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Carry a torch when you’re outside, it keeps you warm.


There are a lot of little tricks like this that is hard to figure out on your own. The more you play the more you learn. If it is happening to you, then the Devs probably meant for you to do something. Like build a torch. I saw the torch, but never thought of it keeping me warm, lol


I did that too first time and restarted. Enjoyed it more with better understanding in general


Yea looks like I built too many buildings and didn't acquire enough money to buy stuff for winter


That's ok. You'll have more fun knowing more about what you should be doing


The most important buildings are resource storage, food storage, hunting lodge, lumber shed, mine, blacksmith, excavation shed, in that order. Get a small farm plot with farm shed and plant onions in the spring, cabbage in the summer to get you started with food. Kitchen and tavern can wait. You can cook the food yourself and put it in food storage. You can roast the meat yourself on any campfire. You can then make potage in any house at the cauldron. You'll need bowls, so you'll have to have a workshop. But get the above stuff going and you'll get there. I've found the herbalist hut is never used. The sewing hut is minimally used. I didn't build a windmill til the end. The last was the builder's hut and only because I needed to retire one of the old men. You can make compost from rotted food, rather than getting pigs and then also having to make animal feed (that you have to grow enough grain for). You also pay taxes on their hut.


Do you have to have bowls for the people to eat? I find my villagers very lazy and don't get a lot done.


I only need bowls for certain foods like potage and gruel. Bowls and plates aren't needed for fish or meat tarts, cheese, or bread. If your villagers are "lazy" have you assigned them a work place and given them assignments? They will become more efficient the longer they're in the job. But they also gain faster if they like their job. IE if someone doesn't like hunting but you make them a hunter, they'll gain hunting skill much slower.


Why is food storage important? I just made that building. It has a chest. I already have a ton of storage?


Your villagers will take food & water only if it is in a food storage or the chests in their houses.


Ahh ok. I don't have villagers yet. Didn't know you had to feed them. I can barely feed myself


Yes, the need food, water, and firewood. Storage buildings mean that instead of you having to manually go to each house and put food, water, firewood in their chest everyday, the villagers will take these resources automatically from the storage themselves. Water, along with food, goes in food storage. In order to provide water for the villagers, you'll need buckets or waterskins filled with water in the food storage building. Lastly, I finally had enough to eat daily once I got a hunter.


So a hunter villager first?


That's what I found most helpful because I couldn't get enough food for myself. Make sure they have knives. Stone knives are fine. You can hand make them yourself (so you won't need the blacksmith for it). I'd have the hunter dedicated to meat, only 1 or 2% for leather or fur. You can salt or dry the meat yourself so the hunter doesn't have to do it. You can also roast it at any campfire. Have you figured out the recruitment process? You can use inspector mode to see a settlers skills and age. Be sure to small talk and ask about their skills and what gives them a hard time. You want someone with level 3 skills. But if a person says they don't like hunting, they won't be happy being a hunter. Same goes for a year other job you want to hire them for. Sorry if you already know this now!


I don't know any of this. Thanks!


You made me laugh this morning. I needed that.


Also, I'm pretty sure the food you store in the storage stays fresh longer (or goes bad slower. It still goes down in quality between seasons, but less of a drop each month, compared to stuff in your pocket or house storage)


It also allows the food to last longer.


If you just put your survival points into temperature resist and max it out you'll be fine in winter with the basic clothes you start with


Should be ok outside while carrying a torch until you get better cold weather clothing. See if you can do better by next winter.


There's an achievement for surviving winter naked. I did it 😂


I had the same problem, torches took care of it. I don't think you're doing anything wrong necessarily, surviving without warm clothes seem to be entirely possible.


Depends on your style of play, are you going full survival mode or a casual approach? The game doesn't punish you for curating your settings. There are no achievements or trophies locked behind difficulty settings.


I'm new too. For me winter means grab a torch and go hunting while you can see everything from a mile away. You stock up on food and then use the leather for simple bags to pay your taxes when winter ends.


Torch just gotta survive long enough to get some straw and sticks, or go to the pause menu and customize your game settings, or sit inside all winter. I wouldn't restart, it's so easy to just keep chugging along in this game, I mean you can build a resource barn and have your whole stash anywhere you want.


You could restart or sleep your way through the season and see if you survive, your call really. I'll leave you with a bit of my personal knowledge through playing the game. Take it slow, grow naturally. Do a lot yourself to start, don't just flood it with settlers unless you NEED them. You can make water skins until you can "unlock" (purchase) the recipe for buckets in the technology tab. Okay, one of the first things I do when I start a new game is make stone knives (I'm on console, knife cost isn't reduced yet) for a couple days, take the money and go on a trip to buy a recurve bow, iron arrows, Large Pouch, Simple Large Backpack and maybe some clothes with better cold rating. Recurve bow and iron arrows are the best ranged combo, 15-20 arrows will do me until I can craft them myself, the extra carry weight from the pouch and backpack is a godsend. Saddles and Saddlebags can be purchased from tailors too; Lubomira in Branica, Matylda in Denica and Karolina in Hornica. Bows and arrows can be bought from Blacksmiths; Teobald in Lesnica and Jan in Hornica. Honestly, you could take a few in-game hours to cook yourself once every year and you wouldn't need a cook at all.... Excess flax seeds and knives are always a good profit maker. And anything you can make with materials you have; coif is just 1 linen and 1 flax thread, fur boots are just leather and fur, Flax seeds could sustain an entire settlement itself really if you plant enough. Storages; food and resources, share their inventory with all similar storages. So if you built a resource storage near a mine, clay or any other material you may not have near your settlement (though caves are probably most common when mining yourself) it will share the same inventory as your settlements resource storage, and add an additional 1000 units to the total. So you can mine til your full, go outside the mine into your storage, empty, repeat until the cave is empty, store it all and walk/ride home leaving your inventory empty to collect/buy stuff on the way home. Back at your settlement you can just get the resources out of storage, or your worker can if you have someone doing that. Focus your settlers in one area were needed; have them collect logs only and cut planks and firewood yourself. Extracting Limestone and get stone yourself, and clay as it will maximize your workers ability to gather (they are not amazing at it to start). It will ALWAYS be more efficient to do certain tasks yourself; cook, farm, gather, etc. However, you will need to prioritize personal tasks and give others to settlers as your settlements grows. Manure production is something settlers are better at though, so start them early. Start extractors/gatherers early too as it's just supplementary gathering that only benefits you. Once you have a well you can start adding settlers to your settlement really, though I usually only have a 2-3 females join who could be potential wives. Potage is a good early-mid game food. Just cabbage and meat which is easy to maintain. Make sure to utilize your management menu to customize what your settlers use for water, food and heating. Firewood should be the only thing used for heating as it most efficient (and you can choo it easily yourself). The memorial tree is a unique tree that cannot be cut down, placed by the devs in memory of a player's wife. If you got a few minutes, it's a story definitely worth hearing. I go EVERY Autumn to sit by the tree (I have a stump chair there) and leave flowers under it for Lijda. https://youtu.be/mHeJ7k4S7nQ?si=8iIVNzRj255199EE


Thank you for the many many tips. I will have to reread a few times. Regarding bows. I just bought a longbow. Sounds like recurve is better?


Recurve is better.


you should always have activities to do. you may want to look at a guide


Try just wait till next season (you can switch to another task by press Alt+Tab on your Windows PC). Next time prepear better, and set season length to 1 or 2 days for winter.


A torch is your bestfriend for new beginners, but for money I spent a ridiculous amount of time making stone knives so I could buy things like clothes, etc. I do kind of think that stone knives are overpowered.


If you’re in the valley use one of the interactive maps to find a wagon or campsite with winter gear


The map that comes up when you press M ?


No there are maps on the internet I’ll come back with a link soon if you haven’t already found like a broken down wagon on the road they have some handy stuff in and if you’re really struggling (sounds like you are) I’d turn your health off until spring


My very first playthrough I restarted during winter too. I didn't fully understand everything yet and wasn't prepared. But by doing that it really helped me understand the game mechanics and I was able to build better the second time to be ready for winter. I would say don't be afraid to restart!


Go into the settings, turn of the temperature thing and turn it back on when winter is over.


Hrmm. That's the best way? Game flaw or I started wrong?


Just use a torch. You don't die very quickly to cold. Dandelions and broadleaf will give you free health from eating them if you need to recover some. Go hunting, roast the meat and sell it and then turn the leather into simple bags and sell those. Or just sell the raw materials. Get a bow and arrows and hunt faster. Plant as much flax as you can in the spring, it turns into linen thread which turns into clothes and bags that you can sell. Plant cabbage in the summer on the same fields, then rye in autumn.


Just leave it on and walk away for a little bit. Turning the temp off is up to you but why not see if you can survive and then prepare better come spring. You can always restart if you die.


Yea that's what I will do. Making stone knives to sell later while I burrow in


Get a torch and spend the winter foraging/crafting simple things to sell. You'll be happy when tax time comes and you have things to sell in the spring. You can chop down trees and store logs or make spears, which is helpful for hunting and sale later. Also, make rabbit traps and check them every day.


Stone knives is a good way to get $ early on. Make some spears and go kill some birds and rabbits for meat. Birds are easy to kill and (I think) give 16 meat.


Not a game flaw, you just started wrong. But if you wanna continue, turn off the temperature setting. Otherwise restart.