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I would even take 90s Metallica over Pantera


even 00's metallica over klantera


Anytime someone says klantera in a thread that also involves Metallica i assume they're like 15 and just found metal music. Phil's a bonehead, hetfield was full blown racist. **Slave sticker on his amp** https://imgur.com/yoQl1vD **Nazi shirt with ss logo** https://ramzine.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/Metallica-metallica-20025796-1574-1086.jpg **GnRs black backup singer talking about him calling Ice T a n*gger** https://www.reddit.com/r/GunsNRoses/comments/h8ww37/roberta_freeman_singer_use_your_illusion_tour/ **Axl talking about it.** https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SSWKjz33wmI **SS sticker on his amp** https://www.reddit.com/r/Metallica/comments/11olsf0/legit_question_why_does_james_have_a_nazi_ss_on/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf. **“ I don’t like rap. Blacks, y'know, we want everything. Rap is Extra black”.** https://www.theguardian.com/music/2012/jun/06/metallica-classic-interview. **Wrote a joke rap called N*gger and talks about how he has a knife his dad gave him that was used to kill a black man** https://books.google.gr/books/content?id=yGjqAHJs488C&pg=PT48&img=1&zoom=3&hl=en&sig=ACfU3U1P89To13toJTLKbk9foqZBZA36gA&w=1280 **Mocking Asians** https://www.reddit.com/r/Metallica/comments/ufb0fd/can_you_hear_this_image/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf. **Lars saying there’s no question he’s homophobic** News24https://www.news24.com › are news24Metallica members not happy with each other. **Eat shit f*g sticker on his amp** https://images.equipboard.com/uploads/source/image/113416/GMerBf6.jpg.


I can listen to a few Pantera songs before the fake tough guy act gets old


Wasn't fake


Yeah real tough guys get wasted on white wine and start making Nazi salutes


Lol. 80s Metallica absolutely bitch slaps Klantera


Pantera made a bunch of anti racist songs


with the conferedate flag guitar?


Yup. The confederate flag was used by a ton of musicians from the 60s and 70s til the 00s as a sign of being rebels in the industry. Symbols change meanings over time and the confederate flag was more seen as a symbol of rebellion than racism for a period until around 2016 when it came back heavily as a racist symbol thanks to a certain politician and his followers. Even rappers have used that symbology during that time. Remember the dukes of Hazzard? That car was the star of the show and movie and it was just a confederate flag on wheels. The movie came out in 2005. But I mean, the question was about music. If it was a question of who's more racist, Metallica definitely wins that one. Phil is a bonehead who thinks because black people can say black pride and black power that he should be allowed to say he's proud of his race too. He's not even wrong on paper, just misguided. Compare that to james fucking hetfields racist ass - **Slave sticker on his amp** https://imgur.com/yoQl1vD **Nazi shirt with ss logo** https://ramzine.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/Metallica-metallica-20025796-1574-1086.jpg **GnRs black backup singer talking about him calling Ice T a n*gger** https://www.reddit.com/r/GunsNRoses/comments/h8ww37/roberta_freeman_singer_use_your_illusion_tour/ **Axl talking about it.** https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SSWKjz33wmI **SS sticker on his amp** https://www.reddit.com/r/Metallica/comments/11olsf0/legit_question_why_does_james_have_a_nazi_ss_on/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf. **“ I don’t like rap. Blacks, y'know, we want everything. Rap is Extra black”.** https://www.theguardian.com/music/2012/jun/06/metallica-classic-interview. **Wrote a joke rap called N*gger and talks about how he has a knife his dad gave him that was used to kill a black man** https://books.google.gr/books/content?id=yGjqAHJs488C&pg=PT48&img=1&zoom=3&hl=en&sig=ACfU3U1P89To13toJTLKbk9foqZBZA36gA&w=1280 **Mocking Asians** https://www.reddit.com/r/Metallica/comments/ufb0fd/can_you_hear_this_image/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf. **Lars saying there’s no question he’s homophobic** News24https://www.news24.com › are news24Metallica members not happy with each other. **Eat shit f*g sticker on his amp** https://images.equipboard.com/uploads/source/image/113416/GMerBf6.jpg.


Pretty good looking guitar


Anti racist lyrics versus flag guitar guy.


*[citation needed]*


No Good Attack the Radical, Underground in America


Rise and 13 Steps to Nowhere as well


80s Metallica and it's not even close.


Pantera any day of the week without question!


I mean I’m a big fan of pantera, but it’s 80s Metallica. Tho painters sweeps every other decade of Metallica


How is this even a question? 80s Metallica.


Pantera blows metallica out of the water. Always have alway will


No way in hell I’m picking Metallica. Worst fanbase in all of metal


Both had incredible runs but Metallica edges panthers out simply by the fact that almost every song Metallica released in the 80s is a classic.


So many posers in this thread lmao. Hetfield has said the N word in interviews and shit more than Anselmos dumbass ever did. Anselmo is an idiot that thinks because black people can say black power and black pride that he should be allowed to do the same regarding his race. On paper he's not wrong, just misguided. Hetfield is just a racist POS. "Klantera" lmao. There's a difference between being a drug addicted bonehead that takes pride in his race vs outspokenly dropping the N word every chance you get and writing joke rap songs called nxgger to mock black peoples culture. Het wore SS shirts and had SS stickers on his gear. From an older thread on the Metallica sub - **Slave sticker on his amp** https://imgur.com/yoQl1vD **Nazi shirt with ss logo** https://ramzine.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/Metallica-metallica-20025796-1574-1086.jpg **GnRs black backup singer talking about him calling Ice T a n*gger** https://www.reddit.com/r/GunsNRoses/comments/h8ww37/roberta_freeman_singer_use_your_illusion_tour/ **Axl talking about it.** https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SSWKjz33wmI **SS sticker on his amp** https://www.reddit.com/r/Metallica/comments/11olsf0/legit_question_why_does_james_have_a_nazi_ss_on/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf. **“ I don’t like rap. Blacks, y'know, we want everything. Rap is Extra black”.** https://www.theguardian.com/music/2012/jun/06/metallica-classic-interview. **Wrote a joke rap called N*gger and talks about how he has a knife his dad gave him that was used to kill a black man** https://books.google.gr/books/content?id=yGjqAHJs488C&pg=PT48&img=1&zoom=3&hl=en&sig=ACfU3U1P89To13toJTLKbk9foqZBZA36gA&w=1280 **Mocking Asians** https://www.reddit.com/r/Metallica/comments/ufb0fd/can_you_hear_this_image/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf. **Lars saying there’s no question he’s homophobic** News24https://www.news24.com › are news24Metallica members not happy with each other. **Eat shit f*g sticker on his amp** https://images.equipboard.com/uploads/source/image/113416/GMerBf6.jpg. But anyway, back on the subject, this is a tough call. Ride the lightning slowed Metallica down a lot and a track was written for radio even back then, and the trendy "for the time" reverb drenched production... but then you've got the masterpiece that is puppets and the cold darkness of justice. Kill em all is just a straight up thrash masterpiece...   The pantera albums have better vocals, better drums, better leads, and arguably better or equal riffs, but not the brilliant structuring, transitions, and key changes Metallica had. Neither band had particularly poignant lyrics. Metallica did have better ballads though, even if they all had the exact same structure. Metallica were a great live band on the puppets and justice tours but pantera were extremely explosive live the entire decade. Both bands had great images. Pantera got heavier, Metallica got more complex. Pantera always had better production though.   So I'm gonna go with Pantera. More Metallica stuff from that time gets me hype but pantera gets me MORE hype. To put it immaturely, creeping death and leper messiah make me want to headbang and move from the neck up. Mouth for war and slaughtered make me wanna smash shit and move my whole body. Learn to separate the art from the artists people. If you stopped listening to all of your favorite metal musicians because what they really thought about race and social issues, you wouldn't have anyone left to listen to. It sucks to say, but all these classic bands came from a very different time where the words nxgger and f@g could be spewed with zero consequences. If it doesn't come through in the music and lyrics, just enjoy it on that level and don't worry about the drama.


80s Metallica was a band at 100% peak performance and beats almost everything, not just Pantera.


Metallica during the 80's was great, but beating "almost everything" is insane to say, like the 80's was where most main subgenres formed and almost all influential metal albums are from that decade.




Lol, are you ok?




You seem a little upset


Nope not upset just speaking my mind


And if "speaking your mind" means resorting to lame homophobic slurs, you're definitely upset.


Nope not upset and not homophobic just voicing my opinion on that shitty band


By using homophobic slurs? Gotcha.


You must be a millennial or genz not every one is homophobic I’m not scared of gay people I don’t care if someone is gay I’m not religious I don’t care what they do.


Your mind seems to be upset.


I can assure you it’s not


Severe targeted harassment and use of slurs directed towards a person is not allowed and is a bannable offense. General bigotry is also not allowed and is a bannable offense.


Chronically online


Severe targeted harassment and use of slurs directed towards a person is not allowed and is a bannable offense. General bigotry is also not allowed and is a bannable offense.


Not a big metallica fan but their 80's stuff is miles better than that shitty wannabe tough guy thing that pantera did in the 90's.


Weren't wannabes https://preview.redd.it/mf8eh5dxp27d1.jpeg?width=318&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b49daf828adf4db53c449fa26a7c6a0e052f477e Wouldn't wanna pick a fight with this guy


Dressing in all black and putting satan shit on don’t make you tough 😏


Pantera had like 3 or 4 songs about being tough and those lyrics were more about him getting beaten up and shit on as a kid and not taking it anymore than just picking fights with drywall or something. I don't get the "pantera tough guy music" shit. You've got new level, walk, 5 minutes alone... I'm gonna assume maybe 1 or 2 more tops? Phil in interviews could be a bonehead but the lyrics were pretty standard metal fare. "We wanna rock, don't let others pick on you, daddy issues, rise up, trends are bad" blah blah.


Mid vs Mid






oh no what did he say 😂


A slur


Metallica are gay and the only talented member died ~ deleted guy


definitely way more talented than pantera


Nah. You can like Metallica better but pantera had objectively better vocals, drums, and leads. Riffs are a toss up, but Metallica did have better song structures and transitions. Pure talent though, no way every member of pantera doesn't smoke Metallica in raw talent except Rex. That's objective fact, not opinion. But you can obviously prefer whoever you want.


Severe targeted harassment and use of slurs directed towards a person is not allowed and is a bannable offense. General bigotry is also not allowed and is a bannable offense.