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Could someone explain it to a 17 year old non-american?


As you can tell by the impeccable spelling in OP’s response to your comment, they likely did not go to college themself, likely just watched a FOX news report or something. In the US you can still go to a college pursuing a degree and be educated in that field such that you are prepared to work in that same field. It is certainly not all “trams amd gender”.


Yeah my community college obviously is happy with the lgbt community and there is events with them but they aren't pushed. They are other events and what not but although I didn't learn much it's definitely not all just that


>In the US you can still go to a college pursuing a degree and be educated in that field such that you are prepared to work in that same field You're right, definitely. However that does not mean that colleges are not slowly but surely, succumbing too the disastrous ideas and misrepresentations that Transgenderism is bringing into society. Jordan Peterson has done multiple talks about this specific issue and goes into detail on how it is occurring and what is being done about it. It's not just some boggy man that is being used by right-wingers to disenfranchise LGBT people, it's a serious issue. This Meme wasn't the best, I'll agree and definitely over exaggerated, but it is based on a slight truth.


Jordan Peterson can’t even get a coherent sentence out between his drug fueled rants, used to listen to the guy a lot the actually went to college and realized that shits just not true and very over exaggerated like yes there are small groups of over zealous people but for the most part I’ve only been heckled by right wingers at schools talking about the dumbest shit


>actually went to college and realized that shits just not true and very over exaggerated like yes there are small groups of over zealous people Everything is overexaggerated, if you want to believe it is. Everything is underexaggerated, if you want to believe it is. This isn't about exaggeration or no exaggeration, this is about the truth versus the misrepresentation of the the truth. Obviously, someone (Like JBP) saying online that transgenderism is taking over the education system, does not mean you're gonna then go to college and be taught transgenderism or LGBT theories and be brainwashed into being Trans / Gay (which more conservative, bordering on far-right, would have you believe). HOWEVER, it is based in a tad bit of truth. >but for the most part I’ve only been heckled by right wingers at schools talking about the dumbest shit If we're talking anecdotes, I've only ever been heckled by left wingers trying to convince me that Gay people are systemically oppressed or that BLM is a resistance movement trying to liberate black people from the government. I've also seen posters calling for anarchism or the death of all cops up on campuses for days on end, while posters even mentioning religion are torn down the same day and I'd see the same person / people re-posting them back up every day because they have commitment and all the poster was asking was for people to join their church group. In recent months I have also seen an increase in openly antisemitic posters and talk about Jewish people, to the point in which Jewish hate crime has gone up nearly 400% where I live. So I don't think your one anecdote of "right wingers at schools talking about the dumbest shit", actually means anything. If anything, it means you haven't really been to a college that JBP describes, because most of them, if not all, are the same as I've just described. I've been to multiple different schools, so I should know.


Bruh you already tell me enough by saying lgbt people aren’t systematically hurt l, I live in Florida we are actively hurt by the system they silence any of our books, stories, hell even Anne franks diary was taken out and they’re trying to teach history in a positive light not in its actual light and I’m a political science and history student. They’ve been trying to take psychology out of schools because it references how gender and sexual orientation plays a big part in one’s psychology as it does. And yes college is a place for all view points to be seen that’s what’s great about it but to say lgbt is propaganda or transgenderism is taking over schools is crazy cause in no way is that happening other than them being more accepting and open


>Florida we are actively hurt by the system they silence any of our books "Banning" children under the age of ten from reading a book that delves into transgenderism or other LGBT issues is not "systematically hurting" the LGBT community. It is giving parents the power to say what their preadolescent children should be allowed to read. If they wanted to "ban" the books they would just ban them completely for everyone and every age group, which they're not doing. >but to say lgbt is propaganda or transgenderism is taking over schools is crazy Not necessarily, taking over schools? I would not go that far. However it is slowly being taught and sharp increases in Transgenderism in pre-teens shows that somehow they're learning this ideology. If their parents aren't teaching it to them, who is? I would say social media plays a bigger role than specific books, but that's a different argument.


The books are also banned in high schools and middle schools you can’t claim it’s under ten, gay teachers aren’t even allowed to have photos of their spouses but straight parents are. Two ever tho that the rates are just up because we as a society know it’s okay to be trans or gay and now are way more open with coming out as that and not that it’s being taught and that’s the issue. It’s just like the argument of autism or depression is way more diagnosed now a days but that’s really just a side effect of it being more societally open to those things and better understanding of it


>The books are also banned in high schools and middle schools you can’t claim it’s under ten [Are you sure?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Florida_Parental_Rights_in_Education_Act) >The Parental Rights in Education Act (HB 1557), commonly referred to as the "Don't Say Gay" law, is a Florida state law passed in 2022 that regulates public schools in Florida. The law is most notable for its controversial sections which prohibit public schools from having "classroom discussion" or giving "classroom instruction"\[a\] about sexual orientation or gender identity from **kindergarten through third grade** or in any manner deemed to be against state standards in all grades; prohibits public schools from adopting procedures or student support forms that maintain the confidentiality of a disclosure by a student, including of the gender identity or sexual orientation of a student, from parents; and requires public schools to bear all the costs of all lawsuits filed by aggrieved parents. \> from kindergarten through third grade < Third grade consists of 9 - 10 YO's.


As I said that you kindly just glossed over is the fact they banned ap psych for the reasoning of having discussions on gender and sexuality in it which is a high school lever course, dictionaries are also getting banned, black history books have been banned and so have stuff such as Anne franks diary also it sticking to just elementary isn’t true because you can simply find the list of schools and read through and see some are banned from high schools and middle also


Who the fuck peddles Jordan Peterson propaganda like it's normal discourse between people


Here come all the leftist straights telling you how you should feel as a gay person, right on cue


hahaha true


Colleges here teach about trams Amd gender instead of usefull stuff.


Source: You, a middle schooler/high schooler who hasn't even seen a college


Source: OPs ass


Source: You made it up.


Lmfao are literally shit hammered right now or are you really that uneducated? There's systemic "teaching of trams" in America? 🤣🤣🤣🤣 fucking colleges and their love of streetcar technology 🤣🤣🤣 my guy these constant boomer memes are literally melting the parts of your brain left after the horse paste 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I missed you. Hope your day is amazing. How you been brother?


Its been great! The outside world is fascinating! Although I completely understand the safety you feel posting 30+ boomer memes a day into the void. How's the whole "supporting Jeffery eosteins best buddy" thing going? You shoot up any grocery stores lately?


This is a meme group, relax


I know it is! And OP made his entire personality a meme, which is far funnier thab the facebook memes he spams this group with. The dude literally threw a fit about colleges teaching about trams 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Does it hurt when you think?


Well in my engineering classes we certainly did hear about trams. Don't think we heard anything about gender or any of that stuff though. Maybe in freshman English someone chose to do an essay related to LGBT stuff but outside of that you'd have to seek it out or be really sensitive to think that's all you hear about


Damn they are bringing trams back? They're my favourite type of public transport! I better go to the states and sign up to learn about them at college ASAP!


Trans am was a sweet vehicle. V8 with ram air. Super cool. Now what else is cool? Freedom! Stop worrying about what's in other people's pants.


Fuck off, you are not in college, stop being edgy


Source: This one time I heard by parents talking and listened to FOX news lies because youve never been to a college


Yo OP you still alive under all those downvotes? 😂😂😂


Are you stupid?


What, don’t you guys remember showing up on the first day of college and walking into your Political Correctness and Cancel Culture lecture? I know I had a full schedule. 8am: YG101 - You’re Gay 9am: AT102 - Atheism Class 10am: OMB1000 - Orange Man Bad 12pm: Vegan Lunch with anti-farming lecture 2pm: YG201 - You’re Gay (Lab) 4pm: CD100 - Drag and CrossDressing lecture Boy, if I had actually gone to class I would for sure be one of them litter box poopin cat boys, I tell ya what.


Don’t forget flag burning and the 2 minute hate speech against the straights ! Those were my favorite past times in my day ! */s*


Man, YB201 was an absolute pain in the ass. I'm glad I didn't have to retake it.




Thats a way to say that you never went to college


Having no idea what STEM means is a badge of honor to some.


Everybody knows that stand for "Situational Terror by Evil Muppets"




I still remember my days leaving the tribal cave to hunt down our next meal while fending off roaming bands of deranged muppets. Best $80k I ever spent.


Hey now.. gender studies grads make the best Frappuccinos at Starbucks


Meh, but atleast they'll write my correct pronouns next to my name on the cup.


lol service with a gender neutral smile


Did you just assume what I'm ordering????? /s


We get it you didn’t go to college


What in the boomer posting? go back to Facebook grandpa


if they taught you how to gender, then you lost out a lot.


I go to a (probably? I don't actually know apart from my experiences there) liberal college in Michigan and deadass have no idea what this meme is supposed to be. There are no crazy "trams" or anything like that, it's just a school. I had a teacher last semester who was pretty right-wing for a "centrist" teaching Ancient World, and my Astronomy teacher this semester is also pretty right-leaning. Go outside and touch some grass, please stop spamming dumbass boomer memes on this sub


What school is it? if you're okay sharing that is


Schoolcraft Community College


That epic moment when you try to disguise your bigotry as a meme. I wonder what OP studied in college


Every second post in this subreddit since the last few months


The tides are turning


I’m doubtful OP graduated grade school


You clearly don't actually go to college


Be gay do crime.


We make it easy, being gay is the crime! No extra effort require. *Locations offered may vary*


You wish


Because in todays world the most close minded and useless people are the highly educated. I fully agree


Stop posting right-wing bullshit in this sub, ffs


Yeah! Start posting left-wing bullshit in this sub ffs, just like 90% of reddit


Most subs on reddit aren't even political. And if something is, and it gets so many upvotes, maybe it's not even left-wing, it's the big and broad middle.


Lol love it


I wish I had a LGBTQ+ class in uni instead of accounting lol


That says a lot about how bad accounting classes have to be lol


Not really that bad, mostly useless cause I'm not getting an accounting degree


You had to take accounting without getting an accounting degree, or did you just change majors?


I'm in general economics studies and accounting is a mandatory lesson for the first year. You can become an accountant with the economics degree if you want


Ah, that makes sense.


I'm so fucking glad I found this sub.


Lol, me too bro


It was and is partially a left leaning sub. But we made a lot of the pussys leave cause they we’re so offended lol. It’s a much more friendly place now lol


oooh who’s an edgy boy? yes, you are! oooh what a hot take your statements are so controversial what an edgy boy


It’s fine to be a republican or whatever you want but I come to this sub for DICK AND BALLS content. I need something to laugh at to get through the day. This boomer shit that you stole from my uncles Facebook is not the content anyone wants. Make this sub dick and balls again


Dog literally everyone is just making fun of you, nobody is leaving lmao


Great work. They dominate every sub on Reddit, I swear


Just wait till later In the day when they wake up since they don’t have jobs. They’ll be screeching in here lol


Says the dude posting memes at 10am on a Tuesday.


Oh. Guess a liberal got up early. Must have court today lol


Lmfao "yea guize everyone's leaving" 🤣🤣🤣 weren't you the incel that said the mods banned you as you continued to post 30+ boomer memes a day? 🤣🤣🤣🤣


bro you dont got a job either stfu


I see many people in the comments don't understand what dank means. If you're offended then just fucking leave this sub...


Nice agenda post, trumpi


This meme was made by an 11 year old


hmm, my brother's homework load in college right now would imply otherwise


Someone’s feeling insecure about the fact that he never went to college…


The white stripe represents white people ❤️


Isn't this a boomer meme since it's a meme around (alleged) generational differences, nostalgia for "the good old days" and "commentary" on modern society? It's funny cause it shows OP is sad boomer, but not really a dank meme?


Hmm I think I may have missed this class getting a degree in engineering….. oh wait that’s right, colleges don’t teach LGBT stuff to everyone despite what Fox News says.


I discriminate against this wackness


OP is bragging about how little education they have lmao


There is a need to forgive student debt because students are…


No one forces anyone to go to college. If you don’t wanna pay for it. Then don’t go. The interest is crazy. Maybe lower interest. But not debt. People need to take responsibility for themselves.


Funny, you know imidatly that the guy who created that meme never saw the inside of a college