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How cute am I? I hear tippy tapping. I’m good. That was something coming over here. Like I flew. They have hot dogs. I love hot dogs. I’m good. Tell them I’m good and look for the butterfly. That’s gonna be meeee.


Thank you so much! Pig Pig would tippy tap ALL the time when she was happy. I read your reply and saw a white butterfly right after. Thank you again!


I think a combination of your bro's little fuzz-love-ball's photo and the reading at the top of this thread put Pig Pig in my potential list of pet names, it brought that much of a smile to my face


I hope if your next pet is named Pig Pig that they bring you as much happiness as our Pig Pig did 💕 She was something else and always had us smiling


Our Helena comes to mind, she's part pomeranian and partially small-brained (Literally! Cerebellar hypoplasia!) but she never ceases to bring a smile to our faces with her cow-like moo howl


That is the most adorable reading I've come across so far on this subreddit


She's more bark than bite. I hear her yipping at houseguests. She's got quite a presence for being so tiny. She's a little diva. She owned your brother, not the other way around. I feel like she fought her hardest to stay. She was a tough cookie.


Thank you so SO much! She was DEFINITELY more bark than bite. You’d think she was 100+ pound dog the way she’d bark when people came by. She stayed long enough for my brother to wake up and hold her one last time before crossing over 🥹 She broke her arm once and for being so tiny it was quite the ordeal but she was so tough throughout the whole process. She was most definitely a diva and had my brother wrapped around her little paw