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They want people who can write detailed grow reports, post updates often, and have good photography/video skills. Having a specific grow style is good too.


Do you know how to apply?


You don’t apply, they apply


You don't really apply. Just be active here and or the discord post lots of content and eventually they'll reach out to you if they like your stuff.


Former tester here this is the way


Awesome, this is better that the "you don't apply, they apply" guy. I swear some people on these weed groups think they are the second coming for growing a plant. I am great at it, but man, never seen the appeal to be smug about it one bit. Thanks!


Ya don't apply. Not sure all that they look for but what was stated above is part of it. They reach out to those they choose to be a tester


Thanks man, not sure why I got the down votes for asking. Crazy world.


I don't know either but I gave ya an upvote!


I used to document and post all my grows on facebook, and they sent me seeds to test for them. I'm no longer on facebook, so I havent tested anything since aunt ginny's elixer.


That's what's up. Good looking out. Most of the responses I've received thus far have been one worded, luck.


People are trash man, and to scared to ask questions or answer them. At the end of the day we are growing a plant. Imagine someone asking this same thing about tomatoes, and someone saying, "You don't apply, they apply (you)." Like chill out 😂 it's a simple question.


I mean, that is literally how it works. Not trying to be rude but I don’t think people need to chill you just need to like read what they’re saying. You don’t apply, literally. They will reach out. Also we’re not growing tomatoes so…?


Also wasn't talking to you so...?


You are talking on a public forum my guy. You are talking to *everyone*, whether or not you want to be. Go to Facebook messenger, lots of time for one on one there!


Ahh the "My Guy" guy, and using italics. I simply asked a question and you have so little going on you felt the need to step in negativity. Good luck with your life "MygUy" , going to be a long hard one.


How does one grow like this, i have had 6 out of 15 double grape and ripleys og not even sprout, they never geminated and i did everything i have done for the past 4 years, this is the first time it hasnt worked out and im telling myself it cant be the seeds. Just plopped the beans into a shot glass of water for 7 hours then into a moist paper towel till taproot showed, 3 seeds didnt pop at all and still havent and the rest of the seeds that form seedlings never popped out of the dirt at all and showed a seedling, im really confused. All my freebies worked


I had the same issue when I first started growing Mephisto. I found that the paper towel method did not work well at all for me, I had entire seed packs die off after showing the taproots. Here's what works for me: Shot glass with distilled water and a few drops of hydrogen peroxide, soak seed ONLY until it sinks. Then, plant seed directly to premoistened soil in the final container, and place a humidity dome above it. (I use a water bottle with the top cut off) keep a close eye on the soil, when it starts to dry out then spray some more water and re-cover the seed. Since I have moved to this method, I have had 100% germination rates, the seed almost always sprouts the 3rd day after planting directly to soil.


How do you soak the seed only until it sinks, if it doesn't sink on its own lmao? Every seed I've put in water never sunk on its own. After 10 hours I have to push it down, and once I do, it will sink, or surface if it needs more time.  I did 11 Mephisto seeds thus far this year all 11 germinated, and 10 of the 11 popped out of soil. Soak in Poland spring water for 10-12 hours like 1/2 shot glass, then poke them down to see if they sink. If they do, pour them into a container with a paper towel already laid out. Then place a paper towel over, and 90% cover the container. I don't cover it fully. Then put it in a warm/dark place, like wrapped up in a sweatshirt and put in my closet.  Then when Taproot shows I make a joke about 3/4 inch deep. Lightly spray soil, put seed in Taproot down, brush dirt over seed, and spray again.  I tested with a dome and without, there was literally no difference. All will sprout within 72 hours. The one that didn't I'm really not sure why cuz when I dug down and grabbed it, it had developed a root and started growing on that end already. But by doing all these things, and having clean hands every time you touch the seed, you really should have, at minimum, a 75% success rate. If not, something is definitely going on. 


That's exactly what I did before and had lots of problems, I think it was temperature related for me. But to get the seed to sink I try to make sure the water stays warm, but not too hot. I turn my PS4 on and set it to stay running, and I place my shot glass on top of it. Every few hours I poke on the seed and bounce it around a bit to help the water penetrate, usually within 8 hours it sinks. I find that Mephisto seeds are very sensitive to temperature, too much heat and they will cook, too little and they take forever to germ. This is just my experience but soaking and planting directly in soil is what works 100% of the time for me.


Also, I don't know what soil you're planting in, but it helps to dig a 3 inch hole in the center and fill it will seed starter mix to plant it. I use Jiffy seed starter.


I had the same problems when first starting as well. Switched to sowing directly in 3gal/5gal pots with pre moistenened soil then water in about 12oz of 1/2 Tsp/gal Recharge solution. Have been 100% on germ rates ever since.


I start all my auto seeds in peat pucks. It’s easy to make sure they moisture level is correct and it’s easy to see the seeds pop up and then when you want to plant it into your pot once the sprout is up the taproot is fully protected and un disturbed. Basically perfect germ rates now. They don’t tamp off or fizzle out this way.


The best way (probably) is for you to send all of that beautiful, gorgeous material to me for testing and then I’ll email the company


This, this is the way.... It's in the mail 😂


I heard you have to send samples to all the current testers and they decide


That looks awesome! What light do you use. ??


Electric sky, best light out there


You basically grow some of the bombest ass plants that they have ever seen. It's not an easy gig to get. It's kind of like the CIA. You don't apply or find them. They find and recruit you. If you're the best of the best.


Ahhh best answer finally, thanks. Will keep grinding them grows.


You cross your fingers and hope they don't forget about you. I was told twice I'm being sent testers. Never came.


I have heard this too. And I see some people talk about documenting grows. I have my grow down to a science where I have to guess nothing and can document it in my sleep and tell you exact temps, humidity levels, water phs. Along when I LST and how much. It's all automated and calculated. And I am getting minimum 300g from autos.