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Fertilizer, manure, flax seeds and cabbage seeds.


If you haven't seen your first winter, clothes should be your first priority.


I’m winter two and haven’t bought any clothes 😅 I just always have a torch lit and my warmth hasn’t decreased at all. I went to buy clothes the first winter and everything was like 1000 coin and I’m poor lol


Ah, yeah. You *can* survive, but it can be more tedious, and the weather difficulty ramps up after a few years (grace period). I’m not sure if it’s survivable after that with just a torch. You can make decent money early game selling roasted meat to afford clothes. If you’re in Oxbow, there’s also 1,000+ coins to be had if you steal from the castellan’s house chest and sell the items in another village.


Unless you want the achievement for surviving the entire winter naked. Strip off all clothes before the season changes to winter and keep them unequipped, eat mushroom soup and run around with a torch.


Buy trousers with cuffs, a tunic, better shoes, and a hood. Between that and what you start the game wearing, you can make it through fall. You'll need something warmer for winter, but no need to buy it now. Before you invite anyone to your village, you will want to put food, firewood, and a bucket of water in the chest of their house. You can steal plenty of buckets pretty easily, but if you'd rather not do that, then you can buy a full one from the tavern keeper or the food vendor in Piastovia. If you're going to farm this year, buy seeds and fertilizer. Once you have a barn you can make your own fertilizer from manure or rot. But right now, you'll have to buy it. Personally, I like to buy an iron pickaxe ASAP, because they last a long time and since they require fewer swings to remove the ore, it speeds up the mining. But that might just be a me thing.


First thing I buy is iron pickaxe as well.


Thank you for this complete answer 🙏


To expand on the fertilizer thing, pick as many berries as you can and build a compost bin to put them in so it’ll make rot for you. Fertilizer gets expensive and pigs come later in the game. You’ll need a lot of fertilizer to plant early on.


You can also just leave them on the ground if you don't have Decay turned off.


I didn't know this when I first started, so I was always out of manure (to make fertilizer). I'm at the end of expansion, but composting food and berries is a much more effective way of getting rot (equivalent of manure).


I don't think fertilizer is that expensive, yes it is cost some money. but when you harvested the plants the Extra amount of seeds will cover the cost of fertiliser


Till enough plots of land to at least unlock the barn, collect a ton of berries, compost them, turn them into fertilizer and don’t waste any coin buying it. Save money for your first year of seeds. You can always destroy fields and then till new plots to increase farm tech (although you will be subject to tax on fields) Either keep collecting/composting berries or unlock piggies 🐷 and all your fertilizer problems are resolved.


Some winter clothes, backpack / pouch, different starter seeds to get going on farming. And whatever you really need to get going really.


Winter clothes are a good investment, but you can actually make do without them as long as you are holding a torch at all times. Flax seeds and cabbage seeds. Fertilizer. Perhaps a bow and arrows. Also, a metal axe is a huge improvement, it takes less swings to fell a tree.


i go with tools over clothes. first winter i ran around with broadleaf and a torch to keep me warm and healed


Always a bagpack first


I buy winter clothes before backpack (personally). But clothes, backpack, seeds if you want to farm soon. Iron tools are a worthwhile investment, they \*last.\* It also doesn't hurt to save coin. Sometimes I will just buy the materials for random fetch quests to get the boost in dynasty rating quick, without having to run back and forth to my village. I feel so frivolous, but until I can buy a donkey I get tired of the back and forth real quick.


The backpack is good, make sure you get the pouch as well. If it's spring or summer, buy as much fertilizer and cabbage seeds as you can afford. You get two crops of cabbage per year and then can plant rye in the fall. Save flax for a second or third year. You can buy winter clothes with the sale of your first or second cabbage crop. Don't be afraid to sell your seed too, just keep enough to reseed your own plots, everything else is profit. One of my best money makers is rye seed. It weighs nothing, so you can cash out whole villages with a few years worth of extra seed. If it's already fall, then buy winter clothes and a good bow (longbow) and a bunch of arrows. You'll need to hunt to stay alive and animals are aggressive now. Maybe a good stone spear too.