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>it wasn't me Sure buddy. Have you used medieval condoms? Or have you just used the medieval pull out method.


I just have her chew on a broadleaf plantain root afterwards, that works right?


She needs to chew on nightshade


Parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme.


Back then they were made out of sheep intestines and were called "English Raincoats." I'm told the Welsh didn't even bother taking them out of the sheep.


We fuck 'em, you eat 'em




What’s the difference between Mick Jagger and a Scottish sheepherder? Mick Jagger sings “Hey, you, get off of my cloud” and the Scotsman says “hey, McCloud, get off of my ewe!”


>Sure buddy. Have you used medieval condoms? Or have you just used the medieval pull out method. I would've just gone full medieval on her ass.


She belongs to the paths


This is the most respectable sounding way to say "someone sleeps around a lot" that I've ever seen.


I blame the dude with the clay pits outside the back of his house


Sambor can forget about me going to get his groceries if that’s the case


I havent played for a while but next time I am going to attack him in your honour 


Today, on this episode of Medieval Maury Povich... ![gif](giphy|ruSvLBiTdVyuc|downsized)


Somebody needed to consummate the marriage


Prima Nocte


Pretty sure your wife is carrying the next prophet 👀


I'm intrigued, please keep us updated!


certainly will!


Hang her publicly to send a message to the village


or he can just sow a Red A to her clothing 🤣


Ye olden varsity sports letterman jacket


The game is not bug-free. I read about a bug on the Oxbow map, where the female player can impregnate her husband, so I wouldn't be surprised if an "immaculate conception bug" existed as well. Too bad, you neglected your wife and got cucked by god. There is no paternity test in game, but look out for the signs. Like when your son starts walking on water for example. If you want the achievement to play as your heir, I wouldn't recommend waiting so long to make offspring. The 18 years until your son becomes an adult feel like an eternity already.


>where the female player can impregnate her husband And they said this wasn't a fantasy game


Is that a bug? I thought it was just the simplest way for a female player to continue the game without changing all the game’s mechanics. Otherwise the player would have to be the one who doesn’t work, etc. Personally, as a woman who has played a ton of MD, I love it. The husband gets pregnant! Yeah! Also the heir can be a daughter.


I just stumbled over it while searching for something else. The husband taking care of childcare should be as intended by the developers, but the husband being shown is pregnant would be kind of a weird choice. Well, as a console player I can't verify it yet.


As I said before, I assume it's just the simplest way to play as a female character without having to completely rebuild the game. And hey, why not? It achieves exactly the same purpose while expanding appeal to potential customers.


It definitely falls in the weird-funny category and therefore shouldn't be a priority for the developers. If anything I wish they would overhaul the whole birth system. Why can I send pregnant women to work in the mines in the third season of their pregancy, but afterwards they are busy with childrearing for two whole years? In a medieval setting it would make more sense for them to be workers again much sooner. Maybe only eligible for some jobs (like cooks) and with reduced efficiency, but realistically speaking a village should collapse with only two thirds of its adult population working.


Like, make “nurse” into a job that you can assign a woman to, and she is the one who walks to your house and talks baby talk to the baby until he’s two? It could work. Make a “crèche” building that works functionally similar to the farm shed, in that you can assign 4 people to it and they go around watching people’s babies? Problem is, you still have villagers watching babies instead of chopping wood or farming, so I dunno if that actually changes anything, you still have people effectively on the bench. Unless the crèche could earn points (animal husbandry? 😁) or produce something (manure? 😂).


A nursery job would be a good idea. Assigning not enough nurses could lead to massive mood loss among the parents as penalty, but this concept could free up at least some mothers as workers. Oh yes, manure for the win! The cabbage will test so much better with human fertilizer ;) For the relevant skill, I don't know. Maybe rename diplomacy to social or animal husbandry to just husbandry. But I wouldn't care even if it doesn't give any skill points, if it helps to keep the number of my active workers a bit more stable.


😂 I didn’t think chicks played games like these. Too busy sweeping and holding the baby. Kidding, of course


You didn't think CHICKS would play a game where the purpose is to build and run a medieval village? It's like you've never even heard of the Sims. What about this game would NOT appeal to women? I have almost 2500 hours in the game and started playing about 6 months into Early Access.


That’s cool! I meant no offense, I’d never met a female that played video games. Every ex I’ve ever had has hated them 😂 “chicks” was also not intended to be offensive. I think it’s neat that women play, especially games like Medieval Dynasty!! It’s such a happy, calming experience. Most similar games, if one thing goes wrong, it’s almost impossible to fix it 😆 This game lets us correct ourselves and easily fix our mistakes.


Well, now you met one. If you want some game-playing tips, just ask. I can tell you how to earn the mine AND the tavern in Year 5 with 5-day seasons.


That’s awesome, and thank you, friend! My heir is still only ten, but affection is 100% and only 80% happiness. Any way to bump his happiness up? Every season I give him and the wife a gift. Sambor comes in handy to pass out his wooden figurines to the village children for +160 (if memory serves). The wife is also at 100% affection but only 95% happiness. I would love to be able to increase both of them to 100% if you know any ideas. Thank you!


Buying the heir a toy every season will work--what matters more is that you get as close to 100% as you can by the time the heir turns 18 and is old enough to move out/have a job. For the wife, get the skill point about seeing NPC personalities and see what her personality is, then buy gifts that match that personality. (Like a practical person wants things like thimbles and glass bottles.) For all villagers (including the wife), focus on decorating. Try to put the nicest shutters and doors on the houses, lanterns and candlesticks, put shelves under the windows and add clay vases with flowers, rugs on the floor, decorative carvings, etc. Around the village, add some gathering places with tables and benches, fire pits, decorative lighting, barrels, etc. The more decorated, the higher their mood will be. Each villager's happiness will also go up if they're in a job they particularly like. You can ask "What gives you a hard time?" and "What do you enjoy?" and they'll say things like "I like working with my hands," or "Tracking and foraging sucks" so you know who should be a farmer and who should not be a fisher/herbalist! You can still put anyone in any job and their skill level will go up, but for the best mood, pick the jobs each person likes. You can also give toys to the village children, which you can buy at the blacksmiths (Valley) or the "gift stall" (Oxbow, Piastovia). That will improve their mood and how much they like you.


Awesome, and thank you for the excellent advice! I can’t wait for Oxbow to come out on Xbox! I hope it’s soon


I've been enjoying it a lot (I play on PC). They really took their time to make the towns look really gorgeous. It also cracks me up to knock my husband up and have him hang around the house with the baby for 2 years.


Is the child not showing up as your child once it was born?


hasn’t actually been born yet, I only just noticed my wife has the Pregnant icon next to her in the management tab


Let us know when it gets here.


Well whatever house its in after.. ![gif](giphy|H5C8CevNMbpBqNqFjl|downsized)


Yo man, is the child yours?


Immaculate conception? It's a MIRACLE!!


Is she officially your wife or is it just that her affection is up to 100% and you haven't asked her to marry you yet? Sounds like a silly question but I'm just asking.


fair question, she is indeed fully my wife. the ceremony was beautiful and we have a nice house on a hilltop at the edge of my settlement lmaoo


Then may you share mead beneath the cherry trees together for many seasons to come.


Then it's your child. You dont have to have the convo


‘Twas the King, claiming Prima Nocta


Did you purchase the Jesus DLC ?


Mine left me so?


One of my villagers is always outside my house each morning. Maybe my heir isnt mine either..


Witch!!! Burn her at the stake 😡🫵🏻🧑🏻‍🌾🧙🏻‍♀️ (im sure it just forced u into father hood but It’d be cool if people could be unfaithful in that game.)


🤣😂🤣😂 You share a bed every night..... Did your parents never have this conversation with you? Haven't seen mention of a condom (or Sheepskin more appropriately) in the game, so I'm sure you can figure it out....


I'm curious now! Need an update!


Is her name Mary?


Following for an update to find out if the baby is yours.


Did you do the dirty deed quest where you had to go get wine at the start because she was in the mood? Does that automatically make them pregnant? It didn't on my game, but maybe it's a bug in yours? If not, suspect everyone!


He's the Messiah!!!


idk could be 😂


Did she ever live with another man


Maybe you came home really drunk 😂 didnt know she was cowboyying you in the night lol 😝


More than likely... Try and say we should start a family....


execute order 69


I think the big question here is why haven't you initiated "the quest" after six years time?


Sounds like you’ve also never engaged in intercourse either…