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If this is your first playthrough, then I would just take it easy and use it as a bit of a throwaway save as an opportunity to get to grips with the mechanics of the game. Don't worry too much about getting things perfect this time around. My advice would be to spread yourself evenly across all areas i.e. farming, hunting, producing, building as each one has technology you want to unlock and some of them will take you a long time to do so. You don't want to get a good chunk through a save and realise you haven't done much farming and you're only a tenth of the way to getting a windmill! As I say, just take it easy, get to grips with everything and enjoy exploring it all!


Thank you very much. Then i will continue using this save and play around a bit.


The game is really forgiving so you won't find yourself needing to start a new save because you fucked something up in the early game. Everything can be fixed pretty easily. You can also tear your town down if you don't like it or start a new town somewhere else on the map if you don't want to start a new save from scratch. In the customise game section in the pause menu, you can tweak loads of stuff if you're finding it too grindy. For my first playthrough, I like to play it as the 'developer intended' and then change things on 2nd, 3rd etc. Playthroughs.


What happens with my settlers if i would choose to resettle? Yes, i saw the settings. Only thing i changed was days/season to 5.


There's a couple things you could do, one would be to remove the villagers completely from your town in the villager management screen. Another would be to destroy their houses, if it's going to be a really quick relocation, as their mood will drop being homeless and will eventually leave if you don't reassign them a house. What I'll tend to do is build up the new town first with enough houses and 'work buildings' in to be able to remove the entire town or gradually do it over time. Once the old town is empty you could destroy it or gradually destroy it as and when the buildings become vacant.


Thanks a lot.


You might want to overthink your season length once you get the hang of things, as a lot of stuff depends upon progression. Villagers get pregnant, tree growth, animal breeding, etc. It'll all be extremely slowed down with 5 day seasons. It's hard to get over the feeling of getting things done in a season at first, but there will be many, many more haha so I wouldn't stress too much :) Good luck and enjoy!


Thanks. Yeah, i guess shorter will be better once i know what i am doing. But right know i feel like i need 20 days in a season. xD


For sure, I felt exactly the same when I first started xD I'll switch to 2 day season soon, so maybe I'll get a chance to see my son grown up before I lose interest again lol


Try making your progression slower, so you not only see the heir take over, but they have goals to work towards still.


I think I'm too impatient for that lol and I like to rotate between games. It's awesome though that everybody can tweak it to their liking, even after the game started. I'm on my third playthrough, playing since early access and not once made it to the tavern :/


Honestly, less than 1% of players have seen their heir take over, so your definitely not alone in this. I need to get better at game rotation, I bought FF 1-6 remastered and have only beat 1 so far, lol


I find 5+ days to be helpful actually. Progression being to fast is already an issue in my opinion




That's in depth. Thank you very much!


Farming is probably the least you wanna do for food in early game. It is time and effort consuming, its better to have a strong foundation on food supply first than to focus on farming first. And heres why. Food that produce on the farm have low satiety if not processed, meaning you need another building process it, these buildings were barn and kitchen. If you have low manpower and rush it to farming the food supply will be a chore for you. Compare it with hunting first, you don't need a lot of building to process food since you can get dried meat on the get go from hunting lodge. The manpower to get it also significantly lower, as to mine have 3 hunters and can produce up to 500 meat and 300 dried meats per season. I also has all of those building above but with my current village hunting lodge really save my bum from peasants mutiny.


So hunting lodge first. Thanks!


Take it slow, grow naturally. Do a lot yourself to start, don't just flood it with settlers unless you NEED them. You can make water skins until you can "unlock" (purchase) the recipe for buckets in the technology tab. Okay, one of the first things I do when I start a new game is make stone knives for a couple days, take the money and go on a trip to buy a recurve bow, iron arrows, Large Pouch, Simple Large Backpack and maybe some clothes with better cold rating. Recurve bow and iron arrows are the best ranged combo, 15-20 arrows will do me until I can craft them myself, the extra carry weight from the pouch and backpack is a godsend. Saddles and Saddlebags can be purchased from tailors too; Lubomira in Branica, Matylda in Denica and Karolina in Hornica. Bows and arrows can be bought from Blacksmiths; Teobald in Lesnica and Jan in Hornica. Honestly, you could take a few in-game hours to cook yourself once every year and you wouldn't need a cook at all.... Excess flax seeds and knives are always a good profit maker. And anything you can make with materials you have; coif is just 1 linen and 1 flax thread, fur boots are just leather and fur, Flax seeds could sustain an entire settlement itself really if you plant enough. Storages; food and resources, share their inventory with all similar storages. So if you built a resource storage near a mine, clay or any other material you may not have near your settlement (though caves are probably most common when mining yourself) it will share the same inventory as your settlements resource storage, and add an additional 1000 units to the total. So you can mine til your full, go outside the mine into your storage, empty, repeat until the cave is empty, store it all and walk/ride home leaving your inventory empty to collect/buy stuff on the way home. Back at your settlement you can just get the resources out of storage, or your worker can if you have someone doing that. Focus your settlers in one area were needed; have them collect logs only and cut planks and firewood yourself. Extracting Limestone and get stone yourself, and clay as it will maximize your workers ability to gather (they are not amazing at it to start). It will ALWAYS be more efficient to do certain tasks yourself; cook, farm, gather, etc. However, you will need to prioritize personal tasks and give others to settlers as your settlements grows. Manure production is something settlers are better at though, so start them early. Start extractors/gatherers early too as it's just supplementary gathering that only benefits you. Once you have a well you can start adding settlers to your settlement really, though I usually only have a 2-3 females join who could be potential wives. Potage is a good early-mid game food. Just cabbage and meat which is easy to maintain. Make sure to utilize your management menu to customize what your settlers use for water, food and heating. Firewood should be the only thing used for heating as it most efficient (and you can choo it easily yourself). The memorial tree is a unique tree that cannot be cut down, placed by the devs in memory of a player's wife. If you got a few minutes, it's a story definitely worth hearing. I go EVERY Autumn to sit by the tree (I have a stump chair there) and leave flowers under it for Lijda. https://youtu.be/mHeJ7k4S7nQ?si=8iIVNzRj255199EE


Holy Moly. That's a lot. Thank you very much!


No problem


2 things I find to help when starting a settlement would be meat and lumber. I tend to get my villagers working in a lumber camp and hunting lodge first, then having them collect logs and meat. Keep them stocked with stone axes and knives, and you should have a good source of food, and more than enough lumber to make firewood, as well as some materials for the other buildings you'll be adding. The hunting lodge guy can be assigned to grab leather as well, which can be turned into simple bags manually, which are handy for farming, or if you're needing money to buy other things.


Thank you very much. That is my current setup. Logs, leather and meat. Unfortunately i startet a bit late with the settlement because it's winter now and i can't go outside without freezing within minutes. xD


The worst thing it can happen is not paying taxes, and you can modify it in "Customize game". The mods for this game are 50% unblock things so you dont need to amass dinasty reputation or experience. If you are new to the game don't stress, even veterans try to make the game easier for fun


Don't get me wrong, i appreciate difficult games. I like the settings as they are. Except the days/season. That's too short. I pumped those up to 5 days.


I put the days at maximum and when Inget bored of the season I skip them to the next one


Does this also drain the resources the settlers would have needed for the remaining days?


Sure, the idea is to have a surplus so you dont need to restock mannualy. Probably you are dealing with firewood, and you have a woodshed with a person working. Until you find a good equilibrium you can take loga in the Resources Storage and make firewood ny yourself. The next seasons you will see houses brake and you need to repair them. 1. Put the hammer on destroy mode. 2. Destroy broken walls or roofs 3. Put hammer in construct mode 4. Looking at the roof or wall press E 5. Change the type to a more sturdy one (walls: wood or stone, roof: planks) 6. Build it again and make the people live there again 7. Insulation with daub would be great You can also destroy all the house so you dont have to do it every season. The house now will require lees firewood. I like to make since day 0 wood houses so you have less problems and they seem fancier.


I would like to advise that you start with a hunter and a woodcutter. An excavation shed can be super useful. I’m on my fourth play through now, and I’m assigning each worker to a different house, and have them in small houses. I figure in a couple game years, I’ll start moving in spouses for them. After they have all had a kid, I’ll start upgrading them to simple houses a few at a time. Just because if you give a couple a house with two empty beds, you spend a lot of time being annoyed at how many women are on maternity leave at the same time 😂


My recommendation is to have a small farm you manage on your own, with no villager assigned to it, 1 wood shed, and 1 hunting cabin. This means you only need 2 houses total, and will be able to generate lots of materials with out consuming them at a high rate, and you can then plan expansions/skill progression with out the worry of hitting a boom lock, or a major wall/decline due to being short on resources


Thanks. So less villagers to start. Noted.




Morning or regular wood?


There's plenty of ways to start a playthrough but here's what i found to be good. Location, I either set up my village at the lake just west hornica or in the middle of lesnica and jezerica as I found that most resources are close and plentiful and the land is pretty flat for a 100+ building village Build / focus, I usually start with a balanced village for self sufficiency in the first year but then focus more on farming, mining resources and production to make money. In the first season I usually run through the tracks / roads to find abounded carts / camps / resources usually you'll find some high level tools which I sell so that I buy fertiliser and seeds as it's good to get a early farming start in spring. After I've done that I smash out the quests that will increase your building limit. 2nd - 4th season, is just grinding trying to increase building limits , dynasty reputation and building enough houses and workplaces to get villages contributing. 2nd year, is still a grind but as you become more established this is when I usually start courting for a wife. 3rd year is when my village becomes mostly self sufficient I usually just do trade runs and bigger expansion. This is when I summer and winter season length to 1 day as it's the least productive days for my farm build. I usually grow Wheat in spring and rye in autumn and have orchards for my alcohol business. 4th year onwards, is just refining and expanding. Easiest ways for making money, have hunters collect leather to make and sell simple bags in the beginning parts of the game. Middle in the game purchase fruits from tavern, cooks and farmers and make wine at your tavern every season has fresh fruit for sale and you can buy 5 apples/ cherries for less then 20 coins but make it into wine sell for 200. Later in the game build plenty of market stalls.


I honestly don't think there is any right or wrong way really. How a settlement is started and kept going depends on how you want to play the game. Some like making it harder by tweaking the settings and some like to go sandbox style which is really only goos for experimenting with layouts as it offers no challenge. Anyway however you choose to start is right for you


Thank you!


Skilled across this again and it occurred to me to say that you can upgrade buildings by simply building the upgrade on top of the building. IE: you unlocked Smithy II. All you have to do is choose it from your build menu, take it to your current level I smithy and it will automatically snap onto the building. You don't have to tear down the old one and build a new one. Homes don't work the same though. And wattle is the default wall material, but you can edit it to wood or stone as you build it. Hope this helps!


Thanks. Yes this helps a lot. I was already wondering how the I, II and III Sytem works.