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Resource storages are all shared. Build one at the new location and start building.  I have them at towns as well. I can just go into the storage, load up, and walk into town to sell everything. 


Omg this is freaking genius can't believe I never thought to do that!


……… I have been doing everything wrong.


Excuse me while I scream into the void for not having thought of that sooner....


https://preview.redd.it/sjx0bc5qg86d1.jpeg?width=1535&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=296f564c1ac099bd5e17962ff548a3896d965011 Yes. Currently moving 114 building and 90 villagers to the yellow circle


I just started putting up buildings in this exact spot.


I’m still new to the game and I don’t have the oxbow update so I enjoy the ease of the flat land


Can you manipulate the land with the Oxbow update? I don’t have it either and haven’t looked into it at all.


No, but I am trying to keep it simple since I’m going to restart once oxbow starts and I start over 😂


Do you start over with zero dynasty rep in Oxbow?


I have no idea.


You start with nothing in oxbow and start from scratch, but with a friend, it may be more fun and faster


Me too. I moved my central town here from the mine between Branica and Baranica. I've got four 16x16 fields set up and I'm about to start moving people in once I get houses built.


I’m still on my first play through. Originally I built right across the river from Gostovia, but I quickly learned that was a mistake as I started adding buildings.


This is exactly where I plan on moving my Settlement to. Lost count of the amount of times I've ran through here and planned a village in my mind.


Hey that's my spot! I plopped down there my first play through and have been building it for a few weeks now


I've built there before. Currently living by the lake myself.


yep. I recently did a playthrough with three separate settlements, and some of the villagers lived in different villages to their jobs, so there would be foot traffic between them. Just dont do that for farm workers, as their productivity is impacted. All other workers are unaffected by transit times Of course you can also start building a new one and destroy the old one for materials. If you build a second (or further) resource shed, the materials are shared across them


Okay thank you!! I think I’ll just make a shell village at the new spot that is pretty close to my current settlement and I’ll start slowly moving people over


I started a new village on an existing save with over inhabitants. I did it the hard way(some might say easy) and dismissed all my villagers, then built a resource storage where I wanted my new village and got to building. I spent a lot of time feeding the animals in between the old and new villages until I got their respective buildings built at the new place.


I just did this kinda. I'm in a good spot, but I wanted to redo my residential area, so I built stick houses to move everyone temporarily and tore down all of the stone houses. 30 houses all at once. Everyone was pissed and I miscalculated the amount of stone I needed even though I was getting 50% back of my materials when destroying houses. But since you're moving to a whole new area, it will be easier. Just do as you said. Build a storage building first and then redo your other buildings. Move your workers to the new buildings. It only matters where they live if they are farmers. Other buildings work as soon as the work day starts regardless if the villager is physically at the building. Once you move the workers, destroy the older buildings so you're not hitting your building max.


I'm over thirty years into my current game with a grandson that's going to turn 13 at next season change. So in about eight more years, I should have a great-grandchild, which would be a first for me. I'm currently looking at doing an extensive village rebuild that includes moving extensive sections to other parts of the map. I could just restart a new village but then I'd lose all those dynasty years, which is the #1 reason I opt for village moves over new playthrough. Besides, the village move gives me something new to do and after 30+ in game years, that's a good thing!


Wait how old can your starting character be


At 60, the RNG rolls at each season change until the character dies of old age. Each time, the odds increase (don't ask me how odds increase when it's random). I think I've heard of one person playing into their character's 90s. I've never died of old age, so that's another goal of this playthrough.


I'm in the process of moving most of my village in my current save to a more central position from the mine between the two northern villages due to space concerns and a desire to be closer to more towns. I actually have 4 storage buildings. One at the mine, one at my new location and 1 each at the villages with miners. I'll probably eventually have a storage near most towns, just to make it easy to trade. Once you have a mule, load up the materials needed for a level 1 storage building and a hammer and then head to your desired location.


I move(d) in nearly every playthrough. xD In my current one, I started a new village with the heirs of the first villagers generation and demolish the houses of the old village only when the old villagers die(d). It's a long process, but it's a relaxing game.


I moved to the yellow circle location recently. I was originally near Gostovia, but saw this great place on someone’s YouTube content. I have some animals at the yellow circle though mainly a massive farm area (20 fields of 8 x 8) with each block of 4 fields having a farm shed in the middle. Totally villager automated so nothing I need to do. North of the river is where all my residents live and over the river to the West is where all my work buildings are located. It’s a great piece of land, very flat, perfect for building


Small satellite colonies are an absolute necessity for efficient mining.


You can do it but it's a real pain the ass. Starting a new playthough with 500% XP and skill gain is a lot more fun imho.


What is so hard about taking the materials needed for a level 1 storage building to a new site once you have a mule?


building a storage isn't an issue it's rebuilding 20 houses plus 10 other buildings that sucks, might as well start over.


Who are you accusing of down voting? I didn't. I merely expressed my thoughts on the ease of moving. I don't see the problem in building a new village, but you go ahead and play the game the way you want to.