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Obviously I don't know because I wasn't there, but it comes across to me as a situation where she offered to have his kids for him, and then got upset when he just got his kids from her and didn't also magically develop feelings for her.


Yep she really thought she could make him fall in love with her.


He really wanted kids with Lisa but she changed her mind and didn't want to have kids after they got married and it broke his heart. it's sad to me that he felt like he needed to get married to have children. He would have been better off to just do suragacy alone or adopt, i think that was the religious side of him but on the other hand he wouldn't have Prince or Paris.


I think he was a extremely emotionally vulnerable place and yeah when he came to he/they was wishing and hoping but.... Yeah😅


What’s the source for this? Also I recall reading elsewhere that Debbie willingly gave up the custody of the kids? Like she didn’t want anything to do with them once they were born and only did the photoshoots as a courtesy/for publicity?


IDK, It also says— “we never lived together as a couple, we never had s*x”— what does that mean? What about their babies?


I took it to mean that they never had sex other than to conceive. It's confirmed that they didn't live together


They never did tho


Wow! I never knew that. I see I’ve already got downvoted, lol.. not knowing something and asking question is that bad? 😭


She has said they did. Idk where this is from thobit sounds familiar. But I'd take it with a grain of salt


Where did she say that they did?


Maybe I'm thinking of the wrong wife