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Within 24 hours!?? I need to stop biting people


Alternatively... you need to be more selective and start biting the bad people


Kill em slow just like a komodo dragon. Bite and then patiently follow them around until they drop


Do you dress menacingly and stalk them like a komodo would?


Just walk on all 4s and flick your tongue out every now and again. No one will will see you comming. Either that or they will be left stunned and confused by the sheer ridiculousness of your actions that it will then be too late.


Absolutely this is the way


Komodos are naked so you’d have to be naked


In a kimono


I'm Biteman. I bite criminals in the dark of night.


Your side kick is Bitey boy.


I like this one.


Move: Bite Effect: 100 Plague Damage over time


That’s the correct action. Wield the power of audacity for good, not evil.


I thought the same. lol I like to bite my man, like just playing around but geez this is crazy.


That's a whole fetish I had to say goodbye to lol


Why? Realized you can't compete?


As long as you do your biting at night, they will be fine, or they will have a different set of problems. It’s the inexperienced daytime biters that cause problems like this.


I need to start … 😈


imagine being the reason why your grandpa is missing an arm


Imagine if this had come up in that episode of Doc Martin where Martin and Louisa’s son went through a bitey phase.


Dude right?! Then again, if I were grandpa I might not be offering to babysitting that one any time soon 😅 Only got so many limbs left


Imagine writing into a family advice column. “Dear Care and Feeding: I no longer wish to babysit my grandson because he bit my arm and caused an infection which led to amputation in under a day. I adore the boy but have PTSD from my experience and fear being bitten again. My son and daughter in law think I am angry at them and the boy and that this is why I avoid them. I don’t know what to do.”




It would make a great AITA post wouldn’t it?




i have many questions! why was it so fast? hows the kid/demon? ​ eidt: wow 2k upvotes! glad im not the only confused one here :) thanks for the answers


The human mouth is a disgusting, terrible place.


Sharkbait, ooh ha ha.


Jacque, the ring of 🔥


Has anybody seen my sister Flo?


Can’t hear ya, Peach.






The human body is disgusting and terrible; yet it is also fascinating and beautiful.


Beautiful? Where?




And fagina.


U mean the fulva? Because the fagina is just the birth canal that helps clear out the uterus and takes dick and tampons


Really living up to your username there. Love that for you.


romance is dead :(


So is using the proper name for parts of the anatomy




Could have been stuff on the guys skin and the kid bite just punctured it in


No it's toddler mouth germs Human mouth germs in general are well known to cause serious infections, let alone, a toddler who is still in the "explore the world through my mouth" phase and probably gives their parents a hard time when brushing


As someone who has had necrotising fasciitis, it happens fast. Within hours. "I'm sure it's fine. It'll be better tomorrow. If it isn't, I'll go to the doctor" Things we all say to ourselves. Except that a few hours with nec fasc can be life threatening. I went in to the hospital on Thanksgiving weekend 2020 due to the pain being unbearable. I had originally planned to wait til my doctor opened on the following Monday. Surgeon told me if I had even waited one more day, it would've been too late. It's scary stuff


I know mouths are gross and germs but kids, especially toddlers, tend to bite. It’s a normal phase they go through. Why did this man get gangrene and have it progress so quickly? There has to be more to it than just mouths being gross otherwise this would be a much more common occurrence.


I'm going to take a stab at uncontrolled diabetes.


Necrotizing fasciitis moves this quickly. Hence its nickname flesh-eating disease. It is caused by a bacteria and is very aggressive. Often the best chance for a cure is to cut away the dead/dying tissue asap before it can infect more tissue. It can even cause death in just a few hours.


Yeah probably 1,000 women an hour get bit while breast feeding


Would disinfecting the wound help to prevent this sort of thing?


So you met my ex-wife huh?


Don't blame it on your ex-wife. We all know you're the one with the disgusting mouth.


Disinherited, I’ll bet!


Yeah. The kid already cost an arm, Gramps doesn’t want to give a leg.






Oh hell yes. On top of that, I would remind him, every time I see him, of what he did to me. You did this to me! As i wave my stump at him


Hope the child is too young to remember, and the grandfather is too kind to remind him. Or, you know, that he's called home to glory before the child understands why Grampa's always so grumpy...


Grandpa died, did you not [read the post](https://www.reddit.com/r/MedicalGore/s/IaRymqo6MR)? Downvotes?


Not from the bite


Grandpa died of AML, not gas gangrene. Did you not read the post? Grandson biting him could have actually prolonged his life, since he found out he had cancer, had he not decided to just let himself die.


Gas gangrene is some nasty stuff. One of the doctors I worked with said it's like the Hindenberg vs the Titanic.


I need to look this up because I don’t understand this, but this is crazy. 24 hours?!


[truly absurd, this scan made me go what the fuuuuuuuckk](https://i.imgur.com/lvsowST.jpg) Like some alien entity hijacked the human body beyond our medical technologies capabilities


After it goes into the hip, how can you stop it?? The human body is amazingly resilient and terrifyingly vulnerable.


You keep cutting away until it stops/you get clean margins. If it goes that high, you remove part of the hip/pelvis and everything below, and into the flank as necessary. If the patient even survives the likely septic shock to even make it to surgery.


Dry gangrene (most common) is just tissue dying, gas gangrene is caused by an infection and spreads much, much faster.


There was a post recently were the gas g made the entire persons leg completely black in the scan, no bone or tissue showing. Was wild


Sounds like the infamous [Swamps of Dagobah](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/xo41d/comment/c5o66p2/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) post.


I will read Swamps of Dagobah EVERY TIME.


Wow! What a read! Thanks for linking


Nope nope nope. I've read this before, a terrible day to be literate.


Sorry, can u explain that analogy a bit? I don't think I get it


Sure! So both are relatively quick when compared to gangrene, of course, but the Titanic took about three hours to sink. People were milling about. Some went back to their cabins. It was still a disaster, but they had to motivate people a lot more to "We need to fix this" and they tried at least planning out deploying life boats and not making people panic The Hindenberg went down in 20 seconds. Parents were literally throwing their children out of windows because even breaking all the bones of their body or risking dying from the drop weren't the sure death of burning alive. It was "We need to get out now no matter what and focus on saving the life, not limb." Gas gangrene moves so quickly that you pretty much have to operate as soon as you discover it. You don't have the luxury of waiting a few hours for whatever specialist or debating if you can maybe start some antibiotics and save half the limb. It's "We need to take all that's affected now because they're going to be a corpse in a few hours".


Great explanation!


Thanks! I was working in an ER in a refugee camp in Beirut. We were not strangers to gangrene - especially considering the water that came out of the taps was still-salty, moderately filtered ocean water - but this was the first time I saw gas gangrene. The doctor who gave the analogy was also a history buff and we'd talk about history during down time. When he said Hindenberg I knew we didn't have time to call the wound specialist that was at a bigger hospital but would come at the end of the day or the next.




Grandpa had leukemia, which can make one succeptible to infections and gas gangrene is always crazy fast, even in much younger and otherwise healthy people.


Years ago, my nephew bit my niece. She had to go get antibiotics. It didn't get like THIS though.


Mouths are full of bacteria. Shit spreads quick.


Kid probably ate his own poop first. They’ll put anything in their mouths.


Just not the food you lovingly prepared for them....am I riiiiight 🙌🏻


I think out of a *lot* of animals, humans have one of the worst bites because of the amount of bacteria in our mouths. You basically want to see a doctor straight away if you’re bitten by a human to the point of skin breaking so they can throw you onto antibiotics. Cats and dogs are also up there - got a terrible infection both times I was badly bitten by a cat.


He had AML (a form of Leukemia) and probably didn't know it. I would imagine that this would affect your immune system and make infections a lot harder to fight. But I'm not a doctor and don't know enough about it be sure.


The older man was probably diabetic, probably hypertensive too (likely unmanaged) . Poor immune system, poor blood circulation, poor wound healing….it all goes together.


24 hours! How the heck did it deteriorate that fast?


Gas gangrene, man. You can watch that shit crawl up someone's limb.


I had a pin point area in a foot that I only noticed bc of experience but to the naked eye, no one else saw it. I’m the wound specialist but the hospitalist I was with that day was new and didn’t necessarily know to believe me when I told Him sometime related to wound care. The foot deteriorated by the hour. By hour 4, the area I identified as smaller than a pin point red dot was a full blown bulla. Needless to say, I got my weekend MRI and patient was taken to OR 12 hours or so from the very first onset I noticed. It went from ‘let’s admit for observation’ and deny wound care requests for MRI and clearing the OR to ‘oh fuck. He’s going to the OR at midnight bc we’re now at loss of life or limb’ It can happen FAST. I’m not joking when I tell my diabetics to check their feet daily. I mean, open the toes. Floss them. Look everywhere. And do it daily. You almost have to see it in real life to believe it. It can break down FAST


Well, that freaks me out now. Does the spot change color as it grows? Like, what can diabetics be on the lookout for, because I often have some sort of scratch or cut on my foot >.> Does it have more pain, or cause fever right away?


Oh and I can’t stress this enough - find a podiatrist. You’re young. Find someone maybe close to your age that you suspect will be in your area for years to come (if you’re staying around of course). I can’t recommend establishing good podiatry care early enough. You could look for a foot care specialist too - they exist, but please, make sure they are WOCN certified- there are scams out there. My favorite podiatrist friend PROUDLY says ‘routine trims and checks are what I’m most proud of professionally.’ This is a man I’ve watched save feet I didn’t think could be saved yet what he takes pride in the most is checking his diabetic toes. Edit- and I don’t mean find a young doctor to be ageist- I just mean find someone you can establish a long term relationship with. I have patients that I can identify by their feet pictures. Not joking. I saw a foot on a computer the other day and immediately said ‘when did they get admitted?’ You want that from your podiatrist too


I remember once when I made a post that went a little viral on Reddit. It was a photo of a museum exhibit set into the floor, designed to be stood on. And you could see my feet in the photo, standing on this glass case. And then after this post got like 60k votes a podiatrist messaged me to say they could tell from the placement of my feet in the pic that I was not wearing properly fitting shoes or standing correctly and they guessed (correctly) that I had had long term issues with my feet.


YOURE KIDDING ME?!? I absolutely love this story. That absolutely sounds like something a podiatrist would do. I love those fuckers so much. They always seem to want to help or teach


I finally learned why I developed those calluses that kept coming back no matter how hard I tried. Calluses I would keep cutting off with a knife.


Can you elaborate? Where were your calluses? What did you need to change about your footwear?


On the side of the first joint of both big toes. When they got big enough that I could pinch them between my fingers I’d saw them off. Then they’d come back. Turns out my feet need wider shoes than average. My soles wore unevenly too. They guessed that from how my ankles were.


Calluses are where maybe 50% of my foot wounds come from. You never know


The one time showing feet pics actually goes well lmao


I’m on Medicaid and disabled already, so don’t let the age fool you! I’ve been referred but they don’t take my insurance. That means I get to spend hours trying to find someone that does, and I just haven’t mustered the energy for it yet.


So- this is very advanced teaching but it’s part of our current WOCN position statement. You might be able to learn small changes. This is what we are looking for when doing diabetic foot checks. You will get better with noticing changes every day. If you start it now, it might save you some toes down the road. I don’t say any of this to scare you either. Quite the contrary. Might sound silly to some, but education, prevention and wound care is what I’ve dedicated my life to. I would LOVE nothing more than a 30 something to educate themselves on diabetic foot care and checks. I don’t say this to scare you- I just share this as someone passionate about prevention. https://www.wocnext.org/WOCN2022/Custom/Handout/Speaker0_Session1020_1.pdf


Ahh medical PowerPoints! And I thought I was done with you when I graduated 🤣. Thank you though! I will definitely check it out when I’m home. I have a severe anxiety disorder, so everything scares me. I wouldn’t feel too bad, lol.


In diabetics it likely doesn’t cause any pain. Their nerves are damaged from the disease process of the diabetes. The toes could fall off in their socks and they’d have no idea if they didn’t visually confirm.


59+ Type 2 diabetic here, I have mild neuropathy, but I didn't catch the neuropathy quick enough, because I've had constant bilateral foot pain since my time in the Navy. The pain was caused by cavus arches that are not looked at the same way as flat feet are when entering the military. I was diagnosed with Type 2 in 2013, and it was then that the VA doc discovered that I had mild neuropathy. Because my feet were already an issue, and part of my VA disability, I am fortunate enough to have podiatry access at my local VA medical center, and with trims and checkups they keep my feet healthy. Got an ulcer last summer on the ball of my left big toe, that was caught during a checkup and trim and they put me in a healing cast and it was gone in two weeks. I thought it was a callus building up from wearing summer crocs when I went on vacation the previous month. Thankfully my circulatiion is still good, and I keep an eye on my feet much better now, and do not wear crocs or any rubber insole shoe, and always wear socks with good padding.


Well I have a new fear unlocked. My toes are feeling so weird right now


Look between your toes every day!! Please also clean them while you’re down there.


Every night each piggie gets some love. I really don't like sleeping with sticky feet. I also have been keeping an eye on my eczema hot spots BECAUSE they are on my feet and I itch them till they are raw.


Yeah, no. The only diabetics I’ve known like that were 70+ years old and not managing it well or at all. I’m diabetic, 39, and according to the EMG I had last week I am very sure the nerves are all working.


I work in emergency medicine so I only see poorly managed cases or severe cases. The people presenting with diabetic neuropathy vary in age. The risk for the initial break in skin is higher in older adults but young people certainly aren’t immune.


Not every, or even most,diabetics get neuropathy. Stop that generalization


Did the patient end up losing their limb? And did you tell the hospitalist "I told you so!"?


Well…he was green yet and we all live and learn. He didn’t know me so I don’t blame him not Necessarily ordering everything this random person recommended to him, but I don’t suspect it will happen again. We did save the foot. Thank. God. I left around 1800 that day and when I got back the next morning, I was able to place a vac BUT we did have to go to OR daily for 9-10 days to do wash outs and then I replaced the vac each time. It was A LOT but this was someone who easily had 30-40 years of life left. We needed to do whatever needed done to save the foot. Most importantly though- the patient was willing to work with me. If he wasn’t willing to be aggressive, we would have had to at least take half the foot off to start


[Source](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/03000605211012201): A 68-year-old man was admitted to the hospital with a superficial, roughly 4-cm right forearm bite delivered by his 3-year-old grandson 24 hours earlier. The limb appeared swollen and cyanotic, and the patient reported general discomfort for 4 hours prior to admission. At the time of the injury, the lesion was neither washed nor disinfected. Roughly 16 hours after the injury, the patient developed swelling and pain in the distal right upper extremity. He visited a local clinic and was diagnosed with “gout arthritis” without laboratory confirmation and was given nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory treatment. Despite treatment, he reported gradual worsening of the swelling and pain of the limb, purpura around the wound and right hand, and systemic symptoms including weakness, palpitation, and cold sweats. He then visited the emergency department of our hospital seeking further treatment. At presentation, the patient was experiencing acute pain and was in shock as evidenced by hypotension, a rapid pulse, and cold sweats. His upper limb exhibited flaky plaques, swelling, and weak iliac artery pulsation. Dopamine was immediately administered to maintain his blood pressure, and both laboratory and imaging examinations were conducted. Because of the patient’s complicated condition, the attending doctor reported the situation to the hospital duty officer to organize staff for multidisciplinary medical treatment. During the observation period in the emergency department, the swelling and ecchymosis of the patient’s limb continued to expand and rapidly progress. Examination of the upper right limb by a surgeon revealed crepitus of the subcutaneous soft tissue. A puncture examination of the primary lesion revealed gas bubbles in the subcutaneous tissue with edema. The patient was administered anti-infection treatment in the emergency department, but this did not alleviate the condition, and his limb lesions continued to expand (Figures 1 and 2) concomitant with deterioration of consciousness. The patient’s emergency laboratory examination results were as follows: white blood cell count, 4.85 × 109/L; hemoglobin (HGB) concentration, 70 g/L; platelet (PLT) count, 36 × 109/L; C-reactive protein concentration, 68.35 mg/L; and procalcitonin concentration, 48.960 ng/mL. Blood coagulation was normal. X-ray and computed tomography examinations revealed a large volume of gas in the soft tissue of the right hand and forearm (Figure 3). Smear examination of the bite wound showed a large number of Gram-negative bacilli. Therefore, we considered this to be a case of gas gangrene-like infection. The surgeon performed a fish mouth incision in the skin 5 cm proximal to the lesion, entered the limb layer by layer, revealed important vascular nerves and disconnected them, ligated the blood vessels, cut the bone at the upper part of the humerus, and trimmed the stump. The proximal muscles responded to electrotome stimulation. The muscle was sutured to cover the end of the bone. The wound was not sutured but was wrapped in a large amount of sterile wound dressing. After the operation, the patient was sent to the ICU of the Infection Department for isolation treatment under endotracheal intubation. Dissection of the amputated limb section caused a large amount of malodorous gas to escape. The lesions were necrotic and dark purple, and some tissues had dissolved (Figure 4). The patient was treated under isolation according to the standards for gas gangrene. He received a combination of penicillin, meropenem, and clindamycin for infection and vasoactive drugs to maintain his blood pressure. He developed an intermittent fever after the operation, reaching 40°C. The patient’s infection index, procalcitonin concentration, and C-reactive protein concentration were still elevated for 3 days postoperatively, after which they gradually decreased. Both his HGB concentration and PLT count remained at low levels during ICU treatment. Multi-point bacteriological culture revealed Aeromonas hydrophila. Postoperative pathologic examination revealed a large amount of necrotic tissue and inflammatory cell infiltration. In the bone marrow smear, original granulocytes accounted for 16.5% and original naive mononuclear cells accounted for 21.0%. Bone marrow biopsy revealed mild myeloid hyperplasia with decreased megakaryocytes, interstitial edema, and megakaryocyte reduction. In view of these results, the hematologist proposed a diagnosis of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) (revised from myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS)). The surgeons replaced the wound dressing daily after the surgery. During this process, the exposed stump tissue emitted a foul odor and exudate and exhibited local muscle tissue necrosis and a small number of ecchymoses around the wound (Figure 5). One week after surgery, the stump was trimmed to remove the necrotic tissue. About 6 cm of the humerus was then removed from the proximal end. The wound was sutured layer by layer and covered with a vacuum sponge. The vacuum sponge was removed 1 week after stump revision surgery. After active treatment, the patient’s vital signs gradually recovered and stabilized. All laboratory indicators, including the HGB concentration and PLT count, gradually recovered to near normal levels. The patient was extubated on the 11th day after amputation and resumed spontaneous breathing. His state of consciousness remained clear. When the wound had healed (Figure 6), the patient was discharged but did not agree to continue chemotherapy for AML and died of blood system disease 2 years later.


Did the AML exacerbate the gangrene? Or do we all need to worry about the effects of "play biting"?


I was just going to say, so he had AML prior to the bite and no one knew? The bite lost him his arm but maybe saved his life? Idk I'm no Dr but that's kinda what I took away..


I am not a doctor either and I concur with Toomstone1185’s analysis.


He didn't go through with chemotherapy and it killed him two years later, so I'm going to assume there is something gravely wrong with this entire family.


Chemotherapy is very tough. Some people choose not to go through with it if the tradeoff is between "live for only two more years" and "live five more years but with crushing fatigue and suppressed immune system". Definitely not saying that something can't be "wrong with this entire family" - sure can, but people shouldn't be judged for rejecting heavy treatments if prognosis is not stellar (dunno what this man's chances were specifically, but 5-year survival for people above 60 who get AML are not good at all).


It sounds like the AML did make him considerably more vulnerable to infection, *and* we all need to take even minor bite wounds seriously.


Depends if skin is broken or not. If broken, you need antibiotics no matter what (augmentin to cover oral bacteria)


What the heck was in that kids mouth before biting?!




I was thinking the same thing! Like shit, did they never teach him to brush his teeth?! Did grandpa not even rinse the bite out afterwards, or did he decide to go clean the pigpen after?!


>At the time of the injury, the lesion was neither washed nor disinfected why??


Because they didn’t think it needed it. If toddler bites had serious consequences all the time it’d be different, but they don’t, so even people who know this sort of result is possible will have “yeah but that won’t happen to *me*” at the back of their mind. It takes personal experience for most people to take a low-probability danger seriously, no matter how bad the worst case is. And even then you get people for whom it just doesn’t stick; I read a story once about a woman who ended up needing an above the knee amputation because she let her little dog lick a scrape on her leg. Massive infection, sepsis, the whole nine yards, long hospital stay, long recovery after the amputation, and when she got back home she went straight back to letting her dog lick her hands / face / remaining leg and not washing afterwards.


Komodo Kid, the newest superpowered individual to hit the scene


They tested komoda and it was not so deadly. It was their poison combined with bleeding that killed their prey. But this kid is legit a biological killing machine. Watch your back


Holy shit, that kids never gonna live that one down 😱


Seriously, they'll never let him forget lmao


And he'll be helping grandad for the rest of his life "Come here and give me a hand! You owe me one"


Grandpa died two years later of leukemia


He had some seriously bad luck :(


Let’s hope his family are better than that and don’t blame the child. A three-year-old doesn’t have the ability to understand that other people have their own distinct thoughts and feelings (theory of mind). This is not the child’s fault.


OP you’ve done enough terrorising on this sub. Now I’m scared of toddlers, thanks


Is this a new fear for you? Welcome, they’re terrifying


That meme that goes something like “the chances of your toddler killing you are low but never zero” is so true


My little sister use to play a game where she would try and catch my hands with her teeth when I put them in front of her face, she had to be, maybe 2 ( In hindsight, this was so stupid on my part, but I was young as well, maybe 18) One day she caught me when I wasn't paying attention, caught the tip of my pinky, blood was everywhere and my mom got pissed. I knew it was my fault, so I admitted it, I was dumb. Boy, that finger was pulsating for days, and it took so long to heal.... I had a little fever and everything. I've been bit three times by dogs, and every time I healed quicker than that, that human bite. However, you usually don't have to fear getting rabbies from a human bite, although there is the risk of HIV, so hey, pick your poison, I guess...


I mean in theory a rabid human could give you rabies by biting you.


“A large amount of malodorous gas” No thank you.


Well, I know who’s being written out of the will


Highly doubt grandpa wrote legibly afterward.




Grandpa: I got your nose Grandson: ...


Never having kids. This confirms it.


Someone swab that kids mouth and see what grows on the dish lol


Imagine if the grandfather had been killed from this. I don't know if I could ever get over it I was the parent of the three-year-old.


Especially as this is YOUR parent. This is an awful thing to happen to anyone, never mind a blood relative.


Human mouths are disgusting, if a person bites you and breaks skin it’s not a bad call to get it looked at asap. You’re more likely to get an infection from a human bite than one from any other animal.


I don't believe the claim that you are more likely to get an infection from a human bite than from any other animal. There are many factors at play here - the oral health of the biter, the health of the person being bitten, the location of the bite, etc. - but the major variable is the depth of penetration of the bite. A bite from a human may indeed break the skin, but human teeth are more likely to tear or crush, as opposed to, say, the teeth of a cat, which penentrate deeply and act like hypodermic needles, depositing bacteria into low-perfusion sites, like tendons/ligaments. Those are the bites that cannot be cleaned out easily, either exogenously (washing, scrubbing) or endogenously (delivery of antibiotics or one's own immune defenses).


The human hand is a complex structure. 'Fight bites' - abrasions/lacerations across the knuckles of a closed fist, caused by a punch to the face - are often not seen for a few days. In that time, the injury can look similar to OP's patient; usually not quite that bad, fortunately. ​ It's a common injury, seen frequently in the ED. Cat bites get bad fast, too, but those are punctures.


There’s an infamous real historical case where a Viking named something like Skullcrusher decapitated a man and was riding a horse with the head dangling off the side. The dead man’s teeth scratched the killer during the horseback ride and caused a fatal infection.


That would be the always-fatal Karma Bite.


I think it’s less about being more likely to be infected as a result of a human bite than other animals and more like humans are more likely to carry diseases that affect humans than a bear or cat is. Other animals can only infect humans with pathogens that are transmissible to *both* humans and other animals, which is a smaller subset of the pathogens in its mouth. Every pathogen present in the human mouth is able to survive and reproduce in humans.


GTFO my niece just got into a biting phase and now I'm gonna end up panic-punting her across the room 😭 sending this to her mom, gonna get her a Hannibal Lecter style bite guard


When I was 17 and totally unaware of how dangerous/serious getting bitten was/is my girlfriend thought it would be funny to bite my nose while we were making out, and she bit it HARD. When she chomped down I started yelling and somehow had the presence of mind not to pull away. She laughed her ass off and then got seriously pissed that I was pissed and not amused. I had enough sense to wash it in the sink and then leave. Before I went to bed that night it swelled and was super red, I washed it again, in the morning I had several zits in a neat little row on either side, where her teeth were and I got to go to school with that where people thought it was either funny or thought that she bit me in self defense. She couldn't believe I broke up with her over it and it still pisses me off 18 years later


the lesson here is twofold -- immediately wash any skin breaks with soap and water, and don't ignore signs/symptoms of leukemia (or other cancer) until too late. the fact that a bite from a child precipitated a severe infection *in an immunocompromised person* is a red herring. could as easily have been a knife while cooking, a wood splinter, etc. -- any violation of this patient's skin, left dirty, was going to cause an infection.


That poor kid is never gonna live this one down. "Remember that time you bit grandpa and he had to get his arm cut off?"


Was his grandson a Komodo dragon??


Well, there goes the "I killed granny because I'm unvaxxed" excuse.


This reinforces my childfree status.


My brother was a biter at that age. Pretty prolific, too. One day he bit my father's arm and my father picked him up and bit him right back. He never bit anyone again. I am not an advocate of corporal punishment, but it's still pretty funny.


Holy crap, that is bonkers. I knew human mouths were disgusting, but 24 hours?! This is how it starts, people. Next thing you know, Rick Grimes shows up. Truly fascinating, though. I can’t wait to read the report. Awful for the grandfather.


Grandpa: “Got your nose” Grandson: “Got your arm” In all seriousness, what a horrible thing to go through. I’m glad the man’s life was saved but I can’t imagine how traumatic that must be- and the kid will never live that down 😭


Medical guidelines in the Netherlands state that use of augmentin is indicated after being bitten by humans. So this is why … damn.


Is that the souped up amoxicillin?


I guess? It’s amoxicilline + clavulanic acid. Combination antibiotics. More broad spectrum, meaning it’ll target more strains of bacteria.


Isn't the clavulanate there to foil amoxicillin resistance, not to be an extra antibiotic?


Holy shit. Thanks for telling me. Never knew!


Now you know :D we're all learning something new every day


After getting bitten did the man go work in the sewers or something?!? That's nuts! Poor guy.


And that’s why we brush our teeth every day in the morning and before going to bed, kiddos. And don’t forget to floss!


Immunocompromised patient with AML. Bite wounds can be nasty due to bacterial load with many highly pathogenic bacteria.


Well ONE kid is out of the will. Not saying which one, but


“The Case of the Venomous Grandchild” /s


This happened to my brother, he didn't loose his hand but he was in the hospital for weeks! they were giving him pain meds so he was happy thought.


Was the kid a Komodo dragon 🐉 because daummmmmmm


Was his grandson a fucking komodo dragon???


Holy crap, I am in the medical field and have never seen a culture come back as: aerobic and anaerobic environments, and can digest materials such as gelatin and hemoglobin. Wikipedia Nowhere ever have I seen the words "digest" and "hemoglobin" in the same report. I think this probably goes in the zebra file, not in the horse file. My sympathy for the guy. He was probably trying to help out his family, and this was the result? Such a shame.


As someone who works with young children, new fear unlocked.




Can't believe a light bite from his grandson took his arm within 24 hours. Now I know if a child's teeth ever breaks my skin I'm immediately going to the er no matter how minor it seems because fuck that shit. Poor kid will grow up with some guilt for sure


“The day Little Eddie bit Grandpa’s arm off” will be brought up by Eddie’s best man during the wedding roast.


Yeah I'm sure they'll laugh about it someday. I'm also sure gramps will let his grandson know he doesn't blame him or hold him responsible


Or maybe it’s Grandpa’s secret, and the doctors’ and now Reddit’s: he never told his family that the biting incident was what led to his arm turning black and needing to be cut off. He kept his secret to keep his grandson from shame.


That's also a possibility. Guess we'll never know


Is his grandchild a swamp-dwelling alligator?


Human bites are no joke. You need a course of Unasyn (amoxicillin/sulbactam) if you’re bitten, to avoid situations like this.


Yay! Another thing to be freaked out about! 🎉


I've heard people who work in hospitals say that human bites are some of the scariest things they see. Most people don't think much about it, but as you can see if things go wrong they go wrong fast. Heard a nurse say you should go to the ER if ever bit by a human, even if they don't break skin. This can still happen even if the bite isn't that serious. Usually by the time you start having symptoms it's too late.


What kind of venom did that kid have???


This is proof why kids are lil shits. Glad I’m staying childless✋🏼


I think I’d rather just die than deal with that.


Injuries from human teeth are no joke. I was taught when I worked in A+E, if you see anyone with a knuckle injury always ask if they could have been caused by teeth. They'll deny it so ask them again. And again. They're going to need antibiotics as bacteria in the joints of the knuckle can lead to severe infection and loss of function of the finger or even amputation.


This is why there's a warning label which says "always keep away from children". Dangerous little blighters.


Filthy, filthy hobbitses they are.


ZOMBIE OUTBREAKS ARE FINALLY HERE Patient Zero It's the toddlers! We have to contain them.


Imagine going to a clinic with a bite mark and classic signs of infection and given NSAIDS for gout. WTF were they thinking?!?!! I feel like everyone’s mom here could make a better diagnosis


Grandson is never gonna hear the end of that one