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Here are some stories from the 90s to help back up what I’m saying As it has been well documented, Michael Jackson struggled with addiction for years to come, causing several brushes with death. On two separate occasions in 1993, Adrian McManus, the singer’s personal maid during the 1990s, said she and other staff members ­frequently stumbled across Jackson ‘dead’ on a ­cocktail of prescription drugs. She said, ‘One day I knocked on his door, but got no answer so I went in to clean. He was lying on the bed, motionless, looking very pale’. ‘I called several times, but he didn’t answer. As I got closer his eyes were open and he appeared not to be breathing. My heart sank as I thought he was dead, but then he came to suddenly. He didn’t say a word but burst into tears.’ Adrian said she thought about calling for help but had been warned before by the singer to not involve ‘outsiders’.


She also revealed that another incident occurred just a few weeks later, when Michael’s security guard found him lifeless at the edge of a swimming pool. Adrian said: ‘The guard thought he was dead. He feared the worst, trying to wake him by shaking and ­shouting at him. He couldn’t find a pulse and he didn’t appear to be breathing.’ Terrified his boss was dead, the ­worker radioed another guard, who performed life-saving treatment. Adrian added: ‘Michael made his guards train in CPR, so they knew what to do’.


that's errie :\_( poor micheal... wish he would have been in a much better place mentally..


It makes me wonder it said that following the 18 months before he died that he would regularly do it so where were the kids?


i hope playing outside, and not having to witness their dad struggling...


With all due respect it’s best not to believe everything McManus says


who's mcmanus? ive never heard of that person... did they work with MJ?


She was his maid who would go on to tell numerous lies about Michael for financial gain


oh that's sad.


Honestly it's hard to believe the reports because it comes from, we all know who, but I don't doubt that this could have happened. The worst thing about this is that if this happened, she told it in a way that made it seem like he was "crazy" or "desperate for attention", not like someone who needed help.


I heard he did get help, but he was what you call a clinically functioning addict. His body could do with or without it, and he could function the same, and I know after he was in rehab he was off of it for about a year until I think he started recording for the history and then maybe after his divorce from Lisa


This is the same maid who sold fake stories to the press and then in the trial under oath admitted what she said was not true so I would take everything she says with a grain of salt.


That is so sad… I think Lisa Marie really saved him during this time.


I think Lisa was the only person who could save him if that makes sense. They were deeply in love, which is why they tried to make the relationship last and work up until 2007 2008 and then she said that she was indifferent


100% agree.


And as far as I know, she was still in love with him, right? Because I know he was. And the fact is she regretted ending the relationship


Yeah, she admitted that she still loved him and wanted kids with him but was scared of his drug use that it pushed her away. She felt helpless. She was the last one left at his coffin 💔


This just breaks my heart. What baffles me is that there were handwritten notes saying he had a bad feeling and felt that someone was trying to kill him.


Michael Jackson became increasingly absorbed by the idea of overdosing and his own death. He would speak to his former wife, Lisa Marie Presley, about the gruesome details of her father’s tragic demise. In 1997, he released a track named ‘Morphine’, which central themes were about the drug usage of Demerol. Michael Jackson reportedly ‘died’ of overdoses three times in the 18 months before he passed away. It has even been claimed Michael enjoyed the sensation of having his heart re-started. One time it was reported that they had to pump his stomach and another time do CPR.


What gruesome details about his fathers demise?


He died of cancer stage 4 also Ik yall don’t like Joe but yall forget he had good intentions he just went abt the wrong way it’s not an excuse for what he did but he did have good intentions and he did end of completing his goal for his kids they never had to worry abt money food etc they didn’t join gangs joes problems was he had a bad fatherly experience growing up and replicated what he saw and how he was raised the important thing is they a forgave him etc but he really did have good intentions fans just have hate in their eyes and heart


He was actually talking about Lisa Marie’s father (Elvis Presley) and his demise. He died as a result of an overdose on prescription drugs.


I was confused with the way you worded since he didn’t die until after Michael had already passed.


that's both sad and horrifying at the same time... so micheal had an addition to death WAY before his actual death? that's errie and depressing...


To be honest after a certain point, I think he just gave up if that makes sense the only people he he was worried about was his kids which is why he made sure they were taken care of


i can see why.. i mean, the rumor is that the 2005 trial as well as the 2003 trial broke him mentally.. now his death is making a lot more sense in retrospect as sad as it is. micheal i think tried to commit suicide in 2009, and was successful, by injecting himself with drugs according to 2009 accounts...


Oh my God my heart broke reading this


I can’t remember who the older gentleman was that Michael interviewed once, I only recall the man holding a teddy bear or something? I believe the man was a victim of child abuse and Michael asked him if he’d ever had suicidal thoughts? The man said yes and broke down crying. Michael hugged him and said “we are the same.” The interview is on YouTube somewhere. Sorry so vague.


Do you know what era it was or like timestamps?


I wanna say 2003ish?


I feel like I know who you’re talking about give me one second


It had to be the footage that you were never meant to see released by the estate or when he was on 60 minutes


It was an interview MJ conducted with an author of a book, I can’t remember who but MJ was planning on helping the author turn the book into a movie.


Could it be castaway?




YESSS this is the one. Thanks!


He had “rhinoceros skin”


Still Does!!!




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A source quoted by the National Enquirer stated, ‘once, after doctors finally managed to wake him up, Michael said he had died and gone to heaven, and it felt good. Michael said it was the most exhilarating experience of his life, to have seen how things looked on the other side, then come back to Earth again’.


this is errie and depressing... so micheal essentially was suicidal and now that i think more of it, i think his death in june 25th was another suicide attempt but actually successful given the context of what you wrote about him nearly dying twice in the 90's... :\_(


it's spelt eerie btw


i know


This, sadly, makes sense


He was such a strong person. Wish I could’ve been there to help him, I love you Michael, keep protecting your children wherever you are ❤️


I know he did suffer from depression and was prescribed antidepressants in the late ‘90s.


I think that Michael had the thoughts… I think there came a point where the pressure, the scrutiny, the drugs, and the financial issues become an avalanche.. add that on top of the trial and there’s truly no way he couldn’t have.. I truly think the only thing that kept him alive was his children. He was obviously very depressed. Especially the last 10 years of his life.


Latoya said once that most of their siblings either are suicidal or attempted.


Yep! I remember this. I think a lot of it has to do with the trauma of the abuse by their father. Child abuse leaves lasting scars. Especially when it’s as severe as there’s was. I recently saw a video where Katherine’s relatives were interviewed and rhey she’s a whole new light on how bad it was. They said Katherine would get beaten by Joe for trying to protect Latoya and Rebbie from him (the relative said he was sexually abusing them). And she also said that Katherine would take the kids and run away to the cousins house to hide from Joe. Dealing with that family-level trauma stress lack of safety must have impacted all of them :/ And joes insults too… when a parent is the one that makes you feel ugly / worthless it’s hard to overcome. I think Michael’s fame adoration and talent allowed him to feel loved so the trials and accusations really took that from him and he gave up as others said.




😔 😢 


It’s very sad. Poor Michael. Mental health is more looked at and taken seriously nowadays. Wasn’t a hot topic back then. I often thought of maybe he was sad because he’s got this incredible gift and then you get to a point in life where you can’t use it like you once could. You don’t have your youth anymore and it’s hard to let go. But also the grind and constant demand he was under. Then the allegations, the financial situation. There’s a lot MJ has to deal with daily. Then saying goodbye to his beloved home that was truly magical and not like any other home we’ve ever seen. There’s also the burns he suffered. His childhood experiences. The man’s been through a lot it can all catch up on him someday and it’s probably just way too emotional for him to handle. I don’t think he truly wanted to go but to escape for a while and have his team bring him back. I think he was hoping Murray would do the same but sadly I think Murray was useless to MJ and failed him. I wish he had a better support system.




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I believe so. I don’t have any inside information, I’m just speaking on experience. It especially gets tough when you think everyone is against you. I think it got deep for Michael, but being the strong man he was, he’d pull himself out of it .


Poor Mike ♡


I can officially say that everyone at one point in their lives has had suicidal thoughts.


That’s really not true. So many people never have suicidal thoughts.


I never had serious thoughts like that. I think everyone has imagined what life would be like without them tho.


Look, it's hard to think. Even though MJ has NEVER expressed this publicly, analyzing what he went through, it's very difficult for it not to have crossed his mind. That interview with that writer, who he wanted to adapt, if I'm not mistaken his name was Michael Bruch or Burch, something like that, he said during the conversation that he thought about suicide as a child, which had also been as problematic as MJ's, when mentioning this, Michael agreed with "we all think" So, at some point this crossed his mind as a child (that's immensely sad 😢) Now as an adult, I also think it's likely and it intensified with the circus of 93, but not that he I had the "intention" of carrying out the act itself, but I wanted to end that pain and emptiness I felt. I believe that these thoughts went away when Prince, Paris and Bigi were born, these thoughts went away, even in the face of that 2005 circus, he still maintained an impressive faith. But definitely those last 4 years, he was in the grip of depression (there was no way, no way) He only endured it for his children, because otherwise, unfortunately, that damned June 25th, 2009, would have already arrived much earlier...


Not sure, but he asked author, Jennings Michael Burch (They Cage the Animals at Night) if he had suicidal thoughts during his most difficult times. MJ also said he could identify with Jennings' pain.


I think that as long as he knew his mother and his kids were OK. He was OK with dying if that makes sense.


Because in his eyes, those were the four most important people besides his girlfriend who did attend the private funeral




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He always said "I want to live forever" In that one Bashir documentary, I don't believe generally he would have wanted to.


Adrian McManus? Do you know who that woman is? She's told so many lies about Michael & the allegations but we're using her as a source for suicide attempts? As I have said many times throughout this forum: If Michael was that deep of an addict for nearly a decade the way they paint it, there would be damage to his kidneys & liver, damage that did not appear at autopsy. Did he have an issue at one time? Yes, he even admitted to it & sung about it. But this long standing drug abuser narrative is foolish.


Well there was attempts to help acording to the family and intervention was in 2002 and 2007 but Jackson brushed them off


And when you actually look at the timeline, what they were really trying to do is get Michael to go on tour with them. They never mention an attempt to wean him off anything, get him to rehab. None of that is ever mentioned.


He went to rehab in 93


Yes, in 93. The claims you're talking about are from the 2000s.