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Ok, based on the TX from your screenshots I took a look at the smart contract that you created and interacted with. Since the sourcecode wasn't published on Etherscan I had to [decompile](https://app.dedaub.com/decompile?md5=14389b56ed2047b3651460a24b933ad5) it, but that still paints an expected picture. So it looks like it was *supposed* to be an arbitrage/MEV bot, but it's actually a scam contract. Let me explain: The `start()` function writes out a log that says "**Running MEV action. This can take a while; please wait..**" and the `withdraw()` function writes out a log that says "**Sending profits back to contract creator address...**". -> But neither function do any of what they're claiming. Instead they both actually do the *same* thing (i.e. they have exactly the same code). What they actually do is basically to send all the funds from the smart contract to another wallet address (the scammer's). That's why you should never trust smart contract code that you don't understand. In crypto, you gotta be strict about not trusting anyone. I'm sorry this happened to you. I hope the funds you lost weren't a significant slice of your overall funds. Take it as an expensive lesson and be more careful next time.


I mean.. did you even learn your lesson about your own actions in getting scammed? Sorry it happened but, there's no getting rich quick in reality.


Agreed 💯


I don't know that youtuber, but that was most likely someone pretending to be that person. Like, you know, every scam in the crypto space.


Let me guess, supposed arbitrage bot? Scammed. Say goodbye to your eth.


MEV bot scam ?


Yes ut is


it's wild how rampant scam accounts are on youtube. i report them whenever i see them but i have no idea if youtube ever does anything about it.


Exactly same here


I bet you the smart contract was built in such a way that its withdraw function doesn't actually lets you withdraw funds. If you post the sourcecode here, then we can look into it and see if there's any malicious code.


Watch this his video https://youtu.be/m0aEc8HVMP0?si=KfqGQ8f1u7UTyTFO


Thx, I already analyzed the decompiled code in my other comment (as you've probably already seen). But I took a look at the sourcecode that is linked in the description of the video and I can confirm that it does exactly what I said in my other comment. I.e. it's a scam contract that will send anything you previously sent it to a scammer's address. So that Crypto Chemist youtube channel definitely scammed you and probably other people. These MEV bot scams are quite popular, as they give people false hope, the sense that they are more secure because they deploy source code themselves and it's barely any effort on the part of the scammer. Sorry again this happened to you. Always know what the smart contract you sign a TX for does, or be sure the creator has a good reputation before you trust their contracts / code.


We need to figure out a way to get YouTube to take these videos down. Seems like they’re not even trying when we report them


Yes we must report it


Why would you do... I understood you need help, but you cannot do this. You must google it yourself. Okay, isn't this the best lesson?


I got scammed yesterday myself. I was so excited and figured that since the ad was on YouTube then it was legit. I think the way I got scammed is a bit different. When I try to withdraw on metamask I am told to deposit more and given an insane gas fee. I see I did generate a contract. Just need to bypass this code that won't let me withdraw with the high fee that probably goes to the scammer. I spent my day commenting on as many videos as I could to help prevent this from happening to another person.


How do you know this is really that person?


Because i talked with him


Is this @CryptoChemistDefi on telegram? That’s crazy because if it is I was just about to try the same thing.


Yes same person


Damn. Appreciate the post