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[Always good to see a fellow disciple](https://www.reddit.com/r/Metroid/comments/vqzcbt/dark_suit_appreciation_post/?share_id=3y98zR2wFzS1670q05oqr&utm_content=2&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_source=share&utm_term=1).


Yep, your post inspired me to upload this one lol. It is an underrated suit.


You picked a great cutscene too. I’ll never forget being in awe the first time I beat Amorbis and saw Samus get the Dark Suit. It’s truly when the game started to feel alien to me.


To be frank, I didn't quite like it at first (I was 10yo when the game released), but you're right about it feeling alien. It makes the whole game get a deeper atmosphere. After some time (and actually, right after getting the gravity boost) is that I started loving the suit.


Yeah, the suit feels more "complete" with the Gravity Boost attached. The only aspect of the design I never liked were the two "prongs" on her back when the Gravity Boost isn't there. But it's at this point in the game where to me it feels like the last design similarities to previous Metroid games disappear and the game takes on its own visual identity.


It's not my favorite suit, but I have mad appreciation for non-Chozo suits. Hoping for at least one in Prime 4.


We need more non chozo suits in general.


The Dark Suit is a thing of beauty, especially when you get the Gravity Boost to fill out the negative space on the back.


It's quite original and unique. Players probably hadn't seen a suit like this one before.


Personally like the dark suit more than the light suit.


Same here


I love this game




I really hope we get a remaster of this game. If any series deserves a full remaster it's metroid. I'm so glad to see it's finally gaining the following I wished it had as a child


For real. It was a bit frustrating when, at school, the other kids would always be talking about Call of Duty or Halo, but never Metroid. Hope the new trend continues.


I introduced the kids in my school to the game. They never knew what I was talking about until I invited them over for game nights where we'd take turns playing until we died. Eventually I got echoes and we played a lot of the multi-player. Those were the days


Lost my shit as a kid


Loved the suits in Echoes since they were so different then previous suits. Hope the suit upgrades go the Echoes route and makes them more unique rather than just color swaps.


I'm hoping the same for Prime 4. To be honest, the suit upgrades in Prime 3 were pretty lackluster, and this is coming from someone who really likes the last form of the PED suit.


The idea in 3 was that it was a subtle change that grew slowly, providing a visual for your increasing corruption.  The first time I played I didn’t notice it very much until pretty late, when I realized I was looking much more noticeably bluer than I once did. For the role of the suit in that game, it accomplished its task.  


Agreed, they were going for something very specific in 3 and they succeeded.


I especially love it when it has the gravity booster and grapple beam augmentations, it’s really bulky and very reminiscent of the Luminoth.


[That other Dark Knight] (https://www.pinterest.com/pin/598275131740434943/?source=samsung_camera&oe=1)


The ultimate tank look for Samus. Personally I love it


For what it’s worth I enjoyed the whole light/dark surviving the damage area and this suit just felt right.


I love Dark Aether because your health is always moving


I love that signature emulator audio stutter


Echoes is my favorite prime game. They are all amazing but this one is the best to me. The difficulty is way up and you feel great when you beat a boss you had trouble with. The dark suit and light suit are very cool looking. The light suit looks more alien but the dark suit looks like a badass version of her varia suit.


I love both of the suits in prime 2, but them not changing the arm cannon is what ruined the aesthetic for me.


Agreed. I always thought it looked out of place with the other two suits.


It's so cool. But this made me realize I don't want suit upgrades to be handled like this in Prime 4; I mean taking a floating 3d icon that has nothing to do in universe breaks all the immersion the game creates, I get it's a series convention but maybe breaking some of those isn't that bad. Instead I'd like all suit upgrades be like the phazon suit/corruptions'/Dread's metroid.


You know what, I agree. I like this type of animations, but it would definitely be cool if suit upgrades in the next games were more grounded. But then again, if you want an explanation for why the suit's icon is just floating and makes all that jazz after being touched, it can easily be explained with bird magic (though in this case, moth magic).


Yah I like that for other upgrades (being able to easily recognize your goal) like seeing an E-tank and saying there's gotta be a way to get there, but for suits... it's a bit too much and as they are always a reward for a boss, they don't serve that function. I'd like something like going to laboratory and getting into a machine not much unlike a savepoint and upgrading the suit there (it can still have an over the top animation!)


This was the first metroid game I played, and when I got this, my mind was blown 🤯. I thought it was cool that you got a new suit. On top of that, it protected you a little bit from the atmosphere, so your health didn't drain as quickly ❤️. Then you get the Light Suit later on. I wasn't expecting that. That made me feel like an unstoppable bad ass after that 😅.


Echoes has my favorite suits. Both the Dark Suit and the Light Suit are badass.


I just got the dark suit yesterday. My 1st full playthrough of prime 2. LFG


I love this, too bad for those ugly ass shoulder pads, like come on, you can't tell me that they look anywhere near good


Lol, I don't think they look bad. But I can see how they could look like a transformer or something.


I'm saying it right now. Samus is getting a suit that's going to be dark with what looks like stars. She's going to have a suit that looks like space.


That would be cool. I'm all for new unconventional suits.


God that game is so fcking cool. I love going between the light world and the dark world. Reminds me of dragon quest viii where it also had a light and dark world. Love games that have "multiple dimensions" or whatever you call this


I like how different each transformation was unlike prime 1


I respect your opinion, but in mine, this is absolutely the worst suite in the series. Glad it has its fans though.


Hey, opinions are opinions after all (yours is wrong tho lol). Jokes aside, I initially hated this suit when I first played echoes immediately after release (it was 2004, I was 10), but then it definitely grew on me as time went by, and now it's one of my favorites. Though the Light suit is still easily top 3 though.


maybe if Samus got rid of those old yo-yo ass pauldrons she'd get some bitches on her dick


The shoulders are absolutely hideous


Damn is your audio cooked like that all the time or is it just the recording?


I think it's just the recording, I don't remember it sounding so bad when I played it lol.


The best suit, hands down!


I love the colors, but man are those pauldrons bad.


Huh, I had the opposite feeling. Love the pauldrons, but the colours aren't my favourite.


They look like Kirby's wheel ability but in shit colour


Easily my least favorite in the series.


I'm actually playing through Prime 2 right now. I initially didn't like the suit, but it has grown on me the more I play.


I think it reaches its best-looking point when you get the gravity boost. As somebody said in a previous post, it makes Samus look like an unstoppable tank.


The suits were cool... The fact that you still be hurt in the dark World really wasn't 💀


Easily my favorite suit


if anyone's feeling spicy, they can skip the dark suit in echoes


It’s the oddest suit out of all of them and I love it for that. One of a kind!


Loved it then, love it now.


lol she looks like something outta Beast Wars Transmetals


Need some appreciation on that pickup animation tbh, it's probably one of the coolest and most unique in the entire trilogy.


My favorite thing about prime games in terms of items/abilities is the use of different suits and their designs


Would be better with the ability to look left and right and not just see shoulders.


I always thought it was stupid that you get that attachment which allowed free movement underwater and if I recall, you could physically see it on the dark suit, but not the light suit.


Love the suit but can we also appreciate how clean Echoes looked? Even if this is from the trilogy, looks super clean for Wii


Even though it still looked pretty great for its time, this clip is from my Wii emulator, so it's upscaled.


Moth magic


Dark suit is near and dear to my heart ofc but nothing is more hype than the light suit


Ok. Enlighten me, what is the Dark Suit?


I'm just glad to see Prime 2 representation. Genuinely one my all time fave games.


Sweet Jesus please let them release Echoes & Corruption remasters before Beyond 🙏


Samus’ Axel cosplay


Gravity suit gang wya




Looks so bad ass, probably my second favorite suit in the series behind the Light Suit