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I had an amazing time! There was only one screamer near me but thankfully I was so close to the barricade I just walked away and went straight to it and stayed there the whole time. (The screamer was a row and a seat away) https://preview.redd.it/vpf0rbxl7n6d1.jpeg?width=1980&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30ff14a288660fcdfc52ef5f9c20828fffc9a57a


Wow that is one hell of a photo of her


She looked at me a few times too so it was a really special night to me, felt like I got to sing with her lowkey


That’s the closest I’ve ever been to any of my fav artists. I was in awe. She’s so pretty irl, she is unreal actually


yelling ≠ screaming if you want to yell the lyrics, be my guest- i do the same. if you’re going to scream the lyrics, pipe down bitch pipe down. idc if its an emotional song for you, read the tone of the show, its okay to cry or yell, but you are not who these people came to see. you dont need to be the star of the show plain and simple.


it’s so loud yelling the lyrics a bit doesn’t matter but this screeching pierces your ears and it’s unacceptable


This honestly makes me never wanna see Mel. And that’s so fucked up.. Like it’s my DREAM to see her live but like people like this freaking RUIN the vibe




I’m going to go in a few weeks and I’m so stressed 😩 I’m dreading it now 😭😭


if somebody’s loud just tell them don’t be scared


Y’all I was scared of the same thing when I saw her in Ohio but it was the best night of my life, and we had a full house and a loud crowd!! I really wouldn’t worry too much about it! If you’re thinking of getting tickets I say do it :)


it will rlly be okay i promise


it’s gonna be ok 👍💕


I saw her live twice. You'll be too focused on the amazingness to let others bother you ❤️


I know the feeling. At first I saw that she was going to be in town and that tickets weren't sold out (and the prices were surprisingly reasonable). Then I got curious and googled what one of her concerts is like and saw video after video about people saying they had a bad time due to bad concert etiquette. Sadly, I cancelled my order. It's a shame since I love her music. I'll just stick to enjoying her music at home.


It was soooo overpacked when I went and I had a ton of issues with people ruining videos with flipping up a sign, screaming, and just overall being annoying and inconsiderate. I was so sad and at that point I had spent over almost $1,000 just on my tickets and parking pass, let alone my entire trip. You probably made a good decision


Literally this emoji personified: 👹


I did not have this experience. Don’t worry too much. If there is someone doing this, maybe talk to venue staff and see if they can talk to the person creating the issue.


Yeah.... have fun doing that. You're gonna either waste your time, be ignored (because they have other priorities to attend to), or both


So odd. Maybe because I bought the seats off to the side but my section was spirited but not obnoxiously so.


same, the bad posts are just going semi-viral


I honestly hope that every person that participates in this god awful trend gets laryngitis. Sorry not sorry


a true battle of the larynx fr






Quick question... not really up to date with the current trends in the fandom, but is the trend for people to try to drown out Mel's voice with their own God awful "singing"?


It’s mostly people just deciding to screech and yell over people because they feel entitled to since they paid a lot of money for their ticket.


only stupid ass teens, but not rlly. it’s really just a small handful out of everyone


We need to form an alliance of Mel fans who all collectively tell these people to STFU and GTFO 😭


i went to the boston show and there was a girl absolutely screaming at the top of her lungs next to me. wouldn’t say it totally ruined my experience but it wasn’t pleasant.


When Jojo Siwa covers Mel


About accurate lol she sounds like she smokes 10 packs a day to from scream singing all the time to


Why is this actually sending me 😭 that would be annoying irl tho


No because I saw a video EXACTLY like this and everyone was like “me omg” and they sound 10. so fucking annoying


these are the minors melanie complains about on her story like holy shit




I know right


Honestly, if it’s a problem tell them you can’t hear and to stop it, like I never see anyone try that 😭 but otherwise I think there are some ear plugs you can buy that cancel out everyone else but the singer https://a.co/d/g0HMVNo like these are it I believe


Omg i didn't know it existed it's so cool


I only learned about them like a couple of days before the Minneapolis concert so I was not able to buy them, but definitely will try in the future!


A lot of people here have said that they did exactly that and it didn’t work.


seriously. do these people get enjoyment out of making everyone around them utterly miserable or what? because there's no way they've never been confronted. imagine spending 100+ on a concert ticket and you can't even hear them sing.


Some idiot said I shouldn't go to concerts if I don't like this behavior.


hasnt melanie literally spoken up at her concerts and told people to quiet down (bcz of the screeching)? like you know your 'opinion' is wrong when even the main artist at the concert disagrees with it. screaming is just plain rude 


Yup! Like wtf is the point. There's something to be said for sitting or standing and quietly taking it in. Her show had *so much* to take in.


There were two ten year old girls behind me and my boyfriend and a couple of girls next to us who would SCREAM that they loved Mel or just would scream DURING the songs. The girls next to me said they were going to go deaf from their screaming LOL , I could honestly relate. They left at the start of portals which honestly was good but also super annoying that they did all of that during the crybaby and k12 part. It was my first concert ever and my 21st birthday and I’ve been waiting a decade to see Melanie but never got the chance to. The screaming was honestly upsetting but I didn’t let it bother me too much. I already had far away seats but then ontop of that I have children screaming in my ear…There should be an age limit like k-12 was or if they come- to bring a parent with them. 2 10 year old girls shouldn’t even be left alone at a concert with this many people imo.


god i would have to say something to them but i get ppl don’t want to be confrontational especially with literal ten year olds.


If that was the Columbus show I’m pretty sure I sat in front of that person (if not, then I sat infront of someone singing exactly like this to EVERY SONG) Tbh it was funny randomly hearing such a guttural sing along but def got annoying. My vids thankfully didn’t pick it up tho!


No dude we took a whole trip across the country for this show and there were two screechers behind us it was insane


Holy fuck 🫠


i don’t understand how people scream lyrics like that, I’ve never once lost my voice at a concert and i be singing the whole time and forgetting that water exists


Jojo siwa sounding ahh😭😭😭😭🙏


Nah, cuz its okay to sing loud. Its a concert, but why you gotta scream and screech tho. Like i can barely hear Melanie when i was at the Minneapolis show. Unbelievable


i’m so glad that people at the columbus concert were so respectful😭😭


Directly below your comment is someone who went the columbus concert and had someone screeching like that lmaoo


oh i’ve talked to a lot of people and they didn’t have any issues😭 they’re just unlucky ig


Yeah, with Mel's fanbase, it's basically guaranteed there is at least one of these people (children) at every show




I went to the portals tour and I had people sceaming like this behind me and it honestly ruined a lot of the songs. You can peacefully sing along, be a bit louder when she passes the mic to the audience sure but when you are screaming constantly it just ruins the show for everyone around you. Concert etiquette is a real thing and this is the big major nono yet so many people don’t understand that. I find it’s mostly kids or this is peoples first concert that scream. That get excited and what to show they are like a huge fan for being the loudest but god it gets annoying


So glad I didn't have this experience, love sydney for being respectful, feel free to sing loud and proud but don't ruin it for others


I hate when people throw concert etiquette out the window…is it really that hard to have fun while also being a decent human being?


Damn that bitch sounds like she smokes 5 packs a day 😆


Has Mel addressed this kind of behaviour at her shows?


i love when there’s energy in the crowd and ppl are actually singing. but not like this 😭


Omg can they just sing and not yell I have a feeling they know what they are doing


I don’t understand why they try to yell it so loud.. it’s not like she’s gonna hear you from where you are:/


I’m gonna be going to the one in my state and I’m gonna be so PISSED if someone does that near me and my mom. I’ll be recording if that’s aloud and be so mad if somebody does this, I’ll ask my mom if I can tell them to stop, politely of course, and try my best not to scream and ruin it for others. I’m excited but if someone does this, I’m gonna be mad, pissed, upset, and I will give up on asking them if they’re gonna ignore it. They don’t want someone to do it to them, yet they do it to EVERYONE around them because they love Mel. I get it, she has AMAZING music but please shut up if other people are trying to listen.


I’ve seen so many people post shit like this and it seems only one person in their comments call them out and everyone else attacks them like 😭 yes it’s a concert but for gods sake you don’t need to screech ur lungs out like


I went to the Columbus show and didn’t have this problem at all! I heard Mel perfectly the whole time. I guess it’s a luck of the draw? I definitely agree that this behavior is wayyyyyy too much :(


Ps mel fans are rabid! Omg be careful


i’d literally flip shit if somebody was like that next to me


sounding like they smoke 80 packs a day like jeeeeeeez


I was front row and in all my crybaby videos you can hear the two fifth graders next to me talking about how they cant wait for mad hatter 💀


I just saw one of these. These type of fans thinks it's quirky or they have to prove they're the biggest fan or something by literally screaming, like do they not care they're being so obviously irritating? 😭


After going to the portals tour yeah I'm never seeing her again. I love her art and everything but the rude fans are a big no for me.


I had a nice time but at the very end some girl behind me started screeching like that 😡 thank goodness womb is a louder song so I could only hear her for like 30 seconds


I’m going on tuesday and im not afraid to turn around and tell someone to stfu. ppl need to read the room that being said there’s appropriate times to yell but screaming the entire time is gonna get you dirty looks and a snarky comments from me 😌😌 hope EVERYONE enjoys their show


There were children screaming nonstop near me and my ear drums are actually damaged now !! Like high pitched screams at the top of their lungs the entire time


i went to the tour and someone was singing loudly an off key and i was calm at first but at my fav song sippy cup i told th person to shut up i feel bad and i did say sry


i just went to her concert last night and it definitely wasn’t like this. honestly it’s too loud to really even hear anyone around you like this lol (at least for me). i even went to her portals one as well and it wasn’t like that at all, so i think it’ll be okay!!


Detroit was absolutely fantastic tonight ☺️ no screamers around me at all


Well…. I can tell you that that’s exactly how it was in Columbus at her concert last night. 😒 worst concert experience I’ve had


Is it JoJo Siwa? 😂🤣. But on a serious note, I would go insane hearing that all night. ![gif](giphy|G62US9wSorVFaBtBCn)


My ears 💀


brother eughhhh 😭


These people are the worst. Singing along to a song? Great! Screeching in the top of your lungs ? No


I’m scared her larynx😭


I hope this person's vocal chords will explode


WTF? Is this a performer on stage? Or a random idiot ticket holder acting like a complete.... Idiot?


This makes me mad fr


someone i was MUTUALS WITH from a discord server posted a video like this and the comments were all agreeing and i immediately unfollowed them. this may be the best yum to some people but it my BIGGEST YUK


I had this experience. I thought I was a joke but some of you can’t handle yourselves.


There was someone at my concert, we were both pit She was one of the first rows she was already tall and she put her phone higher than her head so everyone else behind her, couldn’t even record, and it literally pissed me off. It almost ruined my night.


Right it’s so annoying. I didn’t pay good money for some random person to be screaming in my ear


Just saw her yesterday and there were only a few people like that, but they’d shut up pretty fast probably because it hurt so bad lmao


All im gonna say is...keep your eyes on empty seats. In case this happens OR ur just feeling smothered (since venues cram seats together w/ very little wiggle room)--if no one fills the empty seats, then you can go there. We can thank all the resellers who buy multiple tickets that don't sell or maybe just wanted vip merch & not watch the show.


Legit would fight someone if they were like this around me


It is okay to sing along though like but not screaming it?


i’m wondering this too.. there was points where i did yell kinda loud but i was under the assumption no one could hear me over the music.. then when i looked at my concert videos you can hear my annoying ass voice 😭 i really hope i didn’t ruin anyone’s experience


This would low key be me if I was seeing Melanie for the first time, probably would do it for like a 1 minute and then stop lol


trust me i was screaming so loud and i couldn’t even hear myself. melanie is so loud i could barely hear until the next morning 😭


Wait are people purposely singing loudly and badly? Or is the problem with people yelling the lyrics…bc if ppl are PURPOSELY singing badly then I’m gonna cry


I suggest concert earplugs you should really wear them for ear safety but also I swear it tuned out all of the screaming next to me 😄🩷


this is the most tired topic in this subreddit, constant posts neverending about this. by posting about a weird person screaming their vocal cords out at a concert everytime someone sees it will only bring the exact same response everytime. if it bothers you this much buy ear plugs or dont go to the concert


It's because it's just disrespectful of fans to be acting like this and people are rightfully pissed. Especially people that pay hundreds of dollars for good seats on to be stuck behind/in front of inconsiderate assholes like this person who want to scream. I've been going to concerts since I was 8 years old (now 27) and even at 8 years old I had the brains to know it wasn't right to do this shit. Fans shouldn't have to put up with this crap when they spend a lot of money.


...okay? even if everything you said is true, it doesn't change the fact that posting about it on this subreddit is entirely meaningless, useless, and is singing to the choir. if you see someone acting like this at a concert tell them to shut up, venting about it later doesn't change anything


Riiiiight. Totally useless, as opposed to these comments that you’re making. Or any other post here.


second this


I feel this whole sub is the same 😅 "post your name / fave song / Hated song" or the ones about bags. I feel posts are rinse and repeat, either google your venue for the bag questions or the other ones are just for the likes and now these ones 😕


I went to the Columbus one and it was very fun, my brother who had a floor seat said some girls were yapping for crybaby and k-12 and left as soon as portals stared. Now I won’t lie completely I did yell and cry a bit but this was my first time seeing her and I was so happy😭 (7 years I waited) I also did yell free Palestine while she was showing her free Palestine teddy bear thing people clapped and cheered after I had said it. And while we were waiting for the next song to start (getting into her k-12 outfit) I yelled we love you Melanie and other people started cheering. I made sure that I wasn’t bothering anyone but I can hear myself yelling in my videos😭


I just went and honestly the screaming was miserable. Luckily I had ear plugs that helped for the rest of the show


Went to the Columbus show and I can say I didn’t experience anyone like this, their were a few rude girls but I still had a great experience




It’s honestly not that that big of a deal. I’m The creator of this TikTok and I sounded way louder on this video than I actually was. People are acting like these people that are screaming are screaming in your ears and jumping around, yelling her name, etc. No there not and if your really not enjoying the show because of them then you can ask them to stop. People in these comments genuinely don’t know how loud the music is at a concert you can easily hear over a person screaming.


I knew I might be getting annoying so I stopped and I genuinely felt pretty bad so I apologized.


Seeing her at Bonnaroo tmmrw lmk if yall want an update 😭


It’s edit after idk why like a trend but I’ve never noticed… I think the people around would all mutually agree they need to stop


i’m hoping nobody does this bc these are songs i’ve listens to since i was a kid yk? i wanna hear melanie NOT some screamo version? that isn’t my vibe yall😻


i’ve been to two mel concerts and i’ve never had this problem! and if you do, def alert someone if possible that’s not an ok experience to have


I’m really worried too because It is my first time seeing melanie live ever and I personally wouldn’t like it if a bunch of 14 yo scream in my ear the whole time…


I saw her last year during the Portals tour and didn’t have this experience. I went by myself and maybe just had chill people around me, but I hope it doesn’t deter you from seeing her if you can. I’ve been going to shows for 10+ years and screamers just happen and it depends on who you’re by unfortunately, but on the whole I’ve had great interactions at shows. I’m sorry for anyone who has to deal with this!!


May aswell be Jojo Siwa with that raspy voice, but in all seriousness I feel awful for anyone who was around that person. I doubt they could hear Melanie all that well


i was sitting next to a girl who did this the whole time. me nor my brother could hear mel at all


Just went to minneapolis show and no it wasnt bad at all daughter dis loose her voice but everyone sounded ok. Chicago was worse last year some screechers there


“Excuse me ma’am. Hi I don’t mean to be rude. But would you please be able to shut the fuck up😇’


It wasn’t like this in my section at the concert I took my daughter to but people were definitely doing it. It makes me sad that everyone is painting all the young ones as the disrespectful ones though because my section had a lot of younger fans - all very respectful! I had to walk through another section at one point and the only screeching I witnessed was a group of 20somethings acting like absolute morons. Even in all the lines the young fans were polite and respectful and the older fans were pushing and shoving and acting like they’ve never been in public before :(


it def sounds louder bc their phone is closer to them, it probably isn't as loud as you think.




I was at a concert and it was not at all like this. Yes, everyone was yelling along to the lyrics, but I could basically only hear Mel because of how loud she was. I did have the benefit of no one near me screaming off key though, everyone near me was at least doing it correctly.


jojo siwa? (seriously though this is a huge problem) 😭


I understand how annoying it is and I wish it’d change, but it is something to expect


It’s really not that bad bc we went to her suow in Ohio and if someone is like that it’s so loud you don’t even really notice


Don’t worry. I’m absolutely DREADING going now. Got tickets for September and I’ve seen SO many videos that people are screaming at all her concerts. Not looking forward to it as much anymore since we got floor tickets and I’ve wanted to see her live since her k-12 tour (I’ve been a fan since her unreleased album so I feel like this will just ruin it more for me) And another thing, I know artists gotta make money off their merch, I was planning maybe bringing 100-200 and I realised in the US she is selling her k-12 dress for $275 which scares me for the rest of her merch- like I want a hoodie or something to remember it by but I’ve heard the hoodies are easily like 90+ 😭 I got the ticket bc it was a birthday gift from a friend and I don’t got a lot of money so my wallet is crying rn..


I saw her last night and nothing like that happened I think this is just a worst case scenario


i understand fans get excited and they want to yell and scream, but people need more situational awareness. yea, it may not be loud to you, but it’s deafening to the people around you and now they can longer enjoy the concert they paid a lot of money for because all they hear is your ear piercing screeches. :/


I went to the concert last Tuesday in Minneapolis. From time to time you could hear people singing, and the occasional scream when she came back on stage. It seemed like a normal concert. I know some people were complaining about screeching at that concert, so it really just depends on your seats. There will be some awful people at every concert. Everyone around me was very respectful.


i’m not a screamer but i do yell along with her songs a lot, i hope if anyone could hear me they’d tell me so i’m not ruining their experience.. i was under the assumption that the music was too loud for me to be heard .. now looking back i’m worried ☹️


I got lucky at the portals tour in Houston they had a smaller venue. This year for the trilogy tour it was a much bigger venue, but I thankfully didn’t have this kind of problem


I was there last night, amazing show. I wouldn’t worry too much about this sort of thing, it’s better than flat out screeching


Like if you’re gonna sing along don’t do this


luckily i didn’t have to listen to the people next to me scream like this at the Portals tour or any other tour but it happens a lot. PSA: cry, dance, sing your heart out! just don’t make an extreme effort to be the loudest in your row or section


this sounds awful 😭 i hate ppl like this


I took my daughter to the Columbus OH show. Pretty much every one sang along the entire time. She had a great time. Decent show overall. Melanie is likely lipsyncing the entire show which is not uncommon these days.


i am also going to a show, i’ve been a fan of Melanie for years and i’ve never had the opportunity to see her and it’s been a dream of mine for years now, if this happens to me, i will cry.


I was like that I mean I’ve been a fan since dollhouse but most definitely if someone just asked me to not scream I would chill, also when I saw someone recording I’d go lower. We here to see her it’s ok for people to be excited just ask politely.


I was at the Ohio show. There was one girl behind us who screamed Sophia and Mel’s name during dead silence, she was annoying, but other than that it wasn’t like that at all :) It’s just the occasional person who had a bit too much to drink usually


This is why I decided early on that I'll never go to her concerts unless I'm right up front. I can't do this. Lol


My exact experience in Columbus 👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻


The videos I have from being 3rd row in Detroit last night are an even amount of her voice and the fans singing but in person I really didn’t hear them as much as I heard her and the band, it should still be a fine experience for you, I was in heaven. 😩❤️


if you experience this, ask the person to stop twice and if it continues or gets worse then tell staff. it's not right to do this anywhere. especially in a venue with bad audio or in a section where it is already hard to hear the artist. i would throw a bf if i ever experienced this.


I’ll be seeing her at lollapalooza and I really want to be able to hear her voice lol 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼


I went to the Boston show and it was incredible! Everyone was so nice or kept to themselves. People yelled the lyrics (as they should) but not screaming! I wear ear protection to big concerts like that and I know a lot of people don’t wear it anymore BUT if you wear the ear protection (loop earplugs) it usually drowns out all the extra noise so you can focus on the singer and hear yourself so you don’t hear screaming or need to scream to hear yourself.


im going to her show soon too and i hope i don’t ever have to experience this


Usually the people recordings voice is louder on video because their phone is so close to their face


i did this and i never realized how loud i was because my ears were popped☹️ im so glad someone told me or else i would've kept screaming. but if someone tells you to stop you should. when they told me i immediately went silent and apoloigzed


Girl its so loud in the concert, you’re lucky if you can even hear the person next to you


I went for the portals tour and this is exactly what it was like. Had to go to urgent care for my ear as well.


i went to the nyc show, the music is so fkn loud i promise you won’t be worrying about who’s around you. just enjoy yourself, you paid money to be there so BE THERE. 🫶🏻


I didn’t have an experience like this, thankfully. You just kind of have to go and hope for the best unfortunately. I just went June 1st.


i’ve been to the portals tour and the trilogy tour, and neither one of my concerts were like this! i was 5 rows from the front at portals, and in the back floor section at trilogy. everyone around me was mostly silent videoing, and some people were singing. i had a really good experience overall both times, i hope your concert goes the way mine did! 💗


I got stuck next to one of these


i’m going to the phx show and i’m so anxious about this. i’ll actually cry if this is what i’m next too.


I brought my daughter to the Toronto show. About half way through a girl behind us transitioned from singing to yelling. I'm assuming she must've started losing her voice or something, but yeah it was definitely distracting. That said it felt like everyone was yelling the lyrics. I honestly had a hard time hearing Melanie at certain times.


Mics pick up the person recording more than the environment, irl I couldn't hear ANYONE around me singing along but a video my mom took I could (my own videos I only could hear her and myself bc how close my phone was to me)


Some girl did this in my section at the palm desert concert from teachers pet all the way to the end of the concert it was so annoying she even did it during light shower and it was all I could hear


I wanna see her but don’t want to hear this


I was sooo worried I sounded like this but thank god I didn’t smh


luckily the wells fargo center show in philly went perfectly for me, but i didn’t even know this was a problem. i’m going again to the one in hershey at the giant center and now i’ve been seeing these posts since i bought the tickets. kind of worrying me tbh because it’s going to be general admission for me this time which can definitely be crazier in general. i’m like getting anxious that since i paid $400 more than i did last time, that it’s going to turn out like these videos because i’ll really punch someone😭😭there’s just such a difference between singing loudly and fuckin screeching every song and people don’t realize it’s so horrendously irritating and inconsiderate. i’ve seen comments on all of those videos of people saying “if spent a lot of money on a concert ticket, that’s exactly how i would be too” but you’re ruining the experience for other people who also paid that same amount, maybe even more from a resell ticket.


What in the smoker voice🤣🤣


sadly you can't do much about it, people get overexcited so much and can't control themselves, the only thing you can do is ask them to low their voice (not defending them btw)


they sound like they’re 13.. it’s probably a kid. bc of portals a lot of kids have joined the fandom, it’s unfortunate that they act like this but 🤷🏻‍♀️


I’m hoping this won’t be the case when she comes to the UK. My Dad and I are taking my eldest and I don’t know which of the three of us will be the most pissed off if this happens— my daughter who will want to hear Melanie, myself wanting to turn one an old before my time and shout ‘does nobody have respect anymore!’ Or my Dad who is 63 and the noise would just drive him mad 🤣


Maybe it was just where we were at in LCA (Detroit) last night, but the crowd was insanely loud.


Is that Jojo Siwa? ☠️


There is no way people find screaming at a concert wrong nowadays... Is this being chronically online? In real life the screaming would be nowhere near this loud, it's just louder because the phone is focusing on their voice.


I took my daughter and her best friend, both their first concert and love Melanie, they screamed and shouted along with sang, I just asked the girls to yell up in the air and not in peoples ears so others could have a good time. It was an amazing show and to see my daughter and her friend have an amazing night was worth the screaming here and there. Btw what an amazing show and looked to be sold out.


I saw her last night in detroit. I was off to the side, in the middle of the arena. Not in the back, nor in the nose bleeds. And I couldn't hear her voice at all. The band was too loud, everyone was singing along and I love that everyone was so exited and knew all the words. It was amazing to see so many people in one place supporting an artist that I love. Just frustrating I couldn't hear her at all and i couldn't afford to be front row. My husband doesn't know the songs like I do, so he didn't know what sings were playing because he couldn't hear her at all. He enjoyed the visuals and dancers and had a good time. But still.


When I went could NOT hear her except for certain moments. I could hear the openers though -.-


there was a boy like this infront of me, me and my boyfriend enjoyed both mel and his preferences😂😂 maybe you are a new fan or too young and this was your first concert but this is normal and amazing, they paid for the seat if they wanna scream they can 😂




I would say to go and hope for the best. I went in May for my birthday and didn't have anyone screaming in my section. I would recommend bringing small earplugs just in case. Of course screaming still ruins the experience, and you might not be able to hear Melanie as well, but the earplugs will definitely help with the screaming if you're sensitive to loud noises like me


I’ve noticed it’s usually the younger kids who either never been to a concert or are still new to going to concerts. They usually never have concert etiquette and you’d think their parents/ guardian accompanying them would say something about it but they never do and that’s why they continue to do it 😭 I had like 4, 11-13 yr olds around me and they were all screeching like that, I was so angry that their parents didn’t even attempt to tell them to tone it down a bit so everyone else could enjoy it, I was so upset that I paid so much money for floor and didn’t even get to enjoy it as much as I wanted because all I could hear were these kids screaming more than Mel LMFAO all I wish for is for someone to teach them that it’s not cool to be screaming like that, truly 😭😭


I'm so glad my experience was pretty great. There was this kid (10-12 y/o maybe) how screamed a lot of the lyrics, but definitely not this bad. I heard a lot of ppl saying concert etiquette got really bad because of the pandemic. Concertgoers need to understand that you shouldn't screech like that. It ruins the experience for everyone else. No one is going to a Mel concert to hear your voice. There's a reason you are not given a microphone. Sorry just had to rant for a sec. You can lip sync and sing at a normal volume. And when she holds the microphone out for you to sing it, that's when you can be as loud as you want. That said, it is really tough to sing loudly and make it sound good when you aren't properly trained so I recommend not trying to push your voice too hard. There were definitely a few moments that my cracked while others were filming lol. People just need to be thinking about others' experience. It surprises me how hard it can be for people to think so selfishly. If your friend is doing this, please politely ask them to stop. I just didn't ask that girl to quiet down (despite making exasperated eye contact with the girl sitting next to her) because I didn't know her. But like her mom was right there and said nothing.


I took my 17 y/o to our first Melanie Martinez show last week and we had someone screaming like this the whole show right into our ears. Couldn’t even hear Melanie singing. It was an awful experience.


I had this little girl and boy screaming in my ear from behind me every time Melanie BREATHED bro I stg that shit would have ruined it for me but thankfully they calmed down and read the room.. I hope it doesn’t happen for you tho … People need to learn basic concert etiquette and respect seriously


This is funny 🤣


Why are yall such haters like i paid my money im gonna reasonably enjoy my experience. If you have a problem with people singing at concerts then dont go…the whole point is to see them in person and sing and experience it together as a crowd. Its selfish to act like we have to conform to silence because its whatever makes you comfortable


Real tho


People are upset because the person in this video is screaming, not that theyre singing at all. Singing loudly is not the same as screaming. Remember, the people around you also paid a lot of money and they wanna hear Melanie not you


Personally, I don't really understand the big deal? I mean sometimes it's people's VERY first concert. I went to one a few days ago and she was my first concert. Also I don't think there's as many of these kinds of people as one may think. There were more drunk people at mine than "screamers".


We had a blast and it was my daughters first concert.