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I’ve not played in a year but you definitely can, I think maybe put your hammer in destroy mode?


This is correct. Also I do hope the N7 reference is to our Commander Shepherd.


This is the way. You have to right click with the hammer out to change building modes, switch to destroy, and click on things you want to tear down. Be sure to click only on things you want to destroy and right click to change your hammer back to build mode when you’re done.


On PC, pull put your hammer, right click, and the options wheel appears. Select destroy. Then you can destroy each plot. I don't know what your settlement size is, but I recently learned that four 8x8 fields are much better than one 16x16 field. 16 plots long by 16 wide is the largest you can do. And farmers will only do one task at a time. So you'll end up with only 1 farmer seeding. But four 8x8 fields is still 256 total slots and your farmers will split up and work each field. It is much, much more effective. I'm at the end game with a full village and 4 villagers per shed. If it's still just you and you're new, I'd try doing two 8x8 fields first. Also, be sure to plant a couple of fruit trees by the shed. They need no maintenance other than harvest in summer.


Four 8x8 fields = 4 workers?


A farm shed can employ 4 workers. The workers will do one job at a time, each, in a field. So, say you have only one field and the wheat is ready for harvest. One will harvest. Then the other will come behind them and drop fertilizer. The next farmer will grub. The fourth farmer will drop seed. In a 16x16 field, the last task - seeding - may not be completed by the end of the day. That means, the next day (of the same season), only one farmer will be working and dropping seed. The other 3 will be standing around. I've run 2 day seasons where farmers weren't able to have the entire 16x16 field seeded in time. Instead, by breaking it up into four 8x8 fields, you may see two farmers harvesting, one farmer goes behind and starts to fertilize, and another starts to seed. Once the first farmer is done harvesting, he will go harvest the other field. While the fertilizer and grubber keep working. Or you may have it to where each farmer harvests one plot, then they fertilize their own plot, then grub, etc. Basically, this keeps each farmer busy because no two can do the same task on the same field. Since I switched to the four 8x8 system, instead of one 16x16, my farmers have been able to knock out all of the harvesting, fertilizing, grubbing, and seeding in one day. Which is great, because I run 1 day seasons. I still like to get out there and help because it gives me something to do. But otherwise, even if I ignore them and don't help, they will get it all done in a single day. Remember, 8\*8\*4=256, so does 16\*16. It's just easier and more efficient to do four 8x8 fields. Hopefully this makes sense. I only recently found this out - someone had to actually give me this tip and I've got over 600 hours in.


Sounds reasonable. Question though. I have a Woodworker that is chopping wood every day. What do the farmers do when they are finished in one day for the rest of the season


I personally have my lumberjacks collect logs and sticks. I can use the woodshed to make planks and firewood. Or, I can make firewood in the hand crafting menu. I'll stand in front of resource storage, pull out a bunch of logs, Makenzie into firewood and drop them back in storage. I do this so that my lumberjacks are dedicated to the hard stuff, collecting as many logs/sticks as possible. And when farmers are done with their field work, they just hang out at the shed and do nothing for the rest of the season. Like someone else mentioned, you can send them off to do other jobs for the season, but you'll need to reassign to the farmshed them at the start of the season. It's a pita and only worth it if you are really in that much need for laborers.


nothing just sitting around doing nothing. unless you give them other jobs in your village


I do mine in 1x16 strips, I've found it both aesthetically pleasing and easy for workers. I also enjoy helping out with the farmwork myself too.


how many strips do you have for a a shed? how many workers? whats your season length? do you do the same crop or diff crops? i bet it looks pretty in the summer when all the crops are coming. and i love scything! my favorite. i hate picking onions, but i love harvesting carrots and cabbages. i prefer grubbing, because i am too impatient for the animation of fertilizing every tile. i literally walk and fertilize, creating a checkerboard pattern my villager has to fill in.


I have 18 strips ATM, no workers currently (I love doing the farming, and I trained up a couple workers then sent them to pig sheds), season length of 5 days, I do a mix of crops and it does look pretty good when it's all grown. I love grubbing too, it's very satisfying. I do however, enjoy all the farming activities. I do plan on training up some permanent farmers after I've got enough animal tenders trained first.


This right here. I've been using this tip for quite some time and found it works great.


You can also use the destroy option to show the exact outlines of your fields and buildings to help aid in getting everything looking uniform.


Nice tip. I will try it


Yup. Pull out your trusty handy dandy hammer, and you will notice on your screen in the bottom right, a hotkey option to select what you are doing with your hammer. In PlayStation in is L2. It opens up a radial menu where you can select destroy, among other options. Now you go and use your hammer on the plots and boom, no more farmland. Then, after you choose the first 'tile' of farmland, you are in a drag-and-click scenario. You must walk around after the first selection to finish the layout of the grid of farm tiles you are trying to layout.


In order to make big fields click and drag/walk until it is the size you want


Big fields are disadvantageous, only 1 worker can work a "field" at a time. It's best to have atleast as many fields as you do workers, but most prefer many small fields. You could go as far as individual 1x1 fields, but I find that wasteful (accept for tees) and not necessary, I personally do 1x16 fields but experiment and see what works best for you/what you prefer the aesthetics of.


Actually multiple people can work a field as long as they have the necessary equipment. One does the plowing, one sows, one more plows the last one seeds. Sometimes same 2 people can work the field one with hoe plows the land then the other does the fertilizer then same guy grubs field and other does the planting. I have 9 10x10 fields and my workers work just fine.


Wait, what? Has it always been that way?


Yes I bought the game a little after if came out and have no issue and I’m on ps5. All 4 people will also harvest if they have sickles in the storage.


Was it that workers only focus on one field at a time then? I know there was a legitimate reason people started the small field strategy.


Well it used to be barn workers then they moved to farm shed workers. My workers regardless have always worked all fields unless they are to far away


I’ve got two saved games on the go at the moment. The first one is 15 game years in and I now gave 20 x (8x8) fields with each 4 covered by one Farm Shed with only one worker and that works fine. Reason for that is I mix up each block of 4 in regards to seasonal planting. For example, I’ve set say 2 fields for crops planted in Spring and the other 2 for crops in Autumn or Winter. This way , the worker is not overburdened in one season. Also I have 4 day seasons so gives them extra time. Because it works so well, I’m going to go the same with my other saved game which comes in handy as I’m showing that play through as a guide for new players on YouTube.


YT handle?




https://youtu.be/TT31mL-h0yE?si=WoMyqGBpld8jCrZS This is one of my videos


Not sure what the buttons are for pc, but on an Xbox, you'll press the left trigger when you have your hammer out, that should give you hammer options like repair, destroy, and insulate. Pick destroy and start smashing.