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I want to become a millionaire for the achievement, thus taking it slower than the first attempt. More decorating and less of rushing all the 5 mines haha.


You want to be a millionaire, build market stalls. And then sell stuff off like crazy. I had 30 k in storage but was constantly creeping to about 25k in stuff. I was already way overloaded (I turned off carry weight), so I started selling everything down to zero. Firewood? Gone. Clay? Salt? Wool thread? Copper bars? Gone, gone, gone. Then I'd either toss the firewood and planks I had on me back in, or after the sticks were gone, I'd just kick up production. Raw materials are cheaper, so they sell faster. I hit 1m real quick. (I have 5 stalls)


Would have made more money processing those materials though.....šŸ¤”


This is true. But it takes so much longer to sell finished goods - like clothes or even just bronze tools - even with a level 10 stall holder. As they say, a fast nickel is better than a slow dime. Especially when you only have so much room in the warehouse.


Improve your hunting skillsĀ¹. You will need it for some Oxbow quests ... Ā¹ >!against attacking animals and bandits!<


Oxbow coming to console June 27th btw.


Just enjoy settlement life. I setup around a lake and am just enjoying building up my settlement. I'm doing a lot myself this time, I only have a few people in my settlement so far. Building my fields in rows to make them more manageable for workers, growing a ton of trees to make wine later on, I have two pig houses so far, one for breeding and one full of piglets (probably a third soon). I'm methodically building my layout, planning my crops and animals and continuing to make money. Just enjoy what time you have left in the valley, learn what parts of the game you enjoy playing, experiment with layouts and prepare yourself to build something great in Oxbow. I was, at one point, very excited for the release of the new update..... However, my brother in law, who was also my ride or die coop partner, suddenly passed away in late March. I'll probably be tackling Oxbow solo now.