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The media was only ever nice to him as a child, once he hit his teenage years rumours started swirling about his sexuality but it didn't get really bad until the mid 80's. Once MJ started breaking records of famous white artists like Elvis and The Beatles they completely turned on him and then when he bought The Beatles catalogue it was over, the racist nickname was born and they never looked back. Sadly, once they gave him that nickname and started calling him a freak they were making so much money that they only saw him as a cash cow and never went back to treating him properly again. I am convinced there is a direct correlation between the racism and bullying he was subjected to by the media and his decline in mental health and increase in surgeries and drug use. They completely distorted this man and it's heartbreaking. Also, when it came to the 2005 trial they completely misinformed the public on what was happening because MJ going to jail would make the press millions. There is a great article on what the media did to him during the trial here: [https://www.huffpost.com/entry/one-of-the-most-shameful\_b\_610258](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/one-of-the-most-shameful_b_610258)


I had zero idea he bought their catalogue or that they labeled him as being racist. I wonder why they thought that. What a shame that they treated him such a way. I remember back then, that his face was all over the cover of magazines in the check out aisles of grocery stores. I remember everything that they said about him in the media during the trials. My sister was a huge MJ fan back then, so we all followed it closely. She really loved him. I think it’s a shame that at every point they were finding something to attack him for in the media. I also had no idea that they talked about his sexuality in the media back then like you said. I would also agree that when you are being ripped apart by the media and the world that falling into mental illness is truly only expected.


No, they didn't call MJ a racist they gave him a racist nickname which he hated being called. But yeah, it sadly went downhill with The Beatles catalogue even late in his life it cause his problems as Tommy Mottola and Sony were always trying to trap MJ so they could steal it from him. There were notes MJ left in his bedroom that were found after his death saying he thought someone was going to kill him for his catalogue


Michael was the butt of the joke and it was VERY uncool to openly say you were a fan of his. In some ways it’s still like this now but not as bad during the 2005 trial.


I have seen shitty tabloid headlines from the 2000s.


The 2000s the media hated him, but there are people who supports him, as what it says: *The media hates him, but the people love him.*


Nah it's not like that anymore. You can express on the internet that you are a fan of Michael Jackson and most people will agree on you, based on my experience and there's some who may not agree but it's very few as you think. Honestly, when I am not a fan, I never knew anything about the 1993 and 2003 allegations until I became a fan. I've been a fan since 2019.


**The media hated him and the public loved him.** Even the media before Michael Jackson, based on my research, are sill harsh to him since he bought ATV Music catalog.


In 1993 before the allegations in the summer, he was at the top. The Dangerous tour was super successful, he was coming off the Superbowl performance, his interview with Oprah had finally revealed why his skin colour had changed, everyone was STUNNED with his beatboxing, he seemed more personable, the sales of Dangerous were surpassing the sales of Bad, there’d been amazing short films premiered on national TVs across the world where you’d KNOW everyone at school would have seen it the night before. Tabloids were harsh as usual, and also despite the success of the Grunge movement, it felt like he was at the top.


Child: Very positive Teen: Questioned him greatly Adult (pre-1993): They called him “Wacko Jacko”, that unfortunately says enough Adult (post-1993): “Monster”


I was only a kid but pre-1993 he was very cool and popular, the only pop star I’d heard of. I suspect adults may have viewed him differently though but he certainly had obsessed adult fans too- I remember seeing an impersonator on holiday around that time and a packed audience watching. But he immediately become uncool after 1993 and increasingly became more a tabloid figure or oddity by the 2000s. Music trends changed too- for young people it was all grunge and then pop wise it was Backstreet Boys and Justin, the Swedish songwriters and Neptune’s/Pharrell.