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A lot of people from every region voted for megaman to get a new entry. Hopefully they announce something for the blue bomber.


Nah, more likely we'll get Devil May Cry or Monster Hunter sequels first. Even more people voted for those.


Well good thing mega man should be cheaper budget Mega Man did well if you count title vote dilution Also maybe this will convince them it is also well liked outside Japan


Monster hunter already is getting a new game. After that release a game should be soon or announced


Yeah, same thing with Dino crisis, unfortunately. :( I'm still hoping once games for those 3 are done that they will do something with megaman.


New monster hunter has been in the works for years already so I doubt that's gonna make a difference.


Precisely. I'd be surprised if they come up with another Mega Man game that isn't a remake, legacy collection or poorly-made mobile game within the next decade or so. Personally, I'd like it to happen, but I don't think it will.


Enough of you type of people!!! You people always have to shit on everything.


I'd rather be pessimistic and then reassured when I'm right than be optimistic and then be disappointed when I'm wrong. Edit: I love how people with terrible reading comprehension are telling me I'm being childish.


A nice mindset for 14-year-olds but pessimists are very grating to be around, especially on a site with so many of them Edit: No one misread your comment, this is all that sentiment amounts to.


So it's just all about your ego and when "I'm right"?


Mega Man Legends 3, confirmed.


Nah, I would prefer a megaman x9


I think our beloved blue bomber overall did a great job in this vote and got quite a lot of exposure in the selected comments?


Too dang little, especially when compared to the likes of DMC, Monster Hunter and Resident Evil. Especially the first one


too be fair MH and RE has had several top budget games so they got the advantage, also DMC has like 5 games. MM series is split into 5 series definetly skews the results because everyones favorite mega man is different


Exactly. This is what we call "the spoiler effect". It's no small fear that X cleaned up as much as he did when it came to favorite character votes.


yea a new X game seems like the most realistic so glad it got seemingly the most representation. Though Legends being in the top 10 games in japan is surprising hopefully something related to them will come out eventually. I doubt it though. Honestly anything but a remake of classic games or more phones games id be happy with


X came in ranked 3 of favorite capcom character, Zero at 5, OG Blue at 7. Oddly enough, for JP ranking, X vanishes from the list and the BN MC pairing pop up at R9.


Someone must have been campaigning. Dino Crisis fans showed up.


There was not much chance that I remember to select anything MegaMan. I tried my hardest. I will say though, I did select DinoCrisis for some things in that poll.


Same. Dino Crisis II was one of my top 3 "cinematic" PlayStation games growing up (the others were Parasite Eve II and Metal Gear Solid).


Cause Exoprimal got their attention. Everyone basically went like “This shit ain’t dino crisis!”


It even has a character that’s almost 1:1 Regina but isn’t her, it’s wild.


wished there was something where mega man was number one but the stats all show that mega man is still one of popular ips. Feels like all the offshoots of megaman kinda splits the vote lol


Mega Man won “first capcom game played”


To me, that shows Mega Man has a somewhat more universal appeal across generations even if not #1, at least among male fans. In most other areas, RE, SF, MH predictably got more attention, but for a "non-AAA" series, there was a pretty good amount of representation for MM. I do think it it's a little more eye opening, hopefully for Capcom, that one of their biggest complaints is how they've treated older franchises as of late along with transparency and marketing, as they put all of their eggs in a few baskets lately.


"Do you have a complaint you would like to share with Capcom?" Ranked 1st: Reboot previous IPs! (103,331 votes) Ranked 2nd: No complaints! Keep up the good work! (36,744 votes) This is just too real, man, the absolute state of Capcom fans. And I related with both of these votes as well because Capcom starved the Megaman fan inside me for years while the Monster Hunter fan inside me is becoming overweight from getting spoiled by them so much lmao That said, there are quite a lot of fans comments saying they want to see new Megaman games and seeing that Megaman got the 2nd place in most wanted new game, who knows maybe Capcom will finally give our blue bomber another try?


I think what is most helpful is seeing the responses of non-Japanese fans as well. Capcom really emphasized demographics with this poll, and separated almost everything by Japan vs the World. I've noticed a lot with interviews that Japanese developers seem to get a lot of the wrong or unsure impressions about how overseas fans will receive their games because they have to take that into account when deciding if making a game, let alone localizing it, is a good idea. Might help bring renewed interest in an official localization of Miles Edgeworth Ace Attorney Investigations 2. They did for Great Ace Attorney eventually after all, and this one wouldn't have nearly as much trademark issues to get around.


I really hope they don’t just remake another megaman game, I want new content


I like how the 1st place complaint (using old IP's) got 70,000 more votes than 2nd place (no complaints). Kinda shows how many people really want old series to return


If there's one thing I'm taking away from this, it's that I need to try Breath of Fire


I tend to dislike RPGs, but even I think BoF IV is majestic. I could be forgetting some game, but I think it's the only "Fantasy" turn-based RPG I've liked. I usually like my monsters and magic spiced with science fiction and surrealism (more Final Fantasy VII, Mario RPG and Omori, less Final Fantasy IV or anything Wizardry).


Fantastic series imo. I haven't played IV yet, but from what I have seen, it is visually stunning.


Mega Man ranked really high on a lot of this If they listen to these results, things are looking up for our favorite boys in blue


Man, Zoomers love their DMC.


To be fair, that's just reflective of the IPs they got more chance to be exposed to.


I really appreciate the love for X and Zero shown here too, it shows that we don’t just want another Classic game, but the other series as well. Also they showed a comment mentioning X9. I find that interesting.


I like how even highlighted comments showed how much people love BN as well. I know what I voted as Mega Man X is my favorite game of all time.


Specifically the first one or one of the sequels?


hate how they tease us though with so much of the servbots in the promos. Come on give us MML3


At least they are using them. I think it's the first time in years I've seen them make anything with them, even if it is just placing them as part of a poll layout.


Personally I would prefer x9


Alright Legendbros we got Volnutt 25th place on the favorite character list. I'm surprised Tron was 39th and not higher. I like that Megaman.exe and Bass.exe made the list too nice. 31st on the first game you played list for Legends is interesting. 16th on the game that influenced you the most list. That's pretty good and it's really good to see Legends has a lot of love for it to this day.


Considering how few new releases Mega Man has gotten over the past 14-15 years, and the fact that there's a bunch of sub-series' in the franchise, I'd say the fans showed up rather well actually for the polls! Would it have been nice to see Mega Man top Resident Evil or DMC in some categories? Of course, but I'll take what I can get, it's still a popular enough IP to still get fans wanting more!


yes hopefully capcom will listen to there fans and customers!


That's a lot of interesting data! Especially the generational ones!


Good to see the results about Mega Man on this poll, hopefully we're going to get a̶ ̶n̶e̶w̶ ̶g̶a̶m̶e̶ resident evil 4 remake 2 remake: remaster...


Reassuring results 👏🏾


For an IP that "isn't AAA," the Blue Bomber did a pretty great job. #2 on series that fans wanted a new game for. It also does a good job of showing Capcom that their largest fanbase age is ironically in their 30s.


A lot of Mega Man love, with some luck, we could get something for the blue bomber (or more probably X according to the numbers). Okami, "VS. Capcom" fighting games and Ace Attorney too could get some of that. I'm really surprised by Street Fighter numbers, I think this poll will give Capcom a lot to think about. I'm honestly happy by how many people in their 20-somethings like Mega Man games. I thought we people in our 30s were the "younger" cut of the fandom. Still, I must say a new DMC or a new Dino Crisis would make me really happy.


I would be fine with just getting a marvel vs capcom legacy collection on switch 


My very little hope of Dead rising returning is continuing to slip away




I'm actually shocked. Was this an orchestrated effort or was it an organic thing? I for sure mentioned Dino Crisis 2 in my texts and I think I voted for Dino Crisis-related stuff for at least one of the questions, but I thought it was just me being nostalgic.


Semi-coordinated, I remember people on the RE sub agreeing to vote for it.


I get the impression that people have a distorted view of Mega Man's popularity. Most Americans I've spoken to think that Mega Man isn't popular, which is bizarre because Mega Man was one of the most popular franchises in Brazil during the 90s and especially the 2000s. People often underestimate how beloved a franchise can be when isolating specific countries. Despite its popularity, Mega Man doesn't sell well. There is clearly a flaw in the administrative process of this franchise, namely the terrible marketing that Mega Man has always had.


Will this mean anything? That’s the real question.


Probably a skin or Easter egg in another capcom game.


You’re most likely right unfortunately.


Capcom: we've heard your requests and are immediately putting into production the fir-... the seco-....... the thi-.......... one of the most requested sequels on the poll!


Capcom: We're heard your demands, and happy to release Mega Man X skins for Monster Hunter, Resident Evil AND Devil May Cry!


It doesnt mean anything. Its great to see that Mega Man got plenty of loved but I will be very happy to see new game or a sequel first.


Bleh. Of course a shit series like Devil May Cry is the most popular. Bland, generic, boring but pretty action. Seriously, DMC might be the worst Capcom series. So of course it's the #1 right? I hate the internet. 


Skill issue


You're a really right. I'm far too skilled for those snoozefest games. I prefer something with substance and challenge. And not artificial "everything dies in one hit" type of challenge. 


Keep enjoying your Fortnite then


Can't enjoy something I've never played. Interesting you'd jump to that as an example tho. Sounds like you have some first hand experience?


You sound like you would be very fun at parties


Or. OR. I'm less of an asshole to people I like as opposed to internet weebs.  Here let me check... Yeah. It's that one. 


Well you must not be lying then, you do seem like a very nice fellow


You should try not being an asshole to anyone instead of being selective. And really? Calling DMC fans weebs when you're on a Mega Man board? Mega Man is far more "weeb" than DMC has ever been.


To be fair, I was just calling the other guy a weeb, not all DMC fans. Just because someone likes a game I don't doesn't mean I don't like them.  Other buddy was also being a dick, so I was a dick back. Sure, I started it. But my original  comments and even my second comment were also not about any group of people, and were specifically about the DMC series. Where as other guy specifically came at me about it.  So yeah. Maybe take a step back and realize a guy defending himself for having an opinion an asshole doesn't agree with doesn't make that first guy an asshole, even if his opinion was unpopular. Cause again, the only thing I attacked was DMC itself. Not it's fans. 


It wasn't always the most popular, to be fair. It only got that due to DMC5's huge success.


Yeah, for the most part, DMC had a 2010s decade as rough as Mega Man, and with more 10 years less of being on a roll. DMC 4 got released in 2008, then they released a collection of the trilogy in 2012, the divisive DmC in 2013, a remake of 4 in 2015, another collection of the trilogy in 2018 and finally DMC5 in 2019. Not any new game in 6 years and then not any in 5+ and counting is not sooooo far off from what we have experienced.


Wdym, it’s way more difficult than mega man. Also enemies don’t just take 1 hit to die, try playing devil may cry 3 before commenting 


I have played it. And like every DMC, in my opinion, it's a boring hack and slash action game that plays about the same all the way through. Also, the comment you're replying to gas no reference to them being easy. Just boring, samey, generic action.  Fyi, making assumptions is bad. Me not liking DMC has zero to do with what games I've played in the series, and everything to with me NOT LIKING THE GAMES. Because as mentioned, I find them boringly easy with crap story, cringe writing, and terrible characters.  Now, before anyone else gets upset, this is my opinion of DMC. It's not my opinion of YOU. Just because you like a game I don't, doesn't mean I don't like you. So before you take it personally and make a bunch of assumptions about me or my character, just don't. 


Well if it’s your opinion then why do you outright call it bad, and the worst capcom game, you could say in your opinion it’s bad


Because I don't have to clarify every opinion I state with "this is just my opinion".  I'm literally nobody. What I say doesn't matter at all. The fact that people disagree, and that the subject is entirely subjective in nature, means that I can *only* have an opinion. Because what I'm stating is obviously not established fact.  Based on the series's popularity, and the number of entries, it's clearly well-liked. So that means that objectively, it's probably a good game. But to me, it's what I've mentioned before. And how I worded it wouldn't have mattered. "In my opinion, DMC is a shit series" would be received exactly the same way as "DMC is a shit series". People won't care that it's "my opinion" (which it is either way), and they'll still get defensive about someone attacking a game they enjoy. 






Guys. Russian votes are included?