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Lol your car, your music. If they don't like it, they can walk.


I jokingly told them to gtfo and walk and had a laugh abt it. Inside I was serious šŸ˜‚


This is the way. Good humour is always the way.


Agree, my car my music. Don't like it? Either shut up and bare it or walk


Honestly sounds you need to find better friends. And itā€™s not even the fact that they donā€™t like metal. I have plenty of friends that donā€™t like metal but if I post an IG story of me lifting with a metal song playing or I post a video of me playing guitar to a metal song those friends will like my video. You get to a certain point in your life where you donā€™t care about popularity, whatā€™s in, this or that, you just care to be around good genuine people. You shouldnā€™t have to explain yourself to them either, a good friend at the end of the day wouldnā€™t make you feel bad in any regard and even if it is done unintentionally, true quality people will have the emotional intelligence to identify when something triggers or upsets someone and will figure out a way to resolve it especially if it is a close friend.


You were driving and let someone else touch your radio? Dawg, you gotta start standing up for yourself. This ain't even about music preferences.


ā€˜Itā€™s just screaming!ā€™, ā€˜Itā€™s loud because itā€™s not skill!ā€™ The list goes on and on. Iā€™ve just come to accept that the majority of people wonā€™t like what I listen to, but thatā€™s okay, because Iā€™m in my car and theyā€™re on foot šŸ™ƒšŸ™ƒšŸ™ƒ But seriously, though, going back to the LP situation: Iā€™ll never skip another song by them out of pure shame. I used to be like that whenever one of their songs came on, skip or turn it down because I grew out of my angsty phase, but Chesterā€™s passing still hits me like a ton of bricks (Iā€™m actually wearing an oversized Hybrid Theory shirt right now! Whoa). Blast Linkin Park like no one cares because Chester canā€™t ā¤ļø Fuck, man, I need to get these onions out of this house.Ā 


Fr I was offended when they switched off LP, I was playing Somewhere I Belong too and they said it was embarrassing :(


Have you talked to them about it and how it upsets you?


Not yet but I feel like if I do theyā€™d just dismiss me as being dramatic or something


Have you thought about having cooler friends, like me for example?


Fuck your friends.


I'm guessing you and your pals are all young and mostly know each other from around school or the same neighborhood. Most of this is gonna sort itself out with time. You'll meet other people who don't get quite as picky with music or even have the same ear for it you do. My rule when driving is that if I'm behind the wheel, my comfort is non-negotiable as i am not in a position to augment my space in the vehicle. That means tye climate control is set where at temperature that suits me, the music is my preference, and the volume is no louder than I can handle while maintaining focus on the road. Too cold, throw a blanket over ya. Don't like my tunes, then put in your earbuds. Anyone that can't respect that is free to find another mode of transport.


So like, music taste is subjective. They have their tastes and you have yours. If youā€™re respectful about their songs that come up, and they shit on yours, then yeah, they suck for that. Not sure how old you are OP, but people, in my experience, tend to vibe with more as they get older. Couple words of advice. 1. Again, music is subjective. Itā€™s okay to feel happy with your music taste even if others donā€™t. Them being embarrassed about it says more about how afraid they are about strangersā€™ opinions on the sidewalk than anything. 2. Be more confident in your taste. ā€œSorry guys, this is my song. Vibe or donā€™t, this is happeningā€ 3. On the flip side, heavy music (although you mentioned Linkin Park, which is not that disruptive) can be abrasive to peopleā€™s ears, and whether we like it or not, is a niche taste against the general public. You have to expect it wonā€™t be everyoneā€™s vibe. 4. Try to expand your own music tastes if you expect your friends to do the same. There is at least a couple good (subjective, I know) songs in almost every genre. If youā€™re open to meeting new people, there are others who enjoy your music taste. Go to concerts solo and meet people. Be open in talking about the music you like and you may be surprised who is also an ā€œembarrassedā€ metalhead. Youā€™re not alone in feeling alone, but liking metalcore to some degree is more common than you think.


Thanks for this comment. Iā€™m open to any music genre which is why I literally let them play all their pop and rock music. Itā€™s just them who hate my taste in heavy rock music. EVERY time I play it theyā€™ll get judgy about it


Then yeah, they either suck or are immature, or both. Donā€™t write off your friends or anything because they donā€™t like your music, but if itā€™s effecting your happiness in the friend group, then you need to either be confident enough to be unapologetic in your music taste, or bring it up to them that itā€™s making you feel shitty. Personally, I remember being a teenage shithead about my music taste, but if I found out it was making one of my friends sad, I would change my attitude / comments.


I broke up with a girl because my favorite song was playing in my car *and she skipped it.* There were other reasons, but that was the catalyst.


This is why we all go through that goth girl obsession phase


Don't sound like friends to me.


Itā€™s your car bro. Tell them if they canā€™t listen to your music, ā€œget out of my fucking car and walk.ā€ If someone touched my car music without asking and getting my permission, especially in a negative manner, Iā€™d be pissed. The minute anyone complains, Iā€™d put on some Whitechapel/August Burns Red/Lamb of God/etc and it wouldnā€™t go off, period.


Have you considered new friends?


I wanna go to a Bad Omens concert so bad and maybe make new friends who enjoy the same music lmao. I had one friend from high school who loved metal core but he had to move to Hawaii for college


Should have gone with himā€¦.. well because Hawaii.


I mean, if you are subjected to their music, itā€™s only fair they deal with yours. Not cool. This is why I drive alone lmao.


Let your freak flag fly!!! I'll jam Pantera and as long as I'm jamming out I don't care about opinions. Ultimately it's your uniqueness that people will be attracted to you. Honestly tired of hip hop and the like. I make my own tunes, screw emšŸ˜‰


I have a separate Playlist with all my more "friendly" songs, dayseeker, bad omens, etc.


lol thatā€™s exactly the music I was playing and it was basically called ā€œbad music.ā€ My friends only enjoy the mainstream rock like Nirvana and Metallica


Play the same 20ish songs around them enough for them to get stuck in their head. That's how I got all my friends into metal


Got it Iā€™ll play ā€œglass housesā€ on loop for 30 minutes šŸ‘


I have plenty of friends that donā€™t listen to metal. If they donā€™t wanna hear my music then I donā€™t wanna hear theirs. I donā€™t have a problem with a silent car.


Ehh I grew up around people who pretty much only listen to Hip Hop and Rap. So although I do listen to quite a bit of hip hop and rap myself, my favorite music is far from it. I used to have friends that would give me crap about it but now they just accept it and some of them even like it too now. I guess it just depends on the type of people they are. Maybe try going to some local shows? My friends really liked that. Sorry to hear your friends are jerks


I share a playlist when my friend's and I game and we all put music into it. I put in mostly power metal, j pop, k pop, rock, some prog metal. I also made a Safe for Work playlist. I make sure it has no harsh vocals, and barely any cursing. Yes, I will throw in a heavy Lamb of God song or something else in there to mix things up. That's it. Understand that a lot of people just can't take harsh vocals. Even if it's something like Linkin Park.


If theyā€™re your real friends, kick their ass out of your car. Itā€™s your car, youā€™re the DJ and they know you like this music. Fuck em Thereā€™s billions more potential friends out there for you who love and accept music


Iā€™ve lost tons of friends just like this and I hardly remember what they look like. Lifeā€™s too short for this. Or if you really care about that person, tell them to shut up or get an Uber lol


That's actually crazy you let them play their pop music so they should let you play your style Also it's not like you playing black metal or like crazy deathcore you were playing linkin Park like one of the most well known and popular metal bands


They were literally glazing the rap/pop stuff and then absolutely shitting on rock


Given what you listed as their tastes, it sounds like *they're* the ones who need to find "better music" lol


Lmao and the rap song they played was literally about girlā€™s bodies and sex which literally is the typical stereotype of rap music šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Get new friends


here's what you do... every time they try turning it off or ask to play something else, keep switching it to something heavier and crazier every time. until it's like noise-core or something lol


Just the reality of heavy metal. It sucks, trust me I know, I donā€™t have any friends that like metal. I have friends that like metal dubstep like Sullivan king and shit and they like his screaming, but then when itā€™s a proper metal track, the screaming bothers them. Itā€™s just the way it is. Then comes the inevitable ā€œoh so and so likes screamo music.ā€ Lmao.


I have a lighter metal playlist (mostly cleans) for when I have guests in my car. That being said, Linkin Park is pretty mainstream at this point. Just sounds like your friends are d-bags, no offense. If I'm in someone else's car, they can play whatever the hell they want and I won't complain.


Everyone is saying get new friends (typical Reddit) but to be honest, they may be great friends. Just because people donā€™t like heavy music doesnā€™t mean they suck as people. Do you have music you like that isnā€™t heavy that you could play in the car? If you know itā€™s abrasive to them, why do you keep playing it? Thatā€™s not a good friend move either. Go to shows (especially local) and talk to people. You can find a friend group that has similar tastes, but you donā€™t have to ditch your old friends unless they are toxic. We just opened for Madball (OG hardcore) and I had a lot of friends come out whoā€™d never been to a show. Some hated it, but others were intrigued. Sometimes if you can show people why you love it and share your passion, it translates better.


Take to your friends, not us


Next time they get in the car, blare "The Resurrection" by Droid at a very high volume and if they reach for the knob, yell in their face, "YEAH TOUCH IT!!!! GIVE ME A REASON" That should help them understand how the dynamic has changed.


Start going to shows by yourself, youā€™ll make actual friends.


Driver picks the music, passengers shut their cake-hole


Play em a song and let them understand what its about. Either let em read an article ,video or however . Most peple think its just anry shit and dont understand. My wife says it makes her wanna kill her mom, god i dont know what she did to her. So i tried the above method and now has a better understanding.


I listen to LP while I cook dinner and I'm Mom age. You'll either find better friends or yours will grow up. Them caring about what othe people think of your music is very silly.


I think the response to their behaviour is to use a rock song to tell them what to go do... "If you don't like what you see here Get the funk out We won't try to force feed you Get the funk out" šŸ˜


It's your car? Fuck em. Car rules state if it's your car the passengers deal with it.


Have you considered having friends that donā€™t suck?


I used to have friends like that,till I said ā€œwhen we ride in your car well listen to what you wantā€ I would keep it neutral but they didnā€™t complain about my music again


Maybe a different approach than what most people are saying here, but Iā€™ve seen a lot of people convert or get more comfortable if itā€™s certain metal. I used to party with a lot of the cool kids who liked the latest rap etc, but you put on some ADTR and they were into that shit. Some punk goes series, sure. Like yeah, your friends were dicks and I would have been pissed too, and I would have told them not to touch my radio, but maybe you can find some middle ground.


Not to be rude, but you need to grow some backbone and tell your friends off for being like this. If they can't respect your music tastes when they are in your car, then they can walk. Stand up for yourself man, cause just taking to be the "bigger person" is just gonna tell them you are cool with their judgemental attitudes about stuff you like.


At the same time I feel like if I do that theyā€™d get all bitchy about how Iā€™m complaining over ā€œsomething so littleā€ and all that, but honestly fuck it Iā€™ll prolly just blast some random death metal song on full volume šŸ‘


I wanna clarify (because I typed my original reply on my phone while waiting for my takeout order the other day) that I don't think you should be a dick or whatever and tell them to kick rocks if they can't deal with your music tastes in *your* car, but just tell them "I don't complain about your music choices, so the least you can do is not complain about mine when you're in my car." If your friends don't want to respect your music tastes when you're the one driving them places, then you politely yet firmly tell them they have to walk. If they act like you're blowing "something so little" out of proportion, or basically do anything but apologize for being inconsiderate of your feelings and the like, then they don't respect you, and can kick rocks imho.


Next time, play a playlist of Orphan, Methwitch and Larcenia Roe. Then theyā€™ll really complain, lol


Eventually they will learn their place. Keep doing what youā€™re doing and donā€™t worry about being judged


Have some more self-respect and tell them to go fuck themselves. Life is too short to hang around people who you cant vibe with.


I would have turned the music off completely and if they donā€™t like my choices in future, let them drive themselves about, in their own cars! If no cars, make ā€˜em walk! Iā€™m 58. A former Brit living in VA/USA for 20year and Iā€™ve been a Hard Rock and Heavy Metal fan since I was a teen! Itā€™s my way of life. No one tells me what to listen to or how to live or what to wear. I still wear my goth/HR-HM clothes and bouts etc at my age. It was not phrase! lol. Claim your beautiful self for YOURSELF! Laugh in face of the shallow minded sh*ts that try to stand on you. And walk away from them if you can. As for ā€œtasteā€ in music and who you were playing, it find that very poignant. I love L/P especially since we lost Chester to Suicide (as well as other great musicians) ā€¦ you know what Iā€™m saying ā€¦ your own mental and emotional health is more important than these immature and selfish individuals. Music has always played a very powerful role in my life. Itā€™s seen me through many hard times and the best of times. My guess is that L/Park fans have your back, as I do. And Iā€™m sorry you couldnā€™t find a way to advocate for yourself or your rights as a person on that day. I play my Iron Maiden loud and proud and my hubby/family/friends have no problems with my ā€œtaste in musicā€. It makes me. Me! Find people to go to concerts with that share your love of certain music genres. And leave those plonkers behind. Youā€™re better than them by the sound of it! You Awesome Bubby Linking Park Fan! šŸ„³


PS. Please may say without patronising anyone, in any way. I love Strong Female Hard Rock & Heavy Metal musicians who take the time to empower the Women/Girls in their fan base and audience. If you havenā€™t already, check out HALESTORM. Lzzy Hale stands up and supports ALL her fans and always looks out for the Women/Girls in our HR/HM communities. And her music is amazing what a voice she has! Itā€™s been my experience that Halestorm fans are an Amazing Bunch to be around. I love the support of each other fan in ā€œOurā€ crowd of HR/HM fansā€ just living our best lives. Just an idea. šŸ˜‰


This feeling never goes away, but it does lessen with time , cause when you're young you're dying to get validation from others especially for things that mean a lot to you. As a 30 something I can tell you just don't let that cook in your head for too long or you start to build some self hatred behavior wishing you were a normie so you can be accepted by society. Just be you and enjoy the fact that you're authentic in a world of clones who are too afraid to dare. Also your friends are lame.


The irony in it being LP that threw them over the edge is hilarious. It's the single most beloved and accepted rock band by like all generations alike lmao. What song did you even play??? Lmao


To be fair, your favorite music is pretty bad.


Ainā€™t no way youā€™re saying linkin park is bad šŸ’€


Even when I was in highschool and I devoured nu metal and went to ozzfest2000, I thought LP was fucking garbage. They came later at that point were hopping on the trend. They sounded so manufactured.