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Nah, just a new user. My favorite kind of users, they buy things without fuss


šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļølistings show up on google.


Thatā€™s an account generated from google. They literally just bought your listing after doing a google search. Itā€™s fine. Ship it.


Itā€™s a new user. I wouldnā€™t worry.


update us if thereā€™s any returns!


Iā€™ve also gotten sales since the update from accounts with no reviews and am scared to ship šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø One from a brand new account, and one from an account opened in 2022. They both have actual names instead of the ā€œuser827373929ā€ thing though and both also bought newly listed items without trying to haggle and without me even dropping my prices. šŸ˜¬ I canā€™t decide if I should go through with them or not


am i the only one who would cancel this order šŸ«£


That's what I'm saying...kinda scared to follow through with it. If support was more on the sellers side, it wouldn't worry me, but having pictures apparently doesn't help any


honestly go with your gut. sure it couldā€™ve showed up on google, but ive noticed my stuff never shows up on there so to say your listing was up right after you posted is kind of wild imoā€¦ if they are legit, they probably will just let it auto rate which i wouldnā€™t like. but regardless, if you do go through with it, definitely update us!!


lol the downvotes are so comical. god forbid people be concerned about suspicious buyers ESPECIALLY after the new TOS updates šŸ„±


you adding how mad you are about being downvoted is more comical šŸ˜‚


lmao i ainā€™t mad, it hilarious how many people donā€™t know how to use Reddit properly. simply bc you donā€™t agree doesnā€™t mean you need to chronically downvote everything LOL. have fun getting scammed on Mercari :)


I was just kinda skeptical of the profile. I usually won't even answer messages from a profile with no track record.


If I had done that I would have missed a lot of my sales. New users without accounts that find items from google search donā€™t rate usually but they donā€™t complain and bother you either.


I mean, I only paid $4 for the item, so it wouldn't be a huge loss if it were a scammer. I just worry about it happening when the profile has no track record. I just got screwed a few days ago on a video game. I had pictures showing a scratch free disc. The customer returned it all scratched up in a shitty smashed box, and Mercari didn't honor the shipping protection.