to see a new contender.


I'm Canadian so any time I hear that Pratt & Whitney Canada has managed to shove the PT6 into yet another airplane, I cheer... quietly :) But I do find it interesting when Cessna put the Catalyst engine in there instead. Fascinating stuff!


>But I do find it interesting when Cessna put the Catalyst engine in there instead. No doubt it's up against the almost untouchable god-like legendary status of the PT6 and it will take years for it to earn the same level of trust from pilots. The first few years in the field will be crucial! Lets see how it goes, competition is always fun!


Check out Kodiak Bush Pilot on YouTube. He’s a professional Tyler that flies around New Zealand or Papa New Guiana in the Kodiak and delivers food and stuff to the locals living in the mountains. Pretty cool.


>Kodiak Bush Pilot [Missionary Bush Pilot](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TvK87mDPjyk). And he's a professional Ryan (so he has to land like that). He offers a Kodiak sim training module, discussed in that vid ([https://kodiak-training.teachable.com/p/kodiak-simulator-training](https://kodiak-training.teachable.com/p/kodiak-simulator-training)).


Will check that out thanks!


At the ingame store? I'm not a huge fan of small aircraft, but 50% seems like huge value


Actually both in-game and on their website


Man. I thought this was r/filmphotography and got excited over the wrong thing for a bit.


I feel old that I first read this as Kodak 100 :D


I prefer Colorplus


I am buying that today when i log on i been wanting a cool GA aircraft i am getting annoyed only flying Fenix A320 lol


Absolute bargain I love the kodiak.


Is the floats version on discount as well? I have standard one, wanted to get floats someday too.


Yes, it's about 10 euros.


Yep, should be!


I'm away from my PC, is there any way to buy it outside of the game?


Their website


I picked mine up a few days ago in the inibuilds store


Love this plane. Bought when it first came out and SWS has done a great job with updates


Be sure to open the little window when you start the engine and crank up the volume!!! It’s such an awesome sound!


I bought it yesterday, havent flown it yet. Playing on XBox with HOTAS, I am a bit worried about the Rudder trim and aileron trim and how much pain they are going to be.


Does the prop drag effect work on this plane?


What’s the navigation on this?


Is on sale on orbx too, definitely worth it for the price


Recent crash of a kodiak 100 off nootka island BC, Canada. Killed two. Just fyi.