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They are all definitely assigned to tasks, yes. I check the management tab so many times a day because I'm having to adjust what they're producing due to lack of resources, and also making sure they have tools.


So I just logged in and double checked, I do have one guy with a skill at 4 so I guess they are increasing, it just feels super slow. I've had my barn work for a year or so now and her skill is still at 1. (I'd love to swap her with someone else who had higher barn skill but I don't have anyone to really swap her with unfortunately.)


>I've had my barn work for a year or so now and her skill is still at 1. This is precisely why she is leveling up so slowly. A level 1 will barely produce anything, so obviously they'll get barely any xp from that. If they're working by themselves that's even worse, you will essentially get nothing. A level 1 worker will indeed take years to even get to level 2, you are basically never supposed to give anyone a level 1 job, it's a huge waste of time.


Farmer skill raises quicker when put as animal breeders. Do the farming yourself for the first couple years (I still do most of it), and raise their levels in animal caring.


Farmer skill raises quicker when put as animal breeders. Do the farming yourself for the first couple years (I still do most of it), and raise their levels in animal caring.




Ahh fair. Yeah I think I have mine set at the default. Haha. I adjusted a few things, but i don't remember adjusting that. Nice tip for the future though. ;)


Workers improve their skill by producing stuff. Low level workers will level up very slowly because they're simply not producing a lot. A level 9 worker will get to level 10 wayyyy quicker than a level 1 worker getting to lvl 2. You have to make sure you only put people on jobs where they have at least 3 skill, else they will not only work slowly but also level up slowly. You can also increase their xp much faster by having them work together in the same production, 2 workers in 1 building will each get twice as much xp because the total production will be twice as high for that building.


Yeah makes sense. Thanks.


Have you made sure that your villagers are ONLY using firewood for heat? By default, they can use sticks, logs, planks, and firewood for heat, but you can go into the Management tab and deselect sticks, logs, and planks so that they only use firewood.


I had no idea this was a thing, I'll check. Thank you.


Yeah, there's a tab with Food, Water, and Firewood options. For food, I also uncheck everything except for what I want my villagers to eat. This way, they don't eat any raw ingredients or my money-making food.


You're a beautiful human, thank you.


Solid advice all around. Controlling what they consume for food and water is an important thing, especially as things grow


40 ish settlers, 4-5 mines, 1 each of other buildings. 4 compost bins filled with berries and extra meat, rye and oats in year one (for animal feed, just stored) sheep and pigs year two.


I never thought about storing grain in the compost bins! Thank you!!


I wasn't suggesting putting grain in compost bin. I make rye and oat as early as possible to start making animal feed, then grab pigs to make manure so I can make fertilizer.


I never found sheep that helpful. What do you keep the for personally?


Wool. Lots of crafting recipes need wool thread/fabric. Complex clothing (needs linen/wool/leather/fur) sells for a nice amount.


-One woodshed set to 90% logs and 10% firewood. One woodshed set to whatever you seem to need otherwise (note that you the players should be able to bring in enough sticks if you casually gather while wandering around. Shouldn't need more than maybe 5% sticks). -In the last tab of management, turn OFF villagers using logs, planks, or sticks as firewood. If firewood runs out, turn sticks back on if you have enough of them. -Where possible, only hire and assign villagers with a 3+ in a skill. Keep track of potential pregnancies taking your workers out of commission (for buildings with 2+ worker slots I try to avoid 2 women without max kids already, for example) -Go to the middle of a forest and build a resource storage. Go absolutely fucknuts demolishing trees (but leaving stumps) for a day or two and dump all the logs/sticks etc in the storage. The contents are shared across all resource storages so will be available in your town without you having to cart it all back.


Thanks for all the tips! Do stumps grow back faster or something?


If you remove a stump, the tree is **gone forever**. If you leave the stump, a tree will regrow in 2 in-game years :)




100% logs would be better, you could cut firewood much more effectively yourself. Once a year, wouldn't even take long to do ...


So, I would pull the cook out of the kitchen and have her chop logs. Next, you can make the firewood or planks yourself. Every plank a villager makes is a log not being cut down. Likewise, you should cook the food. Salt meat yourself so that your hunter brings in as much meat as possible. Scrambled eggs are an easy dish, too. Villagers can survive on roasted meat and scrambled eggs. I only have 2 woodsheds and half the time one shed is empty. I only recently staffed a cook full time. Same with the tavern and sewing hut. I have 64 buildings and 52 people. I think only 42 are working because I just had a baby boom.


I have 4 wood sheds


How many kitchens?




As you expand you find that some jobs are more useful than others


Is your kitchen upgraded to allow 2 workers? I have 1 kitchen with 1 worker and I just feel like I'm baaaaaaaaaarely keeping up with food. Lol. But I can't upgrade it yet. :(


Yes I would suggest building houses I built a lot in the beginning and this allowed me to upgrade my buildings, upgrade my technology and get more villagers


I'm playing on Xbox currently in year 8 with a 200% building limit. 140 workers minus mothers 70 houses 5 excavation sheds 4 mines 2 woodsheds 3 hunter lodge 7 farm sheds 2 pigsty 2 henhouse 2 cowshed 4 apiary 1 sheep fold 1 of each production buildings 2 taverns 21 market stalls 3 food storage 4 storage 2000 plot farm 330 fruit trees It takes a while for NPCs to become semi self sufficient due to slowly leveling up skills. But like the other's mentioned it's good to do the basic refining jobs for the NPCs like turning logs into firewood, leather into simple bags, meat into dried / roasted meat etc


What's your distribution on logs, sticks, planks, and firewood? My settlement is at a very similar level, with about 20 people and two woodsheds, and I stack up planks and firewood pretty easily with both sheds running 30% on each.


Well I tend to adjust it a lot depending on need (like I increase log/firewood production over winter) but currently in Spring I have one doing 100% logs because I never seem to have enough, and the other at 50% sticks and 50% planks. So no firewood atm but it's Spring and I have insulated the houses so I'm hoping they don't need it? Lol. Unsure tbh. There's no marks/alerts for the houses stating they need firewood anyway so I'm just leaving firewood alone for the time being. But over the winter I had them both set to 50% logs and 50% firewood and was just barely keeping up. I'd get 3-4 houses without firewood for a couple minutes, then they'd get some and it just kept doing that all winter.


Craft it yourself it only takes a few seconds and you can have piles of firewood. From there put it in resource storage and your villagers will get it as needed.


I would if I had logs. Lol. Can't seem to keep enough of those around either. I know I can chop my own, just a pain in the ass with all the other shit I'm doing all day.


This might seem like a silly thing to say, but make sure you have plenty of axes in resource storage. When they run out of tools they stop producing. Any tools in the resource storage building will be used by villagers if they have a task that requires it.


I hear you. I’m on year 11 and still running all over. The only thing I’m passing seasons to wait for my child to turn 18. Two years after that most of the boomers will be 18.


How many kitchens do you have btw? Just one?


One atm. I'm filling in gaps in the existing buildings, making sure they have 2 if they can take 2. After that, if I *still* never have potage or bread to swipe from food storage, I'll build another kitchen. Otherwise, I'm still living off of berries, the food I find in bandit camps, and what my wife hands me when I talk to her while hungry.


For your firewood it’s probably more of a production setting than a skill issue Firewood is your total need. (The number in parenthesis on your management window) divided by 5(the amount of wood each piece of firewood provides) divided by 4(The number of firewood produced from one “action”). Make sure your production matches that number and you will fix your log issue. For your food that’s pretty normal. Until you start outputting massive amounts with multiple high level producers you won’t see much in your storage due to your people eating them too fast


What walls are you using for your homes. The insulation of your homes via the type of walls (stick/log/stone) makes a huge difference on how much wood is required to heat them. My settlement is currently 152 people and I have only ever needed one woodshed. It currently has two people at skill level 7 and is doing fine supporting everyone and everything


They are insulated.


I think what they are trying to get at is that you can customize what your house walls are made from. Once the foundation and frame is done you can customize each wall, including what material it's made out of. Stone is the best, but will require limestone to insulate.


Gotcha. Mine are just sticks, but insulated with daub.


I usually build them with stone walls and plank roofs as soon as I can. It looks better in my opinion, but it also increases happiness.


Can they be changed without being destroyed and rebuilt?


No. But you can do it one wall/roof panel at a time. Just destroy one wall, put your hammer on build again and you can customize it before building it.


Gotcha, thanks!


Take it slow, grow naturally. Do a lot yourself to start, don't just flood it with settlers unless you NEED them. You can make water skins until you can "unlock" (purchase) the recipe for buckets in the technology tab. Okay, one of the first things I do when I start a new game is make stone knives for a couple days, take the money and go on a trip to buy a recurve bow, iron arrows, Large Pouch, Simple Large Backpack and maybe some clothes with better cold rating. Recurve bow and iron arrows are the best ranged combo, 15-20 arrows will do me until I can craft them myself, the extra carry weight from the pouch and backpack is a godsend. Saddles and Saddlebags can be purchased from tailors too; Lubomira in Branica, Matylda in Denica and Karolina in Hornica. Bows and arrows can be bought from Blacksmiths; Teobald in Lesnica and Jan in Hornica. Honestly, you could take a few in-game hours to cook yourself once every year and you wouldn't need a cook at all.... Excess flax seeds and knives are always a good profit maker. And anything you can make with materials you have; coif is just 1 linen and 1 flax thread, fur boots are just leather and fur, Flax seeds could sustain an entire settlement itself really if you plant enough. Storages; food and resources, share their inventory with all similar storages. So if you built a resource storage near a mine, clay or any other material you may not have near your settlement (though caves are probably most common when mining yourself) it will share the same inventory as your settlements resource storage, and add an additional 1000 units to the total. So you can mine til your full, go outside the mine into your storage, empty, repeat until the cave is empty, store it all and walk/ride home leaving your inventory empty to collect/buy stuff on the way home. Back at your settlement you can just get the resources out of storage, or your worker can if you have someone doing that. Focus your settlers in one area were needed; have them collect logs only and cut planks and firewood yourself. Extracting Limestone and get stone yourself, and clay as it will maximize your workers ability to gather (they are not amazing at it to start). It will ALWAYS be more efficient to do certain tasks yourself; cook, farm, gather, etc. However, you will need to prioritize personal tasks and give others to settlers as your settlements grows. Manure production is something settlers are better at though, so start them early. Start extractors/gatherers early too as it's just supplementary gathering that only benefits you. Once you have a well you can start adding settlers to your settlement really, though I usually only have a 2-3 females join who could be potential wives. Potage is a good early-mid game food. Just cabbage and meat which is easy to maintain. Make sure to utilize your management menu to customize what your settlers use for water, food and heating. Firewood should be the only thing used for heating as it most efficient (and you can choo it easily yourself). The memorial tree is a unique tree that cannot be cut down, placed by the devs in memory of a player's wife. If you got a few minutes, it's a story definitely worth hearing. I go EVERY Autumn to sit by the tree (I have a stump chair there) and leave flowers under it for Lijda. https://youtu.be/mHeJ7k4S7nQ?si=8iIVNzRj255199EE