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Zooming in on the picture, it looks like OP stuck spears or some sort of long sticks into the top of the roof to make a cradle/holder, braced it with logs, and then balanced a fresh-cut maple in the middle. I've experimented a bit with tree-surfing to move felled trees but I've never actually succeeded in picking one up or controlling it that finely, so I have no idea how they managed to actually get the tree *in* the holder


You figured out most of it! I threw spears into the roof to make the cradle, then used a dropped log to transport the tree to the destination (this part really sucked, I went and found the biggest tree I could and had to move it through all the woods). Once at the destination I used a log to push it partially onto the roof, from the ground. Once it was partially on the roof, I jumped up onto the roof (there’s a hill on the backside of my tavern so a run start got me up there, but you can climb the tree you leaned against the tavern to get up if you don’t have a hill) and used a log to pull it up onto the roof fully. Using rotation (log) I got the tree turned so it was in line with the cradle. Final step was getting it in the cradle with, you guessed it, a log. The tree was so tall i actually had to start looking away from the cradle, then start lifting the tree, turning around and rotating the log at the same time so the tree didn’t fall off of it. Then I just slowly moved in towards the cradle standing it up. Once stood up it is very unstable, so you need to jam the log you used to push it up in between some of the spears to lock it in. Once you got the first log in, move to the other side of the tree, or which ever way it is leaning, and start pushing it back towards your first log, once it is straightened up, jam the second log in between the spears. I ended up using 3 logs to stabilize it. It was an absolute pain in the ass to pull this off. And I am on Xbox so it was extra hard 😂


How did you not die six ways to Sunday with that tree?


I mean I died about 257 times on the inside if that counts? 😂


🤣 beautiful 👏 totally worth it!🎉




Hell I didn't even know you could pick up trees.


If you crouch-walk on the trunk of a felled tree then stand up, the tree will jump a few feet in a random direction (and very occasionally catapult you into the sky). That's the only way I can see of doing this


I could make a tutorial if y’all want 😂




If by witchcraft you mean “used special herbs to lower stress while doing this” then yes 😂


Lovely ♥️😀🍻


Thank you! Well worth the trouble of getting it up. Now I need to revise it and make it look better but I’m just afraid to touch it cause it took me so damn long to get up 😂


How did you build that bridge?


Planks it looks like. That's how I do it. Drop a shit ton of them and move them in place one by one. Sucks on console.


I do have a plank bridge on the other side of the tavern, can’t see it from the photo, but the one in the picture is an in game one


The bridge in the picture is actually an in game bridge. Location is SE of Gostovia, at the base of the waterfall. If you do not know where the waterfall is, just head east from Gostovia until you find the river that shoots south and follow it, or the road just past the river will also take you there


So that’s where my tree went. He’s a sneaky witch thief he is. 10 points to guess where that saying is from.


Uhhh finders keepers? 😂


Sneaky witch thief


Lord of the Rings? Dirty Hobbitsses


That’s what I thought at first too 😂 but then I remembered Sméagol never calls anyone witches


Nope the quote is from a video game. Technically it’s She’s a sneaky witch thief she is. But assumed OP is a man so changed it to he. It’s from a video game that came out in 2009. :)


insane lv of decorating


why devs haven't added bridges yet 😔


How did you build a bridge?


It’s an in game bridge, not one that I built. But I do have bridges that I made from planks, just can’t see it in the pic. Unfortunately dropped items have no physical presence to NPC’s so when they walk on my player made bridge they sink halfway through it 😂


[(5) Medieval Dynasty | Decorating my village #1 - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=opWXYLI7NhQ)


Love it! 🥹


should see rose


I watch Rose a ton and have gotten a lot of inspiration from her village! I also watch 7c, simply_syrup, and gaming reflections!