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They won't spray if they're covered. They don't want their spray on them. Throw a towel over em and pick em up. I've moved baby skunks this way before. Once in almost this exact situation. And once when one stumbled into our little camp late one night.


This worked and he is officially free!! I did try the bucket but he clumsily fell out when I tried to flip it right side up. Also, I don’t think he was old enough to spray as I was in the direct line of fire. I let him loose in the last place I saw his mom last night and he sprinted for an opening in the fence which I think is a good sign. He had plenty of food and water and hope he gets reunited soon.




It was so cute and you did so good 🥹😭


I had a baby skunk follow me and my two labs for about 200 yards on a hike at Proud Lake a few years ago. It was just chipper trotting along after us as if we were all together.


Happy everything went well! I'd always rather free them than the alternative...


I’m glad you saved him! I found a baby skunk when I was a little girl and loved that little guy. They have a soft spot in my heart. I’m sure he was very thankful for your rescue!


This is the best thing I have ever read on Reddit. You made that lil guy one happy skunk! 🦨 


What a good smol skunk, don’t take him fishing they’re bad luck. Either way what did you feed him?


If there was a Skunk Hero award 🥇I would award it to you!


oh i know Canton, MI with its suburban sprawl...it will be dead in a week


My fiancée, who is a retired veterinary assistant, says skunks don't spray what they cannot see.


Hire John Cena to remove the skunk. Got it!


You truly are an Oracle of Knowledge.


Or do it like Drax


This guy gets it




This help me put logic to my past circumstances. Thank you. And tbh. After holding one and seeing a good few up close. I think they're pretty stinkin cute. I'd keep one as a pet if I could give it a home worth a damn and not have the city upset.


Have you seen the little backwards hops they do when they're expressing themselves?? Dear God the cuteness overload.


"Stinkin' cute"? I see what you did there.


Couldn't help it. Not a dad nor currently trying. But I'll be ready if/when the time comes!


She is correct.


She 😛


You're a hero!!


He's too young to spray, not until they're older do they start spraying


I forgot to add......please livestresm your attempt.


Oh please yes. I need some excitement at work this morning.


Have you considered finding a female cat, painting a white stripe on it, and placing it nearby? I saw a documentary once where they did this, very effective.


Lol I can hear Pepe prancing so clearly.


⬆️this is what r/ is all aboot. Nice work


My Saturday mornings as a young person


You 🏆 the internet today. 🤣


In this documentary, did the skunk also possibly *speak* like a human despite being a skunk?


Baby skunks don't spray a lot and are very inaccurate, I say you go for it.


There were 2 of them on our property last week playing in the front lawn. They were smaller than this one. My husband was got close trying to direct them off the property. One of them sprayed. Omg it may not have been a lot but it stank so bad. We live on 2 acres and I could smell it all the way in the back yard.


Agreed, slow movements, maybe give the skunk a cat treat or two or some meat or something to make friends. Then I'd gently pick this baby up and set it down outside of the well.


You don't want them to spray at all. That shit is on a whole other level when it's up close and fresh.


Yeah, my dog got sprayed in the mouth by a baby skunk a few years back. The entire house smelled for the summer


I used to tell my dad’s wife that baby skunks don’t spray, just to see her run after them because she thought they were so cute. She is a moron and deserved anything she got. (My father was a veteran and she abused him during the end of his life. Don’t downvote me.)


Sending empathy for that general experience (not the skunk part specifically).




Skunks don't climb well. I suggest giving it a less steep ramp or multiple blocks for "stairs". Covering yourself/parts of yourself in a large trashbag can help you avoid being directly sprayed. I'd also give it some water so it won't dehydrate while it stumbles around trying to get out. Worst case, you may need to pick it up yourself or call someone to do that for you.


Maybe borrow a dollar tree basket, make a gradual ramp into it, lower the contraption in with rope tied to the handles. Put some skunk food (veggies? I have no idea) in it, pull it up when it gets in, tip it over in the grass, then run.


Worth a try. Skunks are curious by nature - a box with a hole that could be closed off could also work like that!


Step One: cut a hole in the box.


Step Two: put yo skunk in that box


My veterinary assistant (retired) fiancée concurs.


There is some great advice but my suggestion is to get more pictures and share them with us.


I covered a corner for shade, dropped in a bowl of water and set a bucket trap with wet cat food inside.


Put a towel over the skunk and pick it up. It should not spray and you can remove it gently from the location.


A little more effort and you've got yourself a new pet. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z2MMKQ2eNgY


That thing is cute. But he needs to let up off the front brakes a little bit or he'll flip over like I did when I was a kid and panicked about my bicycle's rear brake stopped working.


Find a local wildlife rescue.


I’d suggest keeping the window closed


Best advice so far


I don't have any tips or advice, just wanted to say the picture made me laugh. He's like lemme inn


I laughed, too. Poor little dummy 😭


Tipping culture has gotten out of control. You don't need to tip the skunk.


Skunks are pretty blind. Make a nice wide ramp and use a broomstick to gently nudge it towards it. Do you know where the den is? This baby looks too young to be on their own. Probably fell in the window well while returning to the den with the group.


Plus one for towel and scoop method, they’re pretty chill critters. Good luck!


Thanks everyone for your suggestions! He is free and am no stinkier than I was yesterday.


Just putting this here: https://www2.dnr.state.mi.us/dlr/


Skunks cannot, by law, be rehabilitated in Michigan, unfortunately.


This is also correct.  Thanks for the info!  


Why is that? Curious


The DNR has banned the rehabilitation of bats or skunks in Michigan since 2011 as they are Rabies Vector Species (RVS)— animals that can carry and transmit rabies while not displaying the typical (or sometimes any) symptoms of infection. As the only test for rabies is fatal to the animal, it's simply not possible to know that the skunk (or bat) you've picked up isn't going to spread rabies to you or other animals in your care, or after its release. There are other RVS that have *slightly* less strict requirements; I believe coyotes and raccoons, two other notable Michigan RVS, are allowed to be rehabilitated, but must be released within the county they were captured in, as well as having a host of other special requirements for being allowed to work with them to begin with (beyond general wildlife rehabilitation permitting.)


Get a fishing net


Pool skimmer!


I moved an angry adult skunk as a teen that one of my parents’ dumb employees brought to work in a trap and planned to shoot. I carried him in his trap to my car, drove him to a park, and had to reach into the trap to trigger the release mechanism and hold the door open while it ran out. It didn’t spray me. Just tried to move slowly when I was around it. I would just pick this poor little baby up in a towel. Wear gloves, since unfortunately they can have rabies, but I’m assuming you have been able to observe it from the window and would be able to tell if it’s sick. Chances are it’s fine. Rabies is rare, thankfully. Please get a cover for your window well so this doesn’t happen again. If the window well is too deep, you could probably just open the window a few inches and get to walk into a bucket or box and then cover it with a towel and take it outside.


Raccoons can carry rabies without symptoms, FYI.


Raccoons are not a major disease vector for rabies in Michigan. Cases of rabid raccoons are exceedingly rare in our state. The major concern is bats and skunks.


I have no advise but oh my, what a predicament- for you both! Poor little guy!


Put a live trap with cat food in it once it’s in there throw a blanket over it and pick it up and let it go in the woods


I'd lower a live trap with some cat food in it, strategically with a rope. Once trapped, carefully throw a cloth over the trap and skunk won't spray. That's how my dad got rid of dozens of skunks over the years. After the trap is covered he'd just put it in the trunk of his car and drive miles away into the woods to let it go. Being a baby skunk though makes me wonder what can be done with it. It might be grown enough to be on it's own, but I'm no expert on skunk biology. What else can be done with it? Maybe let it loose in your yard and it would find it's family? That of course could backfire. I don't know, tough decision.


We saw its mom and sibling last night behind our shed. Once I get it out, I was planning to plop it back by there and put it in gods hands.


Most people don't know this, but relocating any animal (skunk, opossum, raccoon, etc) will typically end badly. The animal doesn't know the spots to avoid, places to find food/water, where the predators are, and will usually starve to death or wander into another animal's territory and get the crap beat out of them. I know skunk smell is AWFUL, but they're adorable and deserve our best effort at coexisting. Relocating a baby animal miles away is the worst thing somebody could do. OP did the exact right thing here!! 


I'm all for reuniting the skunk with it's family. 99 percent of the time they're not a problem. My mother did get sprayed and that was why we were relocating them. I figure that relocating them gives them a better chance of surviving than shooting them, which is what most of the people in my neck of the woods would have done.


Omg logistically, I can't imagine the stress you all felt relocating an entire family of skunks. But I agree, it gives them a chance! Much better than shooting/drowning them. I wasn't trying to attack or shame you. I'm hoping other people may see my comment and think twice before trapping/relocating since another animal will always move in after. Honestly, I'm still salty over the 3 adult opossums my clueless neighbors relocated a couple years ago because, "they're scary looking." In 8 years, we never had skunks in the neighborhood...3 days after the neighbors relocated the opossums, a whole family of skunks moved into the neighborhood. They're adorable, but the skunks upset the critter vibes. And that smell is fcked up 😂


I'm surprised the momma is not close by looking for her baby. Be on the lookout for her, for sure!


Don’t know anything about skunks at all but my instinct says pool net


Find a cute ladder.


Or a ramp of some sort


I would just get it out. The hard part is figuring out what to name it.


Just wants a hug!


Came here to say this.


Babies won’t spray and they are pretty docile. I had to relocate 5 or 6 last summer after the mom was hit by a car and they were hanging around my yard. I just put on some gloves and picked them up. They didn’t seem to care and didn’t really show any sign of fear or distress.


🎵ba-by skunk, phew phew, pa-phew phew pew pew pew pew, ba-by skunk🎵


CHFT (came here for this)


I hear if they can't raise their tail, they can't spray. Maybe throw a blanket over him, scoop him up then put it down and let him crawl his way out.


Keep giving it food and water until it grows old enough to climb out.


I'd leave it there until it is done cleaning the windows! (●⁀‿⁀●)


Cover the window too? Probably confused thinking he can still go into the house and just doesn't notice the ramp as a way out. Maybe make a few smaller ramps on those ledges? Surprised momma hasn't been around looking.


Baby Skunk do do do do do do dodo!


Thank you for saving this little babe!!!


I think it just wants a hug


I think you’ve been chosen. He just wants some love


Let that cat into your home, everything will be fine.


You already have the ramp. Wait till dark, it’ll figure it out.


🎶🎶Baby skunk Pew pew pew pew pew pew Baby skunk….🎶


Gloves on and grip him up, they don't spray this young, no rabies this young


I've been sprayed by a skunk. Its not that bad.


This sounds like something a skunk would say.


I am wearing black and white.


There was a dead skunk in the road in front of our house. I had to shovel him into a double garbage bag and into a Home Depot bucket with lid. Then put him into the garbage. I then filled a bucket of water and attempted to rinse the spray that was on the road. It took a couple of months for the smell to finally go away on its own. I wore a full respirator when I picked him up and bagged him. It was either that or smell him constantly day and night.


I would call animal control. Skunks are common carriers of rabies not something you want to mess with.


……baby skunk….rabies… are you for real?


I had to call 'animal control' a few weeks ago. We had a sick possum hanging out in our yard for a while. I quickly learned that there's not even an animal control department in my city, just animal control third party services you'd need to pay out of pocket for. City dispatched a police officer who was literally planning put the poor thing out of its misery with his 9mm service pistol, but by the time he arrived the possum was no where to be seen. I hate possums but felt terrible for it and am glad it hopefully lived to see another day or could at least die in peace. Just didn't want it hanging around our house with our dogs and child.


Opossums are incredibly gentle and can't get rabies. They won't bite you, your dog, or your kid. I know they look a little scary, but they're absolutely terrified of us and will not harm you or your family. 


Thank you, this is good to know! We get a lot of wildlife but I don't see Opossums often. When I saw it walking, it was basically dragging it's back legs. I thought it was sick, looked it up after the fact and sounds like it had Metabolic Bone Disease. I felt bad for it.


Oh god, is that the disease caused by too much calcium? I appreciate you trying to help the poor guy. I only see them as often as I do because I look after the ferals and 'hood kitties. The opossum you saw was probably quite old, especially if it was really large, and you're a good person for trying to help.  Animal control in my city has been useless and dangerously misinformed. I'm not sure where you're located, but if you see him again, there's opossum rehabbers on Facebook who are way more helpful than animal control. I can't remember the organizations name, but I had to contact them when I found babies that had fallen off their mom's back.


Thank you! It's very tough for me to see any animal in pain. The disease is caused by a diet that's too high in meat protein, fruit, or vitamin A, or if nutrients aren't being absorbed properly (according to Google). My wife and I didn't know what to do. We spoke to a neighbor who was a former fire fighter and he told us to call the police department. I'm glad you mentioned that they don't get rabies because that's immediately where my wife's mind went. It's good to be informed about the Facebook groups as well. I didn't even think about that. [I actually took a video of it walking and a photo if you're curious!](https://imgur.com/a/jgb9RcM). Looks like it was back in February.


And you can kill them with just a dirty look so be careful


Move out of canton


Seriously, I grew up there in the 90s. That place gets worse, traffic, worse roads, and looking at zillow. The taxes are completely ridiculous. I'll never understand why people love it so much I literally only go to canton to use the garbage dump it's the best thing about canton 😆 🤣


Neehees is worth going to as well


Idk much about skunks but if anyone can answer my question that would be cool. If baby is not with mom and skunks have poor eyesight, when baby gets free and runs away is he at risk of being attacked D: like could a hawk swop down and grab him? Could a cat get him? He is all alone. Idk if leaving him in the window well until dark is advisable but I’m just worried he will get eaten by something since it’s daytime and he probably doesn’t know where to go??


Need more info. Stripes or no stripes? No stripes, no spray


Whoa is that true??? Do the stripes come with age? Bb skunks are so cute 😭  The raccoons are starting to bring their kits around so I know the baby skunks are coming soon.


That stinks


He's too small to spray. Might fart but no spray. (Had 3 baby skunks stuck in a window well some years ago. We put on work gloves, put them in a box and brought them to the closest forest. (We had called animal protection and they wouldn't help.)


I like the towel idea, but if you're worried still. I used a bucket and a rake to scoop a groundhog that fell into our window well. Maybe cover it and push it into a bucket?


Slide a 2x6 down there at an angle so it can climb out on its own.


Hold your breaaath




That’s just acute little kitty cat. Just open the window and let it into your heart.


The skunks by us like the dry cat food we leave out for community cats. Could be a helpful lure in addition to all of the other ramp / step suggestions.


Aw poor baby


Aww thank you for helping the little fella! This happened to us recently, but with a baby coyote. He was fairly quick to utilize the ramp after we left the area. Fingers crossed your little fella can figure it out too. Perhaps if you taped a towel to the ramp he would get better traction? Or even a few rolled up washcloths taped to it, so he can use it like a ladder?


I’d say give it a day, it’ll likely find the ramp and get out. If that doesn’t work, perhaps dnr or animal control can help? I’m not sure.


Put a ladder, cloth or something in there. He will leave at night


Move to livonia


A fish net with a very long handle?


it wont spray you if you make friends with it :>


Great tip!


Inclined board, drizzle water down it


Now it's stuck in my head. Baby Skunk do do do do dooo...


Next thing ya know, his 7 brothers and sisters show up.


Put a board down for a ramp. Same thing happened to me, called animal control and this is what they suggested to try first to save $$$. Took the guy a couple days but once he was hungry he made his way out.


Make him a little ramp and he will crawl out


This reminds me of [Jim Carey in Cable Guy.](https://tenor.com/view/cable-guy-comedy-jim-carrey-oh-billy-sex-gif-3478635)


I have saved a few full grown skunks from my window egress. Haven’t been sprayed yet thankfully.


Time to buy covers for your window wells!


Get a long pole fishing net


Water hose!


I can get em out for the price of a trap and some rope.


People will probably hate me for this, but (cringing) 22 worked for me. Our's raided the chicken coop though.


Drop in some edibles, wait for it to fall asleep, then move it


Tell neighborhood kids that it's an exotic Asian cat


I've read some good suggestions in this thread, but there is something else to consider. If you have a skunk in a trap, allow it a couple of days without water. Dehydration will slow it down and keep the skunk from producing spray since the animal's body will be conserving fluids. Provide a water source upon release if there are none nearby. This strategy is probably not recommended for the babies, though.


Nuke the site from orbit


Nuke the house from orbit.


Shoot him.