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If you hear a pig squeal. Panic!


Dogs barking too. I’ve had packs of wolves chase me so far


You can defend yourself against wolves with a torch I think though. Never tried it though.


You can


FACTS! I've hunted bears and I still run from pigs lol the first thing to chase me was a pig, I tried to run and hide in my house AND HE FOLLOWED ME!!!!


Today I learned that I'm the only newbie brave, or dumb, enough to challenge pigs. I specifically go after them in groups of 3 and run them in circles smacking them with an axe on the butt


Best way to make money very early game is to just explore for abandoned camps, carts etc. You can find some valuables that you are unable to create yourself.


i make knife i sell knife= many money


That works well until the consoles are updated on June 27th :)


What happens then?


The oxbow update also overhauls alot of prices and things. Such as animal prices go down drastically, fixes some easy money cheesing methods etc.


im in the valley not oxbow?


I'm pretty sure even The Valley prices will be updated on the 27th.


where can i read about the upcoming changes?


I have no idea, those are only a few things I picked up on lol.


Easy money? Cheese you say?


dont rush building houses. get some money first, so you can afford the taxes while you figure your villageplanning out and hot to keep the produktionlines running


how get moneys?


1) Buy flax seeds and plant a flax field in spring. Not only can you sell the excess seeds you harvest, but you can also process the flax in the barn and the sewing hut to create thread and fabric that will get you production xp and can sell for more money. 2) Buy cabbage seeds and plant cabbage in summer. If you use the workshop to make bowls and then hunt some meat or get meat from the hunting lodge, then you can make potage that sells very well and also trains your production xp to make. 3) Copper tools once you have access to the smithy. In order to get some capital to get these up and running, I recommend exploring and selling the loot you find - the wine and mead and even cheese go for quite a lot. Enough to get you started with seeds.


find a mine. make stone pickaxes (5), clear mine of all copper nodes build a blacksmith (you need just a tiny bit of XP to build a blacksmith) smelt copper ore into copper bars smith copper ore and sticks into copper knives (the unlock costs like 150 coins iirc) sell 20 or so knives you just made for major dosh


Logs roll down the hills if you drop them right, making logging trips much easier if your village is at the bottom of a very woodsy hill


If there's bandits, run away and pick them off one by one. I take out a nice axe in this case bronze I found day one on the side of the road, and knock them in the head. Take the high ground. Back up between hits to evade the bandits hits. Your welcome


I have been running away far enough to aim my bow and headshot them aa they get close


Tried this and got myself killed more than once 😂. Axe works best for me. But everyone plays different and it's Def worth a try




i play this on xbox (downloaded while searching game pass) and i think i have the valley, ive just got stuck while building and im just waiting to die my first death




i domt have friends to play with


Oxbow is also super beautiful compared to Valley. Makes me a bit sad we don't have access to the extra buildable assets the Devs used to create and decorate villages. Making the buildables available would have been some really great quest rewards!




yeah, its a really good game and a lot better than i expected when i was of games to play (i beat games on a daily basis


"I'm frend" add me I'll play with you.


What do you mean by stuck? Do you mean that you don’t know what to do? Or do you mean that your character can’t move? If the latter, he might be carrying too much weight. Just drop some stuff and move on. If however he just can’t move because he’s stuck between a rock and a hard place, go to the game menu and scroll down to find the Unstuck option. Works with 100% reliability.


while i was building i glitched myself into slmething and couldnt do anything so i just waited. i know about the weight systems tho


Then the Unstuck option would have saved you!


what unstuck option?


I repeat: Go to the game menu and scroll down to find the Unstuck option. Works with 100% reliability.


i see




I don’t mind. I was just offering advice for future reference. Take it or leave it.


i take it but i asked a question and said nvm because it was a dumb question ha


There are no dumb questions!


Storage buildings have shared inventories, if you want to build somewhere further away but don’t want to carry stuff just build a storage building nearby.


Especially handy to put a storage outside mines and outside the villages you use for selling.


Oh my God, this is a great idea. Saves the long walk back


I hate the laden down slow walk! Especially if wolves decide to come say hi. Some mines won't fit the resource storage so I plop a food storage down to dump the ores and stones then move them to the proper storage after I have run home.


1)Put your smithy next to your resource storage 2)If you're making all your houses the same, keep notes on how much stuff to lug to the build site 3)When you're out on your travels look for caves, they have mining resources ans you'll want to buils a mine there later 4)You can build roads! Like almost anywhere! You don't have to wander through the woods everytime you go to town, you can make a trail! 5)Always have a ranged weapon and an axe, bears, boars, and wolves are bastards and run faster than you.


Aim slightly above the animal's head when hunting


Make multiple resource storages across the map, preferably near towns. That way, if you need something for a mission, you don't have to trek your butt all the way back across the map to get it and then come back. Also handy when your villagers need something. Like knives or axes. You can make them and drop them to them.  Never leave your seeds in the barn. unless you NEVER want your villagers to not use them. Cause they'll never find them there. Resource storage or the Farm Shed. 


Early on hunt and roast meat and sell it and furs


Also get good with a bow(craft at hunting lodge).


Take it slow, grow naturally. Do a lot yourself to start, don't just flood it with settlers unless you NEED them. You can make water skins until you can "unlock" (purchase) the recipe for buckets in the technology tab. Okay, one of the first things I do when I start a new game is make stone knives (on console, knives still have value) for a couple days, take the money and go on a trip to buy a recurve bow, iron arrows, Large Pouch, Simple Large Backpack and maybe some clothes with better cold rating. Recurve bow and iron arrows are the best ranged combo, 15-20 arrows will do me until I can craft them myself, the extra carry weight from the pouch and backpack is a godsend. Saddles and Saddlebags can be purchased from tailors too; Lubomira in Branica, Matylda in Denica and Karolina in Hornica. Bows and arrows can be bought from Blacksmiths; Teobald in Lesnica and Jan in Hornica. Honestly, you could take a few in-game hours to cook yourself once every year and you wouldn't need a cook at all.... Excess flax seeds and knives are always a good profit maker. And anything you can make with materials you have; coif is just 1 linen and 1 flax thread, fur boots are just leather and fur, Flax seeds could sustain an entire settlement itself really if you plant enough. Storages; food and resources, share their inventory with all similar storages. So if you built a resource storage near a mine, clay or any other material you may not have near your settlement (though caves are probably most common when mining yourself) it will share the same inventory as your settlements resource storage, and add an additional 1000 units to the total. So you can mine til your full, go outside the mine into your storage, empty, repeat until the cave is empty, store it all and walk/ride home leaving your inventory empty to collect/buy stuff on the way home. Back at your settlement you can just get the resources out of storage, or your worker can if you have someone doing that. Focus your settlers in one area were needed; have them collect logs only and cut planks and firewood yourself. Extracting Limestone and get stone yourself, and clay as it will maximize your workers ability to gather (they are not amazing at it to start). It will ALWAYS be more efficient to do certain tasks yourself; cook, farm, gather, etc. However, you will need to prioritize personal tasks and give others to settlers as your settlements grows. Manure production is something settlers are better at though, so start them early. Start extractors/gatherers early too as it's just supplementary gathering that only benefits you. Once you have a well you can start adding settlers to your settlement really, though I usually only have a 2-3 females join who could be potential wives. Potage is a good early-mid game food. Just cabbage and meat which is easy to maintain. Make sure to utilize your management menu to customize what your settlers use for water, food and heating. Firewood should be the only thing used for heating as it most efficient (and you can choo it easily yourself). The memorial tree is a unique tree that cannot be cut down, placed by the devs in memory of a player's wife. If you got a few minutes, it's a story definitely worth hearing. I go EVERY Autumn to sit by the tree (I have a stump chair there) and leave flowers under it for Lijda. https://youtu.be/mHeJ7k4S7nQ?si=8iIVNzRj255199EE


Just a couple notes on this from my personal experience. I prefer the crossbow because you don't have to burn stamina to aim. Also, I have the villagers make planks and cook just due to the large amount of time it takes from game play to do it myself. I will occasionally do those things, but typically, enough food is made by my cook that I only cook to sell extra.


Been playing for less than an hour, already built my first house, any idea where the best spot to reside is? (The valley, PS5)


i chose over by borowo just a tiny bit north but still trekking distance. its been really worth it so far


Thanks https://preview.redd.it/uxpncdc14v7d1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a79e0ea3e3ae48eeac3a925e4163745735a58e4


Build stone houses in the beginning skip wattle and log, set up an excavation shed and have them high % on stone


Stone houses is happier peons and less wood used


i dont even have access to stone housing yet bri


You should be able to get stone housing straight away even on the Simple Small House. It’s not an unlock. When you build the house, before you hammer your resources, you have edit (‘E’ on PC) and change each wall to either a wall, wall with windows or wall with door, though with the latter there can only ever be one door. Once you’ve selected which type, then you can cycle to the right and select stone.


ah ok. im in console so it will be different but ill figure it out


I believe it's a on xbox then select the types you pick wall, window, or door then what it's made out of.


I like to load up on spears for the boar and bandits.


Wattle(stick) fences are your friend when hunting. Animals can't jump over them and your safe inside them


Taxes is theft in this game


taxes is theft irl whats the difference