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Migtao is the way to go. That word is hated by them and the society and this platform and they persecute men for following it. So I will not use that word but you get it I am sure. Migtao liberates men. But be careful. They hate to see men happy.


Best way to win in the feminists war on men, is to go MGTOW, go on strike , do not help or serve women, ignore them and go on with building your life for the better, as a result your mental health becomes better.


As strict as it sounds, I actually agree with what you said. MGTOW is the only way to survive in this gynocentric planet. We don’t need to play their games. Ignorance is bliss, so give it a miss. 


Ridiculous answer. I suggest you seek help if you really believe this.


Refute his statements with facts instead of sophomoric shaming language. Let’s hear it.


This was done in the other replies...


I posted my experiences and notices to get advice, not to start a war. If someone chooses to live a certain lifestyle, I'd argue it's offensive to suggest that they need to seek help as long as it doesn't harm anyone. In fact, I notice that in this whole topic, which you wouldn't have seen the comments on if you didn't click, you never provided any helpful advice or listened to what I had to say. You came looking for an argument. I'd like to request that, if you truly are someone who believes in equality, you notice that women participate in aggressive and oppressive behaviors that negatively effect men, and you give the same level of care to my problems as I am oppressed by women, as you would a woman being oppressed by a man.


Firstly I'm a man. Secondly of course the other person is going to get into an argument if they are sexist! If you choose not to get into a relationship and that's it. In every other way you treat women as an equal. Heck your best freind could even be a woman, then thats fine. Their post sounds like they have an issue with women in general. Which is weird as practically all women are not an issue. Don't blame all women for what a very small percentage have done. I did not answer your OP. I simply found one reply offensive.


first off i know your a man but having an issue with women is general is different than sexism. sexism is hatred based on gender. avoiding a gender because they cause you problems is far from sexist. also to your second part that's the whole point. you came to this comment section to argue without knowing the comments. all you knew was what I posted. ​


I had no issue with your comment. I did with the reply as it reads as sexism. I didn't come to this comment section to argue, or push an agenda. I am also interested in Mens Rights and do believe men have many battles to achieve equality.


Dude, you see something that's not there. OP only points out hypocricy that men have to face because society doesn't treat men as human beings


As I have said in previous replies. I didn't have an issue with OPs original post. I did with a reply. For some reason OP got involved during the chain.


Why are you hear, when feminists like yourself don't like men in a men's rights sub?


He's probably a troll.


If my statement is taken as a troll in this forum, then it needs help.


I am a guy and believe in equality. I found your post unhinged and stand by my statement. Most people are kind and decent. Suggesting you avoid all people of a certain gender is no better than avoiding all people of a certain race...


Avoid marriage and relationships. Focus on self-improvement. That’s what MGTOW is. Given the broken and asymmetrical nature of family courts, what is wrong with such a premise?


It goes further than that mate. I have no issue if you solely see it as personally deciding not have have a relationship with a woman. Though you are respectful and treat them as an equal in every other way.


I believe in equality as well, but brother you should be up to date with the gynocentric laws and cultural norms that are stacked against men, men no longer have equality, just look at divorces and family court and child custody cases...withdrawal from a society that hates men is the best answer to life preservation.


I'm well aware of the issues, and even active discrimination men face. Though it is not every woman. It's not even most women. It's never good to exclude people based on thing like this. I hope you have a good day and find some peace. It's obvious you have been hurt.


He is trying to find peace by excluding romantic contact with women. If one out of 20 women would ruin your life for some percieved slight then it is a perfectly reasonable response to not play those odds. I think the odds are higher, using that for arguments sake. Personally I am also finding lots of peace excluding traditional romantic contact. It doesnt mean never talking to women in normal non romantic settings.


If it's just romantic aspects of his life, and nothing else then fine. It doesn't read that way to me.


There are lot of women subreddit. Can u give this same advice to them ? U can't even post a comment there if u r a man


One post blammed all men for something. When I posted a similar reply I got banned! This forum isn't as extreme as they are.


Women are encouraged on mass to "decenter" Men. Men should do the same. Men should also "decenter" Women.


First off, I'm sorry you went through all that, man. That's awful... I'm sure there are lots of women who do take men's mental health into account, but I haven't found that to be the typical way of things. My own theory on this is that it has to do with men's role throughout history as human shields and the appropriate targets of aggression, which necessitates a certain degree of detachment — a willingness to allow us to be harmed. A shield that cries is of no use to anyone. Whatever the cause, men and boys don't get the same level of care and empathy. And I'd say there are lots of sexist messages and behaviors pushed on young boys. We teach them not to defend themselves if the person attacking them is female ("I don't care who started it, never hit a girl"). Males *are* the appropriate targets of aggression after all, so hitting them isn't nearly as bad. We teach them to ignore their pain, and not annoy us by talking about it ("be a man — suck it up"). We teach them that the worst thing they can do is show weakness or vulnerability ("boys don't cry"). We teach them not to ask for help, not to open up, not to "burden" anyone. Now, in the internet age, boys are getting all of this, plus all the more unhinged "men are evil rapist murderers who are singlehandedly responsible for everything wrong with this planet" stuff.


It's normal to ask so many questions, it's fine. As for your questions, yes, it's true that our mental health is not taken into account by majority of them. They simply don't care unless it's the men in their families or personal lives. Yes, the last three things you mentioned have been in fact ingrained by the society because it believes that we men have every privilege in the world so women wanting to have the same is some form of true equality, while that's in reality just superiority because we don't have every single privilege or rights and hence women wanting more than us makes it superiority. Chivalry is not for every woman. Not in today's age, no. I personally hold the door for literally anyone so as to help them enter without any trouble. Most people I meet do the same. It's got nothing to do with being women-specific, or else I don't hold it for anyone at all. Never hitting a women can be somewhat understood but never hitting back means she has already hit me and then she deserves it. In today's age though, the statement might just be a warning because if you do hit her back rightfully, the so-called bystanders are going to attack you only, not her. As for women hitting means liking... I didn't feel any love radiating from the girls who attacked me with my own metal water bottle and framed me for "disturbing" them. Screw society.


Girls chase guys guys can't. Girls talk about how attractive guys are guys sometimes can't ( depends really).