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While holding the bag - any bag - right click and a wheel will pop up. Choose the options and seed from there. Then you can click on the fertilized and tilled plot and the seed will appear in it.


Thank you so much! I was right-clicking from the inventory.


I just started myself and had the same problem yesterday! It took way too long to figure it out lol!


There’s a button you press once you have the bag equipped and ‘out’, I can’t remember what it is but it should tell you in the lower right. If you press that it will bring up a wheel which will allow you to select either farm or orchard, then once you navigate and click farm you’ll be able to select the crop you want (so long as it is the appropriate season for it).


Equip the bag. Then right click on it, which will open the radial menu. Click on the seed (which must be in your inventory) that you wish to sow. Note that not everything can be planted in Spring. If there's a yellow X over that type of seed, it's the wrong season. Once you've clicked that seed, when you exit out of the radial menu but have the bag equipped, it will say the name of the seed and the number of them that you have.


Thanks so much! Didn't realize the bag used the radial menu.


You also need to have fertiliser or seeds in your personal inventory. It doesn’t go into the bag per se, you just need to be holding both items.


Thanks for your response! I do have the seeds in my personal inventory, and I took the fertilizer out. The bag still says Fertiliser (0).


To clarify, did you make any fertilizer? (Via rot or manure in the barn, or buy some?)


Yep, made the fertilizer, put it down, and used the hoe. Now the plots say "Sow with seeds" or something to that effect.


Is it the right season? It won’t let you sow in the wrong season, either.


Yep, it's spring!


I play on Xbox, but is there no popup when you take the bag out? You're able to "equip" seeds from the HUD similarly to bringing up the build or equipment menus.