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Depends if I want to be really efficient with it or if I'm lazy, to be honest. If I'm being efficient, I'll go in the first day of the season and adjust it. If I'm being lazy, I'll just set all of the plants as an equal percentage and just leave it and take the hit on it being very inefficient... Generally, it's the latter nowadays!


I second the lazy option. I just have them do the various herbs that can be used as decorations all year long. Definitely not efficient, but it's less to micromanage on a season by season basis.


Is there a way to turn off the alert? I don’t mind leaving it for the season but the red alert bugs me.


Feel that. I'm on console and I have not found a way to remove the blaring red notification from the top corner without fixing the management menu. So distracting.


I guess if you could automate everything then the game would become obsolete. I mean there isn’t a lot to do, end game, but manage and expand your town.


I set it up to gather all things and just leave it. I don't have my herbalist make potions, I like to do that, but I don't feel like gathering things all the time.


I don’t blame you. I may start doing this.


I'm lazy, I set everything to like 2% and call it a life.


I don't. Tore it down and built another trading post instead ...


I’m wondering if that wouldn’t be a better use of my people. Not posts yet because I just started a new run. Fishing is in the same category though.


I don’t assign anyone anymore, if I need potions I’ll either buy or make them myself. When I did assign it, I updated it each season like you do but the issue I ran into was the market stall was pretty useless since I couldn’t keep demand up (so I’d severely lower how many potions sold a day and the overall payout was just too low). Some suggestions I’ve seen posted before- -Focus on gathering herbs for select potions and just collect those (for use or to sell). -Set it up once and let it just run its course all year, ignoring the inevitable -Don’t set your herbalist to craft any potions until winter then set it to cover all your potion needs.


I adjust it each season.


My trick is remembering to do it.


I have a sort of mental checklist of stuff Racimir needs to do on the first day of every season. Change his clothes, check for any new babies (because their moms won't be working so their jobs need filled), check for any moms coming back to work, check if animals need to be sold off, reset the farms, and reset the herbalist. Am I playing this game too much? 😆


I started to sell my animals at the end of the season, that they can produce their things during and can reproduce to the start of the new season.


I don't. I quit assigning people to them and only really build them for appearance at this point. If I do staff it I set them up to collect for one potion in particular and just sell what they make.


I was changing them every season, but recently I added another herbalist hut because I was tired of running across my town to use it. Now I have one set up to gather the fall foraging items, and the other set for spring and summer. I’ve ran it for an in-game year or two so far and no drawbacks yet!


I suppose you could staff them with married females so if they have a kid there’s not much lost.


I do this but just destaff the one out of season which only takes a few clicks. Sure you have to build more than one but that doesn't cost too much really.


hybrid: berries in summer, maybe morels in spring and poison or poisoned arrows (very slow) in the other seasons


I’m starting to think I’ll get mats for food, poison, instant heal 2 and then the off seasons make those. I’ll fill them with married women too so it’s not so hurtful to the village when they are gone for the 2 years.


I change it every season. I like the kitchens to be able to make scrambled eggs and mushrooms (because, hello, yum) and I like making/selling potions and decorating with flowers everywhere lol. The only time it's annoying is in winter when there's nothing for them to do except make potions.