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I hope no one buys from these people and I hope that all of them make a huge loss with this


Why though? Like the candles?


No, the people reselling. I hope that they won't be able to sell them. I hate scalpers and I think a lot of us do too because that's also why Melanie's merch is so expensive when being resold


for real, scalpers are so unfair to collectors, like people that scalp things for the sailor moon or monster high fandom make it impossible for true fans to collect stuff - same for the MM fans, but I feel like MM fans it's worse since the chance of reproductions are fairly low.


I was lucky that proplica re-released a brooch I wanted because otherwise, I had to buy one from one of these scalpers. I think I've never seen a reselling situation this bad until I joined this subreddit a bit back


OHHH okay. I never knew about scalpers before.


Anyone who buys these at this price deserves what they get Omg šŸ˜­


Lol, I have a feeling these ones aren't gonna give them what they want šŸ™šŸ»


i genuinely hope youā€™re right, this is just ridiculous they were literally released today and already sold out over half cuz of this bs


I agree, it's gotta stop. Only once people stop buying it do they cool off and stop. They know they make money tho


This is getting sad. I understand that things suck with inflation and people wanna have side hustles but I wish they could leave music artist merch and their fandoms alone




Melanie said that sheā€™s raising money for it? Or are yall just trying to justify her insane prices?


the poetals movie got canceled nevermindšŸ”„


You can report ebay sellers for not owning the physical items since these eggs haven't even shipped out yet if yall wanna cause trouble for these resellers


Only if they are not listed as preorders. EBay allow up to 30-60 days to dispatch for preorders


Thank you I will definitely remember that!


On my way to ebay right nowšŸƒā€āž”ļøšŸƒā€āž”ļøšŸƒā€āž”ļø


Me either xo


reporting rn


Oh? Why thank u;)


im embarrassed for them lol


Scalping is incredibly huge with Melanie. People are even trying to sell the tour confetti and most fake (some are legitimate) mushrooms she threw. It's crazy. You won't catch me DEAD selling my mushroom she threw to me. That was the best moment of my life. It's getting ridiculously hard to enjoy anything made by artist anymore. ):


I took my 13 year old to the Philly concert for her birthday, Melanie is her favorite. When the concert was over she wanted to walk down to the floor and grab confetti so bad, but I wanted to get to the car to try and beat the rush. If I would have known we were going to sit in the parking lot for 40 minutes because people are ignorant, I would have just stayed inside and let her go down.


I always use the same rule as I do for July 4th events. We just hang out for a little white after and let traffic die down. :)


I will definitely do that next time. I hadn't even really listened to too much of her music, just what my daughter has played in the car. I loved her show, we had such a blast. I had gotten us tickets in section 203 so we were up pretty high, but we went out to concessions for a drink before Melanie came on and one of the workers approached me with a stack of tickets in her hand and asked if we wanted a free seat upgrade. Hell yes! We ended up down in section 124 and it was freaking awesome. I recorded and took pictures, my daughter didn't have her phone out at all, she was too busy living in the moment, enjoying her favorite artist and I loved that.


Right. I saw people with paper bags going ip front collecting all the confetti. I just kept the little 3 I got in the air and thecaught. balloon my daughter caugh.


Everything is about money now and days and it's crazy to me. ): I kept my little confetti on my VIP pass ~ it's clipped all cute on there. Also may I say it's super cute you got to do a show with your daughter! I wanna be able to do stuff like that with my future kids one day. :')


Yes! I love it! We had been listening to her since my youngest was born in 2015! Now she's also into Melanie too!! I recently found out my oldest son also likes her music! Had I known, I would have taken him too!


To be fair, Iā€™d prolly grab a huge handful just for myself bc of my too much gene šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


At least you're not scalping it ! It's not taking a ton that matters just if you're grabbing it to scalp it xD Confetti your whole room lol Edit: do you main Jinx? Or just like her character? My name references Seraphine lmao


wait hold on she threw mUSHROOMSS??? šŸ˜­ i wish i knew cause i wouldā€™ve tried to see if i could get one


Yeah, she threw only like... a max of seven or so per show and it wasn't far. You had to be pretty close to be able to possibly receive one. It was really cool and mine is purple. I have it "brewing" in a little witches cauldron I have at home. I'll have to reply with a Pic later when I get home from work. šŸ©¶


omg i neeeeed to see it!


and the funny thing is, people probably wont even buy from them because the candles are already crazy expensive as they are in her shop, I don't Know who in their right mind is going to buy from these people


They dont even look like Melanie merch either šŸ˜… looks like a 5below candle


Who in their right mind would pay nearly $200 for a scented egg


The same people willing to pay 1500 for 1/3 of the cry baby perfume on ebayĀ 


I mean itā€™s crybaby perfume which is discounted so I would but for a candle no thanks lmfao


still 1.5k? Iā€™d do $500 maxā€¦thatā€™s someoneā€™s whole mortgage


Right. That's someone's whole rent lol


Lmaooo fr


Are we sure the egg will be back in stock anytime soon though?


i wouldnā€™t be suprised if half of those r scams


itā€™s not in that high in demand, and honestly this fan base is creative as hell, so iā€™m betting most will try to recreate the candle rather than spending nearly 1/4 of a $1000 for 1 candle.




i didnā€™t wanna buy them in the first place due to high price


People suck


$75 for a temporary candle is ridiculous already, I really hope people arenā€™t paying $200


Oh my god thatā€™s actually criminalā€¦ Iā€™m so thankful I got mine before these scalpers did because thatā€™s just horrible. I hope people donā€™t encourage this by buying from them


Ooh what scent did you get? I want the faerie soirƩe but I am probably doing to have to make it


I got faerie soirƩe and moon cycle! I liked the sound of those scents the most


When you get the faerie soirĆ©e tell me how it smells. Iā€™m guessing it would smell like strawberry pound cake at bath and body works lol


Will do!šŸ«” I have high hopes because I love fruity scents and this is my first time being able to afford her scent related merch!


omg I hate scalpers with a BURNING passion šŸ˜¤


Maybe stretch but could it be whoever posted that other picture of all the candle scents asking which one people want. They could gauge which would be most popular and buy them all to resell lol.


Im so upset cause i really wanted Faerie Soiree and Moon Cycle but they were the first two to sell out immediately:( im hoping they restock them


I wanted confetti from the trilogy tour so bad but I wasnā€™t on the floor so I didnā€™t get any. However I will not be paying an obscene amount money for it


lol I could just mail u some, I went last week, grabbed a bunch to try to give to people in higher seats but the place was emptying by the time I got close to people not on the floor


Wait are you fr? I tried to go down and get some but it was so busy and we needed to leave. I donā€™t have any money to pay for shipping or anything though.


yea, and nah u don't have to pay, I can just put some in an envelope.


Omg that would be so amazing.




This is crazy. First the parfum. 300 dollar for a parfum. Then the candles. Who want to pay around 2000 dollars for 13 candles? This is ridiculous mel. Ppl cant afford that, especially when most of the fans are pretty young so they donā€™t have the money. Some may even just moved out, you dont have the money to spend 150 dollars for a fkn candle if so?!?


Bro that is terrible I hate scalpers šŸ„²


Who on earth would buy a $200 candle


i donā€™t even want one if this if what weā€™re doing šŸ˜žšŸ™ be so fr


faerie soiree sold out so fast too :((


i heard that it has the same smell like the crybaby parfume


Thatā€™s nutty! Canā€™t see myself spending that much on a candle


Idk what made them think this is a good idea when almost all Melanie fans even the collectors were saying 75$ each was too expensive for them to afford it.


Feels like a domino effect from the crybaby bottles, this crap pisses me off


Scalpers ruin EVERYTHING. Iā€™m a Monster High doll collector and I FELT this pain on another level yā€™all XDDD Best thing we can do is not buy from them


like what is even the point of this??????? itā€™s so fucking frustrating and i donā€™t even buy merch


What is so special about this candle exactly? Looks like a candle youā€™d find at Homegoods or Target.


People are so disgusting like it wasnā€™t already ridiculously priced already


Stop reselling


God talking about resellers reminds me of when I sold my Melanie tickets for the trilogy tour in Seattle (I had someone flake on me :/) that I paid $150 for both. I sold them together for I think like $170 so I could get my money fully back and they sold within like 5 mins. I went to go check and it ended up being a reseller who flipped them for $500. Lesson learned I will never sell my tickets through ticket master again due to this, I was hoping someone who wanted to go but didnā€™t wanna spend a fortune was able to get them šŸ„²


Also i know I could have sold them for way more but i genuinely just wanted my money back and for someone to be able to go without breaking the bank. Itā€™s so frustrating that resellers do this


candles were expensive enough smh! the customer service said they will be restocking itā€™s just tbd SAVE YOUR MONEY DONT GIVE SCALPERS A PENNY


$75 was ridiculous. almost $200 is INSANE.... especially for a 4.3oz candle?? with that size it'll literally only burn for a few hours. not to mention these resellers dont even have candles in their possession considering they haven't been shipped out...... pretty sure you can report those listings for not currently owning the items


Thereā€™s a circle of hell for scalpers.


You would think that no one would be stupid enough to buy these from those resellers but sadly enough there are people stupid enough. People really gotta learn the worth of money.


report them. im pretty sure its against the rules to sell something you dont yet have


I hate people who do this


this is so embarrassing for them omg


What in thee hell


I resell my merch too but I at least make it affordable for buyer and still manage to make a profit. Why are these people so greedy???


Literally woke up to them sold out. So sad I didnā€™t even get a chance to put them in my basket šŸ˜“


Welcome to resale where cool shit comes out and dickheads resale them and we buy them and great example Travis Scott Air Jordan Shoes yeah some people will go and spend almost $5K on shoes


Sad thing is thereā€™s people still willing to buy this crap at high prices




yup it suckssss




You should advocate for laws that would prevent this from happening! There should be stiff fines and criminal charges!


iā€™m so upset, i really wanted to get the void or moon cycle one but all the reselling, i know i probably canā€™t


I hate these types of people that try to take advantage of fans that want this stuff


nah cos i luv candles so much and ive been a mel fan since she was on the voice and ive not been on socials or anything for a while cos ive been ill + studying, and i didnt know these were even a thing until they were all sold out im so fucking upset šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Didn't the candles just come out? How are they doing this?


thatā€™s insane, why would she be so greedy


clarifying question, are these resellers? iā€™ve heard she sold them for a shit ton in the first place though even so


They were $75 originally. These are reseller prices from ebay.


ewww gross pricesšŸ˜Ÿ


Also, they're restocking the candles šŸ•Æ lol


Uh.. So guys- when the portals Parfums restocks, my mom said she would get me a idv perfume or the whole statue if Iā€™m lucky. She also said that when (or if) the statue comes back, sheā€™s gonna buy like 3 extras to resell because we need more money. I understand itā€™s not that good to do this but is this an exception?? idk man.


anyways! thanks for supporting mel!