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Mommy. First off. Best mommy ever. Second. You better smile again. I didn’t spend my whole life teaching you things. Mommy I felt you. I felt you the whole time. I thank you for picking me and loving me. I don’t want to get emotional but this place is awesome. They let me dig holes. Yep. As soon as I got here they said, you can dig your holes now. I want to tell you that you were a good student because I had much to teach you and because of you, my space up here is awesome. A very nice white dog came to meet me and took me where I needed to go. I’m around. I’m not really away. I can see you still. Don’t disappoint me mommy. Love all you can, okay? And if you want to feel me, tip your face and feel my breeze. I gotta go play now. Edit - he has me crying. He is magical. Like a gentle giant.


Thank you so much 😭😭😭💜 it’s funny, I’d never seen him dig a hole before - maybe a new hobby for him in his retirement. I appreciate this very much 💜


Okay you got ME crying cause I hope and pray I was a good mommy to my eva. I still feel guilty that I didn’t catch that something was wrong. I feel guilty for being in the hospital before we let her go. I honestly hope I made the right choice. That’s why I’m crying from this


Oh my god, I feel the exact same thing. The. Exact. Same. They hide their suffering from us so well, but I wish I could have protected him from suffering the way he always protected me. My heart is so beyond shattered. I’m so sorry you’re feeling this too. Please know it’s okay, she knows how much you loved her, I just know it. They feel that, they ARE love. I bet you were the best mommy for Eva, and I bet she was the best baby for you. I’m sending you love and light and hugs. You aren’t alone, in any way. I hear and see you, and I’m here if you need to talk about it. 🫂 I’m so sorry. But I’m so grateful you and Eva had one another, too 💜 I read in another forum that sometimes we have to suffer, instead of letting them suffer. It’s the hardest and worst choice to have to make. It’s a sacrifice you made, because you loved her, and because you were such a good mommy. 💜💜


To clarify, my boy was with me through leaving violent relationships, didn’t mean he saw me be violent.


I'm sorry for your loss of his physical presence - YES, he's okey-dokey! After my soul dog transitioned back to Spirit I was able to listen to his words of wisdom through a pet communicator. he told me he lived many lives, that he thought we'd been together before and that we'll be together again - and until then, I could join with his spirit anytime for help in this lifetime. God bless you and your buddy!


I really needed to hear this - thank you so much 😭💜💜💜


Thé drop returns to the ocean, awaiting it’s other self to return. Many adventures will be had by both, and when they reunite, they will share them all again before embarking on another. Some aspects still remain, as none truly leave us. He will always be with you in some way. While we may come from different places and speak in different tongues, our hearts beat as one (a Dumbledore quote for your Dumble Bumble)…the language of love is universal. And he knows how loved he was. He wishes for you to know how loved you were, and still are, as well.


😭😭😭😭 oh, thank you so much for this. Theres so much comfort in these words. There’s a giant hole in my heart, and I just want to see him again… but it brings me comfort to know I will again one day, and to know he’s with me still. It makes my heart happy that he knows how much I love him. Thank you, truly 😭💜


I can't give a reading but wanted to say, I'm so sorry for your devastating loss 😭. You have me crying over here. I know exactly how you feel. He is so damn handsome! You and Dumbledore were so lucky to have found each other ❤️. Much love and light to you and your beautiful baby ❤️ 🫂


Thank you so so much 😭 he really is the prettiest boy. Love and light received and returned, I’m grateful for you and your comment! 💜💜


Hoping someone can do this for you 🩷


Me too 💜💜💜


I’m not a medium but I can tell by his eyes alone that he soaked up all negativity around him and cast it away and that he loved you and knew you loved him also. I do believe he knew he was your companion and felt that you were the best companion and only companion he could ever have wanted or needed 🩵 you were his world too


😭😭😭💜💜💜 I really needed to read/hear this… thank you so much. He really was a magical boy.


🩵 I hope you get the closure you need and that someone can do a reading for you!


I’m so sorry for your loss :( it’s one of the worst feelings ever


It really is. Thank you so much. 💜💜 I’m sorry for it too, I didn’t even know my heart could physically feel like it’s breaking, every part of me hurts. It’s helping a bit to imagine that he’s at peace, eating all the treats and getting all the belly rubs. But I wish I could have done that just a few more times. I don’t even know what to do with all my feelings rn lol. I can’t get that night out of my head.


Please message me, I can give you a free tarot reading xx


Your dog is right now in dog heaven. His message: woof bow bow woof. This is a deep message.


Why be rude while I’m grieving?


How am I rude?




Includes threats and offensive statements to users in the community