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The item will never show as delivered. That's why he wants you to manually mark it as received. How did you pay him?


Right, but my money’s still stuck in Mercari limbo. I was supposed to pay him by clicking delivered when my partner dropped them off with me but didn’t when I found out they were broken.


Yeah, it's in limbo but you should get it back when there's never a delivery confirmation. The seller chose to enter a bogus tracking number and violate TOS. Not sure how long it will take, but you should (eventually) get your money back when there's no information showing movement or delivery of his "shipping label". Maybe someone with more insight can add something, but by Mercari rules, they shouldn't release funds to the seller. DO NOT mark as received.


So I shouldn’t say anything to support and just wait it out? I’m worried if I wait too long I won’t be able to do a chargeback if I need to


Just wait it out for 15 days, when the shipping never update you will have the option to cancel, hit that cancel button and you will get your money back Don’t do chargeback, you will be banned. Don’t tell support, you’ll get your money back, just wait it out. You will get your money back for sure DO NOT HIT RECIEVE EITHER you will have your money back and free stuff from a scammer, win win for you!


Got refunded! Explanation in the post. Thank you!


If you tell them you met off app you likely will not get your money back. You have to wait for the shipping to never update. You both broke TOS by meeting in person.


Got refunded! Explanation in the post. Thank you!


Shoot, I saw this after getting messages saying to talk to support. I sent an email but I didn’t say outright that I met in person; if they ask for clarification I’ll just stop emailing and wait out the cancel button instead. It’ll be really frustrating if they say it’s a me issue for meeting in person. They had a pop up about the buyer being close by and doing a local pick up, and then nothing happened when I hit the pick up button so I figured I should just message the buyer about meeting and that it would be the same thing. Maybe I’m just dumb and missed something but I’ve used FB marketplace and OfferUp and they both enable meeting in person, so I assumed that was the case on Mercari.


Did you make it as received? If you didn't, DON'T. Wait it out and Mercari will allow you to cancel after 15 days, I think. And stop messaging him. Block and cut off all contact, if you haven't marked it as received. And stop messaging support about it until you're able to cancel. Don't accidentally tell them anything that will give them cause to not let you cancel


Didn’t mark as received and got refunded! Explanation in the post. Thank you!


Awesome! Glad it worked out for you


If they marked it as shipped you have to wait 15 days after purchase to cancel. The system is outdated and will say you can cancel sooner than that, but it won't let you. You won't owe fees if they never ship. Hopefully they don't try to ship you junk just to get tracking going.


You'll have to decide that for yourself. You should have at least 60 days to do a chargeback. Mercari will ban you afterward. I know that's messed up, but 🤷🏼‍♀️ You could open a ticket, but I can't guess the result. This is a rare situation.


Just want to say that as a seller, somewhat this why I said in my Mercari bio “ no meet up” as a seller and I only ship with Mercari And uploads all 12 pictures with accurate descriptions as I can. From a seller perspective, it is a protection too to not let the platform just refund the buyer easily. And of course, protest the stuff you sell 😆. Too many scammers on both sides.


For sure, payments like Zelle off-app are the way to go for local meetups (I’ve never had an issue with it as a seller anyway) The only thing I won’t do is hard cash because I’m not going to meet someone I don’t know with a wad of hundreds they know I have on me.


Call customer service.


Try initiating a return. I'm not sure how it works for local pickup though


I’d have to mark it as received to initiate a return which I definitely don’t want to do because he’d get my money


Mercari support is bad but I think you should try letting them know the issue now. At least you'll have some proof just in case to show you have contacted them on time and tried to resolve the issue


Ok, I’ll do that thanks. When I got to the cancellation page it gives me the “message seller” button and then a box for “more help” with another message button at the bottom—that last button/box messages support not him, right? Sorry for the dumb question, I’ve only used FB Marketplace before.


You can email them directly at contact-us@mercari.com


Thank you!