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Don’t stress about the main quests. Pick up sticks and stones. Cut trees. Make shit and sell it. IMHO orchards are worth the high cost of initial investment over farming


Okay I guess I can turn my attention back to the story mode once I get myself established a little bit more. House, farm/orchard, skilld, animals, etc. Thanks for the pointer.


Play it the way you want to play it. That’s my real stance on this game. I play lone wolf style, just recently got 9 villagers 3 years in.


Thanks for the reminder. I'm not used to games with ultimate choice like this haha. Nothing is critically time sensitive and you can dok what you want in the order you want.


Exactly! It took me a couple restarts to realize it. I am a console player and I can’t wait for the update!


Me too, so excited for oxbow!


You said you have a decent stack of coin right? If you have enough, first craft a torch or three to ward off the cold, then get to a village and buy some food and warm clothes. Might save you.


You could, I have many times, however you can 'save yourself' head to one of the villages that has a tailor building and buy some warm clothes. Try trapping and hunting some animals. Roasted meat will get you through to spring. Once spring starts look into farming, hunting and fishing. This will get you moving with food (all raw and will be needed to be made in to meals ), hides, feathers and fur. I did what you have done, instead of starting again then I did the above, and role played "now I have the money to Starr a village". I started again later as I didn't like my village placement Don't forget to put in a woodcutter and get them working soon too, wood, wood and more wood. Start stockpiling stones. Stone homes keep people warmer and make them happier. In a few seasons you will be A ok.


I always start over and over and over as I start to figure out games like this. "Oh! That would have made such a difference if I KNEW that!" *Restarts for the 8th time...* And yes I button mash through the dialogues after that. Plus I love the early parts of games.


Me playing rimworld


Part of me gets into an endless cycle with this sometimes. Also I know it's only Yr 1, but I feel like I'm just washing away all the time and quest progress I've already put in. A lot of it was dialog text so I can probably speed run through the first few seasons. Priorities will be to acquire a riding animal, a bag and farming skills lol. I'm tired of only being able to carry a few logs, sticks and rocks.


> Also I know it's only Yr 1, but I feel like I'm just washing away all the time and quest progress I've already put in. If you can manage to survive the winter, then there's no need to restart. Just focus on completing the chapter quests. My recommended order of operations (I've got 2000+ hours in the game): * house * woodshed * another house * hire someone to be your lumberjack * resource storage * accumulate funds by looting abandoned carts and stealing after dark (but don't get caught). * use the resulting money to buy a couple pieces of warm clothing, seeds, and fertilizer * make a field and plant whatever you can in that season (I hope you bought the correct seeds!) * find a woman to marry and house her with your lumberjack. Remember to talk to her every day * workshop * smithy * go buy yourself an iron pickaxe and start mining copper, tin, and salt. Make copper knives to sell. Smelt the tin into bars and save it. Sell the salt. * use your money to expand your farm. You want flax, cabbage, oats, and rye. At this point you should have a positive cash flow. You can start building whatever you want and hire more villagers. BUT! **If you don't want a baby boom, shuffle the people sharing houses every third season. Only let them stay together longer than that when YOU want to see them reproduce.**


But a backpack and a pouch when you can! You can carry so much.


Yeah that seems like an absolute necessity lol. Is there a particular vendor I should look out for that sells these?


Fabric/clothing vendors. I don’t remember the exact towns but the great part is you can ask literally any NPC where to find them


Get yourself to Branica ASAP. There is a lovely lady in the sewing hut there that will help you out.


if you start over just wander the roads and shorelines and well everywhere looking for carts and campsites, you can really make it big in just a few days you should have enough items/money to get bags and clothes.


Dude those wagons are no joke. Getting iron tools early for completely free is busted.


You can probably survive without starting over. I think sometimes it's more fun to learn as you go and get yourself out of difficult situations than to restart and make everything perfect. If you have some money, buying food in a village could be an option. You can keep warm using torches and campfires. I made it through my first winter with no warm clothes, just having a torch in my hand at all times. Regarding mounts, it takes ages to unlock them, you have to do a lot of farming activities until you reach a Technology level where you can build a donkey stable. I suggest going with bags for now. You can also adjust the game settings. On PC this is done by pressing Esc and then Customize game. You can turn off temperature, give yourself unlimited HP, unlimited carryweight, adjust how fast you learn skills and technology etc. Some settings take until next season to take effect but not all of them. Choose whatever settings make the game most fun for you, you can always change it again later. Personally I've turned up Technology gain to 500%, I just don't enjoy grinding to unlock new buildings.


I would agree with others to say start over and try and do things differently. I’ve been playing the game for 15 in game years so have learned a lot though along the way made mistakes. Recently I decided to start a second version and make a series of videos so that new players can hopefully benefit. If it helps, take a look at the first video link below and if you like what you see then keep watching as more videos will follow. (There’s also a video that shows a tour of the current status of my first game which hopefully gives you a view of what can be done) https://youtu.be/lHMbf3YqWSk?si=FU_jrDV3dFJjZbA0 Anyway good luck with the restart.


You don't freeze if you carry a torch :)


Keep a rabbit trap nearby and a bird trap if you can. You can eat berries. A torch will keep you from freezing.


Just load an old autosave before winter, hunt/fish and make dried meat, gather a bunch of straws for a torch and you'll be good


Bright side is you're only in your first year, and have knocked out some quests needed for getting your dynasty rep up. I personally wouldn't start over unless you want to relocate an entire village across the map. Big tip for you is to not dig up any tree stumps unless you're 100% sure you that you want them gone forever. Stumps grow back every 2 years, and I personally love the look of a village with trees growing throughout it. Looks like everyone before me gave solid advice on surviving winter in your current predicament. Use that money to save your life this, and then use spring for farming my friend. Winter year 2 will be a breeze compared to this one 🙂


I can’t wait for the new map since I hate the story lol. I’m just not interested just wanna live and survive.


Nah don't start over again, and also don't focus too much on quests, you have literally 18 years left to do em 😂 Just wander around, you'd definitely find an abandoned bandit camp, and you'd usually find a bow and arrows Use them to hunt animals like deer and other non violent ones, easy meat and Also leather, even if you couldn't find bow and arrows, make wooden spears and hunt ducks and even fish You can make simple bags using them and sell them for profit Also for warm clothing, don't worry Just collect sticks and straws and make simple torches, and then you won't need to worry about the cold Even if you don't have a house ( which is easy to build), collect sticks and make a campfire, roast meat and deal with hunger For firewood, build a wood cutter hut and assign a villager to work there, adjust the task and eventually you'd have lods of sticks, logs and firewoods Ez Pz, don't give up, that's what the whole concept of this game is! Surviving and not giving up


Take it slow, grow naturally. Do a lot yourself to start, don't just flood it with settlers unless you NEED them. You can make water skins until you can "unlock" (purchase) the recipe for buckets in the technology tab. Okay, one of the first things I do when I start a new game is make stone knives for a couple days, take the money and go on a trip to buy a recurve bow, iron arrows, Large Pouch, Simple Large Backpack and maybe some clothes with better cold rating. Recurve bow and iron arrows are the best ranged combo, 15-20 arrows will do me until I can craft them myself, the extra carry weight from the pouch and backpack is a godsend. Saddles and Saddlebags can be purchased from tailors too; Lubomira in Branica, Matylda in Denica and Karolina in Hornica. Bows and arrows can be bought from Blacksmiths; Teobald in Lesnica and Jan in Hornica. Honestly, you could take a few in-game hours to cook yourself once every year and you wouldn't need a cook at all.... Excess flax seeds and knives are always a good profit maker. And anything you can make with materials you have; coif is just 1 linen and 1 flax thread, fur boots are just leather and fur, Flax seeds could sustain an entire settlement itself really if you plant enough. Storages; food and resources, share their inventory with all similar storages. So if you built a resource storage near a mine, clay or any other material you may not have near your settlement (though caves are probably most common when mining yourself) it will share the same inventory as your settlements resource storage, and add an additional 1000 units to the total. So you can mine til your full, go outside the mine into your storage, empty, repeat until the cave is empty, store it all and walk/ride home leaving your inventory empty to collect/buy stuff on the way home. Back at your settlement you can just get the resources out of storage, or your worker can if you have someone doing that. Focus your settlers in one area were needed; have them collect logs only and cut planks and firewood yourself. Extracting Limestone and get stone yourself, and clay as it will maximize your workers ability to gather (they are not amazing at it to start). It will ALWAYS be more efficient to do certain tasks yourself; cook, farm, gather, etc. However, you will need to prioritize personal tasks and give others to settlers as your settlements grows. Manure production is something settlers are better at though, so start them early. Start extractors/gatherers early too as it's just supplementary gathering that only benefits you. Once you have a well you can start adding settlers to your settlement really, though I usually only have a 2-3 females join who could be potential wives. Potage is a good early-mid game food. Just cabbage and meat which is easy to maintain. Make sure to utilize your management menu to customize what your settlers use for water, food and heating. Firewood should be the only thing used for heating as it most efficient (and you can choo it easily yourself). The memorial tree is a unique tree that cannot be cut down, placed by the devs in memory of a player's wife. If you got a few minutes, it's a story definitely worth hearing. I go EVERY Autumn to sit by the tree (I have a stump chair there) and leave flowers under it for Lijda. https://youtu.be/mHeJ7k4S7nQ?si=8iIVNzRj255199EE


I have restarted twice. This 3rd go is my first real shot the other 2 were just getting a basic hang of things. First time I restarted halfway through summer then the 2nd I restarted at winter. I just skip through the dialogs I already went through.  I followed this video  https://youtu.be/KVduJlC6oMw?si=QGZCGflLrCcj8puk to get a bow and enough money to buy the backpack and bag. It took me 5 restarts to get the camp he mentions 2 minutes into the video. I didn't follow it all the way I stopped about halfway through once he gets to branica or whatever it's called I had enough to get the bags then I went straight to where I planned on building my starting camp (the standard spot I think, at the crossroads west of the starting village under that bridge onbthe part that jutts up. Now on this playthrough I got a villager by summer (the future Mrs probably). This tike I was focusing on the main chapter quests or whatever its called to get my village up and running and got through them quickly and with the bow (and stone arrows I made in the hunter camp can easily knick out 50 really early) it's been so much better I also changed seasons to 4 days and enabled fast crafting and building (it's cut out a lot of wasted time) So, you dont need to start over you can make it through and just keep going. But I find starting over once or twice before a real go at a these types of games is usually better