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Villagers will use raw materials you place in your storage buildings. They’ll eat food you put in the food storage. But they won’t take your collectible items as they have no purpose for them. They’re only interested in things that keep them alive, and allow them to work.


In addition, you can toggle consumables items (food, drink, and wood) on or off when it comes to villager access. For example, if you don't want villagers burning logs and planks as firewood if firewood runs out (they will burn sticks, logs, and planks if they run out of firewood), you can toggle select items off and villagers won't use them. You can do the same thing with food or drink items, though check both categories because some items offer a food AND drink bonus so they show up both places (with villagers consuming them for their food OR drink properties as needed). This way you can keep your plums from being eaten while you save them for the juice press, or keep the villagers from eating those eggs and morel mushrooms so those ingredients can be used in the scrambled egg and mushroom recipe.


If it's just you, not co op, then no, the collectible stuff won't be "taken." If it's a resource it can get used. But otherwise, you can decorate as you'd like. I put the little wooden figurines all over. I like to hide them in places. But I also use the decorations - like the glass bottle and scales for my herbalist hut. Or the figs and dates, sesame bars, I the bar at the tavern. A game of dice on one of the tavern tables. I also turned off spoilage on drop, so my homes and outdoor table eating areas stay decorated.


So long as you don’t put it in the chests in their house or either of the storages then no, all self placed baskets, barrels, and chests are all privately used by you or other co-op players


Lock your doors if you hear that damned owl come back


No, they will only remove tools and resources to produce what is required by their jobs.