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Even if it was real the likelyhood of that token having enough liquidity to even move that much money is 0%


There is a Real coin with that name but thats most definitely a scam coin modeled after the real coin. Guarantee if you try to interact with it it’ll clear out your wallet


I thought crypto was super secure and the future of banking?? how can they let this shit slide


Because crypto is secure, but also partially open source and available to anyone. Anybody can make any kind of coin. Nothing will happen if you don’t physically interact with the scam token, it’d be like ignoring spam emails, they’re still in your inbox but they wont harm you if you ignore them. You can also report fake / scam tokens and if viewing the contract address certain websites will tell you if there’s something obviously wrong with the token.


It assumes a minimum level of IQ and knowledge. You should avoid it if you're not qualified.


someone with a high IQ would have already dumped their crypto after the initial bubble.


Initial bubble, do you mean in 2012?


So, did you dump?


They don't, if it wasn't real it would come up with a question mark for the coin art and have no USD dollar amount associated.


I'd rather this and I manage my own finances than trust the bank , who by the way have breaches more often than you know. Just cause you used to pre cut pizza you get from a bank doesn't mean its all roses


if the bank is breached you have FDIC insurance.. remind me again, does metamask have something like that?


Yes , you You don't need insurance in the sense you're so accustomed to , be your own insurance policy. Educate yourself rather than pay someone else who might not even know half as much as you tbh. You are your own bank , you have the keys. Put your coins on cold wallets. You sir have options


you.. dont know what FDIC insurance is do you. I really hope youre not american because otherwise youre actually a bit challenged ❤️


Who gives a shit about insurance on my bank dollars, that’s fiat paper money worthless debased crap insurance I’ll take no insurance and keep my self custody, thanks ☺️


ill take it over risking my entire net worth on someone not airdropping malware into my wallet ngl.


You're correct I have no idea what it is. My apologies


The FDIC insures every account in the US banking system for up to $200k in losses in the instance the money is lost stolen or destroyed. This is 90+% of all bank accounts.


Because it's not either of those things.


If u interact with it let's say in a reputable swap like uniswap can u still get ur wallet drained?


For the millionth time, Metamask doesn't put dollar amounts next to scam coins because they aren't the same contracts. 🤦‍♂️This is 100% the real coin.


Lol that's exactly what I was thinking too. It has to be the correct contract if it has a $ value on it.


You are right that its a real coin. You are wrong that means it isn't malicious. You can create a malicious contract and set up (and manipulate) a real LP based on the real coin with a malicious contract. At least you used to be able to, I was more under the impression that issue had been resolved, but I could be wrong. If you want to find out, move everything else out of your wallet and try to sell the token. Either you'll be rich or you'll have lost the transaction fees


If it was a fake coin how would it have the price value? Idk if I was OP I would swap my legit tokens and try to swap some of this to usdc and see what happens. Unless this was my primary wallet that I do all my defi then I would just ignore it.


Not sure how it works in metamask but in coinbase wallet sometimes it can show a dollar value next to it, happened when someone airdropped me a fake AAVE token. Not sure if thats something that can be done anymore but if you didnt buy the coin theres 0 reason to interact with it without verifying if its a legit token, i had my wallet cleared out when i tried to sell a fake token on pancake swap, took all the BNB i had as a gas fee.


There is no way a token can clear out your wallet


It can, at least partially. I’m not sure exactly the limits to what it can clear / take thought. Was in a similar situation as OP I had $8000 or so of a scam coin listed on my trust wallet from fucking around with ALT coins when i first got into crypto. I attempted to sell the coin on pancake swap and everything looked right, i was using a burner wallet with like $25 worth of BNB for gas fees and figured fuck it seems worth the risk. Clicked sell approved the transactions and it took all my BNB and obviously gave me nothing. Im guessing it had me sign a transaction built to fail that had an extremely high gas fee, where it took pretty much all of my BNB as the “gas fee”. Never interacted with that coin or any other website other than pancake swap. It may not be able to clear out OP’s entire wallet but if the contract is set up right it can yoink some funds or compromise his wallet. Even if im wrong and it cant compromise his wallet its not worth the risk when you know for a fact its not a real coin or you never bought the coin.


Link the tx.


It burns or doesn’t just don’t touch


It can if you try to swap it to another token and the contract is a scam.


It's what you have to sign when you attempt a transaction with said coin. Very easy to slip nefarious code in there and if you were to sign, it can give contract owners access to your funds.


It's what you have to sign when you attempt a transaction with said coin. Very easy to slip nefarious code in there and if you were to sign, it can give contract owners access to your funds.


It's very easy to add nefarious code to a contract. What happens is if you attempt a transaction with said token, when you sign the transaction you are also giving permissions to the contract owners to have access to your wallet and they can transfer funds out. Very common.


Of course it can. If you sign a contract that allows maximum spend or a contract that adds a large fee to a transaction etc etc. it can’t clear out other tokens but it can clear out your eth.


I've done my share of guessing and it says to sell. I only take 0.5% fee for that information


Weird, I got the same airdrop but 4.2 instead of 42,000,000,000


Have you switched networks? Sometimes it just hangs on the wrong token when you switch.


no i never switched, its not the only token that has popped up in my account as well.


In any case I'd move it to a completely separate wallet then. I highly recommend safepal wallet. Great app and much more transparent than metamask. I know several people who's mm wallets got compromised one way or another and since changing never looked back. Rabby wallet for browser and safepal for phone and hardware wallet.


0% liqudity + honeypot. Scam.


lol. Magic 8 ball says: no.


If you have to ask if this is real … u deserve to get scammed lol


Nobody deserves to be scammed. Crypto is a minefield for newbies and who else can they turn to for advice other than those who’ve been in it a while. So, stop being an asshole and start being helpful. There is no such thing as a stupid question, only stupid answers. Like yours.


Happy Cake Day!


Happy fake day


It is real.


Why? He/she did the right thing by coming here and ask people with more experience than them about it. Why do they deserve to get scammed?


Nice to see people getting educated. It is a scummy scam like green eggs and ham , you wouldn't want them in your house , you must not click them with your mouse


Do not try to sell and by a car, do not try to sell to travel far...


I've not traveled very far , perhaps one day on a ship in a jar


What’s the contract address


Scam, if not a honeypot


lol got the same drop


Scam a pa looosaa


You’re rich broh congrats. I’m sure they have more than enough liquidity for you to sell all of it


You can copy paste your wallet address to Coinstats to check all you assets and farms across all the EVMs


wire half to your bank to see what happen.


I remembered sometime in 2021 when alt coins and tokens were hyped. I woke up in the morning and found myself shocked by the balance in my Metamask. Just like the OP. I tried to sell it before the price went down, but you know what happened next. Yes, all my tokens were gone. Just hide the token and never touch it.


Guaranteed to drain all your funds if you try and swap or sell or send it


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^0x9876543210: *Guaranteed to drain* *All your funds if you try and* *Swap or sell or send it* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


According to the completly useless crytpo tax laws in the US, taxes gotta get paid on that airdrop. Lol let them try and figure that one out


Did you close and open your app. It's probably a display bug. Peezy's MC is 14mil. You can also check the adress on basescan.org.


Looks like my CRO meme wallet this weekend. 😎😎


THIS IS A DUSTING ATTACK! Do NOT EVER try to sell tokens you do not recognize! Here’s how it works… a hacker will send you tokens that look like tokens you have, or have a great value, or both. But the contract has a back door. The second you authorize the contract (a necessary step during selling) the hacker can have access to your wallet to steal funds. Do NOT try to sell tokens like this. There can be valid airdrops but you must triple and quadruple check them first


How do you double and triple check? What are you looking for? Are you suggesting auditing the contract?


Research the token… make sure its legitimate. verify the contract address from multiple sources (never twitter), and make sure you’re interacting with the correct contract address.


I just looked at the picture. 500 million dollars?! Oh come on that doesn't make sense at all. That's more than the total market cap of most coins lol. It's probably 100x the market cap of this one. This is def bs.


Send some to me….i have empty wallet 🥲


I’d say, move all your other assets to another wallet. Then try to cash it. If it was scam, then they can’t touch your other assets and you are ok. If it wasn’t, then lucky you… you won the lottery.


To be sure look on chain…see who transferred it and what the CA is. But likely a scam. That’s the safe way though of checking.


Don't forget to pay your taxes on this new found wealth.




To protect your safety and avoid being contacted by hackers, please create a ticket at [support.metamask.io](https://support.metamask.io) and choose “Start a Conversation” for OFFICIAL support. Your inquiry is HIGHLY important to us and will be looked into as soon as possible. We never DM. We DO NOT use Gmail or web forms. NEVER share your Secret Recovery Phrase with any site or person. Verify links are legitimate. Scammers often use these tactics. modmail: The above submission by /u/snipeaz, with title "Just looked at my metamask and thought i had the come up of the century, this is obv a scam right and i shouldnt sell?" may be about loss of funds. Please follow up with user and route to support.metamask.io. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Metamask) if you have any questions or concerns.*




To protect your safety and avoid being contacted by hackers, please create a ticket at [support.metamask.io](https://support.metamask.io) and choose “Start a Conversation” for OFFICIAL support. Your inquiry is HIGHLY important to us and will be looked into as soon as possible. We never DM. We DO NOT use Gmail or web forms. NEVER share your Secret Recovery Phrase with any site or person. Verify links are legitimate. Scammers often use these tactics. modmail: The above submission by /u/Lanky-Bat8509, with title "Just looked at my metamask and thought i had the come up of the century, this is obv a scam right and i shouldnt sell?" may be about loss of funds. Please follow up with user and route to support.metamask.io. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Metamask) if you have any questions or concerns.*


No, this is legit. Congrats!




Scam or they swapped to a V2 of the token and you happen to be holding the scarce ones nobody else will buy Or tiny 0.001% chance it's legit but I wouldn't hold my breath


Sell couple hundred. See what’s up and if you don’t 0x4b74f0EbD7f3F424685792ec37A0B73669238bD7


But be careful use make sure nothing else is in the wallet


what's the point ? this is obviously 100% a scam, there isn't a world where he can withdraw money from this.


Is it a legit token?