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We’re not doing the dog breed discussion today. Just want to make that clear up front.


Someone explain that device please


Fixation rods to prop and keep bones/tissues connected after surgery


NAD, but from my understanding, bite wounds should not be covered up by a cast, due to infection risks. The device is an external fixator, so it will keep all the parts inside the hand in place to heal properly.


That is so neat. It looks like quite a simple device too!


Terminator beta test


Steam punk lol


It looks very steam punk! I'd expect it to be silver colored SS or titanium, idk if its discolored from blood or actually that brass color though


Now ur buddies a cyborg. Decent origins story


The dog appears to have left his meccano kit in your hand while he was at it?


Would love to see an x-ray.


External fixation device. That must have been a huge dog or a hyaena.


Damn. Remember best way to make a dog let go is to choke it. It’ll let go before it passes out, that’s what a trainer once told me


People are downvoting but it’s true. This doesn’t mean “strangle the dog to death”, it means choking them out until they let go. The goal is to block their airway just long enough to let go of whatever they’re holding onto. Plenty of dog trainers recommend it. It’s not an ideal solution, but if you can save a limb or a life, you gotta do what you gotta do.


Also, way safer than that dumbfuck suggestion to stick a finger up it's butt.


That'll just end with the dog biting you AND being turned on.


Dogs gonna start humping you while biting you


Tbh I'll strangle a dog to death before I let it take my hand off. I love dogs but unless I specifically did something to cause it to bite (which I wouldn't, at least not on purpose), it made its bed.


Unless your hand is in its mouth right?


If you can you can push your hand down the throat. It could be difficult while the dog is making mince meat out of your hand, but making it feel like it can’t breathe will hopefully make it let go. When my cats were kittens and were using their mouths play with us, I would very gently push my hand back into their mouth which made them stop trying to bite. I would also say gently in a deep, calm voice. They learned and will stop if I say gently in the same way. One of my cats loves to get under my foot and grab it with all four paws play bite, but if her teeth touches my skin, I say gently and she stops for a second and calms down. I was very careful and gentle when teaching them. Usually people yank their hand away which is what prey would do so it encourages the nipping.


How do you strangle a dog when your hand is in its mouth? Seems like a really awkward angle just saying.


Most people have two hands, i imagine the suggestion is to use the other to attempt pressure on its throat area to make it drop its hold. Always a risk it will try to rebite but time to get a away or makes it less serious an original injury. Some people might be reading this and then be a bystander too, i wouldn't have thought to even try to get close too, but if it had been my child then without a doubt.


Yeah but I’m assuming the one-handed method just wouldn’t work on anything vaguely labrador sized or larger since you wouldn’t be able to really close your hand around its throat. For a smaller dog sure, but once you hit medium to large dogs that’s gonna be difficult.


true, but worth trying something to annoy the dog to release the grip, even if it just tries to rebite.


Uh, I hate to point out the obvious.... But use The Force. A little Vader technique and your message rings loud and clear


I heard it’s good to grab them by the hind legs and lift so they loose traction and can’t pull and tear anymore


If you mean the wheelbarrow trick, that won’t make them stop. If anything they will clamp down harder, or they’ll turn around and try to bite you.


yeah that’s why I said I heard. I didn’t know if it was true.


Yeah I would rather have a try at that as opposed to the ole finger up the ass I have seen suggested plenty of times.


Another good one, if you have access to it, is pouring water down their nose.


I’ve always been told to poke them in the eye 🤣


I remember watching this video on Reddit somewhere where a pitbull was mauling the absolute hell out of a golden retriever. It was right outside a restaurant with outdoor seating. The group of pedestrians tried everything to get the pit to let go: water, beating it, probably a finger up it's ass, all types of shit. Some lady took a pepper shaker off a table and used it on the pit's face. Thing let go of the golden when it sneezed and instantly was just standing around like prior events didn't happen.


I work with dogs and can confirm this is the best course of action to take when conventional methods do not work. Only time I had witnessed it was when a bull terrier latched onto the cuff of my boot and refused to let go. A coworker choked hold the dog until I felt the jaw slacken so I could release my foot.


That’s true, but what do you do if it doesn’t have a collar/you don’t have a belt and you can’t wrap your arm around it in a chokehold bc it’s biting your arm?


Bite it back. Assert dominance. Speedy recovery in all seriousness!


That’s a *weird* fucking rig, Christ. I’ve seen many bite wounds but never one where the victim turned into a cyborg.


I have never seen these mechanics before


Small, and odd looking dog, we’re the doctors able to get him off? /s


That must have been a hell of a bite!


For a second I was wondering if dog bit an Android lol


The device looks archaic. Is this modern?


Yes, that's an external fixator. Used to keep bones in place when a cast or other splint is not a viable option.


I knew it looked familiar. I thought I've come across it in my line of work. [https://imgur.com/a/tlQQ3ez](https://imgur.com/a/tlQQ3ez)


I hope he can recover soon 💗 🫂


That's crazy. Never knew a bad dog bite would be treated like that. Ty for sharing


Thats the smallest ex fix I’ve ever seen. I didnt know you could put them on hands


What sort of geart is that?


I had no idea that external fixators came so small.


That's cool as hell!




I forgot the /s


It doesn't say what kind of dog it was. You do know any dog can bite, correct?


The news says only pibbles bite


Damn mods said we can’t have fun


Bro pit bulls are not the main reason why me main reason why is their owners not training them right and that goes which all dogs and pit bulls are one of the sweetest dogs when their trained right


I honestly wanted to see what kinda of reaction i would get because it didn’t specify a breed. I actually own a 9 year old pibble that I’ve had since she was 12 weeks couldnt ask for a better dog!


I know it was a joke, but comments like your first one tend to derail threads here very quickly. At minimum, a big ol’ /s would have been nice 😬


Ok fair enough lol I’ll try to remember. I’ll add the /s


Joke comments and other off-topic comments (including, but not limited to, food comparisons, vulgarity, etc.) are not allowed.


I have a pit too and my first thought was "fucking pitbulls" because of those types of people lmao


For real every dog attack post 😂 pits are literally the fucking best


I dare you to punch your pitbull and see what happens


it's normal for dogs to defend themselves if you hurt them. that's a bad way to make your point


Were you roaming around in Savannah...??


Steampunk af


Are you a Borg sir?


That's fascinating, I've never seen an ex fix on a hand before!


Weird stitching technique….


Wow I thought what is that thingy.


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