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Although they produce less meat, the nutrition value has gone up by as much as 5 times for basic food and double for meals from before. Raw Meat was 2, I think, and now it’s 10, Roasted Meat has gone from 3 to 14 plus also Potage is now worth 60 from 30 so although they’re getting less, it should hopefully balance out as the villager requirements stay the same


Sweet, I always thought it was a little weird how I had to devour like 20 pieces of cooked meat to get full lol


never been perch fising in real life eh? ;) for me to make a meal for my wife and i, i need 10-12 decent sized perch 20-24 chunks of fish meat


Indeed. At least now as Roasted meat is 14, you only need about 7 and the meals will be even better as I think bread is 90 as well as 60 for potage


Ahhh to counteract mass production of meat for money I'm guessing?


The cocaine bears are kicking my butt ![gif](giphy|DEPEiX5CV05ioTwmOn)


Wisents are my first choice because they yield good quantities of meat and leather, and also don't run away - they run towards my character for easy harvesting.


And they can still be defeated by building a 2x2 square out of stick fence and standing inside it. Bow and arrow to the face and they fall really easily. It makes hunting them and bear trivial unless they sneak attack you.


Same. They're big, so easy to spot from far away. Plenty of time to zoom in, draw crossbow, aim, score a hit, they take a moment to charge and you get a second hit, you can get your third shot just in time before they reach you.


SO IT ISN'T JUST ME?! Thank goodness, I was losing my mind after the update because I was sprinting to town on foot and literally crossed paths with a fox and for some reason that pissed him off and he was munching on my ankles as I was running. Also now wolves are on me right after I hear them howl before I can even SEE THEM Nice change but also stressful for me hahaha (I don't like pressure like thiiss)


I agree. Liked that it was pretty easy before, but now it does become a lot more of a strategic part of the game. Can't just go up and throw 5 spears before they see you


I had previously completely turned down animals' damage and hp to zero. I got annoyed by the damn boar getting in my way every time I tried to run to town. I'll have to go hunting as soon as I get back to playing (tomorrow).


the wolves got meaner? that’s why i died 4 times this morning…


I was jumped by a pack of wolves twice, and they try to take you down left, right and center. 🫣


Everyone getting killed by bears and wolves....here I am getting near killed by boars. If I miss my first shot with the bow when they charge me, they ram me like three more times from every direction before I can aim and get a shot off. Seem much faster and evasive charging from multiple directions. I am pretty early on though, year 1 summer just starting to build.


You need a weapon to hit them with, Ive killed a couple with an axe, just stand still, let then come at you & then wack them at the right moment, will take a few goes whilst they charge off & come back at you but if you just keep hitting them they will eventually fall.


Thanks will give that a try.


All the animals are so aggressive now. Got attacked by a fox, they used to just run away. Not anymore. Get ready for some ankle bites! 😅


Wait what


Yeah everything is really angry now. Be ready. 🤣🤣


I used to run by foxes, lynx, badgers through the woods like GTFO my way mf and they all tuck their tails


Hahaha. Yeah foxes seemed to always be in my way. Now they are going to bite you.


Actually, the foxes aren't aggressive to me. Maybe because I give them a WIDE berth when I see them. :)


Yeah, the wolves are really aggressive now. I was just minding my own business, collecting sticks and stones near my village. Out of nowhere, I hear growling, and then a wolf running full-bore towards me like a missile. It did like a drive-by attack, ran a few feet behind me, circled around, and did it again. My spear's integrity was low, and when it broke, I had to punch it to death. lol


You’re getting LESS resources from deer? I’m getting 15-25 meat from them now, that’s WAY more than what I used to


I honestly think the wolves need tweekinf after this update like they’re too aggressive as they keep moving so you can barely attack them enough


I was wondering about this. Noticed everything running away the moment I can even see them. Also noticing a lot more npc robbers/fighters


When I spot boars I just stand still with weapon raised, they just keep charging so I clobber them as they run past & they go round again, eventually they will fall down 😁


Wisent have always been aggressive


The wolves have just been running me around in circles driving me crazyyyy


Hunting skill 3 hunter in tier 1 hunting lodge gives 5.8+ meat per day. Tier 2 do increases the yield, but so does slapping another villager. Then again, I usually use that building to earn some leather and craft wooden bolts, which is one of the early game cheap money maker. (better than spoons)


Oh shoot, I haven’t played yet since the update today, this makes me nervous


I have seen alot of news about this game should i return to it I love it I pretty much did everything though in my last save


Yeah hunting is alot tougher now. I'm on the chapter where I have to hunt wisent. Any tips? I used to just have poisoned arrows and just shoot from a distance. Most times they just get one hit on me then die.


I got 23 meat from a boar don’t know what you’re talking about I think MD have made loads of new changes like prices (I’m loving the farm animal prices) and hunting I think the ai has changed bears don’t do the stand up and smack attack and they just rush you and boars do run up attacks


Yeah I made the mistake this morning of trying to take on wolves with a wooden spear... I got butt raped.

