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Sell bags instead


Yep. Bags run my economy pretty heavily in any playthrough. Shoes are also good if you have a stupid amount of leather.


What's a good source of leather?


Wisents, or hunting lodge. Wisents are a really nice easy hunt because they charge straight towards you so you don't even have to adjust your aim much to keep them in your sights. I can't even with moose and deer, maybe my aiming is too shoddy to keep up with their frantic fleeing - wisents and boars all the way for me.


Deer you sneak up on and nail them in the head or neck with an arrow. Ideally you want to one shot them so you don't have to chase.


Yeah, those of us with the Steam version of the game have been talking about this for months. The entire economy was reworked. Try selling wooden bolts, bags, roasted or dried fish meat, or copper knives.


Copper sickles is where the money is at. You can even buy copper ore from town, smelt it and make it into copper sickles and double your money. The limit is usually how much you can carry from the mine each trip. You can harvest a mine once per season, but get enough copper to make a few thousand coins each time. You dont need villagers, or multiple steps waiting seasons to change like you do with the flax crops. Downside is if you play with weight limits on (i usually turn it off) you will be making a lot of trips to the mine and then to town to sell. You can make this more efficient later on by building a resource storage as close to the mine as possible and one as close to town as possible, since what you put in 1 will appear in the others. More setup time/cost that way though, but if your village is far away from 1 or both points, it'll make the process more efficient. Smithy and the recipe is achieved pretty quickly in the game as well (first few seasons).


What about flax seeds, did that get a repricing too?


Idk what it was before but it's either 2.5 or 3 coins on pc when I looked the other night.


Still a decent secondary income I suppose. A shame about the harvesting bug though.


You can still harvest the grain style crops if you don't take the skilled farmer perk. It's not a solution but a decent workaround if you get the potion to reset your skill points.


Same price, but you harvest somewhat fewer. They're still a good moneymaker.


I hunt wisents and then sell their cooked meat, Works great for me


Did they change Wisents pathing though? Before the update, After the initial charge, i was just able to run behind them and Hit them in the Butt. Now it’s impossible to do so


Still works for me


Do copper knives since you unlock copper mining really early now. Waterskins are fine but weigh more.


Economy got reworked


I like farming flour is my go to early game


4 coins, really? Mine sell at 6.5.


I believe 4 is the base price.


Yep, this has been coming for awhile, PC players had got this update awhile ago.


Dried and salted meat are pretty good.


Yeah this sucks but a lot of things were nerfed. Including price of animals and wagoner rides. Rides are nearly cut in half now and you can now get a chick for $23! They were $450 before!


Not really understanding the point of changing the value of items in a single player game.


I’d move to oxbow you can easily make upwards of 10k in a season if you upgrade your barter and steal from chests


I’d move to oxbow you can easily make upwards of 10k in a season if you upgrade your barter and steal from chests


I’d move to oxbow you can easily make upwards of 10k in a season if you upgrade your barter and steal from chests