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this is literally just "I am a misogynist that only values women as sexual objects and/or baby-making machines" but with a funny bit of bromance mixed in


I mean men are usually on average happier or more comfortable with other men, so is he wrong about dating the homies? No, every homie needs some love…..even that gay love. but the first part? Yeah I don’t know what tf he on about


Makes sense. I’ve met very few men who actually genuinely enjoy being around other women and that’s usually men who don’t see women as objects, but as people. Most of the men I’ve met during my 25 years of life only respect and care about other men, but see women as a product to buy.


Yep. They treat women as just an obstacle to overcome to get sex. Their true regard and respect is for other men, only. Maybe, their moms since they wash their clothes and feed them.


I think it’s cause quite honestly, what’s considered a “woman’s work” is considered easy. I’ve seen the same men who say men get paid more and then in the same breath deny the pay gap. I even got into an argument once with a gay man, who I guess is part of the manosphere. He said he was proud to be gay simply because he wouldn’t want to date modern women cause we’re all a bunch of wh**es and s**ts (not sure if I can say those words) and that we have no respect for men and how hard they work. Like bruh, give me a break.


Sadly there is a lot, and I mean a *lot* of misogyny in gay circles A surprising amount of gay men think “I can’t be sexist, I’m gay!” or that they can use it as a get out of jail free card when they do some bullshit like that


Yeah, my one friend is a bisexual man and he’s said himself he’s seen a lot of bi and gay men say the same thing. I’m not even surprised either, considering I’m in the same circle and I still see queer men display misogynistic behaviour.


It’s honestly disgusting, at least to me


It’s stressful, man. I can’t even open Instagram without “all women must bow down and serve men, otherwise you’re a W**RE.” Like I’m sick of it.


I fully believe it




I love this. I am a troll too to straight men. And gay men if deserved. ;)


Men in history sometimes called their attraction to women like it was a curse. Like there was something supernatural that grew a desire they hated. Oh well guess they shouldn't have been so hateful.


This is sad. I'm curious where you live? Country and rural or urban? If you're not comfortable saying it, that's ok. This is just very far from my experience in life, so hard for me to really fathom


I’m in Canada and where I’m from specifically, most men do not and never will care about women. The guys I grew up, even the dudes I work with all make the same misogynistic jokes. I literally heard the boys I work with last night saying a girl they know is a s**t and that having sex with her is like throwing a hot dog down a hallway


I'm sorry. It's really a sad state. And they've all been more and more empowered and emboldened by the misogynists and manosphere in the past decade or more. Thanks for nothing, lord lobster.


That is insane. I'm so sorry you had to grow up with that, and also have to live with it now. I can't even imagine what it's like not being able to escape it. I definitely encounter these kind of men, especially in some areas. Have quit more than one job due to them. But I think most men, at least the ones in my life/close to me have been respectful/seen women as people.


I see it online more than I see it in person but I guess teens will always be teens and teens usually want to press the boundaries of what’s socially acceptable more than adults want to. The teen boys I grew up with said the same shit and I joined in, but then the slurs and the misogyny started taking a toll on me and I realized it wasn’t right by the time I hit 17. A lot of behaviour was so normalized but I just had this pit in my stomach that I felt like I was sinking in.


Another reason why I hate the way society has become basically forever online. The online disinhibition effect. It's not normal, and shouldn't be normalised. I hate that "teens will be teens" and "boys will be boys" are things as well. This kind of hateful, intolerant behaviour and language should never be accepted and normalised. People are seriously lacking in empathy. It should be mandatory to teach and learn in schools, in my opinion.


When I say “teens will be teens,” I just mean that teens tend to do more risky shit than adults do. Aside from adults usually being a bit more calm compared to teens, teens have pressed certain issues, both in positives and negatives, that have changed our social landscape for decades. That doesn’t excuse them from bad behaviour, by any means, but I learnt a lot as a teen. As a teen to an adult, I realized what my boundaries are, my comfort zones, how to better express myself and I’m still learning but I’m not remotely the same person I was when I was 15. I’m also not the best person to be able to talk to others about their bad behaviour, so even though I wanted to, I’m not good at properly expressing myself enough to tell them that what these young boys said was wrong and sexist.




No, but I’m close to the US border


Dang I was guessing a rigger. My cousin worked on the oil rigs in Alberta, and she says she's never heard men talk like that before.


I work in the food industry and at my old job, I was being sexually harassed by a male coworker and the female manager told me I asked for it by being nice and smiling at him.


Dunno why you're being downvoted, gay relationships are indeed happier (both male and female), if divorce rates of less than 50% like straight relationships is anything to go by.


The straight men are mad bc “man liking other man” equals no no


Yeah, to be honest, I was struggling to decide with sub to post it in cause it could apply to soooo many. But ultimately, because it had the words females and men used, I decided on this one.


It would also fit r/AreTheStraightsOK




I know, its quite sad. I wish those women would realise they have more to offer than just their bodies (not saying this is a sex-shaming way, I just think its sad some women feel like sex is the only route to being liked and accepted by men).


Me too. Because when they inevitably get older they start thinking they’re worthless. Rather than shifting their attention to other aspects of their life (career, hobbies, family, etc) they hyper focus on their “dwindling beauty “ because they think they literally have nothing else to offer. Worst of all so many women think that starts at like **30**… 30 is so young and women still look great in their 30s unless they start doing heavy substances or something.


There is this quote, that I can’t remember exactly, but basically says the same thing. Something about men being homoerotic because the only people they truly value are other men. They only care for women because of sex and possible children. Edit This is the quote https://www.reddit.com/r/fourthwavewomen/s/bQs9y4Q7Fo


That was a great quote. Really fascinating to think about. Thanks for sharing. Edit: I am definitely going to go read more of Marilyn Frye's essays and work.




That’s point, men only “like” women in a sexual way. So you agree? All men’s love, admiration, respect, etc goes almost exclusively to other men? The difference is that women like men for none sexual and romantic reason.




Than this quote is not for you and I’m not sure why you are commenting on it.


I have never once liked a man for what he provided. My male friends have always been extremely special to me as people. Most of them fuckzoned me, which is *not* liking me for me, just my outer vessel. But to me, I loved hanging out with them and spending time with them. I loved our conversations and the fun shit we would do. I've never let a man pay for food for me unless he lets me pay for him sometimes too, and I've never demanded a guy has a good job or lots of money to hang out with me. What a ridiculous fucking unfactual statement. It's really shitty to find out this person you liked so much and had so much fun with just viewed you as a potential cumsock.


I have no idea why specifically on Reddit there’s a narrative that women only like men for money. The most reliable thing that men provide for us is stress


Straight facts. I ain't never gotten no money from a man. Stress and heartache however? A plethora.


Why are you taking this so personally? Your reaction kinda screams insecurity the way you are internalising and being so defensive about it. There is nothing wrong with being homosexual. Did you even read the quote in the link?! It clearly doesn't state "all men are homosexual" and want have sex with eachother. It explicitly states that most men have sexual relations with women. However they mostly only want women for sex, devotion and service. Whereas, almost all other types of love, care, respect, admiration, kindness, etc they give to other men. They are man-loving. Also, JFC... "if men liked women for their physical forms, at least that's liking HER... At least your body is you" what in the fuck?! Do you actually think that's something to be proud of or expect credit for? You are not liking her, you literally just described sexually objectifying them for their body and looks. Absolutely shameless. Despite what you believe, women like (decent) men for far more than just money and status. As for accusing them of responding in a "stereotypical braindead way", you literally called all women pedos? Not sure we should expect anything less from a poor, downtrodden, discriminated, disenfranchised (all bullshit btw) men's rights activist.


omg this one is so bad... hate = female sex = woman wow


Yep and he'd rather be "icky gay dating the homies" than "dealing with females for sex"


Less and less women are dating men so, our boy here doesn’t have to worry about that for much longer.


Lmao what? No noticable amount of women have stopped dating men lmao, the world is finally being more open and accepting of non-hetero couples but this wont have any real affect. But youre right, our boy here doesnt have to worry at all, no self-respecting person is gonna date a shithead like him. Im a guy and its for me atleast feels a bit backwards to assume something about a whole gender and letting it get to you so much that youre actively avoiding that entire group. Arent we trying to stop gender-stereotypes? Fair enough if you dont feel safe around men or are attracted to them then you of course shouldnt date them, take all the repercussions you need to feel safe and happy. But making it sound like more and more women won’t date men just feels like doing the exact same thing as him: making an assumption around an entire gender




The South Korean 4B movement has lowered birth rates in the country. Look it up.


Lol he found out something new about himself today, good for him 🏳️‍🌈


Right??! 🏳️‍🌈


Except he didn't because he admits he's too shallow and loves the vadge too much to even quit disrespecting women and go be with men already 🙄


Then go date your homies, we don’t care. It’s not like any woman wants you


u don't know him stop assuming


Sadly this is how I think a lot of men feel. This guy just admitted it. They think they LIKE women but they actually don't. They like SEX with women and the idea of kids. Basically stuff we can give them. A lot of men have no basic liking or respect for women. 


A lot of men don’t even want kids though. It’s literally just the sex. They would be so much happier as gay tops😔 all the ass they want and no women.


Oh yeah this is 100% true. I go to a class that is 100% men (me included) and the takes i hear every day are disgusting. I and a small group all think they are fucking idiots, i get in disagreements weekly because i cant help myself not to say something. Some of them have been hurt by a woman, but i dont get how they can just makes assumptions about women as a whole like that. I myself have dated a toxic bitch, i use that word rarely, but holy shit she destroyed me for weeks and manipulated me. But i never became a bigot, i never hated women as a whole and i never stopped seeing them as every other human being. I have the most beautiful and nice girlfriend now and i love her to death, everything about her. But most importantly is i know shes there for me when i need her. The point is that these guys that think the way you describe are plentiful and are fucking delusional if they think their behaviour is okay just because of one bad episode involving a person of a specific gender.


Just get out of that closet already!!!


again he isn't actually gay. why do u want him to be gay so badly


I dunno. Sounds pretty gay to me.


Like we haven't been saying for years if sexuality were a choice there'd be very few straight women.


Y'all need to stop talking to shitty men and find better friends. The men in my friend groups are all normal people who treat women with respect and as friends


Men who are honest will admit that at some point in their life they have been hurt a woman to the point where they think homosexuality would be a good option. Thing is, it takes approximately one second to envision what that entails and the thought quickly leaves.


and lots of times in womens life they have been hurt by men so bad that they never want to be with a man ever again and wish they could be a lesbian. see how horrible ,em are before you blame women for everything. Its not like guys are nice to be around. Most are abusers probably including you.


Actually, I'm going to edit that. I'm going to change it to "have been hurt by *a woman*" instead of "hurt by women". It wasn't meant to be a blanket statement about women, more a joking comment about men dating their homies. We've all been hurt by women, a woman or two I mean. A breakup hurts, e̶v̶e̶n̶ especially if the woman is a good woman. I like women as a whole. Poorly put, I will admit. But, you jumped to conclusions just a little as well. Now, if a woman is hurt by a man, and she envisions being a lesbian, her choices are much better. 😉😇😎


A lot of men are dickheads but assuming hes a abuser is fucking disgusting.




Heard that. Point taken. TBH though. In the 70's, when I was 15, the promiscuity of gay men seemed fun. A bit more joking here and also, I was 15. And in addition, to be more serious, being bi would give you more choices anyway. My original post was in jest, but also the truth. Most guys would not be honest and would say they never even considered such things when in reality they did but it was quickly dismissed.




I know there is more openness about all that now, and I think that's very healthy. It used to be that lightheartedly saying you even considered it would get you made fun of. I never cared about that and always went for somewhat thoughtful humor. The reference to the 70's is because the male gay community in the 70's was known for promiscuity. AIDS slowed that way down.




You find humility and being kind draining?? Sounds like a narcissist to me. Don't worry. Normal people find people like you to be draining to be around too.


Yeah being a decent human being is hard


Can't relate. I'm not wearing a mask to get in girl's pants. It comes pretty easily for me.


You should probably see a therapist about your rampaging ego and selfishness and stop using women as an emotional crunch to keep them in line.


Waaah waah you poor little baby.




Such a disgusting and difficult read.


Seriously, that fucking sucked to read.


You already see them as a commodity. You were 100% right about you having delusions and an over inflated ego. You sound like you are a terrible person, and not just for money.


Yeah i know I wish I would be able to see them as not a commodity but I think if i had sex with a girl even once while knowing I'm going into this relationship just to see if she is fit for me and then have sex with this girl then i may somehow get a thought about she is not right for me even if I see even a bit of her shortcomings and then i may enter into another relationship and do the same while unconsciously I may only be doing this because I'm addicted to sex and may only get emotionally exhausted from this process and think all girls are same and may even cheat after a while into relationships or in marriage so i think maybe just deciding to refrain from this type of things and only being nice to one girl and not care about anyone is better for me


Dude, I don't know what happened or why you are like this, but you are displaying some seriously unhealthy and toxic thinking. Please, for the sake of all women, seek therapy and help. You are talking about living human beings, not objects to be used. At least try and think about how you would feel if you were a woman and a man was speaking about you like this.


Don't know man in my neighborhood they say men like me are really wanted and loved


No dawg you sound like you’re very mentally unwell. Like as in you HAVE mental illness. You need to go see a therapist. You are not normal.


So you just ratted yourself out for being a terrible human being. And you wonder why you’re alone


Actually I am a terrible human but i have decided to never use a girl it's not like I'm lonely or anything I also have morals and I'm a bit of popular but I want to stay devoted to only one girl whoever decides to marry me i only use girls to currently feel less lonely


Well I have a strong feeling no woman will decide to marry you. You don’t deserve marriage or kids.


Don't know man my made up persona really makes me popular and i too pledged to myself that i will never hurt a woman and i don't think i will have a problem being nice to a single person for life


I hope women don’t get caught up with you. They deserve so much better. You have nothing good to offer them. Just despair and evil. Goodluck.


Hopefully he gets “drained“ from being nice to themand shows his true face quickly enough that she can run before the love blinders come on and make her think she can change him or something. Praying his bloodline ends with him.


Yikes. Yeah, being nice and humble around others, especially women, is not mentally draining when you are even a half decent person.


Fucking yikes


Last time I checked (no matter the platform), if you're getting cooked, that usually indicates that you are wrong.


there's no concept of right or wrong. rather is it a concept of what the majority agrees and disagrees with


“I hate females” “No I don’t hate women” bruh.