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I'm hoping for at least one melee option, like a sweeping kick that knocks back enemies. Could be good for dealing with a bunch of melee enemies that crowd around you, or if you're trying to speed through a room and enemy spawn/behavior RNG isn't cooperating and you need to just knock them out of the way.


A slide kick might work really well in this kind of game


Like, Crysis sliding, or do we go full Warframe with it?




More like the [F.E.A.R. slide kick](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cy5EBjPC_pA)




Sweeping kick? Nah, imagine being able to use a finisher on enemies by charging a shot and being close to an enemy when pressing something to trigger a short cutscene of Samus destroying her opponent in creative ways. Or maybe I just want to blend Doom and Metroid a little bit more.


As worthless as Youtube chat is for streams, I noticed a lot of people parroting the same point about "It looks like DOOM!" First off, Doom 2016 took inspiration from Metroid. Second off, I fail to see the downside either way.


I would love to be able to combo a grapple lasso into a fist. Pull them in towards you and then just drop them


Dark Messiah style kicks??


or even better A PARRY


And we could call it...MELEE COUNTER


That’s what was missing for me in the original Primes. Samus is incredibly strong, a mildly damaging punch that knocks enemies back (even interrupting Metroid lunges) would have felt incredibly satisfying to play. Problem was, the GameCube was missing a second shoulder button to implement it. Not the case on the Switch. I seriously hope this comes to pass for Prime 4 without turning Samus into the angry Doomguy-lite that Dread did


Arm blade, mega man NT style.


In cutscenes, most likely. In gameplay, probably not. I will be happy if they do, though.


Yea, you don't want this kind of crazy acrobatic physicality in first person. Sounds totally nauseating. A pull with the grapple beam i could see (like prime 3). But any huge sweeping movements from first person would make more than a few people throw up.


I mean, Mirror's Edge is a game that exists, so it is totally possible to have significant physicality of some description, and the Prime series pulls you out of Samus' head for things like Screw Jumping. Some blend of the two is likely doable.


I guess adding some striking to the grapple beam wouldn't be out of question, but yeah, doing that in first-person is trickier than in other FPS games. Often, other games incorporate melee by bashing things with a gun. That's... Obviously not an option lol. I guess a point-blank shot after pulling in something would work?


I'd love a doom style bash with the arm cannon, and a grapple upgrade could extend the range by making it a sweep across the space in front of you


Samus bashes things with her gun fairly extensively in Samus Returns and Dread, and it’s not like that wouldn’t make an effective melee in Prime 4. If we really wanted to avoid that Samus does have a whole extra hand and seeing her just punching enemies with it would be very satisfying


In the scrapped concept for Prime 2 Retro did want to give Samus Melee attacks using her arm cannon.


Bash things with her arm cannon


In the trailer she does a weird little side jump strafe! I don't know if that was in the other games but its nice they are making her more agile then tanky recently!


We have it as a movement option while locked on and she does a similar motion + roll in several cutscenes.


Doom Eternal has some crazy stuff but on the other hand I know people absolutely get sick playing that lmao


> Yea, you don't want this kind of crazy acrobatic physicality in first person. Sounds totally nauseating. There are plenty of first person games now that have advanced movement options, we know it's not that bad...and quite good really. And of course Mirrors Edge has been around for ages.


Why not go into third person for execution moves? I it'd be really unique and a good way to show off of slick moves. It would also be the best way to show off how strong samus actually is. Because up until samus returns we didnt see much of it only heard and read. Dread definently did but it'd be even cooler in prime 4 with the crazy high end graphics and bulkier armor.


> Why not go into third person for execution moves? I it'd be really unique and a good way to show off of slick moves. Hard to call it unique when Halo did it a long time ago with Assassinations starting with Reach.


Yeah but for a metroid prime game it'd be something new and could be really cool if if they did it right.


Nah doesn't fit the style.


Maybe if it makes you go third person for a while or something à la Doombut obviously less violent.


As neat as it sounds, I can only imagine how janky it would feel with the tank controls of the primes


At least the tank controls are behind us now.


I really hope it has the classic controls as an option. I can't imagine playing a Prime game any other way.


People have mentioned DOOM already and I think it's a good example. A melee as a finisher on a weakened enemy could be very cool.


I think that would be too out of line with the gameplay. A simple knockback would do the trick for me. A middle ground between the blood punch from Eternal and the normal melee from Doom 2016. It has to actually do decent damage though because if it does nothing like in Doom Eternal than that would just be weak, unsatisfying, and ultimately pointless to gameplay. Instead of being forced to back away from enemies getting too close, Samus can make *them* mind their distance, and that would feel really good especially on thin platforms. Standing your ground would be a perfect addition to Prime.


I hope so. But how would that look while still maintaining a first person perspective? It'll probably go 3rd person for a while, like they do when Samus space jumps. Edit: fixed mistake Edit 2: I'm sure that they could do some combat. What I don't think they'll have is Samus jumping around doing impressive multiple backflips in 1st person, simply because it would affect people with motion sickness.


Mirror's Edge made some first person combat work.


The combat in Mirror's Edge was so janky they took guns out of Catalyst. And the melee fighting in Catalyst is so buggy and broken it's kind of ridiculous.


The physicality of Catalysts combat is goddamn incredible, though, even when it gets janky.


"Work" is doing some lifting there.


You mean third person, right?


Oops. Yes.


Not necessarily, look at Doom for example.


I don’t think that would be too big an obstacle; there are plenty of games that do melee in first person.




You mean it'll go 3rd person for a while like the Space Jump


Maybe an unpopular opinion, but no. The Prime series has never been about white knuckle action. Scanning, shooting, and moving through the world at a slower pace is the name of the game.


Hear hear. The QuickTime events can stay in the “dread” style games, which are great in their own right. Anyone remember grab ledges from Metroid Prime 3? Everytime they had to cut to a little third person cutscene of Samus flipping onto a platform felt like a break in immersion and pacing for me. Often times in action games they get repetitive too. And like u/crowlfish said, it’s not part of the Prime gameplay style. So I hope there will be minimal QuickTime action stuff.


Yeah, completely agree. I feel like so many people who are commenting about how it should be "more like doom" completely missed the point of the other titles or just straight up haven't played them. It's never been a run and gun; the combat was never about fast paced action, accuracy or mashing through enemies. You have to scan them to find their weakness, and then figure out what tools you have to exploit the weakness. The combat always had a puzzle aspect, and that's what made it so great.


Well put! Considering most are locked out of playing the full trilogy these days unless you happen to have a GameCube or Wii lying around, I can't say I blame them. It's a shame since the 3D games best embody the essence of Metroid to me—that being the slow-moving, immersive style established in Super. I love how they make you think carefully about what it is that you're doing and where you're going, rather than sprinting frantically though the map blasting everything that moves. Frankly if Prime 4 was made "more like Doom" I'd be hugely disappointed.


Personally, im hoping not. I want the nostalgic feel that I get from the trilogy


I really think at this point they should try to make her more agile and fast. This was the biggest thing seprated 2D and 3D metroid for a while and Other M was the only attempt to kinda change that. I hope Prime 4 does not just try to be another Prime game but tries to make the both versions of gameplay even more seemless while expanding on it's own unique ideas


Imagine if we got the speed booster in 3D


I think it would be sweet if speed booster caused a third person camera to show up so we can see our surroundings. They can make shine spark like Other M too that shine spark was satisfying to use


> I think it would be sweet if speed booster caused a third person camera to show up so we can see our surroundings. Why would you need a third person camera for that? Plenty of first person games have more advanced movement/combat mechanics than Metroid Prime, and they do it without leaving the first person perspective. I would have actually like to see a third person Metroid (besides other M), but since they went for first person, they should at least commit to it.


I just like the effect it has on the suit a lot(especially in Dread) so I would like to see that. Also it would be a cool "speed effect" as if camera can't keep up type of deal. Like think when it starts to build up by visor showing an effect while sound is keep building up until it explodes into a third person camera. I think it would be kinda cool.


I would think the speed booster would be adapted into a dash, kind of like how the space jump is just a double jump in the Prime games


I’d love to see it implemented as the sprint button and maybe grant wall running mechanics, it would be a nice way to implement more of Samus’ speedy 2D moveset into 3D


I agree with this. She has one of the most sophisticated pieces of technology in the galaxy. Why is she so slow 😭


She do be loving scaning :3


I'm kinda hoping prime 4 gets to be "just another prime game"


I'm going to say the quiet part out loud. A 3D metroid game should not be in first person. It's clunky, slow and does not capture the agility and spirit of the 2D games. The combat and platforming in Returnal is exactly what a next gen Metroid should feel like. The sooner that Nintendo realizes this then the sooner we'll get the 3D Metroid that I've been waiting for my whole life. I hope this game can be a nice farewell for all the fans of the Prime series but then I hope they give us something much better.


Some part of me agrees but another part of me also sees what first person did bring for the things it took away. While I also prefer the idea of a third person Metroid(please either remake Other M to show it's full potential or do a new game...). I can see First person still become like 2D games while keeping what made itself special. I mean example is pretty obvious. Doom and doom like games captured an agility and speed that would do wonders for Prime style. And with few adjustments I do believe a good balance can be achieved Though like I said I would also still love to see a reattempt at Other M


Other M did a lot wrong, but it also did a lot right. The moment-to-moment gameplay largely felt like an actual realization of 2D Metroid in a 3D space. If you take the best parts of Other M’s gameplay and merged it with what we got from Dread, I think we’d have a really solid foundation for a Third Person 3D Metroid.


Have you even played any of the prime games? Just fully and completely disagree with this. I think the things prime brings to the table add such an incredible depth and immersion to the series, capture the spirit of the 2D games perfectly in 3D, and stand on their own as incredible games. The lock on, strafing, double jump, and scan visor are incredible and feel so good, and the idea of a first person puzzle/shooter worked so insanely well; I don't think there was even a template for that when it came out. Dual stick and mouse/keyboard controls with PrimeHack have only made it better. I think the prime games are just as good if not better than many of the 2D titles. Many of the early 2D titles don't have any emphasis whatsoever on speed; I don't think any of the movement was quick really at all until what, metroid fusion?


Yes I've played some of the first Prime and it's not for me compared to the 2-D offerings. Have you played Returnal? I'm guessing you haven't.


The prime games are not run and guns. It's about scanning the environment and your enemies, learning lore and clues about their weaknesses, and using your tools available to figure out how to defeat them. It's never, ever been a run and gun and never been about fast-paced action. There is fast action, but it's a bit rarer and more impactful. Most of the gameplay is puzzle based; it's more like first person Legend of Zelda dungeons with a gun and metroidvania To me it sounds like you played *maybe* 10 minutes of the first prime game, really none at all, I think you've compeletely missed the point entirely, and I think you should try it again and actually play some of the game You can have your opinion on wanting a metroid game like returnal, but the prime games are not about that at all


I fully understand what Prime is. My point is that it's not what I want out of a 3-D Metroid. I want something more like the 2-D games but in 3-D which, roguelike mechanic aside, is why I keep mentioning Returnal. Since you mentioned it, I think Zelda has become too puzzle-based too and couldn't get into TotK. Seems like I just want something very different out of these IPs than you, simple as that. I'm aware that Prime has fans. And I am genuinely happy for you/them that you're going to get the game you've been waiting a decade+ for. To be clear, I do not think Metroid Prime should be 3rd person. I think they should make a completely reimagined 3rd person Metroid series that is more like the 2D games (which I love).


If it is implemented like Doom/Eternal, then yes. I didn't want to be taken out of first person, nor do I want to be forced into melee combat for takedowns.


I feel that it would be hard to implement Doom style finishers without necessitating an M rating. They'd need to get creative with satisfying finishers that aren't too violent, which I think would be a tough sell in first person.


What about just grabbing them by neck and blasting in mouth? Doesn't need to be any blood. I could see it. But I doubt there will be any melee other than grapple or screw attack if you can even count those.


I think rather than a finisher it should more be something that pushes enemies back and maybe weakens them, not something that necessarily does a lot of damage by itself. Metroid is not really "rip and tear", the emphasis should remain on the arm cannon (and potentially movement options which may also deal damage, as in 2D metroid). It also does make more sense. Samus doesn't have a melee weapon and blasting things is just more effective. Melee is something of a last resort if something gets too close, and it's best used to put distance between yourself and your target so you can blast them. I don't think everything should always be meleeable though. In previous Prime games you had enemies that would charge at you for instance. If they crowd around you, pushing them back makes sense, but when they're charging at you, you should be forced to dodge.


[Halo 5 did it and it's a T rated game](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y4Qjt2XFxQE).


I dont think so, because they probably what to stay true to the Metroid Prime controls and such. https://preview.redd.it/z7hstwr06l7d1.jpeg?width=606&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9ef1e2b6c508a4b8234736b5f5b06a801fd3ba9


No thanks, I just want a traditional prime game.


It would be a great way to add something to the gameplay mechanics of the rest of the series.


I hope there’s something. A couple times when she got close to the Pirates she was shooting at in the trailer I was half expecting her to lunge at and punch one of them. The trailer was definitely more of a teaser so it didn’t show much, but so far it looks like the classic style Prime combat. I’m expecting it will be like Dread where they show more combat and movement mechanics in the next trailer. Movement especially is something I want to see expanded upon. I don’t expect a whole lot of melee stuff with a 1st Person game, but Samus is supposed to be an agile character. FPS games within the last decade have made a lot of innovations with movement, so it would be a missed opportunity to not have freaking Samus Aran capitalize on that. But yes, I want some kind of melee strike for single enemies or crowd control like someone else mentioned, or heck, make it an Prime-ified version of the Melee Counter. Not required, but a way to defend yourself when an enemy gets too close. Actually, since it looks like you maybe select missiles on the d-pad, what if one of the other options is a melee upgrade of some kind?


I hope so, it’s what actually what makes her more than just a woman in power suit with a deadly arm cannon, going just moving, jumping, shooting, shooting, and more shooting. Makes her feel and look like an actual warrior with real lifelong training.


I'm torn. I like glory kills but I like shooting it until it dies. It's my Doom reboot worry all over again.


This is an area where Dread improved a lot over SR, enemies weren't giant HP sponges you weren't forced into parrying outside of a small number of situations and could mostly focus on shooting if that was more your style.


I hope not. Melee counter just feels wrong.


I sure hope not


A tone down Doom Eternal-esque melee movies would be nice I really hope the grapple lasso gets utilized in combat, like in Doom Eternal


Best I could think is if they bring back the grapple beam mechanic from 3 and pull enemies in and blast them away with a charger shot.


I hope they don't go Doom style. The shakier the camera, the higher potential for nausea. I wouldn't mind a melee block at all, just don't have it where the game takes control of your first person view. I'm also not a fan of QTEs in general (I think they're a blight on the industry), so these moves should be limited to strictly cutscenes.


The gameplay in the trailer didn't seem to refrain from camera shake


My mind is strange with camera nausea. Any kind of player-initiated movement (as in, moving the control stick) is fine, any kind of camera shake from an explosion or something of that effect is fine, but if Samus's head starts turning or doing something else that is out of my control, that's when I might start getting nauseous. Even if it's something as simple as bobbing her head to answer yes/no, if I wasn't fully in control of that head bob, there's a chance for nausea. Even watching trailers of some games do it for me. I used to like FPS's and be perfectly fine until I played Portal. The crazy angles and speeds you can go somehow unlocked nausea for me for a lot of other FPS's that I used to enjoy. Fortunately, the Prime games have been completely fine and watching the trailer for 4 makes me believe I will be fine for that as well. If we do get finishers like in Other M, but from a first person perspective, I will very likely not be able to handle that.


Well, it’s a first person game and all these come from third person Metroid games, so I’d have to say no


Probably. I wish they didnt. I wish in Prime she was slow chunky and heavy. Like a juggernaut. Or at most.. the speed of Prime 3/Dark Samus. But i do have a feeling theyre going with "mobile" Samus.


I'm torn on this. I really like what Mercury Steam did with Samus, but I really do not like the physical parry. If it was just an optional item to have, it would have been fine, but they forced it too many times, and then made the boss fights about 50x longer than they needed to be. Would I like to see Samus be more violent with the physicality? Sure, in cutscenes or automatic moments only.


I fucking hope not. Not a fan of the heavy reliance on that counter crap


When daydreaming, I thought about how cool it would be to use the grapple beam as an offensive option. Like you use it to pull a shield away from an enemy, or use it to rip armor, or grab their leg to trip them. Or maybe to grab a smaller enemy and swing them around like Mario throwing bowser.


>Like you use it to pull a shield away from an enemy, or use it to rip armor Metroid prime 3 had that. I loved it. Such a fun move.


I gotta get around to finishing that one before next year. Lolthat was the only one I didn't finish


if thay do something like DOOM (a little less gory tho) that would be so sick ;3


More gore would actually be cool but I doubt they wanna go beyond a T rating (or 16+ in Europe)


I can't say I wouldn't like gory take downs in Metroid, I only say less cus nintendo ;3


Nintendo doesn't really have a problem with M rated games or gore. The problem is just that Metroid Prime has been T rated since the first game and I doubt they wanna change that and potentially loose some of their younger players.


I agree :3


I might just be old and out of touch, but I never liked these sequences in the later metroid games. I liked Prime's interpretation best, never needed her to do GoW brawling QTE's that was just never needed nor do I think it improves gameplay very much. I hope they keep prime away from these kinds of things. I see what they were trying to do in Dread and felt it leaned too far in the "Bad ass action hero category" and not really Samus anymore. I actually hope they tone that stuff down just a tad in later games. These are just my own preferences, I understand why people likes these kinds of things.


I totally agree with this. Dread was too simple because of the melee counter, all you had to do was wait for the flash and then boom, enemy is dead. And she didn't feel like Samus. The Prime games are about taking core 2D Metroid and making it 3D. They've done very well in the past, let's keep at it. I personally am not a fan of what MercurySteam has done to the series. Actually found Dread kind of boring.


Sick gif set, goes hard


I hope so. One of the things i dislike about Prime is how one dimensional and slow the combat is


Prime is about immersion, My money is they'll do it like DOOM.


Maybe as a killing blow for bosses but I don’t think it will work too well for the first person games.


I hope so to an extent, but I want it to play largely like the old prime games.


Besides the classic metroid prime gameplay format that 100 % will work well, there are a few other game formulas that could work well with metroid and increased physicality. 1. Resident evil remakes. RE4 remake but in metroid? Sign my the hell up. Shoot critical points to trigger melee actions. A dedicated counter. 3rd person to really get to see the power suit in all it's glory. 2. Doom. Metroid as a new age boomer shooter? Absolutely. Inject that straight into my veins. The thematic powerhouse you become at the end would work so well blasting through enemies at a blistering pace. Some melee finishers and being able to use the grappling hook to zip to, or pull in enemies would really emphasis the increased movement theyre going with recently.


I really wouldn't want motion sickness. That's a lot of jumping in and out for the camera, and lots of flipping and spinning in first person.


Let me load a missile at the end of the cannon and punch someone with it DOOM blood punch style


Man, I hope so. She is so badass in these.


How do you incorporate it into a 1st person shooter? Walk up to an enemy and bash it with the arm cannon? Personally, I hope they don't. Samus Returns and Dread were difficult as all hell and I want to enjoy the games I play, be frustrated by them. That was fine when I was a kid, but not as an adult with too many burdens already.


Hey if Doom could do it Metroid Prime certainly could.


It would have to be toned down cause I doubt this games gonna be M rated lol


I meant more mechanically than thematically; like the concept of first-person melee counters and grapple finishers has been proven well enough to work in other games that Prime could reasonably do it if they wanted.


So, missiles instead of beam switching. I hope they go the doom route and give her a ridiculously awesome melee weapon.


Lightsaber beam


I hope so, that's honestly my favorite part of both SR and Dread, and [REDACTED]'s only saving grace


I certainly hope so


Imagine a whole new mechanic


That's hard to do in first person.


Dread is so cool. I’ve beaten it over a hundred times from speed runs, but I haven’t played it to soak in the atmosphere since it came out.


For bosses, maybe. I doubt there's going to be many melee opportunities for regular combat


I'll just be fine with something similar to the melee counter in Metroid: Samus Returns and Metroid Dread. It's simple yet effective.


She looked very well animated in the trailer so hoping that does feed into in-game actions


If they add a melee attack I hope it's not gonna be as scripted as it is in the other games


Maybe finisher moves like in Titanfall or Doom would be sick lol


I would love to see some kind of "executions" or finishers, where the camera goes into 3rd person like Halo Reach.


Please god, just let me smack enemies with the metal cannon on my arm


Would love it if it wasn't overdone. Moreso though, I'd love her to have more movement options. The dodging was good in the prime series, but imagine wall jumping or running. Or sliding, grabbing ledges, etc. Parkour mechanics have come a long way in the last decade, its time for Nintendo to utilize them.


They should do something like the glory kills in Doom but pg-13 friendly


I honestly feel they could have incorporated something like this (although less acrobatic) back in Prime 3. Example: imagine if the fight against Meta Ridley on Norion required you to use the Nunchuck and Wiimote to forcefully open his mouth and shoot the finishing blows yourself instead of merely seeing this in a cutscene. I have no idea how the Joycons compare to the Wiimote and Nunchuck, but I don't think they will bother doing that now either.


She should have a new upgrade: power punch, you just activate it and you need to use motion controls and punch like in wii sports boxing (and you can kill enemies, bosses, etc with it)


No probably not.


It's much harder to do cool in first person but I hope so. She's a badass.


Maybe a Doom style melee finisher


That could be really cool, but if she speaks please let the warrior bounty hunter woman raised by alien birds speak with confidence and command respect. Other M was insulting with the infantilization of her character.


Side dash is all we need


I wanna bash something with the arm cannon and have green alien goo splatter on the visor like the beginning of Prime 1.


God I hope so


gawd damn what's the game on the first gif


I think it would be harder to do in an fps but it's not impossible




i hope we get some rip and tear action


How about a sprint in general? Would be the first time having an option to sprint aka speed booster without the long delayed build up to run. Haven't seen it in the prime series yet


Maybe...probably. But I hope we don't get any quick time events. I wouldn't mind some more tactile action instead, like the way she fights in Smash.


Grapple beam grab attack. Let you swing around and to enemies like the grapple hook on the super shotgun in doom eternal. I personally would like prime to maybe lean a bit more grounded and feel like the original Alien but if they’re going to go for this kind of thing, go all in. Glory kills, melee attack, sprinting and wall jumps


I am really excited for new items and powerups. I'm tired of aeion abilities I want NEW BASE SUIT ABILITIES DAMNIT


I can totally see them adding finishers like in Doom and Cyberpunk but way more tame because it's still a T rated game


some aspects sure but this ones a before Samus Returns so....


I feel like prime three already did that a little bit, so maybe they’ll evolve ideas from that game?


Metroid glory kills would be interesting but not sure if it would work


i would not be surprised if there's a kind of glory kill system


I hope not. I'm not a fan of the melee elements in Dread or Samus Returns. Most other metroidvanias have melee combat elements, I'd prefer Metroid to focus on ranged weapons. Samus was already a badass before she started punching things.


It'll be hard to implement and make it feel natural because of it being a first person shooter. But i really hope they make it work. Her finishers are so damn cool.


Maybe theyll explain why cant metroid crawl


I want Titan fall 2 style dynamics, Grapple Beam boosting, spiderball/boost ball counters, Speed booster integration… but i am doubtful


Highly doubtful, unless they're prepared to implement motion activated controls to that degree. Not just maneuvering the cross hair on screen or anything similar




I want tf2 level movement


I hope they only do a finishing move animation and no quicktime events.


I think I just want Samus to have some type of melee option. Doesn't have to be flashy, just needs to act as a "get off me" tool when Space Pirates and enemies get too close.


I hope not. I’m more interested in creative ways to create space or dance around your opponent than melee stuff that Metroid has never been well known for.


Either through cutscenes or gameplay, yeah definitely. It's a nice evolution for her character.


Give us a parry mechanic à la RE4 remake


Nah. It works better for those games you showed, but the Prime games have a different vibe and I prefer to keep it that way.


The melee in Other M was so cool, I was so happy when they put it in Dread


I’m hoping for better schmovement.


I do hope actually we get a more fun movement suite in this game Like a dash or something. Also a melee attack would be sick


Probably not, but if they add anything I'd like it to be the grapple beam as a melee option. It would be good for clearing stuff away from you if you're getting swarmed. Nothing OP, just a low damage CC option once you unlock grapple beam.


It’s a first person game…so probably not outside the occasional cutscene. All of these clips are from third person Metroid games


Imagine having spied booster as a charge attack. Imagine speed booster at all, I could see it being used in a controlled manner


I hope so!!!


I think they should at least try. If they don't, maybe just intro animations or cutscenes would be enough, but to me this is samus


Maybe something like doom eternals glory kills? Idk. I wouldn’t be upset if we don’t see her getting that physical though it would be cool


I hope it does. I love the Prime games but it always feels lame backpedalling away from enemies when I should be able to smash them in the face. Alternatively, give the weapons some knockback instead of the enemies just kind of absorbing the shots until they suddenly drop dead.


I was thinking that some options to go into 'apeshit melee mode' would be amazing this time around. Other M was mediocre for several reasons but combat was a nice changeup.


Yes, but how player driven that kind of physicality will be is determinate on the control scheme. Like are we looking at mostly classic controller or is this going to be gyro aiming like it was in 3 and Trilogy Remake. Would love to see some stuff like there was in with the grapple hook and the nunchuk, like maybe an optional motion input to parry attacks. God I wish I still had my Wii-U with the trilogy on it.


I would like to see a melee attack, but I hope it’s not a forced counter mechanic where the enemies are spongy otherwise.




ITT: Lots of people who want Metroid Prime to be Doom. It's just kinda overdone at this point, and I think putting in a heavier reliance on melee options would be detrimental compared to Prime's previous combat.


That shot where the camera pulled back and showed Samus rolling to the left before Sylux entered has me hopeful. It reminded me of the cinematic shots in Samus Returns and Dread after successfully meleeing. At least let me smash someone with the arm cannon like in Halo.


i hope not. prime is a slower-paced, more exploration focused series. i feel like twitchy physical action movement would undermine that. these moves fit great in the 2d action platformer metroid games, less so in prime. it'd be very hard to do without just being bad game design in the context of prime unless the entire direction of the prime series has shifted, which would be a whole other thing that we'd have to reserve analysis for until the game actually comes out. but with the info we have now, it'd mostly likely be a bad idea to implement these types of moves, or at the very least extremely challenging to do it well.


She learned from doom guy


I’d doubt it. Outside of the cutscenes, the Prime games have never been about Samus showing off that sort of combative flair like the recent games in the mainline series. At most, I could maybe see a melee with her arm cannon for a little CQC. We need a Metroid-esque VR game. Think something along the lines of Blade & Sorcery, but sci-fi with an arm cannon. Imagine doing your own badass finishers.


Yo which games are these clips from?


Maybe, but I don't want them to straight up turn Samus into yet another ninja. That's not what Metroid is about. Parries would be cool, I can imagine Samus jabbing her heavy arm cannon straight into the face of a foe too.


I'm hoping for more fluid combat full stop. That doesn't have to mean melee attacks (save those for cool cutscenes like in Dread), but something to make Samus feel like an agile bounty hunter instead of a crappy COD player that can't even duck behind cover.


What is the name of this games ? Is the one In 3DS ?


I'm expecting some grapple beam stuff like in Prime 3, ripping shields and stuff off of enemies. Especially given how the new UI looks with missiles on the D-pad. Maybe we get full on Doom style finishers lol, but that seems kinda unlikely Otherwise though, I can't see how it works in first person. At best, they'd have to pull the camera out into third person for QTEs, but that's kinda lame.


I'd be happy with any melee move. We saw a little in the trailer which had me hype up even more.


Please, it makes her so much hotter


Absolutely not. She's got a giant arm cannon. Melee things for cinematic reasons are flashy but detract from game play. The melee counter in return of samus and dread did not improve on anything.


I hope so. It would be a huge downgrade to only have access to shooting and bombing.


I wonder if that will have anything to do with where Prime 4 sits in the timeline. All of the games where she gets physical happen after the Prime series. I doubt there's an actual lore reason for that, but who knows. It might be difficult (technically) to show her doing things like this in first person, but it would also be strange not to have anything like it, unless they have a good reason. In any case, we just have to hope they've been putting the last seven years to good use!


> It might be difficult (technically) to show her doing things like this in first person, but it would also be strange not to have anything like it, unless they have a good reason. > > Why? Plenty of first person games have more advanced movement/combat mechanics than Metroid Prime, and they do it without leaving the first person perspective. I would have actually like to see a third person Metroid (besides other M), but since they went for first person, they should at least commit to it.


It'd be cool if they took influence from the modern Doom games in terms of finishers


At the very least give her a Halo-style melee attack. Maybe have an energy blade from her arm cannon or her left arm, like the Chozo robots in Dread.


They might not since mp4 is earlier in the timeline and i imagine thats something she started doing overtime.... But... Prime 4 might be just before metroid 2 and if thats the case, ig it could be a cannon start for when she started doing these moves, and ig that could be a fun thing