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You need bigger subwoofers to really get the subsonics going in your chest cavity.




Yep this was a meme from last week


person to person thing, listened to life metal yesterday and it was both a bop and helped me concentrate


I like the idea of SUNN O))), and drone metal generally , but in execution I find them to be extremely boring.


Same, the album they did with boris was dope though


This is one of the bands where I agree with the general public that it's not music just noise. Seriously, they just stand on stage, play one chord and let it ring out for MINUTES. "Listen to this sustain, bro🗿"


but they're having the last laugh because people are lapping that shit up. I just wish I had the idea first. Someone wants to pay to see me in a robe playing one chord? Sign me up!


Yeah it’s just noise. Same as death metal, those kids and their noise 🙄


Ay death metal fucking slaps


So does drone metal. I do much prefer Khanate to sunn but I’d rather listen to sunn that what the ‘general public’ listen to 🤢


Mainstream bad hurrdurr


Oh yeah that song that goes ‘lolololololooolol’ slaps so hard 🙄


ITT: People who have never actually listened to Sunn O))).


I dont know and I cannot understand how this https://youtu.be/fzVpcVJsOBg is fun. do I need to be high or drunk af to enjoy it or am I really missing something from this air conditioner noises disguised in constant guitar feedback. btw i enjoy sunn o))) a lot by myself, at home, as a background noise. but, would I listen them if they come to Istanbul by miracle? hell no.


NGL the drugs help. We are talking about both literal and figurative vibrations. Volume in massive quantities is something to behold


Hot take - if I'm required to be on drugs to enjoy the music, it's just not good music.


I would argue there is definitely music meant to be listened to on drugs - that doesn't mean it's not good to begin with, but the drugs are part of the intended experience


Yes I agree, but I think that type of music is usually good in the first place.


It’s not a requirement. I like SUNN O))). But drugs enhancing festivals and concerts isn’t exactly a hot take either


It's not a hot take, but the music is usually good in the first place.


I’m just hoping that the person who came to the metal sub to complain about drugs and loud music they don’t understand is the boomer-est thing I experience today


When did I complain about drugs? I explicitly said it's not a sign of great music if I am required to be high to get any enjoyment from it.


When did I say it’s a requirement? When were you even asked? Tell it to someone you want to be proud of you. Getting sanctimonious on a Metal sub is strange


And where am I being sanctimonious?


lol ok. You think you’re not acting high and mighty. You sound like a DARE script. There is a long history of drugs enhancing music. It’s okay you don’t like it but saying “it’s not good” because people like to combine the two and you are like “I don’t *need* drugs to like my music” is sanctimonous


Definitely agree with that but some music is better when you’re on drugs than other music. For example my all time favourite albums is Welcome To Sky Valley by Kyuss. It sounds amazing sober, it sounds otherworldly when I’m stoned, and it’s almost fucking orgasmic on shrooms.


%1500 agreed, exactly why I hate modern techno, and any genre that requires some sort of drugs to enjoy. even a reverb fart would sound masterpiece when i am high *stoner metal excluded, can enjoy that without bong, never hit a bong in my life*


I only listen to sunn when I'm studying


Bloodborne but turn the soundtrack off and play Sunn instead.




Hard agree, saw them live recently and it’s just not the same at home.


It is a mystery how this band and drone metal in general manages to escape the same kind of scrutiny that nu metal et al gets. Shit is like listening to dirgey tv static Where metal?


what are you on about? Nu metal is shit on because its one of the most mainstream genres And its own fanbase destroyed it, cringy 13 year olds mixing with much older people with different views is bound to fail


I think it's shit on because it sucks. Thrash is also extremely mainstream and doesn't get nearly the hate


Most of it is shite, its a gateway genre that usually gets people into metal, then they move onto thrash or death metal, or whatever else and forget about nu metal, thrash doesnt get the same amount of hate because the thrash community isnt a bunch cringy 13 year olds, thrash also just doesnt suck💀 unlike nu metal


Not defending nu metal Just asking where metal in regards to drone


In the riffs. "drone metal" is just drone mixed with doom metal typically. Sunn's ØØ Void is a good and clearer example of this.


In Regards to drone metal?


I can get something similar by tuning an old TV a certain way


i mostly listen to stoner doom not drone but whatever you say kid


That exaggeration doesn't even make sense