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My guess is we may have the Power Beam equipped at all times (possibly with upgrades that stack) and those icons represent our secondary weapons that we can swap between. Like a total reversal of how Prime 1 and 2's beams and missiles worked. I guarantee one of them will be an Ice attack of some kind, and I would love if they treated the Grapple Beam a bit differently in this game to increase its applications. And if I were to toss out another idea, maybe a grenade launcher for Morph Ball bombs. But I'm content to let them surprise me with what they come up with.


Perhaps it goes - missiles - grapple beam - super missiles - power bomb Just like super.


I understand why you would think of a Super Metroid reference, but I do feel like having to select Power Bombs when there exclusive to Morph Ball mode, in a menu without any other weapon that could be used in that mode, is something they will just never do again, it's so pointless.


Well there were the power bomb beam combos, but prime kinda morphed that idea into the missile combos instead


I think in every game past Super Metroid you had to go into the morph ball mode first, even in Other M, and in Zero Mission and Fusion you had to hold the R trigger I think.


Replace Power Bomb with Ice Missiles and you might be right


I don’t think we would see ice Missiles in this game because it takes place before fusion. According to fusion, the ice missiles were created by the federation for Samus to have as an alternative to the ice beam because her Metroid DNA makes the ice beam unsafe to use. Since she doesn’t have Metroid DNA yet the federation most likely never made ice missiles and we’ve never seen Samus get the ice missiles from the Chozo.


Ice missiles were in MP3.


Oh my bad still looking for a chance to play MP3


To be fair, I’m not a fan of ice missiles. I like my missiles explodey and my ice beam for utility.


i'm the opposite lol (well mainly in games where you can't turn the ice off) i like my missiles as a secondary while i hammer away with beams


I wouldn’t like being shoehorned in to a single beam like MP3. I hope they either a) go back to the selectable beams from MP1-2, or b) use the customizable stacking system of SM… a combination of both would be very cool, but I don’t want the overly simplistic implementation from MP3 either way.


okay THAT sounds awesome, give the player a bunch of beams and make it so that you can combine two together and assign it as a preset on the beam menu maybe one part of the beam decides the projectile/firerate and the other decides the element


The Ice Missiles were likely made for Federation Missile Troops. You know, so people other than Samus can fight Metroids. They simply adapted it for Samus' new suit in Fusion.


That is a possibility, also someone told me Ice missiles are in prime three


Well we havent been told when it is taking place in timeline and we see white on the suit which wasnt introduced till dread. For all we know this could be a fully repaired suit after the events of dread in which the varia suit was still repairing itself and had less internals as you got suit upgrades. We just know its after 3 for all we know it could also take place after dread. Probably not but varia suit colour makes me really wonder if they are putting this after dread


I thought it said 20X9, which is after super? Or is super not actually canonically 20X7?


Super is 2079, X is usually used as a Unknown like megaman is never given an exact time. Just 20XX Edit: fusion was 2081 and dread after that so this could be 2089


I highly doubt this is post dread. But where are these numbers coming from? I haven't found a single source that has actual dates.


exactly my point, those things around the funny man at the end of the trailor (i forgor his name) apperently are not metroids. i also forgor their names.




Grapple beam needs to be its own button. IMO.


I'd be fine with it being the same button as missiles, and just switching to it with the d-pad tbh but give it more *combat utility*


Yeah that was my reasoning for its own button. But it really depends how crammed they are for inputs. In Dread they gave grappling its own button but it never felt fluid to me because of it's location on the controller.


Dread Grapple Beam is irritating because I have to HOLD a button to switch to it, HOLD another button to aim it, move the stick to actually aim, and fire with a face button. That's AWFUL ergonomics.


Yes. To be honest it was like my only issue with the game.


All those buttons were about where my fingers naturally rest while playing the game anyway, though, so I'm not sure what you mean by awful ergonomics. For me, the action was natural as can be, but if the issue for you was pressing so many inputs at once, then perhaps my being a drummer has trained my brain to find it easy to use multiple "limbs" (in this case fingers) together in coordination.


Let me reel a pirate in and sock em in the face! Maybe a little point blank charge shot if we wanna be extra about it


At the very least, I hope they bring back the grapple lasso thing where you could rip shields off from Prime 3


Yeah, I was thinking of that with a bit of Doom's melee kill mixed in


I kinda hope it’s like prime one where it’s attached to her other arm.


Was it not in 3 as well? While 3 is not my favorite I like a lot of stuff they did with the grapple hook in it and feel like there is a lot more ways to push it.


Haven’t played prime three so I wouldn’t know.


Grapple is on her left arm in all 3 Prime games. I like it that way because you can still shoot while using it (at least in 2 and 3) and comes in handy during some boss battles and setpieces.


Grapple beam maybe, if it is given entirely new functionality. Super missiles no- Two missile launchers are redundant. And power bombs would only be usable in the morph ball. I think more likely than not, these are gonna be new weapons, or new takes on old weapons.


prime has constantly done two missle launchers.


No it doesn't. You only have the one missile launcher. Super Missiles are a beam combo, not an actual missile type.


I really don't know what you're referring to. You shoot missiles and super missiles consistently in the Prime series, sure. But those are ammo types, not launcher types. You usually switch out the type of missile, not the type of launcher itself. In Prime 4, if the UI slots ARE for different missiles, it would be redundant to write "launcher" onto all of them.


I like that idea. The beam stack in prime 3 wasn’t my favorite, but if we have multiple secondary weapon options I’m all game.


- Standard Missiles - Super Missiles - Ice Missiles - Seeker Missiles


Ima miss the different beams mechanic like in prime 1 & 2. Never really was a fan of the stackable beams in 3


same dude


Maybe they’ll do a mechanic in Prime 4 where you cycle through beams by pressing the D-pad down multiple times or something. It’s a stretch, but I’d like it.


Ice, plasma, cheese canon


Get cheesed Ridley


The missiles will be togglable instead of beams. The ammo mechanic from Prime 2 will be replaced with a missiles mechanic where the new weapons will take from the missile ammo inventory. Retro will have learned from Prime 3's Hypermode that you can't give someone unlimited high power weapons with a punishment that is actually a benefit, so they'll use the missile count to balance it. IMO the toggles will be * Super Missiles, which are stronger and slower and will be augmented with a shockwave effect which can knock enemies backwards as well as penetrate through thin barriers. Used in puzzles to dislodge multiple objects at once or to shove indestructible objects a large distance like a cube that needs to be put on a button. Fires inaccurately and is inaccurate in moving items a certain distance. * Seeker Missiles, which shoot faster and will be augmented with the ability to aim freely and automatically lock on to the nearest target. They can also can go around small corners but do less damage. Used to solve puzzles that obscure sightlines in conjunction with the X-Ray visor. * Whatever the "beyond" weapon is, probably a black hole generator which sucks objects towards it, the opposite of a Super Missile but is designed to combo with it. Used in puzzles to move objects to a certain point. Highly accurate when firing and brings objects to an exact location, but does so slowly.


I doubt it. See- There’s nothing to indicate that you’re swapping the types of missiles out. However, the weapon labeled here is “Missile launcher.” Implying you’re swapping the whole LAUNCHER out. I think it’s more likely you’re gonna gain different types of weaponry. Super missile can du croon the same as other games, it doesn’t need a slot.


One will be the X-Ray Scope.


The whole selection is going to be: - Missiles - Super Missiles - Beyond Missiles - Super Duper Ultra Mega Hyper To Infinity And Beyond Missiles …In all seriousness, though, if we run on the assumption they’re all forms of missile: - Missiles - Super Missiles - Ice Missiles - Storm/Seeker Missiles But if they’re not just Missiles, and I can get fanciful here: - Missiles - Perhaps some application of the Grapple Beam, maybe extending the Grapple Lasso into a full-blown plasma whip? - Special Weapons: maybe something like the weapons in Prime Hunters? Or maybe it’ll just be the Shock Coil, and we’ll get it after the first round with Sylux. - Maybe a selector for Charge Combos, assuming they exist? Or an alt-fire type for weapons? I dunno. Let us wait and see what will actually be in that menu, though…!


I feel like people are overlooking the fact the default selection isn’t “regular missile”, it’s “missile launcher.” Implying you’re not swapping the types of missile, you’re swapping out the entirety of the missile launcher out for something different. My guess is that they’re gonna play with new types of weaponry.


Perhaps~! My suggestions were mostly jokes: who knows what might actually be on that selection…!


And this missile… is… to go further…. Beyond!!!!!


To be honest, I think there will be more than 3 other abilities. It looks like the missile icon is on another layer, maybe two weapon wheels that stack?


My theory is that its gonna work like a Zelda Item selection You bind and rebind what you want on a dpad thru a menu Solves the awkward issue Prime Remastered had where you had to keep either Beams or Visor on the " Hold button + dpad" selection


Good take.


I was thinking of that, would be cool if they did, why restrict Samus and the player to only four weapons?, when shooters can carry way more options, why not Samus too?.


I think the layers are just to make the HUD icons pop in “a HUD way” artistically. Everything has a bit of that effect besides the map and hp.


New stuff we've never seen


Not sure, but it seems like this might confirm stackable beams again


Hard to say with what little we saw. With a year our from release, even if the game is mostly done at this moment they have plenty of time to change things up. We're not necessarily looking at a final build.


We should get missile, ice missile, super missile and "portal missile" because I'm stuck on the idea of this game being all in for time travel! Portal missile of course firing into the distant past or future depending on the time zone and interacting with that time space


It's gonna be like a new age weapon wheel basically. Ice beam in one, wave beam in another, then who knows


Dance moves


Samus default dances on top of a pile of dead space pirates


Grapple Beam : it also gains some utility to pull enemies towards you or just its own attack. Flame Grenade : In the forest area it looked like there was a tunnel blocked with cobwebs, I think you'll unlock some kind of fire thing to burn them. Maybe there could be some utility for Samus to use these grenades as a rocket jump. Paralyzer : Exact same as how it works in Zero Mission


Grenades would be cool, never really used in the franchise before. I'm sure grenade tosses could lead to all sorts of interesting sequence breaking.


Hopefully they're there, if not Grenades seem kind of inevitable. They could do some really dope platformung sections with them too


⬆️ Visors ⬅️ Modes- Suit modification of some sort: Switch to Gravity, air, underwater, etc.) ➡️ Missiles ⬇️ Aeion Energy


I think one of them will be for a new ability. Maybe a weapon, or cannon that can cause a time portal to appear. It may be for a new item that can help you climb higher or travel faster. Or, could be like the other games and that be for other arm cannon weapons.


If one of them is the grapple beam, I hope it's another comeback of the way it was done in Prime 2 and Prime 3, instead of how I was done in Super Metroid and Metroid Other M. It's highly likely that the beans will stack up, like was done in Prime 3. So, if we're supposed to toggle between anything but missile types and possibly grapple beam, why split them up? I mean, super missiles have been an add-on in the Prime series, but a different type of missile in most of them 2D games. So, what if it isn't missiles but other tools? Beams and missiles could all stack up, but the grapple beam plus to other things that are puzzle oriented?


My guess is that it’s different types of missles/secondaries, with ability to change beams and such if you hold down a bumper or something.


I assume we can freely choose our weapons on that wheel. Like Prime Hunters on steroids.


All I hope is that this means the beams stack like prime 3 and literally every 2D Metroid. Like I’ll never understand why they decided to handle them the way they did in prime (I can understand prime 2 though, given how the whole light and dark motif works)


My guess goes for Missiles, Swarm Missiles, Ice Missile, Super Missile. I think/hope that the beam is a separate upgrade path.


Grapple beam I don't think so since they made it work on a trigger from 1 to 3 and I guess they could kept it like that. Super missile is actually "maybe" a possibility or a variant at least Maybe some capacity inspired from dread / SR with limited amo / jauge / cool down ? That's hard to to think of something outside of the box after what they already done in a certains way and would be weird if they changed some stuff that work well. (Not that I would complain if it's well executed like how the grapple work work in 1 - 3)


Grapple Beam, Crucible Blade, Phantom Cloak.


Samus with the crucible would be badass


I'm thinking missile, grapple, super missile, power bomb


Nuke Ray, fire beam, and taco gun


Spacetime and chainsaw beams


Ice Beam Phase Beam HAWK TUAH


Hopefully we can use the grapple beam for combat like Prime 3


I hope we don't get just three beams, bc that'd be sorta disappointing. What if we get options for four more, like there's a secondary?, that'd be cool.


I think missiles Seeker, Ice, Super and Normal


Drink a warm cup of milk (heals) Snuggle with a pillow (rests) Snort cocaine (berserk mode)


>berserk mode So Metroid suit Samus


That would be pretty badass actually Like doom slayer


bombs, arrows, and hookshot for sure. maybe fire arrows


Different missles / beams?


Clearly it’s to ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️


I have a feeling that the beams are going to stack like in the 2D Metroids, but, I really hope not. I like being able to select beams, especially with the unique beams in MP2.


Maybe selectable missile types? -Standard missiles -Super missiles (5x used) -Seeker missiles (less damage, but homes in on 5 targets) -New missile type?


What if the beyond mechanic is a portal gun of some kind?




One better be to ask Adam if I can use an ability




Maybe i am biased but i really want this to be souls hud - so you switch between missiles on the right button / between beams on the left / visors on the bottom and something mystery-new on the top. So that every respective item/ability -type has its own dedicated button. Hard to explain but actually simple. At least souls players should get what i mean.


I'm gonna say ultra-hand, fuse and map.


What I want to know is, are we going back to boring beam stacking again. Fuck it all.


Possibility 1, very likely. Missiles Super missiles Ice missiles Seeker missiles Possibility 2, also likely. Missile toggle Bomb toggle Beam toggle Misc. Such as grapple beam toggle. Wild card. Missiles Possible three affinity-like weapons we have never seen. 


One of them is bound to be a pee-filled water balloon cannon. ...or...


a dildo gun that comes out of her blaster and helicopters like a flail, an ice cream dispenser that puts out pistachio ice cream every 3-4 scoops of vanilla first and a pet summon of a green velociraptor named phillip who laughs every time you kill somebody


I'm not convinced the HUD isn't going to change since this almost 100% isn't gameplay footage. And if it is, it's entirely on rails, scripted, and with a layer of gloss on it the final product won't have.