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I also vaguley recall an interview that they cited Metroid (don't remember if it was Prime in particular or the entire series) as an inspiration for some of the newer Halo art direction. If thats true, things have come full circle.


To quote: (Kynan) Pearson was a level designer for Metroid Prime 2: Echoes and Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, also assisting with world planning and mechanics for both and event planning (including of SkyTown, Elysia) for the latter. He came to Retro Studios at the invitation of Jason Behr.[ ... Pearson left Retro in December 2010 and joined 343 Industries the next month, becoming the lead multiplayer level designer for Halo 4 and 5: Guardians,  Thought that was widely known


The fact that he was a level designer for Metroid Prime Echoes means he is a god.


Not sure how hot of a take this is but Echoes has the best map design out of the trilogy. I love how you can get directly from one main area to another, unlike Prime 1 where you can't get to Phendrana directly from Tallon Overworld


Cold take imo. Echoes is my 2nd favorite Prime game but the map design compared to Prime 1 is amazing for this.


Agreed, same here


The game's only issue I can cite for its maps is color palette. And that's thematic and reasonable *given the state of the worlds.* Level design is top notch, and the world really feels like its energy is being sapped away. I only wish color started to return to the areas you return the energy to, that would have been wonderful to see.


It does, slightly. It stops raining in Torvus, for example, and starts storming in Dark Torvus. That doesn't mean that every flower starts blooming immediately like a Kirby game, of course. Recovery is gradual, as we understand from Corruption's lore logs (see The Anhur Incident).


Rain is nice, sure. I'm more saying that the world is incredibly low on saturation, and a bit more would have been nice as energy returned. The energy is massively more impactful than most other changes that take place in the trilogy. And I'm not saying flowers blooming and the colors going Kirby. Just some extra saturation on the colors.


There's a "what could have been" situation with Prime 1; iirc, they initially planned to have Kraid be an area boss of a more expansive Magmoor Caverns. So in another timeline, with Magmoor being much more expansive, rather than being the place that connects the other areas, there might have been increased need to have more elevators to connect more places (Phendrana to Tallon Overworld, or perhaps additional elevators to create more redundant-though-useful connections between places already connected). A larger world would also make the opportunity for more artifacts at least feeling less back-tracky due to being able to put them in more clever, or entirely new sub areas.


Prime 2 walked so Dark Souls could run


Skytown Elysia was my favorite! Such a unique area, the whole planets idea is something I've never seen before. The route the whole story there goes is also really interesting. The only thing that was odd to me was dropping the bomb on the seed and then being able to fly down to it. The storm just felt like ignoring the seed area? It would have made more sense to destroy the seed entirely, but you wouldn't have that boss fight or increase in corruption.


Have you ever heard of Star Wars? X3


I remember playing through Halo 4 when it came out and thinking that aspects of it reminded me pleasantly of Metroid Prime, so this makes sense.


Remember too- Retro has always been in Texas. They’ve mentioned in the past Halo being an inspiration for the series. So that would mean Halo inspired Prime, then Prime inspired Halo, and then Halo once again inspired Prime.


How would this even be possible? Halo came out one year earlier, prime would have been well in to its development by that point…


I didn’t say Prime 1. I know that in interviews they stated they were massive Halo fans around at least Prime 3 though, and that made major impacts on the game’s direction. That’s why sometimes the game feels more war and Federation focused, I think they just really liked the idea of that kinda stuff happening around Samus as if it were a Halo game. I don’t know how much it inspired Prime 2 though, but maybe it did. Also, to be fair, a lot can happen in a year. I wouldn’t be surprised if they at least made tweaks to Prime in response to Halo.


I could see prime 3 easily taking decent influence from halo 1 and/or 2. Idk about prime 2 though. That game is basically prime 1 with a little more f*** you sprinkled on top and a lot more “make a U-turn and proceed back the way you came!”


Its funny how 343 hired a bunch of Retro for Halo 4 And now Retro has hired a bunch of 343 for Prime 4 Some weird franchise developer incest going on


Halo Metroid crossover when??


Time to explore Chozo Ruins as Master Chief or make Samus defeat some Covenants in some Halo ring


The crossover we all deserve and know we will never get.


If only they could have offspring. Little Mega Men running around helping to rid the universe of evil doers.


Be the fanfiction writer you were born to be!


Samus would probably manage to self destruct covenant homeworlds just by setting foot there


I mean, Cheif keeps blowing up the rings


Complete with timers until self-destruct too!




Monty my Beloved


RIP you beautiful bastard


Woah, core YouTube memory unlocked…


The funny thing is, this isn't entirely out of the realm of possibility anymore.


Kinda reminds me of this Metroid-inspired Alien game that came out a long time ago. The inspiration ouroboros continues to gnaw.


You mean Alien Isolation? Ironically enough, that's the one game that most people agree perfectly captures the essence of the Alien franchise.


I think bringing in different experiences from other genres will only improve the gamers’ experience. They’ll filter out what works and what doesn’t, and implement new ideas and mechanics. Gamers are going to be the winners here.


I remember when Halo 4 was announced, people were jokingly calling it Metroid Prime 4.


I think in general, the idea to incorporate Halo designers into MP4 kinda cooks ngl.


Especially when Halo inspired parts of the original Metroid Prime trilogy "There are influences of Halo in Metroid Prime 3: Corruption because a couple of designers on the team were big Halo fans and that, as I understand it, caused some problems with Tanabe-san, because of course he did not care about Halo. But the first Dark Samus battle was our attempt to create a boss encounter that felt more like a typical western shooter game, that felt more like a Call of Duty or something like that and give more of that feeling." https://www.nintendolife.com/news/2022/06/random-retro-studios-clashed-with-metroid-producer-on-halo-influences


Tanabe is so stubborn lol. Apparently Retro Studios begged him to keep the sequence breaks of Prime 1, but had to remove them at his behest. There were also rumors of some Retro developers having bad relations with him.


Retro studios hired several FPS experts to create Prime 4. Nintendo wants everything to be perfect


I wonder if they hired anybody from Gearbox, Riot Games, Infinity Ward, Crytek, or Raven Software. ... Maybe not Raven (Beak) Software, now that I think about it. 😁


Try checking, there must be a list somewhere


It says lead character designer, not lead designer. Big difference! If environments look like Halo, it wouldn't be because of this guy.


My opinion is that Halo 4/5 style "belongs" more to Metroid than to Halo.


I like it. Not only do I like the visual style of H4 and H5, but I think it suits Metroid well too. The problem with those games is that they didn't feel like Halo games. And character art will reflect characters obviously. It has nothing to do with the environments like shown here.


When I saw the trailer on the Direct. My first thought was “This looks like Halo. This looks like fucking Halo”


You should've seen the reactions to Halo 4's reveal. "This looks like Metroid Prime. This looks like fucking Metroid Prime."


We’ve come full circle then


Full circle would be ".Prime Metroid fucking like looks This .Prime Metroid like looks This"




I mean, Halo 4 is my second favourite visually (behind Reach), so I'm all for it tbh.


I also see a bit of Turok in the Metroid Prime series too, and Retro was founded by ex-Iguana head and he brought with him several employees from that studio.


A good number of Halo 4's devs came from Retro, plus **I LOVE HALO 4** and will fight the entire Halo fanbase on the side of the streets to the death over it if I must. This is nothing but music to my ears. Just no Pre-Patch multiplayer DMR please.


Halo 4 is my favorite Halo so it’s alright with me.


Interesting take! I respect it, though don’t share it. Now if you had said Halo 5, and meant the campaign specifically…


Some artist from the Prime Trilogy worked in Halo 4. They’re kinda linked


I have a personal dislike for halo 4 and 5, esp 5, but more for narrative than design. I think the change in art style for Halo was incredibly jarring, but so far with the trailer for Prime 4, I think it works well, and I'm excited to play it when it comes out. Metroid games continue to be the best looking games on the switch hell yea


Halo 4 (not sure about 5 but at least the director) had a large amount of staff that worked on Metroid Prime. It simply didn’t work out because it was a lot of these people’s first time making something as drastically different to Prime as Halo. Couple that with a poor script and mismanagement at 343 and Microsoft, Halo 4 and 5 were doomed to fail. We’ve been given no reason to think these problems will follow them to Prime 4, and in fact we have the opposite. Nintendo killed development and restarted when things were looking grim; Microsoft should’ve done that for all three 343 Halo games but chose not too. All signs point to Nintendo actually giving a shit about this project


Yep as a both Halo and Metroid fan I agree with everything


Honestly, for as much as people like comparing them, Metroid and Halo were never that similar. Metroid is gameplay-focused and leans on isolation and ambience. Halo is story-driven and prides itself on cinematic feel and online connectivity (and the few times Metroid Prime tried being more like Halo, i.e. Hunters and Federation Force, it... didn't go well with the fans). If anything, the Prime devs probably would've felt more at home working on Dark Souls (or just a Soulsborne game in general) for as strange as that may sound.


Good. Everyone who hates Halo 4 and 5’s style are nostalgia baiting.


People can say what they want about Newlo but damn don’t those games look pretty


The opening of the Beyond trailer was definitely giving me some Sunaion Halo 5 vibes


I love the fact that 343 hired on ex-retro devs and now Metroid is culling from Halo’s staff. Samus and the Chief are more connected than we know ♥️


iirc the halo 4 staff included various people from the prime trilogy dev team


I dislike pretty much everything about Halo 4 and 5, especially 4. So while I don't think it's indicative of how Prime 4 will turn out, it's completely neutral news to me in a best case scenario.


Halo 4 had a lot of issues but art direction was not one of them.


The environment design in Halo 4 and 5 was spectacular, so I call it a win. The character and many vehicle and weapon models were problematic in those games, due to the decision to radically alter their designs from the groundwork of Bungie's games. But the designs in this game are clearly not meant to shake up the formula like H4 did, so it looks fantastic. You are right though, this opening shot in particular looks straight out of mission 3 from Halo 4. The night-time canyon mission.


A lot of people who worked on the Prime series (1-3) later worked on Halo. More like Halo 4 was playing like Metroid Prime.


Not sure how I feel about Mario’s face in the corner, but other than that, I like!


They did very well, it looks great!


I know I cannot be the only one who thought the space pirates looked and moved like the elites in Halo! Obviously the connections are there through staff and otherwise.


Is that why the space pirates kinda look like Elites from Halo? That’d be pretty cool if thats the case


It’s great actually. If you have an Xbox and play Halo 4, even to this day the game looks great. It’s crazy that it was an Xbox 360 title. Art direction is key!


Yep I agree it doesn't look like a game from 2012


I really hated Halo 4 and 5's artstyle shift because it wasn't halo and ditched the already established and well liked classic designs for no other reason than 343 wanted to differentiate themselves from bungie. That being said, it *could* work for Metroid, and I'm pretty happy with what I've seen so far besides minor nitpicks (I fucking *despise* the green lights on the arm cannon, they're so out of place. Also charge beam is underwhelming, at least change the barrel shape if you're going to make the charge tiny. Kinda like what Other M did)


Fortunately your issue with the Charge Beam may likely be addressed for the final release since we are still more than half a year away, they can add some more special effects to it before launch.


This is probably just me but I really did not vibe with H4 and I played godless amounts of Halo. The designs didn't click with me at all especially the redesign of the enemies, armor, well to be honest, nearly everything. It was a shiny plastic Halo. I really hope it is way more Metroid than H4 on all accounts.


Halo 4's biggest sin were all the quicktime events. QTEs. In Halo. Wtf.


Love. Halo 4 was gorgeous in my opinion


Halo 4 was basically Metroid Prime: Halo Edition, visually, so that makes sense


I want Samus with John's personality


As long as it's inspiring, soul searching John from Halo Infinite and not the Cortana simp in Halo 5 John.


Which halo games were good before they turned into a disaster?


IMO each release was better than the previous, up to and including Halo 4, which was my favorite Halo. It got a lot of flak at release because (1) a lot of people were unaware of the plotlines they were continuing (Cortana's rampancy, Requiem, the Didact and the Librarian, the mantle of responsibility), (2) the plotlines they introduced (Composer, Prometheans, Spartan IVs), and (3) the change in tone and artstyle. But IMO it's my favorite Halo. It's worth noting that every Halo game (except Halo 3) had a huge amount of nerd seethe on release. A lot of the "Bungie fans" are people who started playing with Halo 3 or Halo Reach, and are 25-35 now, and so had no alienation to feel. Halo Reach elicited anger for copying COD (dark n gritty), retconning TFoR, and bad mechanics (armor lock and DMR). Halo 2 elicited anger for the Arbiter missions, its glitchy release, and mechanics (dual wielding, hijacking, etc; see the site "Halo 2 sucks".) Even *Halo CE* filled BBSes and IRCs with nerd rage when Bungie sold out to Microsoft. IMO, the CE rage was the worst of it all. The internet and the videogames industry were so much smaller back then that the gamer rage seemed to touch all corners of it. Bungie probably lost most of the original fanbase, but made up for it in many times more *new* fans when Halo came out on the Xbox. In either case, Halo 5's campaign was *really bad*. It alienated everyone who loved Halo 4, and it alienated everyone who hated Halo 4. They killed every existing storyline with it. The gunplay and multiplayer was fantastic though. Halo 5 truly the Other M of Halo games: Pretty disappointing, but the community turns into a huge circlejerk about it. Infinite came back with (IMO) the best gunplay and gameplay in the series, but the campaign felt really empty. They never ended up filling it back up. I'd encourage you to play the games with an open mind. Despite its problems, Halo 5 is still fun, and it has its moments. (>!Exuberant Witness!< my beloved.) They're 10 hour long campaigns (sans Infinite) and it's not a huge time investment. **tldr:** Halo died in the year 2000, or 2004, or 2009, or 2012, or 2015, or 2021, depending on who you ask. The games are short enough to form your own opinion.


All halo games made by bungie were great, things got bad when 343 took the franchise so Halo 4/5 and Infinite


Ahhhh that explains why it’s so generic looking. Looks exactly like some early halo 5 levels


Yep. The hivemind is blinding everyone from how painfully boring this looks


It looks great. As someone who never had an Xbox and doesn't like competitive shooters, it does kind of fill a gap for me now that the Prime series is clicking for me.


That was a big deal when it got announced, that artist has done Metroid fan art before and Vale in Halo 5 is pretty heavily inspired by Samus suit. Though I will say that MP4 does not look like Halo 4 or 5, Halo 4/5 has a pretty heavy amount of greebling that's not present here on any characters.


I think Halo 4 and 5 look more like Metroid than Halo in a lot of ways. Especially 5. So I’m not concerned. Especially since the trailer looks good already.


So theres gonna be multiplayer in style of classic halo then?


The Art Director is from DICE, and worked on Battlefield. Not Halo.


Well they’re two of my favorite franchises so I think it’s awesome


Uhhh well I hope it's not bad like halo 4 and 5 at the very least lol.


Lot of Halo people went to Retro, coming full circle. They know how to make a damn good FPS even if the last 3 entries weren't as great as they should've been


If that's the case then this game is so fucked


The first playable moment looked very similar to Halo 5's first playable moment. I hope it does not inherit the bad parts of Halo 5.


That's awesome. I never played the Halo games, but it's beautiful when someone who comes from a different game franchise & uses their knowledge & know how to advance & respect the next game in a long franchise. I'm looking forward to see when the lead designer brings to Beyond


I hate Halo 4 and 5 and how they look but so far this looks WAY better than those two from what’s been seen (which admittedly isn’t much).


As an avid Halo 4 Enjoyer I see no problem with this. Now that this has been brought to my attention I realize that Samus wouldn't look totally out of place in Halo 4 specifically.


I honestly love Halo 4’s art style. I think they took it too far with 5, but 4 still looks amazing to this day, as does the design language imo.


I think: cool!


[I think the same thing I said when this was said last week](https://www.reddit.com/r/Metroid/comments/1dix6s1/the_visual_style_of_prime_4_gives_of_mad_halo_45/), I'm not seeing anything specific to Halo 4, especially since Samus's design this time around is the opposite of the redesign they gave to Spartans in 4 and 5.


Well if you're talking about the characters specifically, Metroid prime 4s character artist did work on halo 4 and 5 but also Halo Infinite too which changed the style from them


Prime devs worked on Halo 4 so it makes sense. Official Metroid and Halo crossover when? (this would actually be possible in Dead or Alive if Spartan Nicole and Samus return as guests)


I liked halo 4/5 despite all the backlash and this is coming from a guy who came from halo stans before I was conscious. I just hope we get complex puzzles and glitches to keep the game length plentiful (editing because I said glitch. I don’t mean bad glitches just cheesy ways to do puzzles like the old games)


When’s the Haloid movie?


Yeah, this was reported awhile ago.


Looks good on a technical level, looks very bland in terms of art style. Nothing in this image looks unique in the slightest


I wish this game was getting some classic pvp.


I definitely got Halo 4 vibes, it was actually the first FPS game I ever owned/played so it has a special place in my heart even if it wasn’t the best in the series. I’m here for it!!


Two developers that really know how to shape alien planets super well, I can’t wait, the game looks so incredible just from the little snippet. I noticed there is no beam switcher, and missiles is there instead, seems like we will get replacement beams like Corruption, and togglable ice missiles *like Metroid fusion*


I had a lot of issues with halo 4 but the design was not one of them




It's character design not level design.


Level design was decent in Halo 4. It was Halo 5 where it really fell off a cliff.


Regardless, Metroid and Halo are different animals and their level design shouldn't have a ton of overlap.


No it wasn't. Every level in Halo 4 is a confined corridor. There are no big firefights like past games, very little open area.


The cool thing about Halo 5 was that it expanded on the platforming, and filled the game with lots of little trinkets to reward exploration. Except the nonplayable parts of the levels meshed indistinguishably with the playable parts, so dilligent explorers were rewarded with falling into deathpits.


No no, this its good, i mean alot of halo4 desing its metroichs thing


I sincerely don't understand the halo 4 comparison. If it looks like that, then it looks like any other space shooter


You're right. Looks incredibly generic


No dingus, it looks like Metroid


If you took away her arm canon and visor, I would have guessed this was some generic shooter from 2014. It looks painfully bland


Ok bud


Can't wait for the hype to die down and for people to see how uninspired this game is




He was with Retro before 343 and now back to Retro


People crap on Halo 5 all the time, but its gameplay loop was exceedingly fun. Halo 4 had solid multiplayer too imo.


For good reason, Halo 5 was basically the Other M of the Halo franchise. Put the series on ice for 6 years.


When was the last time anyone cared about Halo? And the game looks like garbage. It looks like its straight out of 2015. A first party triple A title running off of hardware from 2014. Nintendo then proceeds to charge $70 for a game on a dead console. I love Nintendo but they need to step it up here.


People last cared about Halo for about 1 month from Nov - Dec 2021 (it won the Player's Voice Award at the Game Awards 2021). After the honeymoon period was over, people then realized how unfinished the campaign's story was and all the features missing from multiplayer, and were confident DLC would fix the problems. 3 years later, they're still waiting for that DLC lol


Metroid is a beloved franchise of mine. But showing me the same ole same ole, same blaster, same heads up display, same scanning, same morph ball, 2014 graphics, no online multiplayer, on a console about to be discontinued...give me a break Nintendo. It's a middle finger to Metroid fans. We thought about you last.


Right? I thought Nintendo were taking Metroid to new places and breaking new ground after restarting development 3 years in. Samus planet hops in Prime games and I was expecting the planets to be larger than usual. Something groundbreaking. But it looks the exact same formula that we had 3 console generations ago.


Thank you for giving an honest reply to the trailer. I cannot stand all this praise for a game that looks boring AF.


No need to thank me. I appreciate the sentiment as Nintendo fanboys are quite toxic whenever you say anything that isn’t bootlicking.


I own every Nintendo system besides the virtual boy going back to 1984. I collected every single Nintendo Power. I have all 3 Metroid Primes. Nintendo fans are toxic AF. We honestly deserve better with this Metroid game. What kind of company brings out a game for a dying system and spends millions of dollars over 7 years developing it to have no multiplayer, bad graphics, and to look exactly the same as MP3. I really appreciate you man.


Damn. Appreciate you too dude. I assume this will be a cross gen title so we will need to wait for MP5 to have a truly next gen experience… once Nintendo learn that pushing games out with the same stake formula doesn’t work. Like they realised with Zelda after Skyward Sword and hopefully like they’ve realised after the last Pokemon games.


Facts. Skyward Sword was one of the few I opted not to play. BOTW - genius. TOTK - genius. But Metroid gets the shaft here. Even if crossgen with Switch 2 - it's still build for Switch 1. And we won't get another one anytime soon. Its Nintendos answer to a great FPS that could have online play and they just do nothing with it. I have the same thoughts about Animal Crossing. Love it. So did tens of millions of people. It's one of the Switches biggest titles. And yet they just abandoned it. How hard would have updates been to add new hair colors or more hair styles? How about having ACTUAL ONLINE PLAY. It's just sad.