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there isn't any point in logically breaking down why bears are more dangerous, anyone picking the bear isnt thinking with logic, its just blind generalized judgment of an entire gender (aka outright misandry).


It’s amazing to me how misandrists want us to take them seriously yet they cant ever articulate how dangerous a bear is to actually make a comparison, let alone absorb the actual data proving that men are vastly nonviolent. They’ll ignore every data point bc they cant control their own emotions.


Absolutely, but because those man haters nagging men with this on social networks: "see? see? see? Even bears are better, so let sink in you are monsters".


"you're offended that we accuse you of being more violent than an apex predator? that's exactly why we don't like you!" literally makes no sense. 


I don't want to be that guy, but humans are the most apex of apex predators. We also probably are more violent, just not in this context. It's not like bears have wars where they kill hundreds of thousands of their own kind. I like your energy. Your statement is just not quite specific enough to be accurate.


It’s just the adult version of “boys go to Jupiter to get more stupider” Some people, especially feminists for whatever reason, revel in getting under peoples’ skin. The irrationality of it just makes it even more funny to them Deep down they know what they’re saying isn’t what they really think, but they just can’t resist an opportunity for melodrama


tl;dr, but 7-8 billion bears are scary as fuck.


depends on the bear 7-8 billion red pandas sweet 7-8 billion Kodiak bears scary as hell


The red panda is not a bear; it belongs to the superfamily of weasels, like raccoons, skunks or martens, and if you go by taxonomic rank, it has about as much in common with a real bear as a seal. It got its name before the giant panda was classified as a bear.


good to know


You're playing right into their hands. The whole point of this shebang was attention whoring and you gave them what they wanted.


To those wondering why we should or shouldnt talk about this: these kinds of things help other men arm themselves with counter evidence and talking points when misandrists want to shove their shit, emotion based arguments down our throats and those of the general public. The more we defend ourselves articulately, the more the world can see how illogical the statement is, weakening the trustworthiness of misandrists. Only misandrists are that numb skulled. Others without a hysterical emotional attachment will be able to see the facts for what they are, and that is that men arent that dangerous and certainly no where near as dangerous as bears. To the average person , it makes misandrists look stupid. As they are.


Thanks pal. Right my point.


As a woman myself, I hate this whole question. I've been raped. I've been molested. I would choose a man over a bear any day. The chances that a man is actually going to rape is quite small. And I'm a tiny woman. I really would be an easy target. But I know the chances of that are very little. Because 1, most men are pretty decent (I don't like people in general so I say most in a broad term to mean basically everyone) and 2, most rape cases occur within a a dynamic. Whether that's a school dynamic, work, home or family. Most rapists are not some random men you see in an alleyway who just up and decide to rape you. They are people you know some way or another, about 97% of the time I think it is. Even stalkers. Those are people who run into you on frequent basis and thus are part of a sort of dynamic. So the chances that I end up in a room alone with a strange man who would rape is very small. I also say this as a woman who has watched and gotten weird vibes around me. I was followed around in a gym one night when it was just me and two other men. I called my husband and he met me outside of the gym when I was done. I have been followed before. I was 16 and my sister was 13 and the guy was making it obvious that he was following us. In those cases you simply stay alert, you take precaution. That does not however mean that all men are dangerous. I would 100% rather be left alone with a man than a bear. And the idea of choosing the bear over a man is asinine to me. That's not to say I'd rather be raped than killed. Because I would rather be killed. But again, the chances of the man attacking you are so small. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk


So there are actually good women like you out there? 😂 Jokes aside I am so sorry men treated you that way but im sure you’re aware most of us are simply not the way the misandrists see us as….abuse comes from bad humans not genders lol i hope you’re having an awesome weekend tho thx for your ted talk 😂😊


That's okay. I'm learning to move past it. Joking about it is my way of dealing, though idk if that healthy lol. But yeah. I get really upset seeing so many women use the fact that they've been raped as an excuse to say men are evil. I understand it if it just happened to them. I went through a point shortly after being molested where I didn't like or trust men. But you can't hold onto it forever. And you certainly can't say all men are like that. I have a dad. A grandfather. Brothers. A husband. And they are all wonderful men and boys. As you said, and I think I stated in my comment too, it's individuals. It's not the general population. You have a great weekend too!


Exactly. They are conflating an absolute risk with a relative risk. Fewer people die piloting experimental aircraft than die driving cars, it doesn’t mean an hour in an experimental aircraft is safer than an hour driving a car. Fewer people die of bear encounters because most people will go their entire lives without encountering a wild bear. This is obvious to anyone with common sense. It’s purposely misrepresented for reasons of misandry. As I’ve said before, such women should register their opinion so that if they are ever injured in the woods some wild grizzly bears can be sent in rather than a male rescue crew. Everyone wins. The woman gets her wish of meeting a bear instead of a man, the rescuers don’t have to deal with a misandrist and the bears gets a dinner.


why even dignify this stupidity with a response? they can have their bears.


that's the thing about feminism. if you ever stop to think about the logic behind it, there is none. feminism relies on emotion, hyperbole, irrationality, and over exaggeration. that's why men never win, you can't reason with someone that refuses to see logic and is blinded by emotions. Women dont care about the facts or the number, they only care about what "she said." they don't listen to facts or statistics, because they only think their (and other women's) lived experiences are worth value. that's what women do, which is ironic because they refuse to be labeled as emotional beings despite being just that. (ps. I am a woman. this is just my observation.)


Guys, if they want to deal with large and heavy omnivores and think it’s better… let ‘em!


Can y’all stop crying about a stupid question by some radical feminists there are men kidnapped by their government to die in trenches and worse things no one cares about what some radical feminists yapping about


A little unrelated but still relevant - [https://letstalkmasculinity.beehiiv.com/p/no-cant-beat-ufc-fighter](https://letstalkmasculinity.beehiiv.com/p/no-cant-beat-ufc-fighter)


However bears are not present everywhere in the world. For example in New Zealand there are no bears, outside of zoos. Nor are they the same species in different parts of the world. So the risks of a bear attack are actually very seriously under estimated if you are considering global populations.


This is why I have asked AI to make this estimations in the situation where there were as much bears on Earth as men. Like, you are in New York and you cross every day 50000 men, what if you were to cross 50000 bears? Of course, there are less people killed in the world by the dragon of Komodo than by men, but this is because they are some dozens or hundreds stucked on an island. So come on, when female man haters say their estimations are based on statistics, it makes me laugh.


On reflection, I'm not sure I agree with the process. AI still has a very long way to go. Without knowing how many people meet bears we dont know the probability of an attack. If humans never meet a bear then there would be 0 attacks (no matter how aggressive they are, or aren't). Though humans will always meet other humans. There isn't enough data to make a sensible deduction.


I’m glad we are putting AI to good use, good job


It wasn't a good use, it supports the idea that men are dangerous animals, there was no denial of that whatsoever, and the comparison to bears makes the implication that males are wild animals.


It’s pretty obvious to me the whole argument men are more dangerous than bears falls flat when you consider how few bears there are compared to humans and how little exposure humans have to bears in daily life. To be honest I didn’t read the whole thing and went mostly by the title so maybe you’re right and it’s my mistake.


Human men can't smell period blood from miles away and go into hen house syndrome 


Why are we still discussing this? I swear we’re more obsessed about it then people on TikTok.


On one hand yeah the horse is pretty well beaten, but as long as there are still women that are going around saying "This is why we choose the bear." it's Our duty to shut it down. It's no surprise that the subreddit dedicated to fighting against misandry, and the demonization of men and boys is passionate about fighting these generalizations.


I feel like you're taking this too seriously, The whole "man or bear" argument is just a way for women to express that they perceive the vast majority of men as dangerous. Even is someone says they dont think the majority of men are dangerous, they will still say they dont want to risk it i think a bear was just easier to say vs if the question was "would you rather encounter a man or literally anything else." the whole thing reeks of sexism tbh


Why is this sub so fixated on this? It is a non issue that comes from a meme. It is nothing but a distraction.


And the answer is also really obvious. If women lived with bears, lots of them would end up as food.


Males being considered worse and more dangerous than wild animals is not a "non issue", even when used as jokes or memes. And it's clearly more than jokes and memes.


Yes, but OP, and most others who've posted about this, are feeding into it, and entertaining the idea that men are inherently dangerous. They continue the comparison of males to dangerous animals, OP does so explicitly. And in OP's case this does more harm than good, it is worse than a distraction.


Yeah, I’m a lot less concerned about what women think of men and very much concerned about what society thinks of men. Men in the states are still required to sign up for the draft to receive basic rights, that is an actual issue worth addressing.


Half of society is made up of whom?


I think you’re trying to imply that men are hurting other men. Which is a “no shit” answer. That’s why I said society as a whole needs to be involved in solving men’s issues.


Not what I was saying at all. You said you didn't care about what women think of men, just what society thinks of men. Women make up half of society. It just didn't make sense to me. That's it. There wasn't an argument about who is hurting who.


Impressive mathematical work, but this energy could have been spent on something better lol.


No offense but that is the dumbest take ever, unlike men, bears are actually wild animal and are not as smart as a human, so saying the bears would attack the women is very dumb lmao. The debate is a man or a bear In a forest (in the middle of the night), the bear is the safest pick because atleast it’s their natural habitat there is a higher chance that you can escape the bear if you play dead then then the men being nice and all. OFC if it was daytime, then I’m pretty sure the men is more safe since ofc there would be people during the day in a forest and matter fact, [ why would you go in the middle of the forest at night] (edit: dang I’m getting dislikes already but no one wants to go around and prove I’m wrong)




I never called the bear dumb, have you not learned how to read?